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Can we discuess this here?

Mansoor A Qureshi

Jun 8, 2006
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What does it say? I can't read urdu anymore, or at least not trying hard enough. :)
just talks about this girl/writer witnessing Lahore's party life and getting the shock of her life.

She's written it in such a cool style. So Lahori. Even a Dubai guy like me knows all this about Lahore.
yes its all hepenning here in lahore...i am from lahore...not only on baidian road also on raiwind road there are form houses used for this purpose....

as an architecct i have designed two of those and i know the owners and there society.......

i don't know that this is right forum to disscuss all this here....

can we do...??
So like I gotta play this song more often "Its getting hot in here..." They obey every command eh?

Man Lahore's just fine. What people do in their private lives is just that. We just got to make sure that the minors be removed from these parties and getting a control on the drugs would be an added bonus.

The problem why this has started to appear more often now in societies of Lahore and Karachi is that we either have the extreme liberals or extreme conservatives. Force children to be conservative without embellishing the fundamental need for higher morals and then one fine day they get the opportunity to go free this is what will happen. No ma and pa to see them commit the deed, its as good as never happened.

I'm not saying that this happens because of an oppressed environment. As the writer points out that the people here did not belong to an oppressed group. But were free, educated, rich and capable youth provided by their own parents. She seems hint towards the fact that it's their freedom that led here. But just like forced conservatism isn't moral guidance so isn't freewill.

Our parents moral support and teachings go a long way. More than any other teachers or gurus. They are the first people who teach us right from wrong. They were free. The people who knew right from wrong would've exercised their freedom to have chosen better.
Parties and one night stand, am i getting there? Its regular here in U.S.
More like parties, drugs, under aged drinking, public stripping, homosexual behavior, make out sessions, all packed into one Lahori night.
how can we stop drugs...?? even our poolice can provide you.....vine sale to muslims is prohabited.....can we ever got control on it...?? even our leaders use o drink...then how can you control....???
this all stuff not only belongs to elite class or burger families of efence but also penetrating into middlle classess.....

i don't know where our societ will go...form house concept is penetrating into middlle classess.....

they now demands a bar in there drawing room and in the form houses there is a formal bar room.....and in some cases even dancing floors
this all stuff not only belongs to elite class or burger families of efence but also penetrating into middlle classess.....

i don't know where our societ will go...form house concept is penetrating into middlle classess.....

they now demands a bar in there drawing room and in the form houses there is a formal bar room.....and in some cases even dancing floors


I haven't been to Pakistan in last 10 years, I remember Pakistan being an Islamic conservative society, but this article on "Lahore" has opened by eyes, I know some people from Pak who are studying in Canada with me; they eat haram,drink alcohol & engage in immoral behaviour .

I am really worried about the youths of Pakistan today, they are the ones who will lead the nation in future. Their minds are being corrupted by raves,cocaine.parties,girlfriend-boyfriend system * western culture.

we must never forget our Islamic roots and Islamic culture.

Brother these are the signs of qiamah that is very near, and Pakistan is on the path of destruction.

May Allah help us.

Hadhrat Zainab bint Jahash (RA.) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was asked: "0 Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) What? Will ruin and destruction come upon us even if there are pious servants of Allah living amongst us?" "Yes", replied Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), "When the evil of sins Spread", (then the existence of even pious people will not stop ruin and destruction.)

Hadhrat Anas (R.A.) narrates that Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "In the last days before Qiyamah, the faces of certain people from my Ummah will be changed into that of pigs and monkeys". The Sahabah enquired, "Will such people believe in you and Allah?" Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) replied, "Not only will they affirm these things, but they will also perform Salaat, observe Fast and perform Hajj.

The Sahabah asked, "Then why will such misfortune befall them?" Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) replied, "They will be addicted to dancing and singing girls, and musical instruments. They will consume liquor excessively. One night they will pass their time in the usual merriment and in the morning their faces will have been transformed into those of monkeys and swines".
(Fathul Baari)
Its not just something unique for Lahore, its happening all over the big cities.
I'm from Karachi and the first time I dicovered such a party was back in 1992 in a private mansion in Cliffton.
Yeah Musharraf's making the girls "take off all the clothes". Sehba won't be so happy about this new development.

You turned out fine and conservative living in Canada!

Now that says something about the humankind's choice making power. People are presented a choice between morality and immorality... 99% of Lahore still chooses right.
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