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Can Pak Tell US: "Take This Aid and Shove It!" ?

pakistan should spit on that US money ,which results in the loss of lives of their own people & loss of their soveriegnity.
It is better to live for one day & die in honour ,rather than living a 100 yr life depending upon US aid for it's survival :bad:.It is better for pakistan to improve ties with india & china and work collectively for the good of entire south asia & ASIA as india & china are both great economic power .
what is the portion that America contribute in Aid towards Pakistan from the total Aid we receive from the world? anyone ?
what is the portion that America contribute in Aid towards Pakistan from the total Aid we receive from the world? anyone ?

Almost all of it. I guess from what I read somewhere it is more than 90%. But this aid is mostly spent the way Americans want it to be spent. And it is not large by any standard. Total aid that Pakistan has received during its existence is less than 100 billion dollars including both aid paid in money or other forms of assistance and services. And total loans it has got also is around 50 billion dollars. So total aid and loans stand just at less than 150 billion dollars. The interests we have to pay in addition to work in disrespectful ways for that aid, just takes away all the benefits. According to estimates only in the last 10 years Pakistan made a loss of nearly 70 billion dollars in direct damage due to war on terror and this is just direct costs and does not include indirect economic losses and the lives of people lost. You can see how much we lose more during the entire history of Pakistan, probably several times more than aid and loans combined. That is why we should have an independent foreign policy and depend only our own resources to generate money. We can be a donor nation instead of an aid recipient.
Almost all of it. I guess from what I read somewhere it is more than 90%. But this aid is mostly spent the way Americans want it to be spent. And it is not large by any standard. Total aid that Pakistan has received during its existence is less than 100 billion dollars including both aid paid in money or other forms of assistance and services. And total loans it has got also is around 50 billion dollars. So total aid and loans stand just at less than 150 billion dollars. The interests we have to pay in addition to work in disrespectful ways for that aid, just takes away all the benefits. According to estimates only in the last 10 years Pakistan made a loss of nearly 70 billion dollars in direct damage due to war on terror and this is just direct costs and does not include indirect economic losses and the lives of people lost. You can see how much we lose more during the entire history of Pakistan, probably several times more than aid and loans combined. That is why we should have an independent foreign policy and depend only our own resources to generate money. We can be a donor nation instead of an aid recipient.


Mate we both know 90% of this aid goes directly to our beloved leaders accounts based in Switzerland and overseas accounts. We as a nation never see this aid assisting our people so please i know you have contact in the American congress so can you beg them to please "stop helping and giving us aid". I promise you it will in the long run make us stronger as a nation
Aid or no aid doesn't matter to the common Pakistani. all the aid goes to the politicians pocket. all trade deals made in the name of Aid are never fulfilled. the common man in Pakistan remains where he was. he doesn't benefit from any Aid trade deals and is expected to repay IMF loans which were never put to his good.

US knows this all too well but they are not concerned with what happens with the Aid, they just want their loans back just like a Loanshark.
No Offence sir,but was Kinda expecting this from somebody.

There is a lot more that goes into building a Nation then just weapons.
Energy,Education,Social Welfare,Healthcare,Commerce and Trade etc. .

I think Pakistan is in a Bad situation simply because they have to choose- Be with or against the sole superpower.
Being Neutral is not an option.Its not going to be easy unlike some Internet warriors here think.
I wish you guys all the luck.

Its better to learn to fish. Than take charity. Charity makes one dependent. I think your view point is biased. I think to produce weapons you are improving your industrial base. emplyment etc follows
a US congress committee found out that out of 1.6-ish Billion US $ aid in fiscal year 2010, only around 170.9 million was actually spent on intended purposes.
a US congress committee found out that out of 1.6-ish Billion US $ aid in fiscal year 2010, only around 170.9 million was actually spent on intended purposes.

And whose fault is that, if known?

Mate we both know 90% of this aid goes directly to our beloved leaders accounts based in Switzerland and overseas accounts. We as a nation never see this aid assisting our people so please i know you have contact in the American congress so can you beg them to please "stop helping and giving us aid". I promise you it will in the long run make us stronger as a nation

Dude if I had contacts there, I would first get a bail out for my credit card debt. Oh, man. Only if I could do that.
It would be hard for Pakistan to survive without US aid. Not sure about the future, but Pakistan needs aid right now no matter where it comes from..

Worry for your own survival lad.

I've seen this guy trolling in every single thread related to Pakistan, why no action taken against him?
And whose fault is that, if known?

Well, dont really know that.

Does the US not keep a track where all the aid money goes, and properly look at the distribution of that money.?
Pakistan can easily live without US or foriegn aid just like in 90's. Aid is only for corrupt polititions who are purchased by foriegn aid donating nations. If Pakistan was getting benifits of aid than today Pakistan would've become self reliant country. Stop all kind of aid to Pakistan.
Well, dont really know that.

Does the US not keep a track where all the aid money goes, and properly look at the distribution of that money.?

The Kerry-Lugar Bill tried to do exactly that, but the Pakistani leadership did not want auditable tracking of the money, for their own "reasons".
The Kerry-Lugar Bill tried to do exactly that, but the Pakistani leadership did not want auditable tracking of the money, for their own "reasons".

I am puzzled. On another thread you are saying that those trillions of dollars in mineral reserves are nothing, but here you are saying Pakistan should accept a mere meager 7.5 billion dollar aid. Is that right? You mean Pakistan should accept the terms of the aid.
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