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Can Iran trust Turkey to be a leader in the Muslim world?

you are my brother like azerbaijan people , why you are angry?
i have never said kurds are animal .. and not only kurds died in van
No you didn't say,but some Turkish members said it.
As long as we don't look at races for categorizing humans,everyone is respected.
I'm a little angry because from yesterday I've seen some things about this quake and the people who,are cowardly trying to take advantage of it.
Sorry if I was harsh a little.
Thanks for the long rant on the Iran Iraq war, like you are the only one who lost loved ones/anything important through that. But I understand the tactic, when your argument fails, play the emotions card! Also my regards about Takhti where a reposte to your earlier comments about my ID Pahlevan, but I see that went completely over your head. What a shocker! But you've earnt it, so what else is there to say.

You stick up for a coward you insults others family members over the internet, and as you see 2 other Iranian members where asking him to stop trolling as well. So that is why I call you a coward. And in case you havent noticed there is no such thing as the ethnicity police or spokesman for the truth. You speak about these things like they are real lol. It is just about average people who know what is right and what is wrong. Just because you sit behind the anonimity of your computer screen, that doesnt give you the right to type any BS that comes to your mind.

Oh so now you're a mind reader too? You can tell that my experiences as a youth and the agony of a nation for so many years was a debating tactic? You sound like a multi-talented young man...lol And of course your comment about Takhti went above my head. How can I be expected to understand the musings of a genius of your calibre? And yes, I've earned Takhti's picture and I'm not gonna tell you why. But you can go tell everybody that I'm lying about this. Because you know what people think and who they really are.

And others also voiced their opinion about the thread. But nobody went after him in a personal way and tried to embarrass him. You did that. That was below the belt. Admit it and become a man.

And by your own admission you speak for the truth. So what's wrong with being called the spokesman for the truth? It's only silly if you think the notion of 'truth' is silly. Which you don't. So spokesman for the truth you are.

Furthermore, I don't know if you're sending your messages by pigeons. But I have to sit behind the computer to do it. Maybe that's another one of your talents...
Oh so now you're a mind reader too? You can tell that my experiences as a youth and the agony of a nation for so many years was a debating tactic? You sound like a multi-talented young man...lol And of course your comment about Takhti went above my head. How can I be expected to understand the musings of a genius of your calibre? And yes, I've earned Takhti's picture and I'm not gonna tell you why. But you can go tell everybody that I'm lying about this. Because you know what people think and who they really are.

And others also voiced their opinion about the thread. But nobody went after him in a personal way and tried to embarrass him. You did that. That was below the belt. Admit it and become a man.

And by your own admission you speak for the truth. So what's wrong with being called the spokesman for the truth? It's only silly if you think the notion of 'truth' is silly. Which you don't. So spokesman for the truth you are.

Furthermore, I don't know if you're sending your messages by pigeons. But I have to sit behind the computer to do it. Maybe that's another one of your talents...

Another thing you didnt understand... Not surprisingly... I said behind your computer because I wouldn't type anything that I wouldn't be willing to say to somebody's face. Somehow you went from that to pidgeons, takes a special mind. You may have suffered during Iraq war but so did most Iranians on this board. I myself have many shahids in my family. But I dont go yelling about it to try and get sympathy every time I am losing an argument.
Debating with you is like pissing in the wind. A wise man once said don't argue with idiots. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience! With that said I am off. You may continue babbling on ofcourse...
same region same history same religion same language same people do you want more ?

Yes I want more. Are you also a shia Muslim? Did your ancestors fight along with Babak Khorramdin? Was your grand father involved in the constitutional revolution?
Exactly. So why are these pan-turkist fascist allowed to troll every Iranian thread? That's been going on here long before I arrived..

That is a good point but remember this is not a Iranian websites and we must deal with it the proper way......what you just did is not the proper way, we are much better than that, and your insults in Farsi to Pahlevan are uncalled for.in dorost nist karet.
This is a public forum baradar, ghodeto control kon.
i dont speak about historical name of azerbaijan .. it came from kurdish language it means land of fire

It came from Iranian language not Kurdish

. balkan is turkish word this does not mean that the greeks and serbs of turkish origin i speak about turks in iran they never called azeri or azari themselves.. always they called turk themselves in iran or azerbaijan .
We respect you and we look forward to the same

Iranian Turks are minorities like Armenians in Iran.....they are proud of their heritage but they reject Anatolian Turks ideology. Some of my friends are Turkish Iranian. You guys just don't understand how Iranian Turks and Iranian Azaris are, they don't believe in you.
Another thing you didnt understand... Not surprisingly... I said behind your computer because I wouldn't type anything that I wouldn't be willing to say to somebody's face. Somehow you went from that to pidgeons, takes a special mind. You may have suffered during Iraq war but so did most Iranians on this board. I myself have many shahids in my family. But I dont go yelling about it to try and get sympathy every time I am losing an argument.
Debating with you is like pissing in the wind. A wise man once said don't argue with idiots. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience! With that said I am off. You may continue babbling on ofcourse...

Thank you for your kind permission. I think I will babble on some more. Sorry I didn't get your point about sitting behind the computer and posting anonymously. You're so full of subtleties, it must be painful. But since you are the champion of truth and honesty and everything nice, would you actually come out and tell me everything you have said in this thread to my face, if I called you on this?

And I speak of my own personal experience. What about you? If you have family members that gave their lives for Iran, I bow to their soul and memory. But what does that do for a loud mouthed kid growing up in the UK? Don't get me wrong. I, in no shape or form intend to compete with you over the pain and agony of war that you may have suffered and all the wisdom you have acquired through the stories you have heard about it. You win! I merely wished to point out that willful ignorance and complacence toward the rabid and aggressive ideologies that dominate some of our neighbouring countries may have profound and devastating effects on ours. But of course you know all this through your well of experience and I submit to your boundless wisdom.
Thank you for your kind permission. I think I will babble on some more. Sorry I didn't get your point about sitting behind the computer and posting anonymously. You're so full of subtleties, it must be painful. But since you are the champion of truth and honesty and everything nice, would you actually come out and tell me everything you have said in this thread to my face, if I called you on this?

And I speak of my own personal experience. What about you? If you have family members that gave their lives for Iran, I bow to their soul and memory. But what does that do for a loud mouthed kid growing up in the UK? Don't get me wrong. I, in no shape or form intend to compete with you over the pain and agony of war that you may have suffered and all the wisdom you have acquired through the stories you have heard about it. You win! I merely wished to point out that willful ignorance and complacence toward the rabid and aggressive ideologies that dominate some of our neighbouring countries may have profound and devastating effects on ours. But of course you know all this through your well of experience and I submit to your boundless wisdom.

I see you've taken refuge in silence. Your best move of the night. Just be nicer next time. Or the devil may send somebody like me your way again...
bozorgmehr & Pahlevan
stop it! if we fight with each other when all of our topics been trolled by turk , we will lose the war ................. solve you problems in PMs
I see you've taken refuge in silence. Your best move of the night. Just be nicer next time. Or the devil may send somebody like me your way again...


bozorgmehr & Pahlevan
stop it! if we fight with each other when all of our topics been trolled by turk , we will lose the war ................. solve you problems in PMs

You are right brother. Thanks for your good advice.
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