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Can Pakistan Lead Afghan Peace Process?

Pakistanis also need to take charge and drive change internally. Everyone has a role to play, not just the khakis.

And this was made clear by Gen. Kayani during his speech last week or two weeks ago.

100% agreed.
India does not have physical connection with Afghanistan that is permanent end to indian desire to poke its nose in Afghanistan and in central asia meaningfully. india had been infiltrating and running subversive activities using ride on Uncle shoulder (although that game run into its limit) and using so called assistance. Lately india approached Russia to sneak into the game. And Iran would not jeopardize its strategic interest just so india can poke its nose. So for india its in square one - infiltrate and run subversive activities of terror. But all these rouge indian elements could be cleaned up once dust settles.

Lately Saudi Arabia shown interest in playing role in Afghanistan. If so then there would be greater possibility that Saudi and Pakistani interest would coincide just like in the past. That prospect even more frightening for indians because that means indian inroad in Riyadh will meet dead end.

Chinese interest in Afghanistan is something new but China is here to stay one way or another. This definitely a plus point for Pakistan to have another ally and stakeholder on same side.

Russia sure will look to establish its interest in the game but more meaningful way it could participate is through possible Pakistani-Saudi and Chinese cooperative angle. Given Pakistan holds key, this is the perfect context where Pakistan-Saudi and Chinese cooperation should make sure Russia gets its interest taken care but NOT with any indian baggage. From strategic business prospective Russia should not see any problem with that.

what left is Iran question. Iran does have significant influence and interest in Afghanistan but their interest may diverge with Saudis and in some respect with Pakistani position. But considering greater goods and broader strategic goals these divergence can be bridged. This is where Pakistan can play crucial role to make sure both Saudi Arabia and Iran does not use this historic opportunity to elbow each other out. Both Saudi and Iranian interest will be best served if they look into broader strategic and common interest and not play proxy of uncle. If Pakistan can effectively make Saudis and Iranians act together then it will be crowning achievement for Pakistan besides strategic brotherhood with greater Afghan people.

One can clearly see india will be plying spoiler role running to Tehran, Moscow and again in Washington to cultivate fabricated intel and using subversion. But If Pakistan can hold Saudi and Iran together and China and Russia on their side, all these countries can achieve greater good for themselves and above all for Afghan people; they have suffered enough and deserve some peace and development. Saudi, Chinese and Iranian fund and Pakistan know how can take people of Afghanistan dream to reality.

very well said with good insight & perspective on the subject :tup:
Look at the history.

Regardless of whatever pacts, or mutual trusts were established, the Afghan government has always moved to destabilize Pakistan by allowing terrorists to launch cross-border attacks, allow smuggling of drugs, weapons, hatred and terrorism. They never took notice of any Pakistani reports on terrorist camps and hideouts in their borders, the terrorists who attack at Pakistani posts and convoys, the terrorists who blow you school, colleges, mosques and other properties hence bringing harm to not only military officials but civilians as well.

Any such dialogues are not going to work, atleast till the current government and US is present. After the US leaves Afghanistan, India would jump into Afghanistan. Not in military terms, the Indian military would be destroyed by the hands of Tablian. The Indians are smart by not laying foot in Afghanistan, but rather by political measures. I don't see Pak-Afghan peace in near future, because Afghanistan wouldn't co-operate and live to the agreements; sole reason is because India doesn't want this.

They never took notice of any Pakistani reports on terrorist camps and hideouts in their borders, the terrorists who attack at Pakistani posts and convoys, the terrorists who blow you school, colleges, mosques and other properties hence bringing harm to not only military officials but civilians as well.

How Ironic when pakistan has never taken notice of it's so called non state actors when India has time and again reported the camps, and here we are crying about afghans not noticing "camps" on thier side.

As far as pakistan overly friendly gestures, which government in Afghanistan has had good relations with pakistan?? right from kings and military dictators to communists to outright psychotic islamists, none could survive the wrath of pakistan!

Pakistan launched attacks on Afghanistan against - zahir shah's kingdom of Afghanistan

Pakistan Supported Rebel Mujhhideens against - Communist government of Afghanistan

Pakistan Supported Gulbudeen hekmetyaar/Haqqani and Mullah Omar against the Minority factions of tajiks and hazara

Pakistan Funded trained and launched Taliban forces against - The post soviet Afghan Government (Najibullah/Rabbani)

Pakitan Suported coalition forces invasion against - the taliban islamic emirate of afghanistan (which incedentally was the recognised government of afghanistan by pakistan and KSA)

Pakistan has continued it's support to taliban factions like haqqani and hekmetyaar against - the Current Afghan Government.

Indeed pakistan's such continued friendly overtures will ensure smooth sailing in Afghanistan!
India does not have physical connection with Afghanistan that is permanent end to indian desire to poke its nose in Afghanistan and in central asia meaningfully. india had been infiltrating and running subversive activities using ride on Uncle shoulder (although that game run into its limit) and using so called assistance. Lately india approached Russia to sneak into the game. And Iran would not jeopardize its strategic interest just so india can poke its nose. So for india its in square one - infiltrate and run subversive activities of terror. But all these rouge indian elements could be cleaned up once dust settles.

Lately Saudi Arabia shown interest in playing role in Afghanistan. If so then there would be greater possibility that Saudi and Pakistani interest would coincide just like in the past. That prospect even more frightening for indians because that means indian inroad in Riyadh will meet dead end.

Chinese interest in Afghanistan is something new but China is here to stay one way or another. This definitely a plus point for Pakistan to have another ally and stakeholder on same side.

Russia sure will look to establish its interest in the game but more meaningful way it could participate is through possible Pakistani-Saudi and Chinese cooperative angle. Given Pakistan holds key, this is the perfect context where Pakistan-Saudi and Chinese cooperation should make sure Russia gets its interest taken care but NOT with any indian baggage. From strategic business prospective Russia should not see any problem with that.

what left is Iran question. Iran does have significant influence and interest in Afghanistan but their interest may diverge with Saudis and in some respect with Pakistani position. But considering greater goods and broader strategic goals these divergence can be bridged. This is where Pakistan can play crucial role to make sure both Saudi Arabia and Iran does not use this historic opportunity to elbow each other out. Both Saudi and Iranian interest will be best served if they look into broader strategic and common interest and not play proxy of uncle. If Pakistan can effectively make Saudis and Iranians act together then it will be crowning achievement for Pakistan besides strategic brotherhood with greater Afghan people.

One can clearly see india will be plying spoiler role running to Tehran, Moscow and again in Washington to cultivate fabricated intel and using subversion. But If Pakistan can hold Saudi and Iran together and China and Russia on their side, all these countries can achieve greater good for themselves and above all for Afghan people; they have suffered enough and deserve some peace and development. Saudi, Chinese and Iranian fund and Pakistan know how can take people of Afghanistan dream to reality.

And the Pakistani- Saudi dream is ??? return of Taliban scum bags, genocide of Hazaras, extermination of shia's, ousting every tajik back to panshir valley and hanging Hamid karzai from a barrel of a tank! brilliant vision indeed. Dont be surprised, all of the above has been done in the past and with pakistani blessings / KSA money and China's permission!

And Indians are indeed the bad guys in this context, building roads, hospitals and schools are indeed heinous activities. Not one single Indian has ever carried out any terror activity from afghan soil but sure indeed all the developmental work can be easily traced to terror in pakistan and what not, but when time and again pakistani terrorists are caught and killed in india, of course they are "non state actors".

Bottom line

-Pakistan consistently uses militant proxies against afghanistan - but is still right!
-India builds hospitals, schools and roads in afganistan - but is still wrong!

- Brilliant A$$essment indeed!
And the Pakistani- Saudi dream is ??? return of Taliban scum bags, genocide of Hazaras, extermination of shia's, ousting every tajik back to panshir valley and hanging Hamid karzai from a barrel of a tank! brilliant vision indeed. Dont be surprised, all of the above has been done in the past and with pakistani blessings / KSA money and China's permission!

And Indians are indeed the bad guys in this context, building roads, hospitals and schools are indeed heinous activities. Not one single Indian has ever carried out any terror activity from afghan soil but sure indeed all the developmental work can be easily traced to terror in pakistan and what not, but when time and again pakistani terrorists are caught and killed in india, of course they are "non state actors".

Bottom line

-Pakistan consistently uses militant proxies against afghanistan - but is still right!
-India builds hospitals, schools and roads in afganistan - but is still wrong!

- Brilliant A$$essment indeed!

Tch Tch Tch ..

India is wrong cose Hindu !
and Pakistani dream is not for kill Hazaras etc etc etc, it is the Hindus we want to eradicate !

Happy now ?
And the Pakistani- Saudi dream is ??? return of Taliban scum bags, genocide of Hazaras, extermination of shia's, ousting every tajik back to panshir valley and hanging Hamid karzai from a barrel of a tank! brilliant vision indeed. Dont be surprised, all of the above has been done in the past and with pakistani blessings / KSA money and China's permission!

Well goodness gracious me, did you come up with that original material yourself or do you care to cite the indian "anal-ysts" like Bharat Vermin?

I don't even know where to begin; whether it be the part about Pakistan giving a stern warning to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan government NOT to harbor bin laden as well as the plethora of other foreign jeehadis (in 1998, following the 2 US embassy blasts)....demanded them not to destroy those historic Buddhist statues (which foolishly they went ahead and did anyways)....or perhaps the part in which all religious parties including those in the (erstwhile) NWFP clearly condemned and spoke out vocally against sectarianism and the ethnic cleansing against Hazara Afghans....

In last 30+ years, Afghans of all ethnicity and of political views had taken refuge in Pakistan: whether it was mass exodus against the Soviet terrorist occupation or flight from atrocities of a decade long internecine civil war in which nobody won. They ALL looked at Pakistan as a place where they could find safety, at least temporarily, for their families. How many shell-shocked refugees did you indians or any other country accommodate?

Hanging Hamid Karzai from the barrel of a tank....well as "colorful" as it sounds - I think ya forgot that we gave refuge status to that sorry sonofabitch for several years :laugh: ; he lived like a king in Pakistan (Quetta) while his countrymen in Afghanistan suffered. In that sense, maybe we should've denied him entry - given how much relief and prosperity he has brought to Afghanistan under the directives of his masters.

What has been done with Pakistan's blessings is an offset against indian meddling in Pakistani affairs using Afghan soil in a rather nefarious fashion. Those blessings will go on again and again as long as the status quo prevails!

but sure indeed all the developmental work can be easily traced to terror in pakistan and what not, but when time and again pakistani terrorists are caught and killed in india, of course they are "non state actors".

Not according to US. Def. Sec. Chuck Hagel (as well as even retired indian diplomats who have on-the-record as well as off-the-record admitted to perfidy regarding their "true intentions" in Afghanistan)

India financed problems for Pak in Afghanistan: Chuck Hagel - Indian Express

Regarding terrorists in india - until india musters the courage to accept the realities in regions like Kashmir, the resentment against them wont go away. Not anytime soon nor in the near or distant future. It's a slippery slope when india labels a Kashmiri freedom fighter a "Pakistani terrorist" while the latter is insistent that despite attaining education and having 'a lot to lose', they just don't want to be called "indian" or be a part of india

Pakistan's stance on Kashmir is a principled one. So if you want to talk about terrorism, first stop your terrorism in occupied Kashmir.

And Indians are indeed the bad guys in this context, building roads, hospitals and schools are indeed heinous activities. Not one single Indian has ever carried out any terror activity from afghan soil

Oh that's okay.... no big deal :meeting:

Pakistanis are bad guys too.

Mark Twain once famously stated that Johann Sebastian Bach's music was better than it sounded. If Twain were around today, he would have pronounced Pakistani-Afghan relationship ‘better than portrayed.’

Some 35 to 50 thousand Afghans cross into our border everyday (depending on the season) for business, jobs, medical treatment, education and to visit their relatives. More visitors now undertake documented travel between the two countries by obtaining visas or visit permits. The illegal entries and the illegal aliens issue will continue and never end - most likely. But the issue here isn't immigration policy. (Our Missions in Afghanistan issued a quarter of a million multiple entry visas to Afghan nationals during 2010 and in fact -- Pakistan issues more visas to Afghans than the rest of the world combined! That too -- with visa fees waived from Afghan passport holders!!

You want to talk financials or talk about reconstruction/infrastructure projects to show what wonderful people you indians are; perhaps you forgot that us evil Pakistanis are also guilty of:

1.) A state of the art Allama Iqbal Faculty at Kabul University
2.) Pakistan completed and furnished the Iqbal Faculty building
3.) Sir Syed Science Faculty Block @ Nangarhar University, Jalalabad
4.) Liaqat Ali Khan Engineering Faculty in Balkh University, Mazar-e-Sharif is almost complete.
5. Rehman Baba High School in Kabul was completed, where thousands of students are currently enrolled. (As another project on the same campus, hostel for 1000 students was constructed)
8.) Donation of Hino-Pak buses for the students of Kabul University
9. The sprawling Jinnah Hospital Complex with ten towers in Kabul. Provides one of the most modern health facilities in the country (we provided many volunteer female medics to treat Muslim female patients)
10.) Civil work on Nishter Kidney Hospital in Jalalabad. Afghan doctors, paramedics and technicians to run this facility were/are trained in Pakistan
11.) 200 bed Naib Aminullah Khan Logari Hospital @ Logar
12.) Donation of mobile field hospitals and ambulances to several provinces
13.) Construction of Torkham-Jalalabad Road in eastern Afghanistan
14.) On request of Afghan Government, Pakistan has undertook to convert Torkham-Jalalabad road in a dual carriage highway.
15.) Built three intra-city roads in Jalalabad.
16. Provided earth-moving and road building machinery to various provinces for local contruction companies.
17.) Donation of 50 coaster buses for public transportation.
18.) Provided military training to members of the afghan armed forces (in large numbers until somewhat recently)
19.) 2 Eye health hospitals, Limb Centre at Badakhshan, two Nuclear Medical Centers in Kabul and Jalalabad, are in the pipeline.

Pakistan has committed over $500 million for reconstruction and assistance projects in Afghanistan. However, every dollar spent by Pakistan has more effect when it is compared with a dollar spent by other donors. Our foreign assistance accounting system does not add establishment, oversight and inspection costs to the projects. If expenditure in these heads is charged to the projects, our committed amount would easily increase by another 50 percent.

Pakistan was also instrumental in facilitating the launch of several industries in Afghanistan after 2001. For example:

20.) State-owned National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) was the first foreign bank to operate in Afghanistan after 9/11. Two private Pakistani banks followed NBP to Afghanistan. The emerging banking sector of Afghanistan was heavily depended on Pakistan’s human resource in its initial phase.

21.) The telecommunication industry of Afghanistan drew Pakistani manpower, or Afghans trained in Pakistan, in its nascent stage. And that was well before Siemens or other foreign companies came

22.) Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) pioneered the opening of Afghanistan to international air traffic. It was the first foreign airline to start operations to Kabul after 9/11. Ariana Afghan Airlines uses Pakistan’s civil aviation training facilities.

Pakistan has provided transit trade facility to Afghanistan for decades without any reciprocity. The two countries engaged in negotiating an improved Transit Trade Agreement to further facilitate Afghan transit trade through Pakistan. We gave them authorization to even engage in export trade with india!

To enhance Kabul’s connectivity to the world, Pakistan plans to improve its road links and develop rail connections with Afghanistan. We have already done so with Turkey (via Iran).

A sad casualty of foreign occupation and long civil war was the performing art tradition of Afghanistan. Pakistan was instrumental in preserving some of this tradition: many performing artists took refuge, or grew professionally, during their stay in Pakistani cities. Today, a large number of Afghan artists have close links, and wide following, in Pakistan (from Karachi to Peshawar)

Bottom line:
A peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan is in Pakistan’s national interest while war and instability in Afghanistan is detrimental to our prosperity and stability.

Contrary hypothesis (as witnessed here) promoted so assiduously by certain quarters is disingenuous.
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Tch Tch Tch ..

India is wrong cose Hindu !
and Pakistani dream is not for kill Hazaras etc etc etc, it is the Hindus we want to eradicate !

Happy now ?

How did hindu come into this picture, cant you ever see beyond religion. you are as pathetic as the rest of pakistan.
Well goodness gracious me, did you come up with that original material yourself or do you care to cite the indian "anal-ysts" like Bharat Vermin?

Sorry if you found that distasteful, i apologize

I don't even know where to begin; whether it be the part about Pakistan giving a stern warning to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan government NOT to harbor bin laden as well as the plethora of other foreign jeehadis (in 1998, following the 2 US embassy blasts)....demanded them not to destroy those historic Buddhist statues (which foolishly they went ahead and did anyways)....or perhaps the part in which all religious parties including those in the (erstwhile) NWFP clearly condemned and spoke out vocally against sectarianism and the ethnic cleansing against Hazara Afghans....
Pakistani foreign office's stance differs drastically from ISI and military actions viz-a-viz Afghanistan, to such effect that, PAF had to evacuate intelligence officers, Military trainers key AQ and taliban leaders right upto the D-day. konduz is just one example, When Najibulah was executed in tank barrel tamasha, it had Pakistani military advisors embedded for the final assault on kabul, and such treatment of a state leader with blessing of PA, was despicable. Pakistan may or may not have sheltered OBL, but most of key AQ leaders were found (killed/ arrested) in Pakistan including but not limited to Khalid S Mohd, Bin al-Shibh, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh,Atiyah Abd al-Rahman ,Younis al-Mauretani, Ramzi Yousef..... If you want to implicate ISI of such gross inaction that most of taliban and AQ leadership have made a haven in pakistan, then it is your call, but the rest of the world sees this as tacit compliance and sheltering even with occasional horse trading based on US pressure.

In last 30+ years, Afghans of all ethnicity and of political views had taken refuge in Pakistan: whether it was mass exodus against the Soviet terrorist occupation or flight from atrocities of a decade long internecine civil war in which nobody won. They ALL looked at Pakistan as a place where they could find safety, at least temporarily, for their families. How many shell-shocked refugees did you indians or any other country accommodate?

Cause and effect: You and your leaders were well aware of massive exodus in case of istigating civil war in afghanistan, and your government chose to intervene by fuelling rebel groups against the communist government in afganistan. YOU CHOSE THE REFUGEE PROBLEM, as it came with substantial amount of FMF, FMA and EDA with additional US Aid....

Hanging Hamid Karzai from the barrel of a tank....well as "colorful" as it sounds - I think ya forgot that we gave refuge status to that sorry sonofabitch for several years :laugh: ; he lived like a king in Pakistan (Quetta) while his countrymen in Afghanistan suffered. In that sense, maybe we should've denied him entry - given how much relief and prosperity he has brought to Afghanistan under the directives of his masters.
You might be forgetting that his alma matter is Simla university if I am not mistaken...Btw the only legitimate unifying leader who could have changed the destini of Afghanistan, Ahmed Shah Massoud was killed by the blessing of ISI... (Massoud himself on record has mentioned two attempts on his life by ISI), so it wouldn't be surprising if Karzai met the same fate if pakistani backed taliban ever got into kabul...

What has been done with Pakistan's blessings is an offset against indian meddling in Pakistani affairs using Afghan soil in a rather nefarious fashion. Those blessings will go on again and again as long as the status quo prevails!
There are two perceptions of India's role:
1> India is paying pakistan back in it's asymmetric coins
2> Pakistan is implicating India, for it's own failure (india being the innocent party building hospitals and roads)
Truth; I am not sure about, I haven't seen any temples in India collecting money for BLA, or foreign office declaring Bla/ttp as freedom fighters, which cannot be said for pakistan's bakery of rainbows in kashmir. So when you do start fighting "venugopals and Harshwardhan's in BLA uniforms armed with Insas and tavors, please send a few nasr's flying our way, we would gladly accept..

Not according to US. Def. Sec. Chuck Hagel (as well as even retired indian diplomats who have on-the-record as well as off-the-record admitted to perfidy regarding their "true intentions" in Afghanistan)

India financed problems for Pak in Afghanistan: Chuck Hagel - Indian Express

It's hilarious when you start quoting US diplomats about India's role in festering problems in USA... If you put your solemn belief behind such thoughts, then please read:
Senators level new criticism at Pakistan for sheltering terrorists - CNN.com
Pakistani president Asif Zardari admits creating terrorist groups - Telegraph
Leon Panetta: U.S. "reaching the limits of our patience" with Pakistan terror safe havens - CBS News
BBC News - Musharraf admits Kashmir militants trained in Pakistan
Rice tells Pakistan to act ‘or US will’ - DAWN.COM
Taliban receiving Pakistan military equipment, U.S. investigation reveals - The Hindu
BBC News - UK PM cautions Pakistan over 'terror exports'
Cameron sparks diplomatic row with Pakistan after 'export of terror' remarks | Politics | The Guardian

Regarding terrorists in india - until india musters the courage to accept the realities in regions like Kashmir, the resentment against them wont go away. Not anytime soon nor in the near or distant future. It's a slippery slope when india labels a Kashmiri freedom fighter a "Pakistani terrorist" while the latter is insistent that despite attaining education and having 'a lot to lose', they just don't want to be called "indian" or be a part of india
No, pakistani terrorists is a poor youth recruited and brainwashed by ISI and sent as cannon fodder, that's it...as long as there is assymetric warfare in kashmir, India will maintain troops there to ensure there is no escalation in violence.

Pakistan's stance on Kashmir is a principled one. So if you want to talk about terrorism, first stop your terrorism in occupied Kashmir.
Principled??? what happened to your principles when you were a signatory to UN security council resolution but decided to sleep til 65, and then blatantly invaded kashmir against the resolution??? Please get off your high horse, the only reason you adopted asymmetric stance, because 1> the reality dose given by India, 2>mimic MB in EP

Mark Twain once famously stated that Johann Sebastian Bach's music was better than it sounded. If Twain were around today, he would have pronounced Pakistani-Afghan relationship ‘better than portrayed.’

Some 35 to 50 thousand Afghans cross into our border everyday (depending on the season) for business, jobs, medical treatment, education and to visit their relatives. More visitors now undertake documented travel between the two countries by obtaining visas or visit permits. The illegal entries and the illegal aliens issue will continue and never end - most likely. But the issue here isn't immigration policy. (Our Missions in Afghanistan issued a quarter of a million multiple entry visas to Afghan nationals during 2010 and in fact -- Pakistan issues more visas to Afghans than the rest of the world combined! That too -- with visa fees waived from Afghan passport holders!!

You want to talk financials or talk about reconstruction/infrastructure projects to show what wonderful people you indians are; perhaps you forgot that us evil Pakistanis are also guilty of:

1.) A state of the art Allama Iqbal Faculty at Kabul University
2.) Pakistan completed and furnished the Iqbal Faculty building
3.) Sir Syed Science Faculty Block @ Nangarhar University, Jalalabad
4.) Liaqat Ali Khan Engineering Faculty in Balkh University, Mazar-e-Sharif is almost complete.
5. Rehman Baba High School in Kabul was completed, where thousands of students are currently enrolled. (As another project on the same campus, hostel for 1000 students was constructed)
8.) Donation of Hino-Pak buses for the students of Kabul University
9. The sprawling Jinnah Hospital Complex with ten towers in Kabul. Provides one of the most modern health facilities in the country (we provided many volunteer female medics to treat Muslim female patients)
10.) Civil work on Nishter Kidney Hospital in Jalalabad. Afghan doctors, paramedics and technicians to run this facility were/are trained in Pakistan
11.) 200 bed Naib Aminullah Khan Logari Hospital @ Logar
12.) Donation of mobile field hospitals and ambulances to several provinces
13.) Construction of Torkham-Jalalabad Road in eastern Afghanistan
14.) On request of Afghan Government, Pakistan has undertook to convert Torkham-Jalalabad road in a dual carriage highway.
15.) Built three intra-city roads in Jalalabad.
16. Provided earth-moving and road building machinery to various provinces for local contruction companies.
17.) Donation of 50 coaster buses for public transportation.
18.) Provided military training to members of the afghan armed forces (in large numbers until somewhat recently)
19.) 2 Eye health hospitals, Limb Centre at Badakhshan, two Nuclear Medical Centers in Kabul and Jalalabad, are in the pipeline.

Pakistan has committed over $500 million for reconstruction and assistance projects in Afghanistan. However, every dollar spent by Pakistan has more effect when it is compared with a dollar spent by other donors. Our foreign assistance accounting system does not add establishment, oversight and inspection costs to the projects. If expenditure in these heads is charged to the projects, our committed amount would easily increase by another 50 percent.

Pakistan was also instrumental in facilitating the launch of several industries in Afghanistan after 2001. For example:

20.) State-owned National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) was the first foreign bank to operate in Afghanistan after 9/11. Two private Pakistani banks followed NBP to Afghanistan. The emerging banking sector of Afghanistan was heavily depended on Pakistan’s human resource in its initial phase.

21.) The telecommunication industry of Afghanistan drew Pakistani manpower, or Afghans trained in Pakistan, in its nascent stage. And that was well before Siemens or other foreign companies came

22.) Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) pioneered the opening of Afghanistan to international air traffic. It was the first foreign airline to start operations to Kabul after 9/11. Ariana Afghan Airlines uses Pakistan’s civil aviation training facilities.

Pakistan has provided transit trade facility to Afghanistan for decades without any reciprocity. The two countries engaged in negotiating an improved Transit Trade Agreement to further facilitate Afghan transit trade through Pakistan. We gave them authorization to even engage in export trade with india!

To enhance Kabul’s connectivity to the world, Pakistan plans to improve its road links and develop rail connections with Afghanistan. We have already done so with Turkey (via Iran).

A sad casualty of foreign occupation and long civil war was the performing art tradition of Afghanistan. Pakistan was instrumental in preserving some of this tradition: many performing artists took refuge, or grew professionally, during their stay in Pakistani cities. Today, a large number of Afghan artists have close links, and wide following, in Pakistan (from Karachi to Peshawar)

Bottom line:
A peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan is in Pakistan’s national interest while war and instability in Afghanistan is detrimental to our prosperity and stability.

Contrary hypothesis (as witnessed here) promoted so assiduously by certain quarters is disingenuous.

I am seriously impressed to learn about the all of these actions taken by pakistan, it is indeed admirable and I applaud such developmental efforts, which are much needed by afganistan...
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Pakistan and Afghanistan are both slaves of a made up military history from centuiries ago.

Unless they both update their historical understanding of the region, they cannot figure out where to go in future.

And thus Pakistan cannot play a leadership role


Afghanistan will have hard time accepting such a role.
Pakistani foreign office's stance differs drastically from ISI and military actions viz-a-viz Afghanistan, to such effect that, PAF had to evacuate intelligence officers, Military trainers key AQ and taliban leaders right upto the D-day. konduz is just one example, When Rabani was executed in tank barrel tamasha, it had Pakistani military advisors embedded for the final assault on kabul, and such treatment of a state leader with blessing of PA, was despicable. Pakistan may or may not have sheltered OBL, but most of key AQ leaders were found (killed/ arrested) in Pakistan including but not limited to Khalid S Mohd, Bin al-Shibh, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh,Atiyah Abd al-Rahman ,Younis al-Mauretani, Ramzi Yousef..... If you want to implicate ISI of such gross inaction that most of taliban and AQ leadership have made a haven in pakistan, then it is your call, but the rest of the world sees this as tacit compliance and sheltering even with occasional horse trading based on US pressure.

Please bro

quit living in 2001.

That was decade ago.

Update your views to 2013 because that's what @Abu Zolfiqar is talking about. And you keep on dragging him back to a time decade or two ago.

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