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Cannibal Army - Japanese Soldiers Abused & Ate Indian POWs

Are you sure Hitler was a bigger racist than Churchill? The bengal famine itself was as bad as any other genocide.

Well, you're right in a way. One with a pre-conceived agenda and the other's policy decision out of racist mentality. Guess they both are two sides of the same coin.
Hitler & Nazis??? Really???

Perhaps you got consumed by your hatred of Churchill to the extent that the racist scum on earth has become one of your hero, just because he had shown figment of inclination to help Bose (naturally to weaken the brits)...

Well here in Canada, and all over Britain, several streets, schools etc are named after Churchill. if they can be shameless enough to ignore all what he did, then well i have the same right. Nazis did nothing to India, why should i hate them lol? They bombed london to shreds, i think that alone should get them a nobel prize :lol: . Again, i don't think descendants are responsible for their ancestors crime, so i dont have any hate for Brits of today, we are way past that, but i dont have to confine myself to their version of history. I sympathise with what happened to the Jews, but im not Jewish and i have no reason to hate Hitler, so yes, Hitler was a hero for me, he fucked up Europe and got independence for several countries in Asia and Africa. Similarly, Jews don't really care what Churchill did to Indians, they have statues of him in Israel as well. https://www.timesofisrael.com/churchills-bust-unvieled-in-jerusalem/

Your worldview is affected by western perspective, grow up.... Either HItler, Churchill, Columbus all are bad and their statues etc need to be torn down and they must be declared genocidal manicals or none of them are bad, this selective bullshit wont work. This Columbus guy is another wanker and we are supposedly supposed to read about him for discovering the new world lmao, do you not see how ridiculous this notion is? Imagine that, "discovering" a place where people already lived, and constructed wonders like Machu Pichu etc...
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Are you sure Hitler was a bigger racist than Churchill? The bengal famine itself was as bad as any other genocide.

India had numerous famines under British rule and rulers preceding the British

Nazis did nothing to India, why should i hate them lol?

Too bad the Japanese did not conquer India. They would have pulled a number on you
Well here in Canada, and all over Britain, several streets, schools etc are named after Churchill. if they can be shameless enough to ignore all what he did, then well i have the same right. Nazis did nothing to India, why should i hate them lol? They bombed london to shreds, i think that alone should get them a nobel prize :lol: . Again, i don't think descendants are responsible for their ancestors crime, so i dont have any hate for Brits of today, we are way past that, but i dont have to confine myself to their version of history. I sympathise with what happened to the Jews, but im not Jewish and i have no reason to hate Hitler, so yes, Hitler was a hero for me, he fucked up Europe and got independence for several countries in Asia and Africa. Similarly, Jews don't really care what Churchill did to Indians, they have statues of him in Israel as well. https://www.timesofisrael.com/churchills-bust-unvieled-in-jerusalem/

Your worldview is affected by western perspective, grow up.... Either HItler, Churchill, Columbus all are bad and their statues etc need to be torn down and they must be declared genocidal manicals or none of them are bad, this selective bullshit wont work. This Columbus guy is another wanker and we are supposedly supposed to read about him for discovering the new world lmao, do you not see how ridiculous this notion is? Imagine that, "discovering" a place where people already lived, and constructed wonders like Machu Pichu etc...

Well, each to his own. For me all of them are bad and should be treated with disdain (The highlighted portion of the rant). And my worldview isn't western, that's pretty immature to judge me without knowing anything about me. Wonder who needs to grow up here. Just because someone from one's family isn't raped in Nirbhaya case, one shouldn't hate those mf rapists? What kind of twisted logic is that?
The Japanese and Germans are the most savage and barbaric people on earth as shown in their conducts in WW II and other wars.
The first Bengal famine of 1770 was proportionally six times worse than the 1943 famine, killing one-third of the population. There was another famine in 1890s.
'The Bengal Famine of 1770 (which had already begun in 1769 and continued until 1773) is one of the greatest catastrophes in modern times. As many as ten million people, a third of the entire population, died as a consequence. Drought, bad harvests and British economic and administrative policies all contributed to its catastrophic proportions. The crisis had ramifications far beyond India. When accounts of the famine reached Europe, they sparked debate about British rule over the Indian subcontinent.'
And all this based on a youtube video? In any case, even if it is true, few Indians eaten by few sick Japanese soldiers vs 100 years of colonialism by British troops and killing of millions, nah i think I would side with the Japanese. Japanese and Nazis fucked Europe, killed millions of Brits and French, fucked their economy and enabled billions of people in Asia and Africa to gain independence. For us, Hitler, Nazis and Japanese soldiers are Heros and Churchill was a bastard genocidal maniac. For Chinese, Japanese are devils because of what they did in Nanking and for British and French, that Churchill was a hero. That is how we see history and our views can never reconcile on the matter. Only thing we all can agree on is the glorious Red Army were heros, but obviously Germans wouldnt agree, since they got bombed to the stoneage and their women got raped, and millions of soviet citizens at the time probably also wouldnt agree, millions got forcefully drafted and sent on frontlines as canon fodder, especially Ukrainians.
If only you knew about real crimes of Japan during WW2.
The japan then was just simply evil. Dont matter what your political stance about WW2, the WW2 Japan was engaged in rape, human experiments and atrocities that would make even devil blush
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For all the heinous crimes that imperial Japan committed, dropping a nuclear bomb on the country seems like the milder option. I have nothing but love and appreciation for Japan today, but I doubt any of us would have liked the version that came before.
And all this based on a youtube video? In any case, even if it is true, few Indians eaten by few sick Japanese soldiers vs 100 years of colonialism by British troops and killing of millions, nah i think I would side with the Japanese. Japanese and Nazis fucked Europe, killed millions of Brits and French, fucked their economy and enabled billions of people in Asia and Africa to gain independence. For us, Hitler, Nazis and Japanese soldiers are Heros and Churchill was a bastard genocidal maniac. For Chinese, Japanese are devils because of what they did in Nanking and for British and French, that Churchill was a hero. That is how we see history and our views can never reconcile on the matter. Only thing we all can agree on is the glorious Red Army were heros, but obviously Germans wouldnt agree, since they got bombed to the stoneage and their women got raped, and millions of soviet citizens at the time probably also wouldnt agree, millions got forcefully drafted and sent on frontlines as canon fodder, especially Ukrainians.
Without the Himalayas and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, we would have punished you filthy Indians
Well, each to his own. For me all of them are bad and should be treated with disdain (The highlighted portion of the rant). And my worldview isn't western, that's pretty immature to judge me without knowing anything about me. Wonder who needs to grow up here. Just because someone from one's family isn't raped in Nirbhaya case, one shouldn't hate those mf rapists? What kind of twisted logic is that?
Ok fruitcake, go buy yourself a Churchill statue then, :lol:
Too bad the Japanese did not conquer India. They would have pulled a number on you
Is that your personal experience? Did some bad japanese boys corner you in a dark alley and shove nasty things up your ***?

Without the Himalayas and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, we would have punished you filthy Indians
You 5 foot tall tiny skinny needle dicked people got wacked out like flies in the millions by the Japanese and Mongols, you are incapable of punishing anyone 😂.
Ok fruitcake, go buy yourself a Churchill statue then, :lol:

Is that your personal experience? Did some bad japanese boys corner you in a dark alley and shove nasty things up your ***?

You 5 foot tall tiny skinny needle dicked people got wacked out like flies in the millions by the Japanese and Mongols, you are incapable of punishing anyone 😂.
I normally let Low IQ monkeys troll but I sometimes Like to educate them a little too. Chinese are on average GIANTS compared to Indians. We are the same height as Russians/Americans and in the future when we are even richer we will be one of the tallest people in the world. Just let that sink into your monkey brain little midget. We dominate olympic games because we are physically superior while you can't even win a single gold medal while we win 30+ every time. You are a little cockroach acting tough against a siberian tiger here boy.

This is why 1000 British soldiers conquered Indian because they were fighting an army of little ants lol
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Without the Himalayas and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, we would have punished you filthy Indians
Man these little cockroaches are on average 15cm + shorter than us and the gap is growing every year lol. They are actually getting even shorter lmao.

Indians are the only group of people on earth who are so shameless that they want to beat you by lying about everything. Its like going full retard everytime for them and they are proud of it!
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Ok fruitcake, go buy yourself a Churchill statue then, :lol:

Is that your personal experience? Did some bad japanese boys corner you in a dark alley and shove nasty things up your ***?

I can just see Indians behaving as disorderly fools and the Japanese losing their temper

The British were no angels and could care less about the populace. Indias's population increases left the country under the constant threat of famine until the Green Revolution of 1970s. Malnourishment is as bad as famine. Even today significant portion of populace is malnourished.
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