There is no such thing as ghosts, if you have a ghostly experience its the energy remains of an old soul. I had an experience in Croatia where someone yawned upstairs, came downstairs and turned the tv on at 3am. I went to look, nothing. Its just energy remains of someone who did something repeatedly.
Jinn/entities are real and I saw one in Pakistan at age 6, bright blue flourscent boy.
Both these experiences were not evil.
Entities will not interact with you on the main, they are existing in their own frequency range and keep to themselves.
Duality surely does exist in different frequencies as they are also part of the universe so you will have moral and immoral entities. Contact is limited unless you go seeking like Soloman. Favour for a favour does exist and you will lose your mind in the process. Keep your subconscious clean to protect your afterlife. Material gain through entities will corrupt your sub conscious and you will struggle to achieve "heaven" "eternal bliss" "God source" whatever you want to call it when you die.