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Can Muslims take criticism of the Prophet?

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You can also take cheap shots but in Christianity people have a personal connection to god, he is not some being that we can never reach or that never shows himself. He cares and listens, it's like a pastor I met, his daughter had terminal cancer but the cancer disappeared, this same pastor came to pray for my niece, which was on life support and had a slim chance of survival. The doctors said if she would survive she would have brain damage, so despite having two fatal long disorders which she could not bread without a machine, despite having a damaged liver and poor kidney function she recovered 100%.

My cousin also died and came back to life...she was an atheist at the time and she is now a Christian. You believe what you want about your religion and you can make smirky insults towards Christianity but it does not matter because god performs miracles in my life, and I have seen him do impossible things not only in my life but other people's lives.

Those that do take cheap shots are idiots, because then they do not understand Islam and the concept of respecting other religions. Sadly there are many. Infact, one of the most start of Islam بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm) the Rahman part is referred to as god's graciousness... and that is universal.. for the Muslim, for the Christian, for the Jew, for the Hindu for the atheist as well. Whosover of god's creatures cries out to him.. and even does not.. is in pain.. works hard to achieve something.. they will be heard and answered.

After two Genocides in last 40 years, Nuking a a country, killing two million innocent vietnamese, invading Iraq twice killing half a million Muslims, and Afghanistan twice killing over a million Muslims there [Russians are Christians too] you think that 'you have moved on' ??

Thats one hell of a statement to make...oh by the way....when were a 80 or so innocents shot dead by a Christian religious nutjob in Norway again?

You do know that the 'mujahideen' attacked schools, government buildings, bridges, ect as well as planted mines and indescrimanently mortared Soviet and Afghan troops with total disregard of collateral damage?

So how do you destinguish how many people the mujahideen killed and how many the Afghan army killed, how do you distinguish a Soviet Muslim Ezbek or Chechen soldier from a Russian Christian soldier or an atheist soldier? Your one million figure is cold war western propaganda, so much so that no one knows how many civilians were actually killed by soviets (not mujahideen or Afghan army). The estimated figures very greatly, as a result, no one know any true figures, at best it's outdated figures fuel by cold war propaganda.
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