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Featured Canada suspends exports of military drone technology to Turkey

You're getting overly emotional, try to relax. It seems minus some lenses, there is no data regarding whether they are producing other sensors themselves or importing them. You're confusing the whole finished product with parts necessary to produce them. Given that Turkey was importing sensors from Canada I think there is a good chance they are not producing them internally. Also, try not to copy and pasting words all over the place, just post your comment in an orderly way, ideally just the sources and members can read them.

keep crying you jealous Persian

Canada has no technology to develop even Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors , QWIP thermal imaging sensor for E/O Systems

only 4 Countries in the World that developed Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors , QWIP thermal imaging sensor for E/O Systems

ASELSAN QWIP thermal imaging sensor for E/O Systems ... ( only The US,Israel,Turkiye and France )



Quantum Devices & Nanophotonics Research Group with ASELSAN Infrared Sensor Team


ASELSAN has developed sensor technologies in 15 years and in service since 2013


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If they won't sell the tech then just copy and manufacture it, yourself. If Turkey can't do it then the Chinese certainly can.

Not a peep by the golems about Israeli arms sales to Aliyev.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in 2016 said his country had bought $4.85 billion in defense equipment from the Jewish state.

Bunch of irrelevant comments that in no way addressed my comment. If you have nothing substantive to reply with, then kindly refrain from wasting time and space here. I have no interest in your personal fantasies, only facts. The only determining fact so far is that one showing the imports from Canada. Just accept reality and move on.

Reality is still you crying

You asked me proof for Turkish sensors and I showed you even most critical sensor which was developed by only The US,Israel,Turkiye and France in the world

Reality is Canada has no technology to develop even Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors , QWIP thermal imaging sensor for E/O Systems

only 4 Countries in the World that developed Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors , QWIP thermal imaging sensor for E/O Systems

ASELSAN QWIP thermal imaging sensor for E/O Systems ... ( only The US,Israel,Turkiye and France )

-- HgCdTe
-- InSb
-- InGaAs


and Turkiye now has started mass production of Aselsan CATS E/O System for game changer Turkish UCAVs which kicked ASSAD Regime , IRGC and Hezbolah in Idlib/Syria , also HAFTAR in Libya and Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh/Azerbaijan

Turkish UCAVs will continue to kick enemies everywhere ...... keep crying



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If they won't sell the tech then just copy and manufacture it, yourself. If Turkey can't do it then the Chinese certainly can.

Not a peep by the golems about Israeli arms sales to Aliyev.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in 2016 said his country had bought $4.85 billion in defense equipment from the Jewish state.

Turkiye has already developed its own CATS E/O System for UCAVS .... no any problem

and Azerbaijan can buy most sophisticated weapons from Turkiye including all kinds of Missiles , UCAVs , Attack Helicopters , Radars , Electronic Warfare Systems in near future

Canada and Israel can not stop Turkiye-Azerbaijan
Copy and pasting the same comments repeatedly will not aid you here.

keep crying

You asked me proof for Turkish sensors and I showed you even most critical sensor ( photos and video ) which was developed by only The US,Israel,Turkiye and France in the world

watch again jealous liar persian
ASELSAN QWIP thermal imaging sensor for E/O Systems

Perhaps like minded people would subscribe to your fantasies but unfortunately for you, that's not the case here. Like I expected, you have provided no actual reasons for anyone to believe you're actually producing the claimed sensors. I assume Turkey will shift its import from Canada to another western provider. Ironically, I would not be surprised if Turkey ends up importing from China at some point, the nation you so foolishly think you're ahead of in this sector.

real military experts very well know what about Turkish Defense Industry ..... we dont care about jealous and liar persians and chinese

keeep crying
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Canada and Israel can not stop Turkiye-Azerbaijan

by Israel, do you mean those Israeli people? Why would they want to stop Azerbaijan? Israelis have been selling Azerbaijan billions of dollars of weapons. Azerbaijan is show casing how effective Israeli drones are. more sales more money.

I think it is more likely that the conflict opened a door for somebody like EU, Greece, the Swiss, Vatican or London to apply pressure on Canada which harms both Turkey and Canada.
I wasted enough time on your fantasies. Move along and refrain from polluting this thread with your continuous copy and paste propaganda.

I have million times more military and politic knowledge than You ..... keep crying with your lies and anti-Turkish propaganda

its reality , not fantasy and real military experts very well knows what about Turkish Defense Industry

13 of 40 TEI PD-170 Turboprob Engines delivered to Turkish Aerospace Industries to power ANKA and AKSUNGUR UCAVs

Indigenous CATS E/O System in mass production to replace Canadian Wescam MX-15 ... even Turkish CATS has superior range 30km to Canadian Wescam MX-15 ( 20km )

in 2013 , I said Turkiye will develop UCAVs even better than Israeli UCAVs
and Israeli user BENNY KARACHUN said me live on your fantasies . Turkiye can not develop UCAV

RESULT : Turkiye has developed its own UCAVs Bayraktar TB-2 , ANKA-S , AKSUNGUR , AKINCI , also soon jet engine powered MIUS UCAV .... and Turkiye was become Drone super power in the world

Turkish UCAVs changed the game in Syria , Libya and Azerbaijan ... so many Countries wants to buy Turkish UCAVs

Persians , Arabs , Chinese and Israelis are crying about this
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by Israel, do you mean those Israeli people? Why would they want to stop Azerbaijan? Israelis have been selling Azerbaijan billions of dollars of weapons. Azerbaijan is show casing how effective Israeli drones are. more sales more money.

I think it is more likely that the conflict opened a door for somebody like EU, Greece, the Swiss, Vatican or London to apply pressure on Canada which harms both Turkey and Canada.

Greek,Armenian,Israeli lobbies are crying to the US/Canada day and night not to sell weapons to Turkiye

Turkiye bought Wescam MX-15 E/O System from Canada because of its more cheaper and lighter

but now Turkiye has its own CATS E/O System for UCAVs ..... Turkish CATS is heavier than Wescam MX-15 but CATS has superior range ( 30km ) to compare with Wescam MX-15 ( 20 km )

so Turrkish Bayraktar TB-2 flies 24+ hours with Canadian Wescam MX-15 .... but Bayraktar TB-2 will fly 22 hours with Turkish CATS E/O System ...... No big difference

and if Israel stop selling weapons to Azerbaijan then Azerbaijan will replace Israel with Turkiye ... and Turkiye is brother country to Azerbaijan for giving full of technology support without any condition

and What a great progress by Turkiye

-- The US blocked sale of UCAV to Turkiye
-- Israel caused trouble for the maintenance of HERONs

and They said that Turkiye can not develop UCAVs

RESULT : Turkiye has developed its own UCAVs Bayraktar TB-2 , ANKA-S , AKSUNGUR , AKINCI , also soon jet engine powered MIUS UCAV .... and Turkiye was become Drone super power in the world

Turkish UCAVs changed the game in Syria , Libya and Azerbaijan ... so many Countries wants to buy Turkish UCAVs

even Turkiye has developed Turboprob Engine , Electro-optic Systems , SATCOM , and soon AESA Radar for UCAVs

and munitions for UCAVs

-- MAM-L laser guided smart munition
-- MIZRAK anti Tank Missile
-- TEBER and KGK guided smart Bombs
-- KUZGUN joint strike munition with IIR seeker + datalink
-- MRASHM Cruise Missile with IIR seeker + datalink
-- SOM Cruise Missile with IIR seeker + datalink
-- TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missile
-- GOKDOGAN and BOZDOGAN air to air missiles

now the US-Israel block sale of F-35 Fighter Jets to Turkiye , even Turkiye is a global partner of F-35 program

sooner or later Turkiye will develop its own TF-X Fighter Jet with indigenous turbofan Engine
and The US-Israel again will be shocked
I wonder if this guy actually believes even a fraction of these fantasies he posts.

in 2013 when I said Turkiye will develop UCAVs , Israelis also used same words about Turkish UCAVs ( fantasy - dream - etc )

and as of 2020 , Turkiye is Drone super power in the world and Turkish UCAVs changed the game in Syria , Libya and Azerbaijan ... so many Countries wants to buy Turkish UCAVs

Jealous persian , chinese and arab users are crying ...... keep crying
everybody will see Turkish TF-X Fighter Jet with indigenous turbofan Engine in 2030s

even not only TF-X Fighter Jet .... but also ATAK-II heavy Attack Helicopter , MIUS jet engine powered UCAV , HAVASOJ airborne stand off jammer Aircraft , Aircraft Carrier , MILDEN class AIP Submarine , TF-2000 class Destroyer , GUMS anti Ballistic Missile Defense System , Supersonic and Hypersonic Missiles - Electromagnetic Rail Guns , High energy LASER Weapons and many more


Turkiye has ability to develop all kinds of engines for Cruise Missiles , UCAVs , Helicopters and Fighter Jets but needs more time 10-12 years

indigenous new generation turbofan Engine will be ready in 2030s ..

Turkish Engines are in service or will be in service soon

-- KTJ-3200 turbojet Engine for SOM and ATMACA Cruise Missiles
-- TJ-300 turbojet Engine for MRASHM Cruise Missile
-- TEI PD-170 turboprob Engine for ANKA-S and AKSUNGUR UCAVs
-- TEI TS-1400 turboshaft Engine for T-625 and T-629 Utility-Attack Helicopters

also Turkiye develops 3000 shp turboshaft Engine for 10 tons class Utility-Attack Helicopters
Turkiye develops more powerful turboprob Engine for AKINCI UCAV
Turkiye develops turbofan Engine for the TFX Fighter Jet

I remind everyone

The turboprop version of the TS1400 Turboshaft Engine is planned to power HURKUS Aircraft.
In the turbojet configuration of the TS1400 the core Engine can also be converted to turbofan configuration by adding a fan and additional shafts and bearings to the front side and a power turbine to the rear side

The core technology of the TS1400 Engine shall also form the basis for the indigenous turbofan engine (in 8,500lbf to 9,500lbf thrust class) needed for the Turkish projects

-- HURJET new generation advanced Jet Trainer and the Light Attack Aircraft
-- GEZGIN strategic Cruise Missile

Turkiye is one of 6 countries around the world that Blisk and Spool manufacturing Technologies

Blisk and spool manufacturing technologies, recently being used on new generation engines are regarded as state of the art and advanced level applications for aviation industry which are high tech manufacturing methods currently employed in Turkiye

Turkiye is one of 6 Countries in the World that produce turbine blades for gas turbine Engines
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Sure, we are crying because of your fantasy projects. Now that you're feeling better, go back to sleep.

keep crying you jealous boys

No any fantasy project or not my fantasy projects

all projects are confirmed by the undersecretariat for Defence Industries of Turkiye including the TFX Fighter Jet with indigenous turbofan Engine

in 2018 TRMOTOR has started developing indigenous turbofan Engine for the TF-X project



TEI TS1400
Greek,Armenian,Israeli lobbies are crying to the US/Canada day and night not to sell weapons to Turkiye

Should just send the millions of Syrian migrants on to Europe. that is where they want to go. Don't stop them. Take ships to Africa slowly bring millions of migrants to Turkey and then truck them to the Greek border. The mass of impoverished desperate humanity is your greatest weapon. Assist the swarm.

Fall of Rome 2.0
Meanwhile you're still importing engines for all of your hardware such as UAVs, cruise missiles etc. When these future projects have come to reality, then we can talk.

Copycat Iran , even Israel use full of importing engines for all of their hardware ... and Arabs can develop nothing

-- Turkish ANKA-S and AKSUNGUR UCAVs now use indigenous TEI PD-170 turboprob Engine

-- SOM and ATMACA Cruise Missiles will use indigenous KTJ-3200 turbojet engine in a year

-- T-625 utility Helicopter will make first flight with indigenous TEI TS-1400 turboshaft engine in a year

but Copycat Iran , and Israel only can dream about this technologies .... Copycat Iran and Israel dont have technology to produce even bliks - spool and turbine blades for gas turbine Engines

on the other hand Turkiye is one of 6 Countries in the World that produce bliks-spool and turbine blades for gas turbine Engines

Your "indigenous" engine for your fighter jet will once again probably be heavily based on foreign imports and support. In your case, the British, specifically Rolls Royce will play such a role. Without their support, you will not get anywhere close to a reliable turbofan engine anytime in the next couple of decades.

its your lie as always

No any foreign imports and support .... Turkiye kicked RR-KALE consortium out of indigenous turbofan engine development program because of IP rights

in 2018 TRMOTOR has started developing indigenous turbofan engine

and according to General Manager of TRMOTOR
2026-2027 First ignition of indigenous turbofan engine
2029-First flight with Tf-X Fighter Jet

Who are you trying to fool here exactly?

copycat İran and China = full of copy and reserve enginering

Turkiye is not copycat İran and China ... Turkiye respect American technology and Turkey doesnt copy anything

copycat Iran is nothing to compare with Turkiye in aviation industry
and Iran's low quality copy systems dont have high quality world class certificate .....

btw the UK ( BAE Systems ) is assistance for design , not for Engine
stop trolling
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Weak reply, as expected from you. I see you could not counter my above comment with facts and instead resort to emotive language. Let me know when you manage to make a turbofan like Iran in the next 10-15 years.

you are talking about copy of American engine

Iran can not develop even nex generation anti tank missile ..... full of copy of old soviet and american technologies and there is no high quality world class certificate

T-129 is not copy ..... its co-development project and Turkiye gave billion dollars to Italy for platform and IP rights ... now Turkiye develops 10 tons class heavy Attack Helicopter 100% indigenous including turboshaft engine

your garbage TOUFAN is compy of American AH-1 COBRA

and state of the art iranian technology ..... wow
Very rarely do we see anything truly being built by Turkey 100%.

there is no 100% indigenous weapons in the world .... even American and Israeli UCAVs use import engine
even American ABRAMS Tank use German 120mm gun

100% Turkish Weapons

KORAL and REDET Radar Electronic Warfare
ANKA-S and AKSUNGUR UCAVs with TEI PD-170 turboprob Engine
SOM and ATMACA Cruise Missiles with KTJ-3200 turbojet Engine
T-625 utility Helicopter with TEI TS-1400 turboshaft Engine
T-629 Attack Helicopter with TEI TS-1400 turboshaft Engine

and many more upcoming Turkish Weapons

copycat Iran can not develop even high quality world class electronic systems for Fighter Jets and Helicopters
The engine I posted has nothing to do with America, try again. If you're talking about Iranian OWJ/J-80, once again, building such an engine is a far greater accomplishment than anything Turkey has done. You're importing even cruise missile engines from Ukraine.

learn about military day dreamer

Ukraine gave cruise missile technology to Iran and China in 2000s

copycat İran and China are nothing without Soviet technology
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