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Canada foils 'al-Qaeda inspire' terror attack on train

I have my doubts because Canada always captures some terrorists a few days after something terrible happens in the US, makes me believe its to keep US happy. US always says Canada needs to do more, just as it says Pakistan needs to do more and Pakistan does capture fake terrorists.

Aren't you a genius

Einstein, you're the idiot here. We're worse than Jews for wahabis. AQ will work with a Jew or an Indian or a Chinese Buddhist before working with a "majoosi fire worshipper."

Plus the two guys that were caught were Tunisians! They were full on arabs. They're not even from the same continent as Iran lmao

PLUS, the Canadian moron that mentioned Iran retracted his retarded statement.

What was the name of this genius? I can't be bothered to look.

Canadian conservatives are hillarious. On one side they're super insane just like their American neocon cousins, on the other side they're Canadian so they're nice and friendly. That means they can go overboard and go full retard. He probably tried to please his American and Israeli handlers by mentioning the word Iran, without being ordered to do so, and then had to retract his statement after he realized how much of a **** up this was.

Do you have a comprehension problem mate...did I link the canadian incident to Iran...I was only saying that there will be AQ elements in Iran as no country which has a muslim population India included will be free of AQ elements....It seems that you are the big idiot over here....
Do you have a comprehension problem mate...did I link the canadian incident to Iran...I was only saying that there will be AQ elements in Iran as no country which has a muslim population India included will be free of AQ elements....It seems that you are the big idiot over here....


my head is about to explode b/c of your sheer lack of brain cells.


And you're right, almost all muslim countries have AQ elements, but that's b/c most are sunni and wahabism/salafism is radical sunni Islam. Iran is entirely shia. It's like saying Israeli Jews can be possible members of AQ. Oil and water don't mix.

And the terrorists that were captured were Tunisians Einstein.

Go troll somewhere else.

Learn the difference between shias and sunnis.
We should keep in mind the case of the toronto 18. Almost all the victims were falsely framed on charges of terrorism. Therefore trusting Canada when it says it has arrested members of a gang involved in an Al-Qaeda plot we should recognize it is just an attempt to shove the blame on a common world enemy. Terrorism is a major threat but we should be vary of plots to frame innocents. No doubt some other hapless Pakistani has been framed on similar charges even now.

my head is about to explode b/c of your sheer lack of brain cells.


And you're right, almost all muslim countries have AQ elements, but that's b/c most are sunni and wahabism/salafism is radical sunni Islam. Iran is entirely shia. It's like saying Israeli Jews can be possible members of AQ. Oil and water don't mix.

And the terrorists that were captured were Tunisians Einstein.

Go troll somewhere else.

Learn the difference between shias and sunnis.

Again another Iranian idiot who cannot comprehend..i know that the terrorists captured were Tunisians and not Iranians and I didn't say that Iran was involved....i was answering to somebody about non-existence of AQ elements in Iran....Iran is not 100% shias......there are some 4 to 8% of the population who are sunnis....i know the difference between shias and sunnis as most of my friends are shias....bohri muslims....don't ask me to learn the difference between sunnis and shias as probably i may be knowing more than you about....Good your head didn't explode otherwise it would have exposed all the emptiness inside your empty skull Einstein.....
We stopped what could be the worst terrorist attack since 9/11 and people here vehemently deny it claiming that it is a lie. This is a common thread that runs through all instances of islamic terrrorism: Muslims deny instead of condemn; blame the victim instead of the perpetrator.
I have never been to Canada but my family has.

I wish canadians the best of peace, they are really peaceful country.
Ofcourse you are right.

Because there is no such thing as Islamic terrorism...a fiction of our collective imagination.

Before you go on. Also advise the Indian Muslims that we do not see this as a stain on them. Before making sweeping statements against a group, realise religion is weak. People are strong.

I do not see events such as this as "Islamic terrorism" I see it as acts of the morally/mentally corrupt. People of no values.

No Ideology should make someone kill innocent. However ideology does make people do these things.

People should brush aside anyone who promotes violence against innocents. Stand up for what is right. Crush promoters of violence against innocents. A child does not choose the religion they are born in. Should they be killed for that?

Stupid bloody organised religion.

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