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Can Musharraf win back Pakistan?

Sometimes Yes Sure, it's a peace full place!
Survivor of tusunami, yet again.
But still, I get contract works sometimes!
Most of the imports into India, hope you can get, between the lines, it's batmannow, fighting the dark forces to save his Gotham.:guns::whistle::smokin::bounce:

:D I can understand

Until JIT report doesnt have any COURT CONVICTION its still NOT CREDIBLE. I asked you how many Law enforcement Failures took place when MQM was ACTUALLY in Charge of Law Enforcement and you keep repeating JIT report. My eyes are wide open and seen how dangerous things can get if MQM is not around in this City because Karachi is a Magnet for all kind of Mafia and since people have made Peace with MQM so those Mafias doesnt get their hold in Karachi and Act COVERTLY while what Happened in Karachi is Alleged to be MQM's doing by people like you just like what ever bad things happened in India is Blamed over ISI.

Why dont you Admit that you havent got any because you cant fool me as I had done what you are doing before and done that in PTI's Favor. So here is Direct Question on both Musharraf's(With Respect to Thread) and MQM's Tenure.

How many Law Enforcement Failures were observed in Karachi during 2002-2007-08 period other then Famous 12 May 2007(That incident Built a Career of Imran Khan in Politics)?

Biggest joke of the year.

I can tackle all your crap easily but the thing is that failed to prove anything. You failed to answer my questions previously. Now you are again starting the crap which you failed to prove?

Incident built career of IK? In 2002 elections your party became 5th biggest while IK party who contested second time without having large number of contestants became 6th bigest. Why he was popular that time? in 2002 PTI contested from limited constituencies as well.

You admit it or not, PTI is the most favourite party today. It's vote bank is much more then your party. It is famous in entire Pakistan not limited in 1 city :D. PTI contested election third time and I will say first time with having proper number of candidates and gathered second biggest votes. What about yours? Consider it as concluding point because argument without credicle sources aren't worth spending time on it. First get something credible to prove your statements.
Biggest joke of the year.

I can tackle all your crap easily but the thing is that failed to prove anything. You failed to answer my questions previously. Now you are again starting the crap which you failed to prove?
If you think its a Joke but still the thing would remain that neither you understand things nor you have any idea about what Karachiite been through and to which kind of people in the City. I also use to think all of it could be an excuse during my student days but when I came to professional life in took the real taste of what Karachi actually is and what people here go through then I understood the actual Difference. For you its another story since you have no Background of Karachi or have no real connection to it but I have and I know things better then you on that.

Incident built career of IK? In 2002 elections your party became 5th biggest while IK party who contested second time without having large number of contestants became 6th bigest. Why he was popular that time? in 2002 PTI contested from limited constituencies as well.
Yes 12May 2007 incident was the one that Built IK's career because before that he didnt had much of a support and even didnt had many candidates for so many constituencies. In 2002 IK's party was called Tanga Party by the likes of Shiekh Rasheed and actually had ONE SEAT noe Sixth Largest as you claim if you remember it was all running his mouth on 12 May 2007 incident in favor of Liar's Movement that brought Imran Khan to the Spot light he gained during Popularity of Liar's Movement in Pakistan.

You admit it or not, PTI is the most favourite party today. It's vote bank is much more then your party. It is famous in entire Pakistan not limited in 1 city :D. PTI contested election third time and I will say first time with having proper number of candidates and gathered second biggest votes. What about yours? Consider it as concluding point because argument without credicle sources aren't worth spending time on it. First get something credible to prove your statements.
MQM isnt any Favorite Party its nothing but Better option for Karachi and Hyderabad it is only surviving because other parties have no interest for Karachiite and their genuine rights and PTI popularity is all about Political Point Scoring rather then Governance and it will remain that until they deliver in KPK. As I have mentioned before Karachiite are resergent types and doesnt Support so called NATIONAL PARTIES of Pakistan and this trend isnt very new instead its around for like 1960s right from Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah then JI(from 1970 to mid 1980s) and then MQM (from 1980s to onward) and this trend isnt changing no matter if it is Imran Khan or anyone else comes to it. even Karachiite didnt listened to Such an educated leader like BB and Chrismatic Leader like Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto what is Imran Khan in front of them. You still havent been able to answer my simple Question about 2002-2007-08 Law enforcement Failure BTW.
If you think its a Joke but still the thing would remain that neither you understand things nor you have any idea about what Karachiite been through and to which kind of people in the City. I also use to think all of it could be an excuse during my student days but when I came to professional life in took the real taste of what Karachi actually is and what people here go through then I understood the actual Difference. For you its another story since you have no Background of Karachi or have no real connection to it but I have and I know things better then you on that.

Yes 12May 2007 incident was the one that Built IK's career because before that he didnt had much of a support and even didnt had many candidates for so many constituencies. In 2002 IK's party was called Tanga Party by the likes of Shiekh Rasheed and actually had ONE SEAT noe Sixth Largest as you claim if you remember it was all running his mouth on 12 May 2007 incident in favor of Liar's Movement that brought Imran Khan to the Spot light he gained during Popularity of Liar's Movement in Pakistan.

MQM isnt any Favorite Party its nothing but Better option for Karachi and Hyderabad it is only surviving because other parties have no interest for Karachiite and their genuine rights and PTI popularity is all about Political Point Scoring rather then Governance and it will remain that until they deliver in KPK. As I have mentioned before Karachiite are resergent types and doesnt Support so called NATIONAL PARTIES of Pakistan and this trend isnt very new instead its around for like 1960s right from Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah then JI(from 1970 to mid 1980s) and then MQM (from 1980s to onward) and this trend isnt changing no matter if it is Imran Khan or anyone else comes to it. even Karachiite didnt listened to Such an educated leader like BB and Chrismatic Leader like Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto what is Imran Khan in front of them. You still havent been able to answer my simple Question about 2002-2007-08 Law enforcement Failure BTW.

Blaa Blaa Blaa MQM fan boy you should search that who came out the sixth biggest party in 2002 elections and it was PTI despite the fact that they contested from limited seats.

Hyderabad isn't completely under MQM control. PPP also won from hyderabad. I don't trust that incident created IK popularity because he was the sixth biggest vote gaining party leader in 2002 elections. He was popular in 2002 also.

Whatever you say but you should admit that PTI is more popular then your party and is popular everywhere in Pakistan even PTI have followers in London.

What is Your leader in front of Zulfiqar? As far as BB is concerned IK is concerned I don't like her and PTI and IK is more popular then BB, I believe that.

You cry or whatever you do but you can't deny the fact that today MQM, PPP and all parties are nothing in front of PTI. Even PPP, PML N is more popular and vote gaining party compare to your party. :D
Blaa Blaa Blaa MQM fan boy you should search that who came out the sixth biggest party in 2002 elections and it was PTI despite the fact that they contested from limited seats.
The sixth Biggest Party with only One Seat that is of Imran Khan himself.He was considered Tanga Party back in Musharraf's time by Words of Sheikh Rasheed which is Imran Khan's Best Friend these days.

Hyderabad isn't completely under MQM control. PPP also won from hyderabad. I don't trust that incident created IK popularity because he was the sixth biggest vote gaining party leader in 2002 elections. He was popular in 2002 also.
Hyderabad is Divided between two Districts in Which one which is mostly Urban District is Latifabad and their MQM is the Major Force while other which is mix of Rural and Urban Qasimabad has PPP Support while MQM has strong Presence there.

Whatever you say but you should admit that PTI is more popular then your party and is popular everywhere in Pakistan even PTI have followers in London.
PTI is Popular in Pakistan just like PPP was Popular in Pakisan during BB's return from Abroad back in 1988. PTI Politics is based on Populist agenda and it have no Vision. Anyone can earn Popularity by Speaking against Lal Masjid Operation when public opinion is against Lal Masjid Operation or Liar's Movement when Public Opinion are favorable towards Iftikhar Choudary so it isnt show PTI's Achievement rather it shows PTI's Lack of Vision and their Reliance on Public Stunts rather then Actual Ideology.

What is Your leader in front of Zulfiqar? As far as BB is concerned IK is concerned I don't like her and PTI and IK is more popular then BB, I believe that.
Zalfiqar and BB might be POPULAR but they were TRAITORS. Zaulfiqar was the reason why we lost East Pakistan and BB had left nothing but Corruption to her Legacy so that is why POPULAR LEADERS have always Proved to be Bad for Pakistan in the past and Imran Khan who have no Vision and following same route would end up same.

You cry or whatever you do but you can't deny the fact that today MQM, PPP and all parties are nothing in front of PTI. Even PPP, PML N is more popular and vote gaining party compare to your party. :D
I am not the one who is crying here it is you who actually is by Repeating again and again Admit that PTI is popular and destroying this thread which was Original for Musharraf winning back Pakistan.

MQM is Karachi based and I am Happy that way because entering in National Politics will Destroy the party Discipline and Ideology which MQM is offering Until people understand what MQM and their Ideology is and how it works. Even Imran Khan admits MQM has best working Structure available in Pakistani Politics.
The sixth Biggest Party with only One Seat that is of Imran Khan himself.He was considered Tanga Party back in Musharraf's time by Words of Sheikh Rasheed which is Imran Khan's Best Friend these days.

Hyderabad is Divided between two Districts in Which one which is mostly Urban District is Latifabad and their MQM is the Major Force while other which is mix of Rural and Urban Qasimabad has PPP Support while MQM has strong Presence there.

PTI is Popular in Pakistan just like PPP was Popular in Pakisan during BB's return from Abroad back in 1988. PTI Politics is based on Populist agenda and it have no Vision. Anyone can earn Popularity by Speaking against Lal Masjid Operation when public opinion is against Lal Masjid Operation or Liar's Movement when Public Opinion are favorable towards Iftikhar Choudary so it isnt show PTI's Achievement rather it shows PTI's Lack of Vision and their Reliance on Public Stunts rather then Actual Ideology.

Zalfiqar and BB might be POPULAR but they were TRAITORS. Zaulfiqar was the reason why we lost East Pakistan and BB had left nothing but Corruption to her Legacy so that is why POPULAR LEADERS have always Proved to be Bad for Pakistan in the past and Imran Khan who have no Vision and following same route would end up same.

I am not the one who is crying here it is you who actually is by Repeating again and again Admit that PTI is popular and destroying this thread which was Original for Musharraf winning back Pakistan.

MQM is Karachi based and I am Happy that way because entering in National Politics will Destroy the party Discipline and Ideology which MQM is offering Until people understand what MQM and their Ideology is and how it works. Even Imran Khan admits MQM has best working Structure available in Pakistani Politics.

:D Again you are crying

Seats doesn't matter. The point is that in 2002 PTI was the sixth biggest party behind yours party which was the fifth.

If your party is damn good then why it is limited in only one city Karachi from decades? Why not entire Pakistan or at least entire Sindh?

I am not a supporter of Zulfiqar nor BB.

You cry or whatever you do IK is the most popular political figure know and will remain for years while your party is a bit forcefully popular in 1 city from decades. :D

PTI is more popular then your party in entire Pakistan. Admit the facts first and don't cry.

About JIT report you say that it's not credible because it is not proved in court so tell me how you can prove that IK as you say got popular in May 2007 incident? How you can prove that your party is actually very supreme? Has any court said that? How you can prove that PTI Politics is based on Populist agenda and it have no Vision? how you can prove this PTI is Popular in Pakistan just like PPP was Popular in Pakistan during BB's return from Abroad back in 1988. ?
At Least BB was much popular then your party and its leader.

"Anyone can earn Popularity by Speaking against Lal Masjid Operation when public opinion is against Lal Masjid Operation" (if it is then your party is still speaking against Lal masjid why didn't they got popular in entire Pakistan?)

Give me sources to prove what you said because you say that a JIT report investigated by Rangers, ISI, FIA etc isn't credible then how I accept that your personal opinion is credible? Now answer this question first. You are so smart when it comes to you, you quickly involve other political personalities and change the topic. Now answer me first about these questions.
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:D Again you are crying

Seats doesn't matter. The point is that in 2002 PTI was the sixth biggest party behind yours party which was the fifth.
I would like a proof of that Claim because no Party in Pakistan has ever being sixth Biggest Party by having only ONE Member in the Parliament.

If your party is damn good then why it is limited in one city Karachi from decades?

I am not a supporter of Zulfiqar nor BB.
Pakistani Political Environment is based on Influential Candidate rather then Platform while MQM politics is Platform based Politics like JI they dont do Horse Trading or other such Practices and since having Middle Class Background so Funding Limits are also another aspect as they cant Fund Nationwide Election Campaign where every constituency required Million of Rupees for Election campaign Alone so that is why they are limited to one or two Cities and despite of that they have done a good job while being in two cities.

You cry or whatever you do IK is the most popular political figure know and will remain for years while your party is a bit forcefully popular in 1 city from years.

PTI is more popular then your party in entire Pakistan. Admit the facts first and don't cry.
Like I would care if he even became next Prime Minister?I have lost hope on Pakistani Government System long time ago and he becomes next PM or someone else Pakistan would still remain Same. He cant make any difference with Public Disturbances and COPIED Slogan of CHANGE from Barak Obama's first Election Campaign back in 2008-09
I would like a proof of that Claim because no Party in Pakistan has ever being sixth Biggest Party by having only ONE Member in the Parliament.

Pakistani Political Environment is based on Influential Candidate rather then Platform while MQM politics is Platform based Politics like JI they dont do Horse Trading or other such Practices and since having Middle Class Background so Funding Limits are also another aspect as they cant Fund Nationwide Election Campaign where every constituency required Million of Rupees for Election campaign Alone so that is why they are limited to one or two Cities and despite of that they have done a good job while being in two cities.

Like I would care if he even became next Prime Minister?I have lost hope on Pakistani Government System long time ago and he becomes next PM or someone else Pakistan would still remain Same. He cant make any difference with Public Disturbances and COPIED Slogan of CHANGE from Barak Obama's first Election Campaign back in 2008-09

Get information first because there is lack of information in your collection.

Talking to you was a waste of time but there's a fact you amuse me up throughout. I just laughed at every of your statement. :D
Get information first because there is lack of information in your collection.

Talking to you was a waste of time but there's a fact you amuse me up throughout. I just laughed at every of your statement. :D
That is what I am trying to do. Getting Information by Asking you because AFAIK Imran Khan only had 1 Seat of his own between 2002-2008 and you Claim he was 6th Biggest Party.

If you think I am waste of time then why even Bother Replying to me on the first Place?I think you got issues maybe you need to tone down your Obsession of Imran Khan a bit before trying to Understand a POV because you couldnt even able to discuss.
That is what I am trying to do. Getting Information by Asking you because AFAIK Imran Khan only had 1 Seat of his own between 2002-2008 and you Claim he was 6th Biggest Party.

If you think I am waste of time then why even Bother Replying to me on the first Place?I think you got issues maybe you need to tone down your Obsession of Imran Khan a bit before trying to Understand a POV because you couldnt even able to discuss.

I AM REPlying because you are quoting me. If you don't know about 2002 elections then search on google and your POV is as bad as hell.
Admit karo aur jan chudao:wink:
Aur kis tarhan Admit Karoon yahan Tak keh chuka hun...

Like I would care if he even became next Prime Minister?I have lost hope on Pakistani Government System long time ago and he becomes next PM or someone else Pakistan would still remain Same.
Ab aur kuch reh gaya hai Admit karnay ko tu batado.:hitwall::hitwall:
You deserve to be ignore because your leader isn't popular even in a province :D
Come on Ignore me already you are still quoting me even now. Is it so difficult for you to ignore a person or I am someone in your eyes who cant be ignored Completely???:azn:
Come on Ignore me already you are still quoting me even now. Is it so difficult for you to ignore a person or I am someone in your eyes who cant be ignored Completely???:azn:

You are quoting me again and again in every post of myn because you are begging for attention like your leader :D
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