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Can we discuess this here?

Lahore is Lahore! I came to Canada in 2004 and it was very changed. Very much. Behaviours and dress ups. The city's going western. After 2003 its gone mad. There is this rush and hype(energy). You see ladies in jeans and shalwars which are semi transparent. It's bad. Does not resemble our culture at all.
Freedom should be given to the individuals. No need for forcing them to wear hijabs, whatever they do is what they will be accountable for. They are doing it even when they know it is a sin to do it. Let them go to hell. Why should you care?
Rehman its people's choice no one can force moderation and for that mattere uncivility on someone.

we too live here why all of us not do those kidna things and only certain people indulge in it .
Rehman its people's choice no one can force moderation and for that mattere uncivility on someone.

we too live here why all of us not do those kidna things and only certain people indulge in it .

Ofcourse, we cant force them, but we can shutdown places that make & sell Alcohol.

In its most recent annual report, the Murree Brewery reported a 37 percent jump in hard liquor profits over the previous year.

For the "modern" & "enlighted" Muslims here who eagerly seek to embrace a global culture, Musharraf incongruously manages to be a military dictator and yet also a symbol of modernity.Ever seen him walking around with his pet dogs and his love of whiskey?

Musharraf has expressed admiration for the secularist reformer of Turkey, Kemal Atatürk. [ who is considered "Murtad " (apostate) by Scholars]
That's because "scholars" haven't really ever understood secularism. To them it's secluding religion. Most of secularism supporters just keep religion out of politics and practice their religion separately.

We can't shut those factories because they are legitimate businesses. If adults want to drink and not be Muslim then that's their choice. We just need to make sure this stuff stays away from the kids and that's the job of the law authorities.
Well i do not think enligtened mean we should walk nacked and embrass global culture and i dont think so Islam needs any moderation it already is a modern and enlightned religion if study carefully with out biase.

as far Musharraf its his own views and liking we can not blam him for faults of and misdeeds of others.
enlightened would entail to mean possessing a broad understanding of Islam on a range of topics.

moderation is for our humanly actions that we choose to undertake.

these individuals are at par with all the extremist mullahs. These guys are just the other sort of extreme. Enlightenment is somewhere at the center.
enlightened would entail to mean possessing a broad understanding of Islam on a range of topics.

moderation is for our humanly actions that we choose to undertake.

these individuals are at par with all the extremist mullahs. These guys are just the other sort of extreme. Enlightenment is somewhere at the center.

I think that musharraf is trying to be the next mustafa kemal.

Enlightenment was a philosophic movement of the 18th century marked by a rejection of traditional social, religious, and political ideas and an emphasis on rationalism.

Islam is perfect religion, its complete and doesn't needs addition. Allah has made this Ummah a moderate Ummah. Muslims have to follow the middle path, the path that has no extremes or excesses.

There are some Muslims who do not know Islam and there are some who do not practice Islam in the right way. It is important that we learn Islam and we should learn it in the right way. Islam is neither harsh nor difficult. There is nothing in Islam that is not practical or impossible.

"The religion is easy and whosoever will deal with religion harshly, it will defeat him. So be straight, follow the middle course, give good news and make use of the morning, the evening or part of the night (in prayer and remebering Allah)." (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

In order to follow Islam you must make an effort and be serious. Learn your faith and pay some attention to it. Do not take your religion casually. Islam is not just a social and cultural thing. Islam is the religion of Allah and it is the most moderate, balanced, beautiful and perfect religion."
hmm....this thread seems to convey what I actually realised a few months back...umm...i had moved 2 pindi to continue my studies there but when i stepped into that 'once so religious' place...i realised it wasn't the same...all gone bad...and i just don't mean just bad...veryyyyyyy bad...and i was not shocked...i was SCARED to death, i mean i was going 2 have 2 live in a hostel with ppl with perverted brains...oh God it was horrible...but i survived and am back wid my parents...i hate that 'atmosphere' in pak...
what i feel is that they have this inferiority complex thingy shadowing their mind...they just want 2 become 'modern' which is leading them astray...and therez no stopping 2 it...all v can do is guard ourselves and those who are ready 2 listen...
hmm....this thread seems to convey what I actually realised a few months back...umm...i had moved 2 pindi to continue my studies there but when i stepped into that 'once so religious' place...i realised it wasn't the same...all gone bad...and i just don't mean just bad...veryyyyyyy bad...and i was not shocked...i was SCARED to death, i mean i was going 2 have 2 live in a hostel with ppl with perverted brains...oh God it was horrible...but i survived and am back wid my parents...i hate that 'atmosphere' in pak...
what i feel is that they have this inferiority complex thingy shadowing their mind...they just want 2 become 'modern' which is leading them astray...and therez no stopping 2 it...all v can do is guard ourselves and those who are ready 2 listen...

Please do tell us what you saw in Pakistan. Tell us more about this Modern syndrome
Please do tell us what you saw in Pakistan. Tell us more about this Modern syndrome

umm...no doubt in every family/nation etc. there are black sheep lurking around but the thing is that these black sheep are breeding at the speed of light...nobody can actually stop 'em...i reckon it;s just one of those signs of the Last Day that has been stated in the Quran.
Anyyyyway,yeah A. Rahman , sir , i think it's more of a contagious disease that's actually creeping into the vulnerable minds of poor ordinary ppl...can't blame them..it's the media and all that'hype',,,oh whtever...:)
fortunately i didn't bkum a victim, but the thing is that b4 it was just guyz doin stuff...u know...our society used to shrug their shoulders and move on...and ignore but u c gurlz have started bkumin an active part of all this...which is makin it all worse:( and it's all very tragic...
HA HA HA HA this isnt a news to me when i was in karachi saddar area this was hapening every night.dancing and all from what i hear know its also cool to be homosexual.(disgusting).
but the point is we all or most of us live in westren society we see and hear about this every day and dont give a second thought to it any one of us can walk into liquor store and buy any kind we like.and iam certain most of us dont.but thats the choice we make on our own no one is forcing us to go in or not.but when it comes to our home land we dont want the same choice given to those people why not.i mean government will collect billions in taxes.smuglers will have no incentive to smugle.and 1000S of jobs will be created.1000s of people who die of alcohal poisoning will be saved.
on the last page webmaster sas one should not force to wear "hijaab"

i will say if one should not force to wear hijaab the one should not also force to not wear ""hijaab""...like in turkey.....and like in so called secular states...france and recently in england.....

the point is....why are they doing this.....are they secular...???is there freedom...???
i will say if one should not force to wear hijaab the one should not also force to not wear ""hijaab""...like in turkey.....and like in so called secular states...france and recently in england.....

I agree with this comment as well, but even in Pakistan if you have a westernized mind. For example working in Karachi near the Mariot Hotel, there is some bank there, they would definately mind a person who wears a hijab with the nakab on. They have to keep in mind their standards, and company as a whole versus their morals and amount of freedom one needs to get.
if you have a westernized mind. For example working in Karachi near the Mariot Hotel, there is some bank there, they would definately mind a person who wears a hijab with the nakab on. They have to keep in mind their standards, and company .

i agree with you...but if we talk about freedom then the freedom should also be in this case.....
we can say this a diciplinary problem
leave this case....what will you say about turkey..??....

should this trend be allowed in pakistan..???
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