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Can Pakistan become another Asian tiger

Can Pakistan become another Asian Tiger

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wow the thread has become a bengladeshi, indian troll fest
Why Tiger? I am sure Pakistan and China are brother nations, therefore if China is a dragon, then Pakistan would be one too.

Pakistan will one day wake up and become another mighty dragon of Asia and will be the strongest and richest Muslim country in the world! :pakistan:
Why Tiger? I am sure Pakistan and China are brother nations, therefore if China is a dragon, then Pakistan would be one too.

Pakistan will one day wake up and become another mighty dragon of Asia and will be the strongest and richest Muslim country in the world! :pakistan:

But Pakistan doesn't want to be a dragon but a tiger :)
First Pakistan needs a complete seal of its Western border with barbed wire. Send all the Afhgan refugees back home. Ban all fire arms without license. Ask all the tribal an Mullahs whether they want to be Pakistani or die. Once the choice is made, start a massive operation killing all of them including their children in the name of encounter. Fill those up with new civilized people from Sindh and Punjab and inject billions of dollars in agriculture, education, small and medium industries etc.

This is painfull but a must for Pakistan to become Asian Tiger.

the only Synonyms that comes to mind is an idiotic post of epic proportions
Why Tiger? I am sure Pakistan and China are brother nations, therefore if China is a dragon, then Pakistan would be one too.

Pakistan will one day wake up and become another mighty dragon of Asia and will be the strongest and richest Muslim country in the world! :pakistan:

Sorry Indonesia is the richest Muslim nation in the world and with India support it will become even richer.
Sorry Indonesia is the richest Muslim nation in the world and with India support it will become even richer.

first india should get rid of million ppl poverty thank you
Sorry Indonesia is the richest Muslim nation in the world and with India support it will become even richer.

Sorry to remind you that China's economy is larger than India's. Pakistan is supported by China and Russia now. More and more opportunities will follow.
Because another bharati habitual multiple ID Banned troll has opted to troll again and refresh the old thread for his reviving his habit


Post 53

LOL, sorry to disappoint you, but I discovered this website in the midst of the Bin Laden news. I have never been informed about the South Asian affairs as I was born in Canada, and this site gave me a new interest so I have been reading it for the past week or so.

Nevertheless, I found this thread, like most other threads I have been reading, right at the bottom in the "Similar Threads" box. At first, I thought that this was a recent thread since I am new to the forum, and started getting confused as to why people would think that, and why everyone is posting about Pakistan's growing economy. Then I realized that this thread was really old, and then decided to have some fun with that. You see, I post at basketball forums, and usually someone makes predictions in the beginning of the season like "The Lakers will win the western conference again" and then someone bumps it when the Lakers get knocked out, its for fun. By reading these forums, it's quite obvious that this place isnt really enforced and people troll and flame each other all they want, so I thought it would be funny to do something like that myself.

So, NO I am not a returning user with multiple IPs. I'm actually quite fond of this site, because it sparked my interest in current affairs in the Asian region. Regardless, no need to get offended, because all I said was "LOL" and other posters especially you ;) (from what I've noticed so far in my week of browsing these forums) post and do much worse things than this.
In early 60s the south koreans copied the pakistani economic model,to become rich.today south korea has gdp nearly equal to india.south korea is world leader in auto,electroniscs,shipbuilding.but today pakistan is only known for all the bad reasons in the world.
you reap what you sow pakistan sow the seeds of terrorism now it is hitting pakistan hard,first clean up the mess then become a tiger
Sorry to remind you that China's economy is larger than India's. Pakistan is supported by China and Russia now. More and more opportunities will follow.

so china wants to babysit for the future tiger?
Would be for best,economic growth and job oppurtunity will turn the poor away from terrorism.Go for it.
And some posters stop trolling,especially with some especially stupid comments like

'Sorry Indonesia is the richest Muslim nation in the world and with India support it will become even richer.'
Absolute joke of a post.
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