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Can India save itself from Pakistan Battlefield Nukes ?

Launching indian army into densily populated areas like punjab is a suicide for those army units. Pakistani population is no oridinary population. They are a whole differrnt breed. This would even negate even using nuclear bombs as pakistani population fighting for their their own turfs is a nightmare for any enemy. Uv seen primotive afghans getting back at usa. Imagine what well armed and well equiped and well organized civilian ppoplulaton can do to agressors . there would be lots of beheaded bodies thats for sure.
People here believe we are just going be sitting on our asses while they can fire nukes,
Even a single military intelligence of pakistan pressing that button will result in India firing the first round of strategic weapons and good luck saving your existence from that.
S400/BMD are just safety nets.
no system is fool proof S-400 can be defeated in different ways , its not good on CM defense @lightoftruth :p:;):enjoy:
I think virat bharati hindu soldiers would use leopard urine to save themselves from impact of Pakistani battlefield nukes
no system is fool proof S-400 can be defeated in different ways , its not good on CM defense @lightoftruth :p:;):enjoy:
Lets say you are right, have you looked at all other missile systems protecting Indian airspace ?
and when you launch nuke tipped babur ,take a guess how many brahmos will be reaching towards you .How many you have to fire for one target ? and how many we have to ? who can afford this ?
Btw how do you plan to protect your cities ?which are far few in numbers as well as in area .
I know. Dude S400 is perfect defence system, it can fire 72 missiles in one go, two missiles for each target, even if one missile misses target , other missile will make sure to fill 2% success gap to destruct it in air .
So S400 is only defense system with 100% success rate.
We need time to mature MIRV in Ababeel missile and I am sure we are working on it. To penetrate just S400 defense system, we require much effort just to bypass it. S400 is highly mobile system, you can mobilize it in 10 minutes and 400 KM range is not joke, it can obsolete our entire F16, JF17 fleet in 400km range of border before it cross border.
Its Just matter of moving trucks even if we are able to detect it.
Even U.S.A wants army help for F35 to counter S400 threat.
Yes MIRV can decrease S400 threat to some extent, We need to mature Ababeel missile, and with mix of Nasr missile, cruise missiles and Ababeel missiles if we are able to demolish one system with such effort then its not big achievement we ending up many assets just to kill one forward defense shield .Even if we are able to destroy all batteries of S400, Then There are others many defense shields to cross , Their “Badz system”, and their “AAD” missiles with two tired shield to destroy lower altitude missiles.
Also look their “PAD” system shield ,and S-300V systems which are in use as an 'anti-tactical ballistic missile screen'..
For to destroy cruise missiles , They have Barak 8 system which is latest too with upgrades, developed by India & israel.
Last PDV is also in development stage, and there are news about tests coming soon.
We have to deal with multiple defense shields even if luckily we are able to beat S400 batteries.

U seem to be very affraid of the s400 missile shield. Effective strategies and stand off weapons purchases. / manifacutre is under way. The day s400 is delivered and deployed in india. With in a couple of days u will hear an announcement. S 400 has been successfully countered.

When the war erupts S400 and its 82 vehicle based layered systems will be blown out into the oblivion with in first 4 minutes and 42 seconds ;) calculations and planing phase has begun there will be atleast 3 plans. For now we have a rough idea about 2. Work has already begun since may 2016.
Lets say you are right, have you looked at all other missile systems protecting Indian airspace ?
and when you launch nuke tipped babur ,take a guess how many brahmos will be reaching towards you .How many you have to fire for one target ? and how many we have to ? who can afford this ?
Btw how do you plan to protect your cities ?which are far few in numbers as well as in area .
yeah you're right that MAD stand for @lightoftruth :tup::enjoy:
if and when they invade, are they gonna bring S400 into Pakistan to to counter Nasr? Since Nasr is only for use within Pakistan itself.

Nasr is for defense (within Pakistan borders) not for offense, therefore the question of countering multiple defense shields does not arise

No, S400 even though a mobile system, is being acquired by IAF and not the army.

Indian army will use QR SAM and Akash NG for air defence of it armored columns.

But advantage of S400 is its immense range against the aircrafts. Even if just 2 systems are deployed a 100 Km inside the Indian borders, one each states of Punjab and Rajasthan, they cover 80 % of all Pakistani airspace. i.e . Any Pakistani aircraft especially the AWACS and tankers can be shot down, flying even up to 300 Km inside Pakistan's own borders.

To defend Indian cities from Pakistani strategic Nukes, India will multi layered ballistic missile shield.
S400 deployed near Pakistani borders to destroy the ballistic missiles in Boost or midcourse phase. PDV to destroy BMs in midcourse and terminal phase and AAD to intercept the BM in its terminal phase, if rest of missiles have failed to intercept it.

There is a fair chance neither QR SAM or Akash missile might not be able stop NASR armed with tactical Nuke from destroying an Indian IBG.

But Indian response to any nuke attack on Indian forces anywhere is fairly standard, that is a, massive nuclear retaliation.

So the question is will you launch a tactical nuke against an Indian IBG considering -

1. You will be nuking your own country - nuclear radiation will be your soil for hundreds of years, there will be birth defects in that regions population(your population) for generation to come. On the other hand, Indian IBG might be already near, one of your major population centers like Lahore, which is only 30 Km from Indian border.

2. India will respond with massive nuclear decapitation strike on Pakistan, you would loose a good amount of strategic, nuclear, missile and command and control infrastructure in Indian nuclear strike.

3. With your airforce out of the equation due to S400(and vast network other SAMs and IAF) you will have to rely solely on you missiles to deliver the nukes.

4. With multilayered missile defences in place India. There is more than a fair chance that any nuclear missile launched by surviving Pakistani nuclear forces will be intercepted, even MIRV missiles can be successfully intercepted in their boost or midcourse phase, before they can deploy the MIRV warhead.

5. Even if a few of Pakistani missiles are able to slip through Indian missile defences and hit Indian cities, India will respond with strategic nuclear strikes on all Pakistani population centers, therby ending Pakistan as functioning entity.

These are the questions, your nuclear command authority will have to ponder, before they decide to launch a itsy-bitsy tactical nuke on a small Indian IBG.
If you want to gamble with your life and 300 million other Indians then go ahead and miscalculate.

If Pakistan is permanently destroyed in the process, then even 500 million dead is an acceptable loss. It's just a political number. Even if 100 million survive, it's fine.

We have to deal with multiple defense shields even if luckily we are able to beat S400 batteries.

DRDO will start flight testing the XRSAM pretty soon as well. This will also have a range of 250Km and will be capable of BMD.

Explain it my dear? How can you intercept NASR....

Stop reading Raj47 if you wish to be not being a laughing stock.

It's a mach 2 missile. Any of our modern SAMs will intercept it.

QRSAM, Barak 8, Barak 8ER, SPYDER-MR, S-400, all these can intercept Nasr.

People here believe we are just going be sitting on our asses while they can fire nukes,
Even a single military intelligence of pakistan pressing that button will result in India firing the first round of strategic weapons and good luck saving your existence from that.
S400/BMD are just safety nets.

The Pakistanis sincerely believe they will use nukes on us and we won't retaliate. That's the level of delusion they have reached.

Launching indian army into densily populated areas like punjab is a suicide for those army units. Pakistani population is no oridinary population. They are a whole differrnt breed. This would even negate even using nuclear bombs as pakistani population fighting for their their own turfs is a nightmare for any enemy. Uv seen primotive afghans getting back at usa. Imagine what well armed and well equiped and well organized civilian ppoplulaton can do to agressors . there would be lots of beheaded bodies thats for sure.

One IFV with a 30mm cannon will make short work of your "civilians".

There is a fair chance neither QR SAM or Akash missile might not be able stop NASR armed with tactical Nuke from destroying an Indian IBG.

Both QRSAM and Akash can stop Nasr. But the main BMD capable SAM that the army will operate will be the Barak 8 based MRSAM. IA has just ordered 5 regiments of the MRSAM, with all to be delivered by 2023.
No, S400 even though a mobile system, is being acquired by IAF and not the army.

Indian army will use QR SAM and Akash NG for air defence of it armored columns.

But advantage of S400 is its immense range against the aircrafts. Even if just 2 systems are deployed a 100 Km inside the Indian borders, one each states of Punjab and Rajasthan, they cover 80 % of all Pakistani airspace. i.e . Any Pakistani aircraft especially the AWACS and tankers can be shot down, flying even up to 300 Km inside Pakistan's own borders.

To defend Indian cities from Pakistani strategic Nukes, India will multi layered ballistic missile shield.
S400 deployed near Pakistani borders to destroy the ballistic missiles in Boost or midcourse phase. PDV to destroy BMs in midcourse and terminal phase and AAD to intercept the BM in its terminal phase, if rest of missiles have failed to intercept it.

There is a fair chance neither QR SAM or Akash missile might not be able stop NASR armed with tactical Nuke from destroying an Indian IBG.

But Indian response to any nuke attack on Indian forces anywhere is fairly standard, that is a, massive nuclear retaliation.

So the question is will you launch a tactical nuke against an Indian IBG considering -

1. You will be nuking your own country - nuclear radiation will be your soil for hundreds of years, there will be birth defects in that regions population(your population) for generation to come. On the other hand, Indian IBG might be already near, one of your major population centers like Lahore, which is only 30 Km from Indian border.

2. India will respond with massive nuclear decapitation strike on Pakistan, you would loose a good amount of strategic, nuclear, missile and command and control infrastructure in Indian nuclear strike.

3. With your airforce out of the equation due to S400(and vast network other SAMs and IAF) you will have to rely solely on you missiles to deliver the nukes.

4. With multilayered missile defences in place India. There is more than a fair chance that any nuclear missile launched by surviving Pakistani nuclear forces will be intercepted, even MIRV missiles can be successfully intercepted in their boost or midcourse phase, before they can deploy the MIRV warhead.

5. Even if a few of Pakistani missiles are able to slip through Indian missile defences and hit Indian cities, India will respond with strategic nuclear strikes on all Pakistani population centers, therby ending Pakistan as functioning entity.

These are the questions, your nuclear command authority will have to ponder, before they decide to launch a itsy-bitsy tactical nuke on a small Indian IBG.
I hope u realise you are talking to a population that dont even wanna consider these questions. These have been put forth on this forum before. Just hope ppl sitting on the authority to launch tactical nukes consider this.
General Zia said that we can annihilate indian cities back in the mid 80s. Imagine what we can do now...india wouldn't even have enough minutes to respond...8-)
Their “Badz system”, and their “AAD” missiles with two tired shield to destroy lower altitude missiles.
Also look their “PAD” system shield ,and S-300V systems which are in use as an 'anti-tactical ballistic missile screen'..
For to destroy cruise missiles , They have Barak 8 system which is latest too with upgrades, developed by India & israel.
Last PDV is also in development stage, and there are news about tests coming soon.
We have to deal with multiple defense shields even if luckily we are able to beat S400 batteries.
PAD is just a liquid fuel missile, its a precursor/base for technology for PDV which is a solid fuel it will not going to be inducted rather PDV
No, S400 even though a mobile system, is being acquired by IAF and not the army.

Indian army will use QR SAM and Akash NG for air defence of it armored columns.

But advantage of S400 is its immense range against the aircrafts. Even if just 2 systems are deployed a 100 Km inside the Indian borders, one each states of Punjab and Rajasthan, they cover 80 % of all Pakistani airspace. i.e . Any Pakistani aircraft especially the AWACS and tankers can be shot down, flying even up to 300 Km inside Pakistan's own borders.

To defend Indian cities from Pakistani strategic Nukes, India will multi layered ballistic missile shield.
S400 deployed near Pakistani borders to destroy the ballistic missiles in Boost or midcourse phase. PDV to destroy BMs in midcourse and terminal phase and AAD to intercept the BM in its terminal phase, if rest of missiles have failed to intercept it.

There is a fair chance neither QR SAM or Akash missile might not be able stop NASR armed with tactical Nuke from destroying an Indian IBG.

But Indian response to any nuke attack on Indian forces anywhere is fairly standard, that is a, massive nuclear retaliation.

So the question is will you launch a tactical nuke against an Indian IBG considering -

1. You will be nuking your own country - nuclear radiation will be your soil for hundreds of years, there will be birth defects in that regions population(your population) for generation to come. On the other hand, Indian IBG might be already near, one of your major population centers like Lahore, which is only 30 Km from Indian border.

2. India will respond with massive nuclear decapitation strike on Pakistan, you would loose a good amount of strategic, nuclear, missile and command and control infrastructure in Indian nuclear strike.

3. With your airforce out of the equation due to S400(and vast network other SAMs and IAF) you will have to rely solely on you missiles to deliver the nukes.

4. With multilayered missile defences in place India. There is more than a fair chance that any nuclear missile launched by surviving Pakistani nuclear forces will be intercepted, even MIRV missiles can be successfully intercepted in their boost or midcourse phase, before they can deploy the MIRV warhead.

5. Even if a few of Pakistani missiles are able to slip through Indian missile defences and hit Indian cities, India will respond with strategic nuclear strikes on all Pakistani population centers, therby ending Pakistan as functioning entity.

These are the questions, your nuclear command authority will have to ponder, before they decide to launch a itsy-bitsy tactical nuke on a small Indian IBG.
No need to use Nukes .. evacuate civilians from lahore and other cities and let the indian forces come in .. PA soldiers along with mujahideen in their own city are going to make these cities graveyards of indian soldiers ..
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