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Can the US beat Russia in a conventional war?

yay or nay?

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If the war is fought in Africa / Turkey / Gulf and Some parts of Europe , likely USA will have upper hand as they will keep resupplying weapons to the troops in this region

However if Russia takes the war to US soil its 50-50% battle at that point

Russian soldiers are just a bit more unorthodox in their tactics

US has a extensive # of transport units in its forces because it wants to fight any global war on Non-US territory

However with Russia , who have Intercontinental weapons and ships to reach US shores , it would be an equal chance the war would be fought on US soil or Russian soi

The Dynamics of war have changed tremendously , as "More Territory" can bo covered due to advancement in transport capabilities vs in World war 2 days.......

Logically Europe would be first to fall , because that is how war takes effect , ground troops prefer to move to adjacent territories while maintaining a supply route back to friendly basis

Even if there is nuclear war the effect on Humans would be only for 3 generations between 60 years period after that , the Radiation fades away
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Where are they going to fight a conventional war? On US soil? Nope! In Russia? Logistics won't permit it. In Europe? That's a possibility. However, European nations would need to band together in a common front with the US against Russia. And that's not going to happen.

Therefore, all this talk of a war between Russia and the US is pure fiction. Purely a hypothetical scenario fit for the movies.


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However if Russia takes the war to US soil its 50-50% battle at that point

And this is why you aren't a military strategist. Russia lack the long-range and sustainable transportation capability needed to conduct a landing on foreign soil. Also, do you have any idea how many US citizens have guns and will use them in the event a foreign entity tries to invade our nation? Our police and coast guard are more heavily armed then many other nation's militaries. Add our armed citizenry and our nation is unassailable.

You say "logically Europe would be first to fall" - actually try logic next time. Logic dictates an in depth analysis from many angles and since you think it will fall I'll play the other side and say it won't. Europe's combined military power is immense. France, the UK, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Italy, the US, even smaller nations such as Lithuania, Latvia and Poland tailor their militiaries specifically towards the Russian threat. Europe is no slouch. They have well armed, funded and experienced militaries that can prove every bit as challenging to Russia as the US. Also, if Europe is in danger of falling they can go nuclear too as France and the UK have nuclear weapons in addition to US weapons hosted on European soil.

"Russian soldiers are just a bit more unorthodox in their tactics" - revisit recent history. The first Chechen war exposed Russian tactics in a bad way. The Second Chechen War still showcased their problems, while the current Ukraine crisis has been no cake-walk for the Russians either. You have never been in the US military, but I have, and if you think we can't do unorthodox you are badly misinformed. The US military is the most adaptable military that the world has to offer. We can fight any war, and where and under any stipulation and come out on top.
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If the Battle is fought in Russia, then America can't win. No way.

Look at what happened to Nazi Germany when they thought they could fight Russia on their own land.
If you want to go that route, then look at what happened to the Germans when the Allies fought on German land. Or how about the Iraqis when the US was on Iraqi homeland ? Fighting on home soil is no guarantee of victory.
If you want to go that route, then look at what happened to the Germans when the Allies fought on German land. Or how about the Iraqis when the US was on Iraqi homeland ? Fighting on home soil is no guarantee of victory.

You know Iraq is not over right? It's bursting again, ISIS style.

And if you THINK you can take on Russia, then go ahead and do so. The fact that America is not putting boots on the ground in Crimea speaks for itself.

Because it seems Washington is extremely upset about Crimea, very obviously so, but can't seem to go and fight for it.
USA war with Russia will actually be NATO(lead by USA, due to their treaty) vs Russia so technically Russia might lose :)
Russia wins because she is not afraid of life losses in a war.
I am sure US generals have it all planned out they have scenarios of every possible thing imaginable , planned already
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And this is why you aren't a military strategist. Russia lack the long-range and sustainable transportation capability needed to conduct a landing on foreign soil. Also, do you have any idea how many US citizens have guns and will use them in the event a foreign entity tries to invade our nation? Our police and coast guard are more heavily armed then many other nation's militaries. Add our armed citizenry and our nation is unassailable.

You say "logically Europe would be first to fall" - actually try logic next time. Logic dictates an in depth analysis from many angles and since you think it will fall I'll play the other side and say it won't. Europe's combined military power is immense. France, the UK, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Italy, the US, even smaller nations such as Lithuania, Latvia and Poland tailor their militiaries specifically towards the Russian threat. Europe is no slouch. They have well armed, funded and experienced militaries that can prove every bit as challenging to Russia as the US. Also, if Europe is in danger of falling they can go nuclear too as France and the UK have nuclear weapons in addition to US weapons hosted on European soil.

"Russian soldiers are just a bit more unorthodox in their tactics" - revisit recent history. The first Chechen war exposed Russian tactics in a bad way. The Second Chechen War still showcased their problems, while the current Ukraine crisis has been no cake-walk for the Russians either. You have never been in the US military, but I have, and if you think we can't do unorthodox you are badly misinformed. The US military is the most adaptable military that the world has to offer. We can fight any war, and where and under any stipulation and come out on top.
Really ? Please tell me more about how you came out on top in Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq, Korea etc.
America at War: A Record of Unparalleled Failure | The Nation
US cannot win a war on Russian soil. Russia would annihilate all the US troops who set foot on Russia soil.

US cannot wage war against cavemen living in Afghanistan without Pak support.

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