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Can Iran's government evolve?

Well, Then you are irrational.
Ha, you don't fool me....I know you're not in Iran. I won't say the marker that gave you away but I caught it. Karla would have been proud me :)
Ha, you don't fool me....I know you're not in Iran. I won't say the marker that gave you away but I caught it. Karla would have been proud me :)
I don't know what you're talking about.
Let me start by saying please don't get offended, this is only a question being posed not a demand or battle cry. I just want to step back and look at Iran in the past 40 years and see where we were and where we can end up.
I just think Iran is in a quagmire, we're stuck in neutral, yes we've achieved some great milestones in self sufficiency and industry but I look around and see Turkey, UAE and places like India and Thailand coming online and making great strides while we remain stagnate. It is my opinion that our revolutionary government has painted our nation into a corner and I don't see a way out. Some of the issues plaguing our nation is due to the fact we have made some powerful enemies, which begs the question how did this happen? Well in my opinion the creation of these enemies and issues can only be blamed on our leadership. The leadership that thought Iran is an island, that we don't need the world, or that the world can't touch us. Now I'm all for standing up to bad actors such as Israel and S.A. but how come our relationship with much of Europe is also in bad shape? Why don't we have solid relationship with Canada and Australia? Basically we have almost no allies, who is to blame for this? What does the end of this road look like? How do we break away from sanctions? How is our economy going to grow when we have so many countries working on our demise?
Well it maybe to late to answer the previous questions, it's already past that point, the solution in my opinion is to evolve.....Let me be clear I didn't say we need a revolution, but I think we need a fresh government, one that is not so diffused and atomized that there is no center of power.
In short, do we need a politically charged spiritual leader? Do we need an Assembly of Experts telling us who can run for president?....do we need an Expediency Council that is not elected by the people? What we need is a government that looks more like the world and less like a prewar Italy. We need an elected president with sweeping powers, a president that leads/controls the military, we need a president that can set the course for the nation, we also need a freely elected senate that checks the power of that said president.
So, can Iran's Byzantine government with these many organs and dysfunction reform without a violent revolution? I certainly hope so, the last thing we need is a civil war...a war that would certainly be celebrated by our enemies. However, the status quo will only lead to more stagnation, while our rivals make progress, lifting their economies and their middle class. Our people are one of the best and brightest in the world, they deserve a fair chance at economic prosperity. So I ask again, where do we go from here?
If our revolutionary government has painted our nation into a corner then what was the JCPoA?
It's much more complicated...

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