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Can Pakistan Lead Afghan Peace Process?

So basically India stuck its nose in where it didn't belong and tried to play regional powerhouse but now everyone who has troops on the ground in Afghanistan is finally coming to terms with the fact that it was Pakistan all along and not India who would be the game changer. If only these people followed PDF, this war would have ended long ago but the good news is most people are waking up to the ground realities now.

Lol.. this pakistani quest for strategic depth in Afghanistan has already costed 40, 000 lives and way more monetary losses.. keep it up.. this obsession is going to keep on destructing Pakistan!
^^ Once American leave Af.. Indians will have no flow of dollars either.

Indiasn would do any thing to keep that dollar flood gate open.
^^ Once American leave Af.. Indians will have no flow of dollars either.

Indiasn would do any thing to keep that dollar flood gate open.

is everything alright buddy? from whom India is getting dollars? :cheesy:
In such a case, you should sit back and enjoy destruction of your arch nemesis. What's there to loose? :drag:

Lol.. this pakistani quest for strategic depth in Afghanistan has already costed 40, 000 lives and way more monetary losses.. keep it up.. this obsession is going to keep on destructing Pakistan!
In such a case, you should sit back and enjoy destruction of your arch nemesis. What's there to loose? :drag:

Who said India is loosing anything? India is just helping Afghanistan to build infrastructure- build schools, hospitals, train routes etc. ofcourse India has another motive too- natural resources of AF.

but on the other hand Pakistan is just hell bent on destroying AF country by supporting terrorists!
Dude, read what I wrote again. Do you have problem comprehending sentences?

Z Pakistan Destroyed -> Z India Happy -> Z what there to loose (Z hint: What there to loose for Z India)?

Z, do we understand, Z each other? :blink:

Who said India is loosing anything? India is just helping Afghanistan to build infrastructure- build schools, hospitals, train routes etc. ofcourse India has another motive too- natural resources of AF.

but on the other hand Pakistan is just hell bent on destroying AF country by supporting terrorists!
In such a case, you should sit back and enjoy destruction of your arch nemesis. What's there to loose? :drag:

Well, India will do what ever to protect its interests in Afghanistan. Who ever has problem with it has to deal with it because it is bilateral relationship between Afghanistan and India and Pakistan or anyone else got no say in it.. Also believe me it will never have that kind of say in future too. Thinking of a return of Taliban ruled Pakistan controlled Afghanistan is a joke!!
And it took Mr. Malou so long to figure out? There is no other option. They have to reconcile with the 'Taliban' of Southern Afghanistan, which are nothing but chieftains of local tribes. 3 trillion Dollars down the drain, and I myself could have conducted a Jirga and engineered a similar solution.

There shall be no peace, unless the local population of those areas are given due representation in the affairs of the state, and nothing, I repeat nothing will pacify those tribals if their demands are not met.

Furthermore, all external parties should stop wetting themselves thinking that these tribes will one day turn against the states of Pakistan. We are one one blood, but separated by a man made boundary.

Since you are one blood and are just seperated by a man made boundary what are your thoughts on the reluctance of Taliban to accept durand line even back in time when they were very close to you and were in power??

Look at the history.

Regardless of whatever pacts, or mutual trusts were established, the Afghan government has always moved to destabilize Pakistan by allowing terrorists to launch cross-border attacks, allow smuggling of drugs, weapons, hatred and terrorism. They never took notice of any Pakistani reports on terrorist camps and hideouts in their borders, the terrorists who attack at Pakistani posts and convoys, the terrorists who blow you school, colleges, mosques and other properties hence bringing harm to not only military officials but civilians as well.

Any such dialogues are not going to work, atleast till the current government and US is present. After the US leaves Afghanistan, India would jump into Afghanistan. Not in military terms, the Indian military would be destroyed by the hands of Tablian. The Indians are smart by not laying foot in Afghanistan, but rather by political measures. I don't see Pak-Afghan peace in near future, because Afghanistan wouldn't co-operate and live to the agreements; sole reason is because India doesn't want this.

You are contradicting yourself here, on one hand you say the Afghans don't live up to agreements and then u say sole reason is that India doesn't want Pak-Afghan peace.
Dude, you too? Read the posts again.

Well, India will do what ever to protect its interests in Afghanistan. Who ever has problem with it has to deal with it because it is bilateral relationship between Afghanistan and India and Pakistan or anyone else got no say in it and believe me it will never have that kind of say. Also thinking of a return of Taliban ruled Pakistan controlled Afghanistan is a joke!!
Lol.. this pakistani quest for strategic depth in Afghanistan has already costed 40, 000 lives and way more monetary losses.. keep it up.. this obsession is going to keep on destructing Pakistan!

correction please: Pakistan's quest to help US war on terror has costed 40,000 lives andmonetary losses to Pakistan
correction please: Pakistan's quest to help US war on terror has costed 40,000 lives andmonetary losses to Pakistan

$70 Billion + to be precise... and lets not start about aid which is $8 billion to 17 billion.... so the question arises... we can't fight the war... its costing our economy and we are losing precious lives... if we can't eliminate intolerance in our country... which shows every sign of increasing instead of decreasing as was the purpose. We don't really think before we make decisions do we?
as long as pakistan dealing with china, uncle sam wont allow pakistan to enter into afghan simply to prevent chinese intrusion.
Dude, you too? Read the posts again.

Read post # 12 . India stuck its nose or not is none of the concern for others. India invested in Afghanistan to bring peace and progress there and also to make sure that incidents like hijacking of Indian flights and taking it to Afghanistan does not happen again. People built conspiracy theories around such nice humane gesture too that is insane.

The comment was actually not a reply to yours. :)
Can Pakistan Lead Afghan Peace?

For one, the Taliban claimed responsibility for last week’s suicide bombing that wounded Asadullah Khalid, the chief of Afghanistan’s intelligence service. The attack hardly bodes well for the Taliban’s commitment to peace,

Speaking truly, as of today there are so many kinds of Talibans that i actually doubt if the "real" Talibans are alive. Nevertheless, the Mullah Omer kinda Talibs have a very clear and singular stance that they are going to keep on resisting foreign rule, so these attacks should not come as a surprise to the 'outsiders'.

much less the capabilities of Afghan intelligence.
Hmm... so they also have an 'intelligence' setup in place. Right!

Serioulsy, militaries and intelligence agencies dont grow up overnight, so the writer can keep his sarcasm to himself.

Second, putting Pakistan in charge of a negotiated settlement contradicts the State Department’s official stance of ensuring that any peace process be Afghan-led.

If they still think that keeping Pakistan out of Afghan equation is untenable, then i doubt Bushes and Obamas will ever starve.

Having Pakistan in the driver’s seat not only reveals the real balance of power in the conflict,
There shouldnt have been any doubt about this at the first place. If the doubt was there, it Uncles Sam's mistake, others have nothing to do with it.

Whereas years ago, Washington felt that it controlled the conflict and could pressure Islamabad as it saw fit, the situation seems to have reversed:

:lol: Yeah right!

As as if Yanks were so naive. It's only that they are admitting to their follies in open these days, else i am sure they very well knew who the real boss was, and guess what, they are not seeing the writing on the wall by virtue of their righteousness, but only after they have failed to bring Pakistan to its knees vis-a-vis control of Afghanis.

for years they were reluctant to tackle their Afghan-bound militants more vigorously.
Not more reluctant than our US counterparts were reluctant to tackle their Pakistan-bound militants more vigorously.

In addition, it is unclear how the majority of Afghans will feel about having their peace process led by a neighboring state
Contrary to the popular belief the majority of 'actual' Afghans feels quite easy about this. After all we have been sustaining 3 millions of them since the last 3 decades, not to mention the flour and eggs that we smuggle out to them :)

that acts as a de facto sanctuary for armed militants ravaging their country.

If the writer is still unclear about how is ravaging which country, then why write the piece?

If anything, this peace plan rewards elements within Pakistan for their self-defeating support of Islamist proxies.

Agree, but if the outsiders can keep their nose to themselves, may be these proxies can die their own death.

Finally, a major reason why achieving a peaceful end state in Afghanistan has been and will continue to be so difficult is that foreign-policy planners in Washington simply lack the ability to solve the region’s most pressing geopolitical challenges. As I have previously written, the formation of a national government in Afghanistan must include a political buy-in from Islamabad. No question. Modern-day Afghan territories are tied culturally and politically to neighboring countries. Of course, the flip side of this interconnection is that it is incredibly difficult to cobble together a government in Kabul that has the support of all Afghanistan’s neighbors.


So...if you know this already, then tusi ithay aamb lain aye si at the first place?

For instance, the ongoing rivalry between Pakistan and India, and each country’s incentive to use Afghanistan as a proxy battleground, will likely undermine the viability of any government in Kabul. India has provided nearly $2 billion in development assistance to Afghanistan. But as the former U.S. commander in Afghanistan, retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal, wrote in his August 2009 assessment of the war, “Increasing Indian influence in Afghanistan is likely to exacerbate regional tensions and encourage Pakistani countermeasures in Afghanistan or India.”

Haha..So, if any of the you guys have a single working brain cell up there, then you must know who is to be leashed up, no?

Sadly, we have to prepare for the possibility that a lasting peaceful end state in Afghanistan may not be accomplished.

Hmm...you guys understood this simple point, after:

Spending more than USD 1000 billion


Killing another million Afghanis, Pakistanis and your own countrymen.

No wonder the yanks always find themselves between a rock and a hard place.

@Arsalan @Icarus @fatman17 @Bezerk @Luftwaffe @Last Hope @Asim Aquil
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@Xeric : I added some invites to your post.. i hope you wont mind.
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