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Can Iran and America be friends?

They are like Falun Gong Chinese people in US lobbying to put pressure on Iran. Though difference is that these guys have terrorist wings blowing up people in Iran with Israeli help and support as I said above in my comment. Before they were in pocket of Saddam and now in pocket of Israelis. Whoever pays them more they go there and work for them. Completely characterless people as you can see how they are behaving on this thread.

I guess we are lucky, Falun Gong is really annoying, but at least they don't normally use violence to push their agenda. :tup:
I never say I supported him, but on this cause hes right! Iran is not a true ally of Muslims or even the Palestinians! Where is Iran with his big mouth on the Chechens?

Do not lie. You quoted the guy and agreed with him. Iran is the best ally of Muslims and Palestinians. Even Hizbullah the creation of Iran has been praised by the biggest liberal walking the earth, the famous, Noam Chomsky. So you know nothing except your bigotry.

Chechnya? so you believe everything Americans tell you. The truth is that Iran does not support terrorists like US does. US was supporting a bunch of wahabi terrorists there and calling them muslims and a "liberal" like you supporting them, is a tell tale sign.

Iran supports freedom of nations from occupation like Palestine and Lebanon and not chaos, disintegration and certainly not this unlike you who is talking on behalf of a bunch of terrorists:

Beslan Seige:


@ that creature.

History has proven that dictatorships such as the US sponsored dictators will fall flat on their face. But a independent strong anti imperalism government will prevail
The perception of Iranians on this forum (and in the developing world) is almost entirely positive.

One guy won't change that. :azn:

A person who lives under dictatorial regime supports another guy who lives under a dictatorial regime! What else is new. Haha!
A person who lives under dictatorial regime supports another guy who lives under a dictatorial regime! What else is new. Haha!

And who, may I ask, is the "dictator" (holding absolute power) in both China and Iran? :lol:

Hu Jintao never had absolute power, and he is going to step down this year after his term is complete. Just like Jiang Zemin before him.
I have to go now! Spending some time with my Iraqi friends who are more liberal than these Iranian idiots on this forum. Iraqis who support good clerics like Sistany! Bye bye!

Shame on you. Once you said Arabs are lizard-eaters, then you say you're going out with your Iraqi friends who insult the Iranian nation even in football matches. You're a shameless hypocrite. If Arabs are lizard-eaters, then you're even lower than those lizard-eaters that you make friends with them even though they hate your country and you see them as inferior lizard-eaters according to yourself. Ayatollah Sistani? You believe in Ayatollahs too? Shame on you.

I'm an Iranian atheist, but I do support the Iranian regime against stupid guys like you. These people at least have balls, their balls are as big as your heads, you're just a bunch of cowards that don't even dare to come close to Iran's borders because of your own foolish fantasies that they'll arrest you. No one in Iran cares about you, but you like to keep barking. If you really think the majority are with you guys, come here and show us that instead of barking from thousands of miles away you coward. Now you can say whatever you want, but you're a shame for Iran. You're a stupid racist person with no logic in your brain, you got a peanut in there instead of brain.
Shame on you. Once you said Arabs are lizard-eaters, then you say you're going out with your Iraqi friends who insult the Iranian nation even in football matches. You're a shameless hypocrite. If Arabs are lizard-eaters, then you're even lower than those lizard-eaters that you make friends with them even though they hate your country and you see them as inferior lizard-eaters according to yourself. Ayatollah Sistani? You believe in Ayatollahs too? Shame on you.

I'm an Iranian atheist, but I do support the Iranian regime against stupid guys like you. These people at least have balls, their balls are as big as your heads, you're just a bunch of cowards that don't even dare to come close to Iran's borders because of your own foolish fantasies that they'll arrest you. No one in Iran cares about you, but you like to keep barking. If you really think the majority are with you guys, come here and show us that instead of barking from thousands of miles away you coward. Now you can say whatever you want, but you're a shame for Iran. You're a stupid racist person with no logic in your brain, you got a peanut in there instead of brain.
ROFL. you just ripped the guy apart. vaghean ridi be heykalesh dadash.
good job
Shame on you. Once you said Arabs are lizard-eaters, then you say you're going out with your Iraqi friends who insult the Iranian nation even in football matches.

I don't like Arabs, but I like some Iraqis. I would make a distinct between Arabs in countries such as Iraq (the shia Iraqis), Lebanon, etc and Arabs in the Persian Gulf countries. They are two culturally different people, although they have something in common. My Iraqi friend know how I feel about Arabs and Islam and they don't have problems with my view on certain things. Those Iraqis are mentally far superior to idiots like you and the other Iranians on this forum. Well, do you have heard the chants Iranians put in the stadium if they are against a Azeri team? So now every Turk have to hate Iran?

You're a shameless hypocrite. If Arabs are lizard-eaters, then you're even lower than those lizard-eaters that you make friends with them even though they hate your country and you see them as inferior lizard-eaters according to yourself.

I don't see some Iraqi's as lizard-eaters, as I stated before there is a distinct among Arabs. The Iraqis have always been culturally under Persian influence and I can get along with some of them. Sure many of them have more brains in their had than donkeys as you!

Ayatollah Sistani? You believe in Ayatollahs too? Shame on you.

I don't believe in Ayatollahs, but I respect some of them. Although I hate most of them. I can respect a man like Sistani because he has a good influence on Iraqis and he have some liberal thoughts about society.

I'm an Iranian atheist, but I do support the Iranian regime against stupid guys like you.

In my whole life I never have heard something stupid as this. You're a atheist, that means that by Iranian law you even don't have a status and the Iranian regime considers you a 'Moharebeh'. You support a regime which executed more than 30.000 Iranians since 1979 and still keep humiliate, torture and murder Iranians because of their views.

These people at least have balls, their balls are as big as your heads, you're just a bunch of cowards that don't even dare to come close to Iran's borders because of your own foolish fantasies that they'll arrest you.

What balls do they have? They bark the whole time and never bites. You mean that by 'threatening' US, Israel and other countries they have balls? Haha, what have they done? Nothing. Even the regime knows that if Israel or the US have enough of their threats it mean the end of the regime. They can't do a damn thing. Because of their 'balls' Iran is in his worst economically situation since the Iran-Iraq war. Tell your fellowmen who have lost their job how the regime have helped them!

How do you know I never visit Iran? I can and visit Iran occasionally and nor you and the regime can't do a damn thing about that!

No one in Iran cares about you, but you like to keep barking.

Well, I'm glad you are representing whole Iran! What funny that by every visit to Iran most of the people I speak completely agree with me and hate people like you!

If you really think the majority are with you guys, come here and show us that instead of barking from thousands of miles away you coward. Now you can say whatever you want, but you're a shame for Iran. You're a stupid racist person with no logic in your brain, you got a peanut in there instead of brain.

We many times showed the majority is with us! In 2009 and we will show this till the regime falls. And the regime will fall between now and 10 years, mark my words. Even within the regime they have problems with each other! I say this thousand of miles away and in your face if I have too! Well, you can keep me a racist, but I don't give a damn thing. Zende bad Iran!
i say, watch out for political exiles - they tend to be bitter, irrational, fanatical, violent. historically this is an iron law. so i wish western countries can have heed machiavelli and do themselves a favor by sending these exiles back to where they came from
A person who lives under dictatorial regime supports another guy who lives under a dictatorial regime! What else is new. Haha!

This is just a joke. All superpowers love dictatorship as long as it is friendly. It is just part of the strategy to use media tool to stay moral high ground so naïve people will buy it. This is a serious forum for "advanced users" so let's no bring kindergarten fairy tales here.
I'm neither a Islamic-marxist nor am I a pro-monarchist. I'm a liberal. That means the people with some brains.

you're a liberal, yet extremely racist and thinks Muslims, Arabs, Pakistanis, Afghans and Bangladeshis are genetically inferior!

WOW! I must have lost my definition of liberalism!
No point in arguing with a Dutch liberal. All those guys are capable of doing is being sexual perverts.
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