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Can Hindutva Terrorists Provoke India-Pakistan War?

n again to mr.riaz haq------r u the same old guy whose pic comes up,when image searching \"riaz haq musings\" on google....if u really r that old....then i\'m sorry to say,such post dont suit u.....buzurg hai,aapko to jyada akal honi chahiye.....
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates has warned in New Delhi today that Al-Qaeda is trying to destabilize the whole of South Asia hoping to provoke a deadly war between India and Pakistan, according to the BBC. In addition to Al-Qaeda, he has pointed the finger at the Taliban in Afghanistan and in Pakistan, and the Pakistan-based group Lashkar-e-Taiba as groups seeking to spark conflict between India and Pakistan, or to provoke instability in Pakistan.

Mr. Gates is only partially correct. Conspicuously absent from his list of the region's "bad guys" are the Hindutva terrorist outfits who are implicated in a series of bombings designed to fan the flames of hatred between Hindus and Muslims and then blame Pakistan for their handiwork.

In a new book titled "Who Killed Karkare?"(published by Pharos Media), the author and former Maharashtra police chief S.M. Mushrif says a nationwide network of Hindutva terrorists that has its tentacles spread up to Nepal and Israel is out to destroy India's secularism and to reshape it into a theocratic state like Afghanistan under the Taliban.

Mushrif believes that it is not Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh or Rahul Gandhi who actually run India on a day-to-day basis. Rather, it is a "power establishment" that is in charge of India, and it does not want to expose the Hindutva terrorists. One example is the blasts in Samjhauta Express, which the IB said was carried out by Pakistan’s ISI. Mushrif quotes a report in The Times of India that said, “the Center had blamed the ISI on the basis of the IB’s findings.” However, during a narco-analysis test under Karkare, Lt. Col. Purohit had admitted having supplied the RDX used in the blast. The IB, which draws its power from its proximity to the Prime Minister (its director briefs the PM every morning for half an hour), did not want Karkare’s investigation that blew the cover off the IB’s shenanigans, to continue.

Recently, India's Vice President Hamid Ansari has called for greater "oversight and accountability" of the operations of the nation's intelligence agencies by the Indian parliament. Ansari also said that, just like in other democracies like the US and the UK, the “concerned agencies should make public their mission statement, outlining periodically their strategic intent, vision, mission, core values and their goals”.

As India constantly highlights the terror of green variety, it must not ignore its own homegrown terror dressed in saffron. The terror of both of these hues have the potential to spark a deadly conflict in South Asia that can easily spin out of control, and completely devastate the region.

Haq's Musings: Hindutva Terror to Spark India-Pakistan War?

Haq's Musings: Terror in India--Who Killed Karkare?

Its quite curious that the poster has come to the conclusion about 'Hindutva terror' based on one book written by a ex-cop of one province of India. Most of the events mentioned in the book happened outside his jurisdiction. How could he have the inside classified information of these activities? Without any clear evidence, the book can be classified as work of fiction based on the personal perceptions of Mr. Mushrif. Also, Mr. Mushrif's credibility in making statements should be considered. What are his intentions? Where does his sympathies lie? Its a well known fact that many Indian Muslims are sympathizers of Jihadi culture and some have even become radical muslims. SIMI and Indian Mujaheddin are good examples.
No doubt, there are Hindu extremist groups in India. But they are a very small minority. They are known to be involved in communal riots, but there is no evidence of terror activities as yet (except Malegaon and Samjotha express blasts, wherein individuals were involved in personal capacities, but not the organisations themselves). The good thing is there are checks and balances in India to handle these extremists. The people and organisations which caught the culprits in Malegaon and Samjotha express blasts are all 100% Indian. Due course of law is being applied to punish these criminals.
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NEW DELHI // The alleged conspirators of a series of fatal blasts in Maharashtra state last year had plans to create a Hindu state and approach Israel, Nepal and Maoist groups for help, state police have claimed in a charge sheet filed with a Mumbai court.

Police claim Abhinav Bharat, the Hindu radical group blamed for the blasts, which killed seven and wounded more than 100 in Malegaon, had designed a flag and written a constitution and was preparing to form a parallel Hindu government in exile operating out of Israel.

“To form this ‘Hindu rashtra [state]’, they were prepared to approach the Israeli government for support, but largely wanted to attract like-minded people into their organisation. From our investigations, we have come to learn that some of the accused had met King Gyanendra of Nepal twice to seek his help,” K P Raguvanshi, the additional director general of Maharashtra police, told a press conference in Mumbai last week.

Police claim that the prime suspect in the Malegaon blast case, Lt Col Prasad Purohit, an officer in the Indian army, confessed during his interrogation that he sought Israel’s help to create a Hindu nation as he believed the constitution of India was incapable of dealing with “Islamic militancy”.

The main source of evidence against Lt Col Purohit is a recorded conversation allegedly between him and a co-conspirator, Dayanand Pandey, found on Mr Pandey’s laptop.

“I have contacted Israel. One of our captains has been to Israel, eliciting a very positive response from their side. They have asked us to show them something on the ground because we have just shown them everything on paper right now. They said wait and watch for six months,” Lt Col Purohit is quoted as saying in the recording and on the charge sheet.

“We had asked for four things: continuous and uninterrupted supply of equipment and training; secondly, to allow us to start our office with a saffron flag in Tel Aviv; thirdly, political asylum; and finally, to support our cause in the United Nations that a Hindu nation is born.”

The accused mastermind met Nepal’s former king, Gyanendra, and several Maoist leaders in 2006 and 2007, the charges read, based on the recorded conversation.

“I had proposed and the king had accepted that 20 of my men will be given officer training every six months. In a year I will get 40 people and 200 of my men will train for soldiers,” Lt Col Purohit is heard saying.

“You being an independent nation ask for AK-47s from the Czech Republic and we will pay for the ammunition. The king had accepted the proposal. Just imagine if that happens.”

Mr Pandey and Lt Col Purohit along with the other members also discussed how they “were hoping that Cambodia, Nepal, Thailand, Bhutan, Japan and Korea become one Hindu nation”, at a meeting said to have been held on Jan 26 2008.

Besides Lt Col Purohit and Mr Pandey, police arrested nine men. Three people are at large. The arrests were made after police traced a motorcycle used in the blasts to one of the men.

In 2006, 36 people were killed in a bomb blast near a mosque in Malegaon, a town nearly 290km north-east of Mumbai. Police had blamed Simi, the Students Islamic Movement of India, for the attacks. Malegaon has long been the scene of violent clashes between Hindus and Muslims, who make up 75 per cent of the impoverished town’s half a million residents.

Police said the Hindu group wanted to frame Simi for the blasts.

Police are also investigating whether Abhinav Bharat played a role in the bombing of the India-Pakistan friendship train, the Samjhauta Express, in 2007 in Panipat, India. More than 70 people died in the blasts, most of them Pakistanis. The Indian government had blamed Lashkar-i-Taiba and Jaish-i-Mohammad for the blasts.

The police claim that the 60kg of RDX explosive used in the train blasts came from Lt Col Purohit while he was posted in a military intelligence unit in Kashmir.

Police are also investigating the possible role of a Delhi-based doctor, many army officers and Himani Savarkar, a niece of Mohandas Gandhi’s assassin, Nathuram Godse. A witness has told police that he, along with 15 members including Ms Savarkar, attended a meeting in Bhopal where they discussed bombing a site in Malegaon. Police have now made Ms Savarkar a witness in the case.

The investigations into the blasts were dealt a blow after the death in the Mumbai terrorist attacks in November of Hemant Karkare, who was head of Mumbai’s antiterrorist squad. Many people, including a federal minority affairs minister, demanded an inquiry in to the circumstances that led to Karkare’s death, alleging a right-wing Hindu group might have been behind it.

“Basically this is much more rooted in the society. Lt Col Purohit is just the face which has been exposed. The case is almost closed after the filing of the charge sheet. It’s obvious they were not working in isolation,” said Maroof Raza, an expert on security-related issues.

Although some radical Hindu groups are alleged to have been involved in terrorist attacks in India since 2006, their terrorism links became public only in October with the arrest of Lt Col Purohit and his supporters.

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), a Hindu nationalist party, alleges that the arrests and accusations of the existence of a radical Hindu right-wing network, are politically motivated.

“We have to wait and watch how the investigations are carried forward and how much justice is delivered. Major political parties like BJP, Shiv Sena and other right-wing parties are supporting the accused and if BJP comes to power the course of the case may change,” Mr Raza said.

Haq's Musings: Radical Hindu Government in Israeli Exile?
NEW DELHI // The alleged conspirators of a series of fatal blasts in Maharashtra state last year had plans to create a Hindu state and approach Israel, Nepal and Maoist groups for help, state police have claimed in a charge sheet filed with a Mumbai court.

Police claim Abhinav Bharat, the Hindu radical group blamed for the blasts, which killed seven and wounded more than 100 in Malegaon, had designed a flag and written a constitution and was preparing to form a parallel Hindu government in exile operating out of Israel.

“To form this ‘Hindu rashtra [state]’, they were prepared to approach the Israeli government for support, but largely wanted to attract like-minded people into their organisation. From our investigations, we have come to learn that some of the accused had met King Gyanendra of Nepal twice to seek his help,” K P Raguvanshi, the additional director general of Maharashtra police, told a press conference in Mumbai last week.

Police claim that the prime suspect in the Malegaon blast case, Lt Col Prasad Purohit, an officer in the Indian army, confessed during his interrogation that he sought Israel’s help to create a Hindu nation as he believed the constitution of India was incapable of dealing with “Islamic militancy”.

The main source of evidence against Lt Col Purohit is a recorded conversation allegedly between him and a co-conspirator, Dayanand Pandey, found on Mr Pandey’s laptop.

“I have contacted Israel. One of our captains has been to Israel, eliciting a very positive response from their side. They have asked us to show them something on the ground because we have just shown them everything on paper right now. They said wait and watch for six months,” Lt Col Purohit is quoted as saying in the recording and on the charge sheet.

“We had asked for four things: continuous and uninterrupted supply of equipment and training; secondly, to allow us to start our office with a saffron flag in Tel Aviv; thirdly, political asylum; and finally, to support our cause in the United Nations that a Hindu nation is born.”

The accused mastermind met Nepal’s former king, Gyanendra, and several Maoist leaders in 2006 and 2007, the charges read, based on the recorded conversation.

“I had proposed and the king had accepted that 20 of my men will be given officer training every six months. In a year I will get 40 people and 200 of my men will train for soldiers,” Lt Col Purohit is heard saying.

“You being an independent nation ask for AK-47s from the Czech Republic and we will pay for the ammunition. The king had accepted the proposal. Just imagine if that happens.”

Mr Pandey and Lt Col Purohit along with the other members also discussed how they “were hoping that Cambodia, Nepal, Thailand, Bhutan, Japan and Korea become one Hindu nation”, at a meeting said to have been held on Jan 26 2008.

Besides Lt Col Purohit and Mr Pandey, police arrested nine men. Three people are at large. The arrests were made after police traced a motorcycle used in the blasts to one of the men.

In 2006, 36 people were killed in a bomb blast near a mosque in Malegaon, a town nearly 290km north-east of Mumbai. Police had blamed Simi, the Students Islamic Movement of India, for the attacks. Malegaon has long been the scene of violent clashes between Hindus and Muslims, who make up 75 per cent of the impoverished town’s half a million residents.

Police said the Hindu group wanted to frame Simi for the blasts.

Police are also investigating whether Abhinav Bharat played a role in the bombing of the India-Pakistan friendship train, the Samjhauta Express, in 2007 in Panipat, India. More than 70 people died in the blasts, most of them Pakistanis. The Indian government had blamed Lashkar-i-Taiba and Jaish-i-Mohammad for the blasts.

The police claim that the 60kg of RDX explosive used in the train blasts came from Lt Col Purohit while he was posted in a military intelligence unit in Kashmir.

Police are also investigating the possible role of a Delhi-based doctor, many army officers and Himani Savarkar, a niece of Mohandas Gandhi’s assassin, Nathuram Godse. A witness has told police that he, along with 15 members including Ms Savarkar, attended a meeting in Bhopal where they discussed bombing a site in Malegaon. Police have now made Ms Savarkar a witness in the case.

The investigations into the blasts were dealt a blow after the death in the Mumbai terrorist attacks in November of Hemant Karkare, who was head of Mumbai’s antiterrorist squad. Many people, including a federal minority affairs minister, demanded an inquiry in to the circumstances that led to Karkare’s death, alleging a right-wing Hindu group might have been behind it.

“Basically this is much more rooted in the society. Lt Col Purohit is just the face which has been exposed. The case is almost closed after the filing of the charge sheet. It’s obvious they were not working in isolation,” said Maroof Raza, an expert on security-related issues.

Although some radical Hindu groups are alleged to have been involved in terrorist attacks in India since 2006, their terrorism links became public only in October with the arrest of Lt Col Purohit and his supporters.

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), a Hindu nationalist party, alleges that the arrests and accusations of the existence of a radical Hindu right-wing network, are politically motivated.

“We have to wait and watch how the investigations are carried forward and how much justice is delivered. Major political parties like BJP, Shiv Sena and other right-wing parties are supporting the accused and if BJP comes to power the course of the case may change,” Mr Raza said.

Haq's Musings: Radical Hindu Government in Israeli Exile?

Why are you trying to make PDF your personal blog post?

Puhhleeese no more Haq's musings....it doesnt amuse at all.
Instead give original links from where you refer (or copy) these articles.
:what: i dont even understand your question lol

Maybe to much juice for me last night, but one thing that I was interested, that over such a peaceful person you have become a Elite Member designation. Which if you Look at the word of DESIgnation, it rhymes with you. The word desigNATION comes into play also...

Man you are briliant.....
Maybe to much juice for me last night, but one thing that I was interested, that over such a peaceful person you have become a Elite Member designation. Which if you Look at the word of DESIgnation, it rhymes with you. The word desigNATION comes into play also...

Man you are briliant.....

lol :what: still confused man, what exactly are you trying to say ?
Well i don't think they can.. as we have only a very little of them... if there where to be a full blown extrimists it should have happend centuries ago and majorily no body is oppressing hindu religion unlike islam.(in the words of the terroirists)..so few people who have some insane idea of an india which was always welcomed other religions to be a complete hindu state.. cannot get support in terms of arms and money for triggering a full scale war between india and pakistan.
RE: "... 9/11 and 26/11 were inside jobs...."

Was 9/11 an inside job?
1. When you look at the WTC towers, they fell down crumbling. According to engineering principles, the tower should have fell over where the plane hit, similar to a tree when you strike it with an axe and make a wedge, and then tip it over. However, in this case, the towers came crumpling down very neatly, like a nice demolition job.

2. There were a series of explosions. Were these series of blasts results of demolition preparation? There were a lot of explosions before the towers fell.

3. The demise of World Trade 7. World Trade Center 7 was not hit by planes. It was not on fire from airplane fuel. Why was it pulled? There is a video on youtube where the leaseholder on the WTC tells the Fire Department to "pull it (WTC7)." He asked the Fire Dept to collapse the building. An unrelated or related fact is that this building had lots of public records.

4. Absence of leaseholder on 9/11. For years the leaseholder would start his day early at the WTC. But on 9/11, his driver says he got a call not to go. But this is explained away as he had a doctor's appointment that morning so he could not make it. Coincidentally, the leaseholder also got a large insurance policy just before the demise.

5. Reports of Israelis celebrating and driving around vans full of bombs - no comment as this would be totally off-topic.

6. The ability of these backwardly portrayed people to know the intimate weaknesses of the towers. This does not make any sense. How did they know the architecture of the buildings, at what temperatures the beams would melt, how to achieve the temperatures, etc, etc. So many years later, engineers are still debating over how the whole thing happened even though they have blueprints, video, surviving beams, etc. This question on how these people knew how to do this is screaming for an answer. The answer is that there is no way they knew what to do.

7. US air defenses - where were they?

8. "Follow the money stupid" is a famous saying. We just need to follow the money trail to see who really did this.
Maybe you might not be aware of this that," The whole world is worried more about muslim terrorists rather than so called hypothetical hindu terrorists."
And I dont have to provide any links.Just put TERRORISTS in google.

The matter at hand is Hindu terrorism, why do you people always drift away from the topic by picking on the other person just so that you can bury your own weakness. I mean look at yourself, the guy provided you with 6 different links and your arguing about muslim terrorism. Try to dig in deeper my friend and maybe you'll see the though the veil which your media puts in front of your eyes to block the truth.
heres a little something to open your eyes.

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Like he said... too much juice for him last night lol.
I know several Indian Hindus, some of them even gujaratis, here who are very fond of him and glorify him. I am sure they are aware of Modi's role in 2002 riots. To say that I was shocked to hear their glorifying would be putting it mildly.
Here's a Tehelka.com video clip of Babu Bajrangi account and confession of killings of Gujarat Muslims in 2002:

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lol :what: still confused man, what exactly are you trying to say ?

Here's a Tehelka.com video clip of Babu Bajrangi account and confession of killings of Gujarat Muslims in 2002:

YouTube - The Truth: Gujarat 2002: Babu Bajrangi

It shows the extent to which the the people in the Indian government support Hindu extremists. I mean he s calling a government legislator and telling him that he has done these disgusting acts. Look at him, he is not even the least bit ashamed rather he is proud of what he did.
RE: "... 9/11 and 26/11 were inside jobs...."

Was 9/11 an inside job?
1. When you look at the WTC towers, they fell down crumbling. According to engineering principles, the tower should have fell over where the plane hit, similar to a tree when you strike it with an axe and make a wedge, and then tip it over. However, in this case, the towers came crumpling down very neatly, like a nice demolition job.

2. There were a series of explosions. Were these series of blasts results of demolition preparation? There were a lot of explosions before the towers fell.

3. The demise of World Trade 7. World Trade Center 7 was not hit by planes. It was not on fire from airplane fuel. Why was it pulled? There is a video on youtube where the leaseholder on the WTC tells the Fire Department to "pull it (WTC7)." He asked the Fire Dept to collapse the building. An unrelated or related fact is that this building had lots of public records.

4. Absence of leaseholder on 9/11. For years the leaseholder would start his day early at the WTC. But on 9/11, his driver says he got a call not to go. But this is explained away as he had a doctor's appointment that morning so he could not make it. Coincidentally, the leaseholder also got a large insurance policy just before the demise.

5. Reports of Israelis celebrating and driving around vans full of bombs - no comment as this would be totally off-topic.

6. The ability of these backwardly portrayed people to know the intimate weaknesses of the towers. This does not make any sense. How did they know the architecture of the buildings, at what temperatures the beams would melt, how to achieve the temperatures, etc, etc. So many years later, engineers are still debating over how the whole thing happened even though they have blueprints, video, surviving beams, etc. This question on how these people knew how to do this is screaming for an answer. The answer is that there is no way they knew what to do.

7. US air defenses - where were they?

8. "Follow the money stupid" is a famous saying. We just need to follow the money trail to see who really did this.

Good points, but these are speculations lifted from the conspiracy theories. You can question the truth, but you need not accept this as the truth.

If you really want to understand the answers to your questions, and the sophisticated planning done in these attacks, check out the series called Inside 9/11 on Nat Geo. The "backward" people were funding the attacks but it was planned by educated, trained engineers. The guys who flew the plane into the towers had training in flight schools. These were educated, well-to-do guys from across the world. Not some tribal leaders facing the brunt of Israel or USA.

I have not heard reports of Israelis cheering or celebrating. Please post references if you can. As to your "follow the money trail" and "insider jobs", there were also rumors that the terrorists short-sold airline stocks in the week before these attacks. That is not proven conclusively, but is as controversial as the other examples.

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