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Canada to buy 65 F-35 for $9 billion


Mar 24, 2010
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Ottawa to spend $9-billion in sole-source deal for U.S. fighter jets - The Globe and Mail
Daniel Leblanc

Ottawa is moving on a sole-sourced purchase of high-tech U.S. fighter jets to replace its CF-18s despite furious last-minute lobbying by rival manufacturers.

Industry and government sources said the cabinet is expected in coming days to approve the launch of negotiations on price and delivery schedules with Lockheed-Martin, the U.S.-based manufacturer of the Joint Strike Fighter F-35.

The government is moving early on buying 65 new aircraft in a bid to “lock up the price” long before the jets start entering into service in 2017, sources said.

The contract worth up to $9-billion would be awarded without competition, with the Harper government set to argue the only other aircraft that could eventually meet the needs of the Canadian Forces would be built in China or Russia, and that such a purchase “wouldn’t fly” in Canada.

But that hasn’t stopped the manufacturers of jets such as Boeing’s Super Hornet from trying to whip up a storm in Parliament and the defence community.

Lobbyists have been contacting journalists and parliamentarians in an attempt to put out the story that Canada could get new aircraft at a cheaper price, and with more Canadian content, by opening up tenders.

“An open competition to select Canada's next-generation fighter would enable Canada's government and military to obtain access to detailed Super Hornet performance data, enabling a thorough and accurate evaluation of its advanced, proven capabilities,” said Boeing spokeswoman Mary Brett in a statement.

Officially, Defence Minister Peter MacKay responded to the speculation in the House on Monday by promising that his government is set to “invest in the next generation of fighters.”

“Stay tuned,” Mr. MacKay said in response to NDP attacks against a sole-sourced contract.

Privately, government officials are saying Ottawa already made a decision in the 2008 “Canada First” defence policy to buy a next-generation fighter plane, and that Boeing lost the competition in the United States to build that aircraft in 2001.

“Boeing has been driving the town crazy,” said a senior government official directly involved in the project. “This is a classic firestorm in Ottawa, with lobbyists stirring up the town trying to stall the acquisition of equipment for the Canadian Forces.”

The Joint Strike Fighter is being developed by Lockheed-Martin, which won a competition to produce the next generation of stealth single-seat aircraft. Canada has invested $160-million so far in the development project, which will cost hundreds of billions of dollars. The U.S. Forces will buy about 2,400 of the F-35s.

The 65 new fighters that the Canadian government plans to buy will replace its current fleet of 80 CF-18s starting in 2017.

Competing aircraft manufacturers say that despite the federal investment, the Joint Strike Fighter might not be the way to go. The overarching theme among manufacturers is that they want to be able to participate in a competition, and that the government will get a better deal – and more regional industrial benefits spread out across Canada – if it opens up a tendering process.

“Competition guarantees the best value for Canada,” Boeing stated in a presentation to Conservative ministers last fall.

Boeing is insisting in its material that it will continue to produce its Super Hornet into the next decade, and that the U.S. Forces will continue to have more than twice as many of these planes than the Lockheed F-35s.

But Mr. MacKay signaled in the House of Commons on May 27 that his mind is made up. He initially spoke of the Joint Strike Fighter as the designated replacement for the CF-18s, before stating that a decision has yet to be made.
good new for LM but why does Canada need to spend $9 billion right now on this ? our economy is in such a bad shape and its getting worse but we still spend huge amounts of money on jets that we really dont need. Who will attack Canada ? useless waste of money, this conservative government is the worst i have seen for a long time. Bring back the liberals. With the H.S.T coming, living here is going to become really tough.
I dont criticize that deal .. but why Canada need that plane ??
desiman...good new for LM but why does Canada need to spend $9 billion right now on this ? our economy is in such a bad shape and its getting worse but we still spend huge amounts of money on jets that we really dont need. Who will attack Canada ? useless waste of money, this conservative government is the worst i have seen for a long time. Bring back the liberals. With the H.S.T coming, living here is going to become really tough.

Desiman You should know RCAF had purchased CF-18s in 80's of which around 120 are in service and going under upgrades which most likely will drag their life till end of 2020. RCAF deserves to upgrade their Air Force at this time. Canadian economy is bad but compare to US its doing better even though our neighbor dragged us into mess.

Why do you say Canada don't really need these Jets? Do you know about NORAD. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is a bi-national United States and Canadian organization charged with the missions of aerospace warning and aerospace control for North America. Aerospace warning includes the monitoring of man-made objects in space, and the detection, validation, and warning of attack against North America whether by aircraft, missiles, or space vehicles, through mutual support arrangements with other commands. Aerospace control includes ensuring air sovereignty and air defense of the airspace of Canada and the United States. The May 2006 NORAD Agreement renewal added a maritime warning mission, which entails a shared awareness and understanding of the activities conducted in U.S. and Canadian maritime approaches, maritime areas and inland waterways.

Its is mainly because of Russia the Alaskan Region is heavily guarded, The region maintains readiness to conduct a continuum of aerospace control missions. They include daily air sovereignty in peacetime, contingency and/or deterrence in times of tension, and active air defense against manned and unmanned air-breathing airborne vehicles in times of crisis. Aircraft assigned under operational control of ANR contribute to the daily air sovereignty mission and could be used for deterrence and/or air defense missions as required.
I hope i am clear about it.
I dont criticize that deal .. but why Canada need that plane ??

I dont know really, stupid stupid deal, a total waste of precious money, i bet loads of these politicians will get very rich because of this deal. The opposition is so weak in this country, they dont object to anything. Thats why i respect Indian democracy, the Government cant get away with things like this in India, the opposition wont let it happen.
desiman...good new for LM but why does Canada need to spend $9 billion right now on this ? our economy is in such a bad shape and its getting worse but we still spend huge amounts of money on jets that we really dont need. Who will attack Canada ? useless waste of money, this conservative government is the worst i have seen for a long time. Bring back the liberals. With the H.S.T coming, living here is going to become really tough.

Desiman You should know RCAF had purchased CF-18s in 80's of which around 130 are in service and going under upgrades which most likely will drag their life till end of 2020. RCAF deserves to upgrade their Air Force at this time. Canadian economy is bad but compare to US its doing better even though our neighbor dragged us into mess.

Why do you say Canada don't really need these Jets? Do you know about NORAD. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is a bi-national United States and Canadian organization charged with the missions of aerospace warning and aerospace control for North America. Aerospace warning includes the monitoring of man-made objects in space, and the detection, validation, and warning of attack against North America whether by aircraft, missiles, or space vehicles, through mutual support arrangements with other commands. Aerospace control includes ensuring air sovereignty and air defense of the airspace of Canada and the United States. The May 2006 NORAD Agreement renewal added a maritime warning mission, which entails a shared awareness and understanding of the activities conducted in U.S. and Canadian maritime approaches, maritime areas and inland waterways.

Its is mainly because of Russia the Alaskan Region is heavily guarded, The region maintains readiness to conduct a continuum of aerospace control missions. They include daily air sovereignty in peacetime, contingency and/or deterrence in times of tension, and active air defense against manned and unmanned air-breathing airborne vehicles in times of crisis. Aircraft assigned under operational control of ANR contribute to the daily air sovereignty mission and could be used for deterrence and/or air defense missions as required.
I hope i am clear about it.

We have the US sitting right next to us and Russia has not intent or interest in Canada. They sometimes do naughty little things like sending a jet over our airspace but that does not mean we go and spend $ 9 billion on jets that we dont even know if they are good. Ontario is running in huge deficits and the middle class is almost on the brink of collapse here. New grads have $50000 loans on their head and jobs are reducing in numbers everyday. HST will kill the manufacturing sector and now they are going to put tolls on the 400 series highways. We dont need this jets PERIOD. Our government lacks a spine and Canadian people dont know how to revolt or protest to anything, we just roll over whenever the government wants us to. I have lived here long enough to see where we are headed as a country.
:disagree:You'll never understand, Canada is committed to NATO and is part of it. Upgrading of around 90 F-18s till 2020 after that they'll start replacing it. The delivery of these F-35s will come around 2015/2016 to replace a squadron of CF-18s does it not make sense to upgrade Air Force Fleet? Canadian economy is much bigger than India why is india going after mrca why not spend it on poor...I am sure you'll come up with a story to tell, so hear me That is a right decision to go for a 5th Gen by RCAF by that time russians start production of 5th gen, Canada would be ready to induct and operate atleast couple or most likely first squadron of F-35s.

Regarding US on other side...Don't leave your chores to others. What do you want Canada grounds Air Force..
:disagree:You'll never understand, Canada is committed to NATO and is part of it. Upgrading of around 90 F-18s till 2020 after that they'll start replacing it. The delivery of these F-35s will come around 2015/2016 to replace a squadron of CF-18s does it not make sense to upgrade Air Force Fleet? Canadian economy is much bigger than India why is india going after mrca why not spend it on poor...I am sure you'll come up with a story to tell, so hear me That is a right decision to go for a 5th Gen by RCAF by that time russians start production of 5th gen, Canada would be ready to induct and operate atleast couple or most likely first squadron of F-35s.

First of all India's economy and PPP is much bigger than the Canadian, please check before posting. India's economy is growing and is not stagnant like the Canadian economy. Can you tell me what our growth figure was for last year. I wont be surprised if we actually shrank. India has the power to spend right now because of its immense growth potential but the same cannot be said about Canada. I love Canada too but there are some thing that i do not understand about this country. I have lived here for a good part of my life so i understand how things work here and its sad to say that Canadian's are the easiest people on this planet. We dont protest to anything, the government raises taxes no problem, raise tuition no problem, raise public transit fees no problem, lower corporate tax and increase income tax no problem, spend millions of dollar on ministers travelling habits no problem. Its sad to see that a country with such a liberal mindset fails to do anything when it comes to taking action against government decisions. The NORAD is not dependent on us and this purchase is not justified by any means. It would have been better if we would have spend half that amount on some F-16's or F-18's. Im sorry but i dont see you logic here.
^^ so according to u every nation in the nato have to go for f-35 even if it as the brink of bankruptcy only because they r in nato
good new for LM but why does Canada need to spend $9 billion right now on this ? our economy is in such a bad shape and its getting worse but we still spend huge amounts of money on jets that we really dont need.

Harper conservatives are spending $1 billion on G20 summit in Toronto which will last only one week ! So $9 billion that may bring subcontracts to Canada and create long term jobs plus fighters for another generation is a good deal. CF-18 are 30 years old so we need new generation fighters for next 30 years. Both Conservatives in Canada and Republicans in US inherited surplus budgets but squandered to huge deficits.
Harper conservatives are spending $1 billion on G20 summit in Toronto which will last only one week ! So $9 billion that may bring subcontracts to Canada and create long term jobs plus fighters for another generation is a good deal.

I have worked for LM and it does not outsource any substantial parts to Canada because of trade regulations and no real competitive advantage. The F-35 manufacturing process will not benefit Canada is any way as of such because even if the sub-systems are made here, the jets long term cost will totally override any income earned. The Harper government likes to spend money as seen at the G-20 submit and many other examples they have given. Its sad to see no protest against such spending even when Canada continues to slide into huge deficit and debt. Overall a very bad and immature decision, it looks like LM paid of many people here to get this passed.
I have worked for LM and it does not outsource any substantial parts to Canada because of trade regulations and no real competitive advantage. The F-35 manufacturing process will not benefit Canada is any way as of such because even if the sub-systems are made here, the jets long term cost will totally override any income earned. The Harper government likes to spend money as seen at the G-20 submit and many other examples they have given. Its sad to see no protest against such spending even when Canada continues to slide into huge deficit and debt. Overall a very bad and immature decision, it looks like LM paid of many people here to get this passed.

The Convservatives are very pro-US and will not drive a hard bargain for sub-contract jobs in Canada. Opposition parties are not in any form to oppose this deal. So I see this deal going through. I am actually more upset about $1 billion spent on G20 summit.
desiman..And i rather leave me chores to someone else if i dont have enough money to buy a broom.

Unprofessional statement, leave chores to russian why india do it herself.
spend mrca money on poor indians will have positive return in long run.
You memory still is bad on NORAD. Read more on NORAD its not dependent on us, NORAD) is a bi-national United States and Canadian organization charged with the missions of aerospace warning and aerospace control for North America. This statement alone is sufficient to explain it to you.
indian economy is 11th while Canada is 10th, PPP is 4th largest and I agree, but you should know Canada spends in those areas where india is not spending, again don't talk about purchase point parity and even if you want to then do for the civilians for the poor people of the indian nation instead for armed forces if you start debate that indian spends small % of defense than Canada spend even smaller% therefore Armed Forces of Canada has the right to upgrade.

prototype..don't twist word, i said Canada is committed to Nato, no where did i say All Nato Nations should or must go for F-35. If Canada is going after something new after around 25/26 Years of F-18s service I think its the right time and right deal before things go more expensive.

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