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Can India save itself from Pakistan Battlefield Nukes ?

Evacuate ten million people from a city (wonder how long does it take, while Indian army will hang around waiting for Pakistan to evacuate its cities, then only start its offensive).

Btw isnt this the exact same strategy Gen Niazi used in 1971, to turn all East Pakistan cities into forts, to slow down the Indian offensive. Guess what, India army did, it bypassed all major E.Pakistani cities and straight went and surrounded Dhaka.
The last time a couple of Pak battalions across the BRB canal were enough to put Gen Chaudhuri's plan down to the drain!!! This time it'd be even easier!!!! By the by, Gen Chaudhuri was a High Caste Bengali Hindu folk with a natural disposition for intellect, which earned him citations during WW2!!!! The current low caste RSS type folks are nowhere near him...

As for the East Pak, when the 70m folks were against the thinly disbursed ~40K (real soldiers) Pak Army (with virtually no air+armored+long range artillery support) and were showing the IA all the back tracks it became impossible to hold 10x enemy strength!!!! Not to mention ~100K active Mukti Bahini support!!! And, the unprecedented Soviet support in armaments, logistics, planning, intelligence, diplomacy etc.!!! Even after that wherever Pak forces showed resistance IA bogged down!!! Two examples:
  • Battle of Hilly: only a single Pak battalion with 3 tanks held the entire division of 14K troops+air/artillery/armored for a #of days. It's taught in military academies.
  • Battle of Kushtia: IA sent a Sikh company with 2 tanks to capture the town which is in border with India. As the company was lost, not a single reinforcement was sent.
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If Pakistan is permanently destroyed in the process, then even 500 million dead is an acceptable loss. It's just a political number. Even if 100 million survive, it's fine.

DRDO will start flight testing the XRSAM pretty soon as well. This will also have a range of 250Km and will be capable of BMD.

It's a mach 2 missile. Any of our modern SAMs will intercept it.

QRSAM, Barak 8, Barak 8ER, SPYDER-MR, S-400, all these can intercept Nasr.

The Pakistanis sincerely believe they will use nukes on us and we won't retaliate. That's the level of delusion they have reached.

One IFV with a 30mm cannon will make short work of your "civilians".

Both QRSAM and Akash can stop Nasr. But the main BMD capable SAM that the army will operate will be the Barak 8 based MRSAM. IA has just ordered 5 regiments of the MRSAM, with all to be delivered by 2023.

Strangest thing is Hindus live peacefully with us abroad, their women always all over us, and in India when you meet them they express love and affection but on pdf they want to wipe us out, lol.

Seemed like a well defined target going at 100mph offering no counter measures or evasive maneuvering. A very easy target to hit.
I not talking about naval SAMs @ni8mare
That interception looks naval to you?.....please check your eye to indian doctor

Seemed like a well defined target going at 100mph offering no counter measures or evasive maneuvering. A very easy target to hit.
Another guy need eye check up from indian doctor ...... i mean who would have thought just by looking you can tell the speed of missile
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Strangest thing is Hindus live peacefully with us abroad, their women always all over us, and in India when you meet them they express love and affection but on pdf they want to wipe us out, lol.

Seemed like a well defined target going at 100mph offering no counter measures or evasive maneuvering. A very easy target to hit.

I understand the need to delegitimize any Indian weapon system but you have to have a legitimate theory otherwise it just seems like you are hating for the sake of it.

AAD is an endo-atmospheric missile; chances are most perpetrating Ballistic missiles would have already expended most if not all of their countermeasures at that point.
Also, I hope you are not expecting ballistic missiles to move like AAMs and exhibit high-g maneuvering?

If hitting even singular, slow ballistic missiles, with no counter measures was so easy, any odd country would have been able to make anti-ballistic missiles.

Our BMD is slowly getting to the point where we will be testing it against different and more difficult countermeasures.
Only 2 months ago AAD was able to intercept a designated target among many.

Also, you really cant guage the speed of a missile from a video alone.
THAAD travels at Mach 8+.
You suppose it "seems like" Mach 8?
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