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Featured Canada suspends exports of military drone technology to Turkey


Jan 5, 2020
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Foreign affairs minister says move is in response to reports about Canadian drone tech in combat

The federal government is suspending the export of sophisticated Canadian drone technology to Turkey while Ottawa investigates claims that it is being used by the Azerbaijani military against Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh, Foreign Affairs Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne said Monday.

Champagne was responding to calls by Canada's Armenian community and the disarmament group Ploughshares International to stop the export of Canadian drone optics and laser targeting systems to Turkey following reports that Ankara has deployed dozens of unmanned aircraft in combat against Armenian forces in the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.

Kelsey Gallagher, an expert with Project Ploughshares who has studied exports of Canadian drone technology to Turkey, said these sensors are used by Turkish TB2 Bayraktar combat drones, allowing them to see what's happening on the ground day and night, in all weather conditions.

Armenia has accused Turkey of using TB2 Bayraktar combat drones left behind in Azerbaijan following recent joint exercises to pummel Armenian forces from the air, collect intelligence and direct artillery and missile fire at both military positions and civilian infrastructure.

Armenia also has accused Turkey of redeploying fighters from Syria to support Azerbaijani forces. Turkey has denied sending people or arms to the conflict.

Champagne's department to 'assess the situation'
"Over the last several days, certain allegations have been made regarding Canadian technology being used in the military conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh," Champagne said in a statement, adding that he directed officials at Global Affairs Canada to investigate those claims as soon as they were made.

"In line with Canada's robust export control regime and due to the ongoing hostilities, I have suspended the relevant export permits to Turkey, so as to allow time to further assess the situation."

Nagorno-Karabakh lies inside Azerbaijan but has been under the control of ethnic Armenian forces backed by Armenia since it declared independence from Azerbaijan in 1991 during the breakup of the Soviet Union.

Fierce fighting along the entire Line of Contact in Nagorno-Karabakh raged for the ninth consecutive day on Monday, with Armenian authorities reporting heavy bombardment of the region's capital Stepanakert and several other towns. The Armenians reported being hit by cluster bombs that are prohibited by the UN Convention on Cluster Munitions.

The Azerbaijani Defence Ministry, in turn, accused Armenian forces of shelling the towns of Tartar, Barda and Beylagan. Azerbaijan's second-largest city Ganja, located about 100 kilometres north of Nagorno-Karabakh, was also "under fire," officials said.

"Canada continues to be concerned by the ongoing conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh resulting in shelling of communities and civilian casualties," Champagne said.

"We call for measures to be taken immediately to stabilize the situation on the ground and reiterate that there is no alternative to a peaceful, negotiated solution to this conflict."

Speaking at a press conference this morning in Ottawa, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he is sending Champagne to Europe "to discuss with our allies the developments in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, particularly in Nagorno-Karabakh."

Armenia's embassy in Ottawa welcomed Champagne's announcement.

"This acknowledges Turkey's direct involvement in the aggression against the people of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) perpetrated by Azerbaijan," Armenia's ambassador in Canada, Anahit Harutyunyan, said in a statement, referring to the Armenian name of Nagorno-Karabakh.

"Only through joint efforts can the international community stop Turkish-supported Azerbaijani aggression, backed by foreign mercenaries, against the vulnerable Armenian population."

Armenian-Canadians want Trudeau to push for ceasefire
Canadian-Armenian community organizations that had lobbied hard to stop military exports to Turkey also welcomed the announcement.

Hagop Arslanian, deputy chairman of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) in Canada — one of the largest Armenian community organizations — said the group is "satisfied" with Ottawa's announcement.

"Let it be clear that there is no military resolution to this conflict," Arslanian said.

The Armenian community also wants Trudeau to take on a more active diplomatic role by calling his counterparts in Turkey and Azerbaijan to demand an immediate ceasefire, he added.

"Equally, we want him to call [Armenian] Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and communicate his support," Arslanian said.

The international community doubled up on its efforts to achieve a ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh on Monday.

In a joint statement, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov and Jean-Yves Le Drian, France's foreign affairs minister, condemned "in the strongest terms the unprecedented and dangerous escalation of violence in and outside of the Nagorno-Karabakh zone."

Turkish and Azerbaijani embassies did not respond to Radio Canada International's request for comment in time for publication.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan insisted on Monday that Turkey will stand with its ally Azerbaijan until it reaches "victory." He also claimed that it was the international community's silence in the face of what he called past Armenian aggression that encouraged it to attack Azerbaijani territory.

"In truth, lending support to Azerbaijan's struggle to liberate territories that have been occupied is the duty of every honourable nation. It is not possible for the world to reach lasting peace and calm without getting rid of bandit states and their bandit leaders," Erdogan said in an address to the nation following a cabinet meeting.

Earlier, Armenia's Pashinyan said "a cease-fire can be established only if Turkey is removed from the South Caucasus."

I'm sure the Turkish Defense Industry can develop a replacement or get the necessary tech from China. And this will be a further loss to the Canadian company.
Foreign affairs minister says move is in response to reports about Canadian drone tech in combat

The federal government is suspending the export of sophisticated Canadian drone technology to Turkey while Ottawa investigates claims that it is being used by the Azerbaijani military against Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh, Foreign Affairs Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne said Monday.

Champagne was responding to calls by Canada's Armenian community and the disarmament group Ploughshares International to stop the export of Canadian drone optics and laser targeting systems to Turkey following reports that Ankara has deployed dozens of unmanned aircraft in combat against Armenian forces in the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.

Kelsey Gallagher, an expert with Project Ploughshares who has studied exports of Canadian drone technology to Turkey, said these sensors are used by Turkish TB2 Bayraktar combat drones, allowing them to see what's happening on the ground day and night, in all weather conditions.

Armenia has accused Turkey of using TB2 Bayraktar combat drones left behind in Azerbaijan following recent joint exercises to pummel Armenian forces from the air, collect intelligence and direct artillery and missile fire at both military positions and civilian infrastructure.

Armenia also has accused Turkey of redeploying fighters from Syria to support Azerbaijani forces. Turkey has denied sending people or arms to the conflict.

Champagne's department to 'assess the situation'
"Over the last several days, certain allegations have been made regarding Canadian technology being used in the military conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh," Champagne said in a statement, adding that he directed officials at Global Affairs Canada to investigate those claims as soon as they were made.

"In line with Canada's robust export control regime and due to the ongoing hostilities, I have suspended the relevant export permits to Turkey, so as to allow time to further assess the situation."

Nagorno-Karabakh lies inside Azerbaijan but has been under the control of ethnic Armenian forces backed by Armenia since it declared independence from Azerbaijan in 1991 during the breakup of the Soviet Union.

Fierce fighting along the entire Line of Contact in Nagorno-Karabakh raged for the ninth consecutive day on Monday, with Armenian authorities reporting heavy bombardment of the region's capital Stepanakert and several other towns. The Armenians reported being hit by cluster bombs that are prohibited by the UN Convention on Cluster Munitions.

The Azerbaijani Defence Ministry, in turn, accused Armenian forces of shelling the towns of Tartar, Barda and Beylagan. Azerbaijan's second-largest city Ganja, located about 100 kilometres north of Nagorno-Karabakh, was also "under fire," officials said.

"Canada continues to be concerned by the ongoing conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh resulting in shelling of communities and civilian casualties," Champagne said.

"We call for measures to be taken immediately to stabilize the situation on the ground and reiterate that there is no alternative to a peaceful, negotiated solution to this conflict."

Speaking at a press conference this morning in Ottawa, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he is sending Champagne to Europe "to discuss with our allies the developments in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, particularly in Nagorno-Karabakh."

Armenia's embassy in Ottawa welcomed Champagne's announcement.

"This acknowledges Turkey's direct involvement in the aggression against the people of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) perpetrated by Azerbaijan," Armenia's ambassador in Canada, Anahit Harutyunyan, said in a statement, referring to the Armenian name of Nagorno-Karabakh.

"Only through joint efforts can the international community stop Turkish-supported Azerbaijani aggression, backed by foreign mercenaries, against the vulnerable Armenian population."

Armenian-Canadians want Trudeau to push for ceasefire
Canadian-Armenian community organizations that had lobbied hard to stop military exports to Turkey also welcomed the announcement.

Hagop Arslanian, deputy chairman of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) in Canada — one of the largest Armenian community organizations — said the group is "satisfied" with Ottawa's announcement.

"Let it be clear that there is no military resolution to this conflict," Arslanian said.

The Armenian community also wants Trudeau to take on a more active diplomatic role by calling his counterparts in Turkey and Azerbaijan to demand an immediate ceasefire, he added.

"Equally, we want him to call [Armenian] Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and communicate his support," Arslanian said.

The international community doubled up on its efforts to achieve a ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh on Monday.

In a joint statement, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov and Jean-Yves Le Drian, France's foreign affairs minister, condemned "in the strongest terms the unprecedented and dangerous escalation of violence in and outside of the Nagorno-Karabakh zone."

Turkish and Azerbaijani embassies did not respond to Radio Canada International's request for comment in time for publication.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan insisted on Monday that Turkey will stand with its ally Azerbaijan until it reaches "victory." He also claimed that it was the international community's silence in the face of what he called past Armenian aggression that encouraged it to attack Azerbaijani territory.

"In truth, lending support to Azerbaijan's struggle to liberate territories that have been occupied is the duty of every honourable nation. It is not possible for the world to reach lasting peace and calm without getting rid of bandit states and their bandit leaders," Erdogan said in an address to the nation following a cabinet meeting.

Earlier, Armenia's Pashinyan said "a cease-fire can be established only if Turkey is removed from the South Caucasus."

Its likely the Westcam optronic systems that have been targeted
Foreign affairs minister says move is in response to reports about Canadian drone tech in combat

The federal government is suspending the export of sophisticated Canadian drone technology to Turkey while Ottawa investigates claims that it is being used by the Azerbaijani military against Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh, Foreign Affairs Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne said Monday.

Champagne was responding to calls by Canada's Armenian community and the disarmament group Ploughshares International to stop the export of Canadian drone optics and laser targeting systems to Turkey following reports that Ankara has deployed dozens of unmanned aircraft in combat against Armenian forces in the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.

Kelsey Gallagher, an expert with Project Ploughshares who has studied exports of Canadian drone technology to Turkey, said these sensors are used by Turkish TB2 Bayraktar combat drones, allowing them to see what's happening on the ground day and night, in all weather conditions.

Armenia has accused Turkey of using TB2 Bayraktar combat drones left behind in Azerbaijan following recent joint exercises to pummel Armenian forces from the air, collect intelligence and direct artillery and missile fire at both military positions and civilian infrastructure.

Armenia also has accused Turkey of redeploying fighters from Syria to support Azerbaijani forces. Turkey has denied sending people or arms to the conflict.

Champagne's department to 'assess the situation'
"Over the last several days, certain allegations have been made regarding Canadian technology being used in the military conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh," Champagne said in a statement, adding that he directed officials at Global Affairs Canada to investigate those claims as soon as they were made.

"In line with Canada's robust export control regime and due to the ongoing hostilities, I have suspended the relevant export permits to Turkey, so as to allow time to further assess the situation."

Nagorno-Karabakh lies inside Azerbaijan but has been under the control of ethnic Armenian forces backed by Armenia since it declared independence from Azerbaijan in 1991 during the breakup of the Soviet Union.

Fierce fighting along the entire Line of Contact in Nagorno-Karabakh raged for the ninth consecutive day on Monday, with Armenian authorities reporting heavy bombardment of the region's capital Stepanakert and several other towns. The Armenians reported being hit by cluster bombs that are prohibited by the UN Convention on Cluster Munitions.

The Azerbaijani Defence Ministry, in turn, accused Armenian forces of shelling the towns of Tartar, Barda and Beylagan. Azerbaijan's second-largest city Ganja, located about 100 kilometres north of Nagorno-Karabakh, was also "under fire," officials said.

"Canada continues to be concerned by the ongoing conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh resulting in shelling of communities and civilian casualties," Champagne said.

"We call for measures to be taken immediately to stabilize the situation on the ground and reiterate that there is no alternative to a peaceful, negotiated solution to this conflict."

Speaking at a press conference this morning in Ottawa, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he is sending Champagne to Europe "to discuss with our allies the developments in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, particularly in Nagorno-Karabakh."

Armenia's embassy in Ottawa welcomed Champagne's announcement.

"This acknowledges Turkey's direct involvement in the aggression against the people of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) perpetrated by Azerbaijan," Armenia's ambassador in Canada, Anahit Harutyunyan, said in a statement, referring to the Armenian name of Nagorno-Karabakh.

"Only through joint efforts can the international community stop Turkish-supported Azerbaijani aggression, backed by foreign mercenaries, against the vulnerable Armenian population."

Armenian-Canadians want Trudeau to push for ceasefire
Canadian-Armenian community organizations that had lobbied hard to stop military exports to Turkey also welcomed the announcement.

Hagop Arslanian, deputy chairman of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) in Canada — one of the largest Armenian community organizations — said the group is "satisfied" with Ottawa's announcement.

"Let it be clear that there is no military resolution to this conflict," Arslanian said.

The Armenian community also wants Trudeau to take on a more active diplomatic role by calling his counterparts in Turkey and Azerbaijan to demand an immediate ceasefire, he added.

"Equally, we want him to call [Armenian] Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and communicate his support," Arslanian said.

The international community doubled up on its efforts to achieve a ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh on Monday.

In a joint statement, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov and Jean-Yves Le Drian, France's foreign affairs minister, condemned "in the strongest terms the unprecedented and dangerous escalation of violence in and outside of the Nagorno-Karabakh zone."

Turkish and Azerbaijani embassies did not respond to Radio Canada International's request for comment in time for publication.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan insisted on Monday that Turkey will stand with its ally Azerbaijan until it reaches "victory." He also claimed that it was the international community's silence in the face of what he called past Armenian aggression that encouraged it to attack Azerbaijani territory.

"In truth, lending support to Azerbaijan's struggle to liberate territories that have been occupied is the duty of every honourable nation. It is not possible for the world to reach lasting peace and calm without getting rid of bandit states and their bandit leaders," Erdogan said in an address to the nation following a cabinet meeting.

Earlier, Armenia's Pashinyan said "a cease-fire can be established only if Turkey is removed from the South Caucasus."

IMO, too late the Canada. Up to now may be Turkey is already at more advanced stage/base of developing, utilising and exporting drone technology than Canada.
Masha-Allah, Turkey's industrial base is even better than many European competitors.
Canada is losing a customer for what? A country with no future, most of the citizens live in abroad. For now we will use CATS on our drone, and the next flir will be lighter. The diffrences is less weight less capabilities like the range of laserdesignator of Wescam is 20km and Aselsan is 25km.

They can shut in ther ***...

Aselsan next gen flir DASS. A view from 20650 feet 2 years ago...

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what a stupid logic :lol:

in response to reports about Canadian drone tech in combat

so why someone buy weapons if can not use in combat ?:hitwall:
Armenian has a large diaspora population. They will push western countries to have a hard line on Turkey.
Canada is looing a customer for what? A country with no future, most of the citizens live in abroad. For now we will use CATS on our drone, and the next flir will be lighter. The diffrences is less weight less capabilities like the range of laserdesignator of Wescam is 20km and Aselsan is 25km.

They can shut in ther ***...

Aselsan next gen flir DASS. A view from 20650 feet 2 years ago...

View attachment 677150

Looks very clear and good to me :)
WE ARE SO SCARED! Aselsan CATS in serial production and new variant DASS (higher resolution IR camera) is on the way.


CATS developed by ASELSAN; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is a high-performance electro-optical reconnaissance, surveillance and targeting system available for use by fixed-wing or rotary-wing aerial platforms, including helicopters and aircraft.

Incorporating IR, HDTV and DI-NIR camera systems, CATS can perform target detection and diagnosis from high altitude. In addition, the Laser Target Designator in CATS, with a range of 30 kilometers, can direct the MAM-L ammunition used by armaments to the target.

ASELSAN CATS FLIR System has been integrated into ANKA and Bayraktar TB2 type unmanned aerial vehicles so far. Development of a higher version of CATS is also ongoing.

Usage areas

  • Targeting
  • Discovery and Surveillance
General features

  • 220 mm Diameter Common Optical Aperture
  • Very Large Optical Aperture for Narrow Field of View and Very Narrow Field of View of IR, HDTV, DI-NIR Cameras
  • Small and Light System
  • One "Line Replaceable Unit"
  • Superior Range Performance
  • High Performance IR Camera
  • Real "Full High Definition" (1920 × 1080) HDTV Camera
  • 1920x1080p Video Output Without Digital Zoom
  • High Definition (1280x720p) 2.25 Times More Sensor Pixels Compared to HDTV Cameras Low Light (DI-NIR) Camera
  • Common viewing angles for IR, HDTV and DI-NIR cameras
  • Laser Target Pointer and Range Finder
  • Laser Pointer and Illuminator
  • Internal Sensor Alignment Unit
  • Fully Digital Video Processing Line
  • Advanced Image Processing
  • Multiple Target Tracking
  • Simultaneous Target Tracking on IR, HDTV and DI-NIR Videos
  • Precise Target Positioning
  • Determining the Direction and Speed of a Moving Target
  • Inertial Measurement Unit
  • Precise Stabilization Automatic Alignment with Platform
  • Operating at Very Low Temperatures at High Altitudes
  • CATS.jpg
Technicial Specifications

Laser Targeting Range 30kms, wow! much higher than many flirs.
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If they have issues with them using your weapons then why fcuk would you sell it to them in first place. Even Pakistan is manufacturing EO turrets at home so it is not some critical technology which cant be replaced.

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