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Can Iran and America be friends?

No point in arguing with a Dutch liberal. All those guys are capable of doing is being sexual perverts.

they're not liberals, they're "liberals", used in the American term as, anyone that opposes a government that doesn't like us.

You know what he sounds like? Liu Xiaobo.

Liu is known for his writings about uh... "democracy" but some less well known writings include calling Chinese inferior, need 300 years of colonial slavery to set straight, saying that democracy means unconditionally supporting the US and openly hates Islam. You can find more uh... "wisdom" from him here.


In an interview, he was asked to clarify his thoughts (especially on Chinese being inferior and needing 300 years of colonial slavery to sort out) and instead of taking back his words, he said they meant exactly what they meant and they represent his truest beliefs!

Then he cries about repression when he gets thrown in prison :lol: when if he talked about Jews in the same manner, he'd be imprisoned in almost any European country.
When the USA stops assassination of scientists and supporting terrorism world wide.
Iran might consider being friends.
When the USA stops assassination of scientists and supporting terrorism world wide.
Iran might consider being friends.
USA many times said they are not them who did it.
And many people say it is Mossad.
No a minority right now in Iran Zoroasterians usually in Europe or the USA. Islam isn't arab religion.
there is the religion and there is the culture : religion is rare even outside Iran but culture is in most families .
USA many times said they are not them who did it.
And many people say it is Mossad.
and you believe it ? do you want them to make a confession live on tv ''we are killing iranian scientists''


EVEN if the Americans are not behind this they are indirectly involved, because of constant threatening and sanctions. This all plays into the hands of the group who is actually behind the murders.

I predict the intelligence ministry will soon come out with arrests
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