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Featured Canada suspends exports of military drone technology to Turkey

it is 10 kg lighter than CATS it makes sense for a tactical UAV like TB2 , there are some ANKAs those use CATS. and CATS is more complex and expensive sensor. designed for heavier uavs and higher altitudes. there were some technical difficulties that lagged serial production.
The Question is why turkey uses Canadian tech , if they can build better equipment themselves ?

We are working on but we didnt produce high defination resulation IR camera yet especially for tactical ucavs. We are also working on developing SWIR detector technology and large area monitoring systems for our cats. Aselsan showed swir technology demostration on lab scale few years ago but I dont know when it will go on to production . SWIR tech gives ability to see at bad weather conditions like foggy,cloudy etc. Also we have milimetric wave radar technology we are using Sarper mmvr on Anka-B uavs.
We are working on but we didnt produce high defination resulation IR camera yet especially for tactical ucavs. We are also working on developing SWIR detector technology and large area monitoring systems for our cats. Aselsan showed swir technology demostration on lab scale few years ago but I dont know when it will go on to production . SWIR tech gives ability to see at bad weather conditions like foggy,cloudy etc. Also we have milimetric wave radar technology we are using Sarper mmvr on Anka-B uavs.
Well as far as I'm concerned in defense of your country if in one field you can stand on your leg but for some reason you see you had to rely on foreigners it mean somewhere some guy is fatenning his pocket by importing from foreigner and the sooner you find the guy the better.
The Canadian EO from Wescam is vastly superior to Aselsan's CAT in terms of resolution and weight. That's why Turkey selected the Canadian EO instead of the Turkish EO.
I'm sure the Turkish Defense Industry can develop a replacement or get the necessary tech from China. And this will be a further loss to the Canadian company.

Turkiye is ahead of China , Russia and İndia in Electro-optic technologies
therefore Pakistan prefered high quality Turkish Aselsan ASELPOD targeting Pod for JF-17 Fighter Jets instead of low quality Chinese targeting Pod

and only the US,France and Turkiye have their own nex generation targeting Pod in NATO

Turkish CATS Electro-optic System in mass production to replace Canadian Wescam MX-15 for UAV-UCAVs

CATS is heavier but Turkish CATS has superior range ( up to 30km ) to Canadian Wescam MX-15 ( 20 km )

Also soon Turkish DASS E/O System which is superior to CATS .......( New version of the CATS system equipped with higher resolution sensors )

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Well as far as I'm concerned in defense of your country if in one field you can stand on your leg but for some reason you see you had to rely on foreigners it mean somewhere some guy is fatenning his pocket by importing from foreigner and the sooner you find the guy the better.
Selcuk Bayraktar(aka son in law) is the importer of WESCAM , do you need more?
What a great progress by Turkiye

-- The US blocked sale of UCAV to Turkiye
-- Israel caused trouble for the maintenance of HERONs

and They said that Turkiye can not develop UCAVs

RESULT : Turkiye has developed its own UCAVs Bayraktar TB-2 , ANKA-S , AKSUNGUR , AKINCI , also soon jet engine powered MIUS UCAV .... and Turkiye was become Drone super power in the world

Turkish UCAVs changed the game in Syria , Libya and Azerbaijan ... so many Countries wants to buy Turkish UCAVs

even Turkiye has developed Turboprob Engine , Electro-optic Systems , SATCOM , and soon AESA Radar for UCAVs

and munitions for UCAVs

-- MAM-L laser guided smart munition
-- MIZRAK anti Tank Missile
-- TEBER and KGK guided smart Bombs
-- KUZGUN joint strike munition with IIR seeker + datalink
-- MRASHM Cruise Missile with IIR seeker + datalink
-- SOM Cruise Missile with IIR seeker + datalink
-- TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missile
-- GOKDOGAN and BOZDOGAN air to air missiles

now the US-Israel block sale of F-35 Fighter Jets to Turkiye , even Turkiye is a global partner of F-35 program

sooner or later Turkiye will develop its own TF-X Fighter Jet with indigenous turbofan Engine
and The US-Israel again will be shocked
West is going a great job in messing up their own industry. Look at america and its sanction. Canada....lol.
Do you actually believe these fantasies or are you here to just to invent whatever you feel like?

The facts hurts Persian , İndian and Chinese Guys

I am saying again Turkiye is ahead of China , Russia and İndia in Electro-optic technologies
therefore Pakistan prefered high quality Turkish Aselsan ASELPOD targeting Pod for JF-17 Fighter Jets instead of low quality Chinese targeting Pod

and only the US,France and Turkiye have their own nex generation targeting Pod in NATO

-- China could not sale its own low quality targeting Pod to Pakistan for JF-17 Fighter Jets
-- India use French and Israeli targeting Pods
-- Russia used French targeting Pod for decade and now Russia has its own targeting Pod

Turkish Aselsan ASELPOD Advanced Targeting Pod
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Sorry but we are not going to simply accept your outlandish claims. In reality, there is little "facts" in anything you're saying, more like "muddying the facts". The actual reality is, your country was importing sensors from Canada and these "Aselpod" that you're talking of are most definitely relying on foreign sensors/parts. Do yourself a favour and realise by making claims above you're actually doing a disservice to yourself.

You are an ignorant or a liar

even Russia use French and İndia use French-Israeli targeting Pod for Fighter Jets
.... and Russia - İndia dont have even their own UCAVs ....
And Chinese Wing Long-II UCAV has low quality E/O System therefor the UAE replaced Chinese E/O System with French E/O System on Wing Long-II UCAV for better operational capability in Libya

now Turkish Aselsan CATS E/O System in mass production for Turkish UCAVs .... Turkiye doesnt need Canada for E/O System ... Turkiye has much more superior Defense Industry to Canada

and stop lying you jelaous Persian ... Turkish ASELPOD Targeting Pod is 100% indigenous including sensons

Turkish giant defense company ASELSAN develop everything for AESA Radars , E/O Systems and Thermal Cameras

Where are İran , China , İndia and Russia ?

ASELSAN Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors ....... ( only The US,Israel,France,Turkey )
-- HgCdTe
-- InSb
-- InGaAs

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I go by evidence and also, something called common sense. You stated:
"Turkiye has much more superior Defense Industry to Canada" And yet you're importing their hardware?

You have no evidence for your claims, and how could you given the absurdities of these claims. if we look at the actual evidence, we'd see that in reality, many of these Turkish hardwares are relying on foreign imports. Check this:

You are so Jealous Persian who is doing anti-Turkish propaganda

Turkiye buys trainer Aircraft from Pakistan , that doesnt mean Turkiye has NO its own trainer Aircraft ... even Turkish HURKUS trainer Aircraft is superior to Pakistani MUSHSHAK trainer Aircraft

and Canada use even foreign sensors on Wescam MX-15 ..... on the other hand Turkiye use its own technology

Canada , Russia , Europe , India can not develop even UCAV

I am saying again Where are Canada, İran , China , İndia and Russia ?

ASELSAN Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors ....... ( only The US,Israel,France,Turkey )
-- HgCdTe
-- InSb
-- InGaAs


and Check this

President of Defense Industries says Turkish Aselsan CATS E/O System in mass production for Turkish UCAVs

not only E/O System but also 700+ Turkish Military Projects to replace American and other NATO Systems
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Aftershocks of S-400 air defence system.
more will come after s-400 activation.
I made it very simple for you, if you have any proof that Turkey is producing sensors industrially for your E/O systems, then why not just show them? My comment is based on the simple fact that Turkey was still importing this technology and I cannot see any reason to think it is capable of producing them. Like I said, I give credit where it due. For example,I can see Turkey can design the final/overall product in many cases here we are talking about parts. And this goes back to your silly claim that Turkey is more advanced than Russia and China. It is in your interest to just stay grounded and not make such outlandish claims.

Your silly claims and anti-Turkish propaganda wont work . You Jealous Persian, proof it or stop lying

ASELSAN official website

Standing as a reliable solution provider in electro optics, ASELSAN offers a wide range of products to its customers.

The scope of the electro optical products designed in ASELSAN is as follows:

Cooled and uncooled thermal cameras,
Day cameras,
Night vision (image intensifier) devices,
Laser range finders,
Laser designators
Laser warning systems.

ASELSAN does not only provide stand-alone products, but also provides integrated system solutions that uses the advanced technologies and offers different sensors into one compact and ergonomic design consisting of thermal camera, day camera, laser range finder, GPS, DMC and laser pointer, to fulfill the requirements for target acquisition in extensive ranges and provide critical information for engagements.

Thanks to our high value-added electro-optic solutions, we provide the capabilities needed by air, naval, land and special forces. Some examples for ASELSAN products are as follows: electro optical gimbal systems and pods for air based applications; surveillance systems, laser designators, laser range finders, main battle tank and infantry fighting vehicle sighting systems and periscopes for land based applications; electro optical director, thermal imaging systems, submarine periscopes and laser warning receivers for naval based applications; cooled and uncooled thermal imagers, image intensifiers, weapon sights, laser range finders and integrated electro optic systems for special forces.

ASELSAN electro optic products are being used in wide range of application areas such as:

Hand-held applications
Weapon sight applications
Reconnaissance and surveillance
Main battle tank and infantry fighting vehicle sighting applications
Laser systems applications
Missile launcher sighting applications
Air platforms
Naval platforms

even ASELSAN is among the few companies in the world that produce the lenses with high quality

Lens systems domestically produced with a five-micron level tolerance by Turkish defense giant ASELSAN and used in several defense industry products have been exported to 8 countries worldwide

The lens systems, which are also crucial for the medical and aerospace industries, are becoming more sophisticated, with the ever-growing demand for the systems that provide an extremely high level of performance and accuracy without manufacturing errors


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