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Can we please have a SUPARCO sub forum?


Mar 5, 2013
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Bahio, dausto, mairay pyaray hamwatno any chance if you could please create a dedicated sub forum for
Pakistan's Khalayi Program called 'SUPARCO' within the Technology & Science forum?

There are quite a number of Pakistan's Khalayi Program related threads on this forum but they're scattered all over the place.

I would really appreciate it if a dedicated sub forum could be created in this respect.

Jazak'Allahu Khair.
although not a pakistani and have nothing to do with this....

but i support the request for such a forum to be created....will generate interest about science and technology amongst pakistani ppl
although not a pakistani and have nothing to do with this....

but i support the request for such a forum to be created....will generate interest about science and technology amongst pakistani ppl

supraco deals specifically with space tech of pakistan, I dont think there will be enough forum action wrt that subject. Its like BD defence.. :cheers:
supraco deals specifically with space tech of pakistan, I dont think there will be enough forum action wrt that subject. Its like BD defence.. :cheers:

i still hope there might be a few minor activities going on within suparco....as per my perception....a science organization is always busy doing something no matter who what how.....

but considering its pakistan....i cant say anything.....but m still little hopeful
It should be kept in a different category, I agree.
But regular updates probably wont happen, not many threads.

Unless we have some dedicated member to post and keep up with SUPARCO and related affairs.
There are a lot of people with a lot of information to share but they don't... not until they find a platform to share it in.

It's like there were a lot of Pakistani people interested in Pakistani military / defence but couldn't express their views or contribute anything. As soon as this forum opened 3,896,222 have been posted as of right now in the last 8 years.
You can share it in the strategic forces thread. Thats what it is for. Missles, nukes, space.
You can share it in the strategic forces thread. Thats what it is for. Missles, nukes, space.

Ji, I know huzoor but can you not split the SUPARCO side of it and make it part of Technology & Science sub forum please?
It's less of a Khalayi Program and mostly Khayali Pulao.

Everything's outsourced to China or Canada.

Yes....they have limited funds and more importantly no urge to do anything....
They didnt even bother to build referrence stations for Beidou,a task assigned to them by international agreement.
All they do is provide some commercial services and operate satellite tracking stations...thats it.
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