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Can Musharraf win back Pakistan?

They are delivering according to the resources they have. You yourself is saying that they are performing well.
They are performing well according to last 20 years of Govt.s and according to their Promises. Dont tell me about so called Lack of Resources because PTI has so many of them but are wasting on Dharnas and Jalsas.

And I guess I don't need to defend PTI in front of a person like you. BTW. What have your party delivered to Pakistan yet?
In terms of Progress and Security then just follow the development of Karachi and Hyderabad between 2004-2008 when they had Power. PTI cant even come close to it in Peshawar even.
Passed is past, rise fall & rise, I am batmannow isn't That's enough?

Hmmm So you are now in Thailand? enjoying on beaches? :yahoo:

They are performing well according to last 20 years of Govt.s and according to their Promises. Dont tell me about so called Lack of Resources because PTI has so many of them but are wasting on Dharnas and Jalsas.

In terms of Progress and Security then just follow the development of Karachi and Hyderabad between 2004-2008 when they had Power. PTI cant even come close to it in Peshawar even.

Oh really? Then what happened after 2007 they remained in power even in federal? What progress and development? We have a thread here with more then 200+ posts can you please start a thread here and see what everyone posts here about your party. :D
Oh really? Then what happened after 2007 they remained in power even in federal? What progress and development? We have a thread here with more then 200+ posts can you please start a thread here and see what everyone posts here about your party. :D
MQM left you with one incident to Complain about and consider that MQM's favor to you because you wont find any other incident of such sort between my above mentioned period and what about PTI Govt. in KPK does KPK Law and Order so good to compare with?From Bombing Church to APS Terror Attack that doesnt provide any good description of KPK PTI Govt because they are Numerous and have more Casualties. either. Still I am giving PTI some Credit for Development in KPK because I know it is happening after a long time in KPK but seems like IK Fan club doesnt wants to agree with anything beyond IK's words.
MQM left you with one incident to Complain about and consider that MQM's favor to you because you wont find any other incident of such sort between my above mentioned period and what about PTI Govt. in KPK does KPK Law and Order so good to compare with?From Bombing Church to APS Terror Attack that doesnt provide any good description of KPK PTI Govt because they are Numerous and have more Casualties. either. Still I am giving PTI some Credit for Development in KPK because I know it is happening after a long time in KPK but seems like IK Fan club doesn't wants to agree with anything beyond IK's words.

You are giving credit to KPK govt because it deserve that. I guess you should read the Law N Order situation of Karachi and inner sindh. Remember Shikarpur incident? Remember baldia fire incident? target killing? bhatta khori? bori band laash?

Kiddos Kiddos Kiddos.
You are giving credit to KPK govt because it deserve that. I guess you should read the Law N Order situation of Karachi and inner sindh. Remember Shikarpur incident? Remember baldia fire incident? target killing? bhatta khori? bori band laash?

Kiddos Kiddos Kiddos.
Yes I am giving KPK Govt. some Credit which they deserve but its not even close to which PTI Actually Promised before Elections so dont feel to happy about it.

The law and Order is controlled by Interior Ministry and since March 2008 its under PPP Control so you cant Blame MQM for those mentioned Incidents because they arent in charge of Law Enforcement like PTI is In charge of KPK Law N Order currently and I can count so many Bomb Blast taken place within their Tenure.

This was the same reason why I mentioned period between 2002-2007-08 because at that time MQM had their Interior Minister (Waseeem Akhter) in Sindh Province and also had their Mayor in Urban Sindh at least. Between that period you only end up with Famous 12 May 2007 incident which was the only Major Law Enforcement Failure during mentioned Period. So do the comparison yourself.
Yes I am giving KPK Govt. some Credit which they deserve but its not even close to which PTI Actually Promised before Elections so dont feel to happy about it.

The law and Order is controlled by Interior Ministry and since March 2008 its under PPP Control so you cant Blame MQM for those mentioned Incidents because they arent in charge of Law Enforcement like PTI is In charge of KPK Law N Order currently and I can count so many Bomb Blast taken place within their Tenure.

This was the same reason why I mentioned period between 2002-2007-08 because at that time MQM had their Interior Minister (Waseeem Akhter) in Sindh Province and also had their Mayor in Urban Sindh at least. Between that period you only end up with Famous 12 May 2007 incident which was the only Major Law Enforcement Failure during mentioned Period. So do the comparison yourself.

:D It was really awful
Could you be more specific about what and why it was Awful???

It can't be more particular. It's particularly awful. You should read our entire conversation and understand why it was awful.
It can't be more particular. It's particularly awful. You should read our entire conversation and understand why it was awful.
You were too quick to mention 12 May incident but now you arent finding much but I can find many bomb blasts and Prisoner Escaping from Jail happened in KPK right within PTI Govt. Anyways no pressure on you because during 2002-2007-08 Musharraf was the real Boss and his Iron Grip on Security was the reason why whole Pakistan was in Peace despite of having same Terrorist Outfits operating within Pakistan.
You were too quick to mention 12 May incident but now you arent finding much but I can find many bomb blasts and Prisoner Escaping from Jail happened in KPK right within PTI Govt. Anyways no pressure on you because during 2002-2007-08 Musharraf was the real Boss and his Iron Grip on Security was the reason why whole Pakistan was in Peace despite of having same Terrorist Outfits operating within Pakistan.

I can pick up many and I have mentioned many before but I am now of the view that nothing will come out after arguing with you because you won't trust anybody except your party and as far as you are concerned you have no credible source to prove any of your logic or statement.
I can pick up many and I have mentioned many before but I am now of the view that nothing will come out after arguing with you because you won't trust anybody except your party and as far as you are concerned you have no credible source to prove any of your logic or statement.
You have mentioned Baldia Town Arson and Shikarpur Blast specifically and both of them didnt happened when MQM had Interior Minister in Sindh and rest of it had been Allegations and nothing else.

Against that all you come up with is I am madly in love with MQM which is proving to be otherwise related to your Support for PTI in our discussion. Its a poor old Diversion tactics to avoid the direct Answer doesnt work on me because I have also Played it in PTI's favor in the past so dont come up with Blind supporting Crap Idea on me just provide a Direct answer if you can or otherwise it would be self Admission from your part that MQM's Sindh Govt. and Musharraf period in Pakistan was way better then what PTI is offering in return today.
You have mentioned Baldia Town Arson and Shikarpur Blast specifically and both of them didnt happened when MQM had Interior Minister in Sindh and rest of it had been Allegations and nothing else.

Against that all you come up with is I am madly in love with MQM which is proving to be otherwise related to your Support for PTI in our discussion. Its a poor old Diversion tactics to avoid the direct Answer doesnt work on me because I have also Played it in PTI's favor in the past so dont come up with Blind supporting Crap Idea on me just provide a Direct answer if you can or otherwise it would be self Admission from your part that MQM's Sindh Govt. and Musharraf period in Pakistan was way better then what PTI is offering in return today.

Baldia town? I was referring towards JIT report. :D I am not changing the topic. The fact is that you have nothing to prove your statements. Mostly your statements are based on your personal viewpoint. When IK will come in power we will see whose govt was better. Allegations? You should better open your eyes and realize what is happening here. Blind MQM lover

I don't want to provide any answer to you anymore because you have nothing to prove your statements. Everything you come up with new "Bongi" and start fighting on it. I am trying to avoid you now.
Baldia town? I was referring towards JIT report. :D I am not changing the topic. The fact is that you have nothing to prove your statements. Mostly your statements are based on your personal viewpoint. When IK will come in power we will see whose govt was better. Allegations? You should better open your eyes and realize what is happening here. Blind MQM lover
Until JIT report doesnt have any COURT CONVICTION its still NOT CREDIBLE. I asked you how many Law enforcement Failures took place when MQM was ACTUALLY in Charge of Law Enforcement and you keep repeating JIT report. My eyes are wide open and seen how dangerous things can get if MQM is not around in this City because Karachi is a Magnet for all kind of Mafia and since people have made Peace with MQM so those Mafias doesnt get their hold in Karachi and Act COVERTLY while what Happened in Karachi is Alleged to be MQM's doing by people like you just like what ever bad things happened in India is Blamed over ISI.

I don't want to provide any answer to you anymore because you have nothing to prove your statements. Everything you come up with new "Bongi" and start fighting on it. I am trying to avoid you now.
Why dont you Admit that you havent got any because you cant fool me as I had done what you are doing before and done that in PTI's Favor. So here is Direct Question on both Musharraf's(With Respect to Thread) and MQM's Tenure.

How many Law Enforcement Failures were observed in Karachi during 2002-2007-08 period other then Famous 12 May 2007(That incident Built a Career of Imran Khan in Politics)?
Hmmm So you are now in Thailand? enjoying on beaches? :yahoo:

Oh really? Then what happened after 2007 they remained in power even in federal? What progress and development? We have a thread here with more then 200+ posts can you please start a thread here and see what everyone posts here about your party. :D
Sometimes Yes Sure, it's a peace full place!
Survivor of tusunami, yet again.
But still, I get contract works sometimes!
Most of the imports into India, hope you can get, between the lines, it's batmannow, fighting the dark forces to save his Gotham.:guns::whistle::smokin::bounce:
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