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Can Bangladesh become an economic powerhouse?

LoL, we are doing good considering our size. Our economy is atleast four times much larger than Bangladesh or twice the size of BD and Pakistan combined. Half of ASEAN GDP is located in Indonesia and Indonesia is part of G-20. And hmm, we are endowed with Natural resources, had a decent manufacturing sector, and medium rate HDI with tendencies to progressing by each passing year

No you are not doing good at all.

Indonesia had independence in 1949 whereas BD only got independence in 1971, and that was after a 9 montn civil war that pretty much destroyed everything.

BD has far less resources per capita than Indonesia.

BD's economy is expanding at over 7% a year whereas Indonesia is at only at 5% and not expected to rise at all from this level. BD's economy is only going to accelerate to even higher levels.

Simply there is no comparison between the efficiency of a unitary state such as BD and a multi-ethinc mish-mash that is Indonesia.
Bangladesh absolutely can be a economic powerhouse.

From a country that was dubbed a basket case BD has surpassed all expectations.

Who says we do not have any resources? We have the greatest resource of all --- our population.

It is not about chest thumping it is about facts on the ground. Who thought BD textile industry would have taken the strides it has taken. Leather industry is growing, pharmaceutical industry fulfills all our internal needs. Even with limited land spaces we are self sufficient in food. Industrialisation has occurred in many areas of consumer goods manufacturing. IT sector is growing well.

It's not all about outward growth. BDs huge population has massive internal appetite which are being met internally. BDs internal economic engine has and will propel its growth in years to come.

Over the next two decade BD will reap its demographic dividend.

BD is in an upward trajectory. It requires to be carefully managed. All BD needs is to do up its quality of education, strengthen its institutions, keep electricity generation apace with development, continue with infrastructure developments and have political stability and it will confound the critics as it has done since its independence.
It's not all about outward growth. BDs huge population has massive internal appetite which are being met internally. BDs internal economic engine has and will propel its growth in years to come.
This is also my point.Many people feel frustrated as we overly dependent on garments for export earning.For the last few years our import is stagnant at 40 billion dollar while internal consumption and export increased rapidly.How it became possible? Because growing share of consumer goods are being manufactured and utilized internally which imported earlier.Local brand electronics,plastics,chemicals,foods,clothing, footwear,housing materials dominate the market.This is a self-sustaining growth which will propel our economy long way.We have real possibility to take the garments export from current 28 billion dollar to 100 billion dollar.By the time garments sector stagnate many local brand will be strong enough to sell their product overseas.Yesterday our minister said Bangladesh export 729 item.We need to turn some of these item into billion dollar export.
No you are not doing good at all.

Indonesia had independence in 1949 whereas BD only got independence in 1971, and that was after a 9 montn civil war that pretty much destroyed everything.

BD has far less resources per capita than Indonesia.

BD's economy is expanding at over 7% a year whereas Indonesia is at only at 5% and not expected to rise at all from this level. BD's economy is only going to accelerate to even higher levels.

Simply there is no comparison between the efficiency of a unitary state such as BD and a multi-ethinc mish-mash that is Indonesia.
I think, you are making unnecessary criticism of Indonesia. Indonesia has been making great progress. It has fought for many years against the European colonialists. Even today, BD imports railway coaches from that country. Do not you think, they are above us? How about the UNITARY STATE called Bangladesh? Why the unitary state cannot even produce a nail, I wonder.

And how long you guys will be hype talking about 1971? What about 1947 independence? We gained independence from the British India in 1947? From 1947 to 1971 we were independent Pakistanis and after 1971 we are independent Bangladeshis. By your definition, all the Provinces of India are the colony of Delhi. Please do not keep on crying forever about 1971. Not every definition given by the politicians is abstract or correct. There are things in between.

BD average achievements are nothing since 1947. The progress more slowed after 1971 because people are not motivated and the politicians do not want a motivated people with a high education background. BD Politicians love people to be superstitious. It is progressing right now, but it may slip into a negative growth once the growth potentiality, based on the present investment levels, is fulfilled.
Over the next two decade BD will reap its demographic dividend.
Yes.Bangladesh already achieved sub replacement fertility.According to UN medium variant fertility rate for 2015-2020 period(most reliable) BD's fertility rate stand at 2.05 which is below replacement rate of 2.1 child per woman.So our working age population is increasing relative to dependent population.We will enjoy this benefit for next 30 years.After that population will start falling or became stagnant depending upon fertility rate.
Lol, twice much better than your country

madokfc, since you've joined hands with the usual Indian trolls.......

Bangladesh absolutely can be a economic powerhouse.

From a country that was dubbed a basket case BD has surpassed all expectations.

Who says we do not have any resources? We have the greatest resource of all --- our population.

Absolutely. Once you educate your people, they become your number one resource.....they can value add where value addition doesn't even seem to exist. Like Back office for example. Neighboring countries are running out of this resource because they can't find educated people anymore, for any price.

It is not about chest thumping it is about facts on the ground. Who thought BD textile industry would have taken the strides it has taken. Leather industry is growing, pharmaceutical industry fulfills all our internal needs. Even with limited land spaces we are self sufficient in food. Industrialisation has occurred in many areas of consumer goods manufacturing. IT sector is growing well.

I think there are a lot of false-flagger Bangladeshis in this PDF section, judging by all the nay-sayers. People also have no clue about the industrial activity in Bangladesh. Go take a look at the 'Made in Bangladesh' thread I started, and take a look at all two-dozen pages.

I think there are a lot of false-flagger Bangladeshis in this PDF section, judging by all the nay-sayers. People also have no clue about the industrial activity in Bangladesh. Go take a look at the 'Made in Bangladesh' thread I started, and take a look at all two-dozen pages.

If some jamati like Walton produces motorcycles or refrigerators in BD, how does that help *you* in your daily life?? Walton is getting rich - but *you* are in the same old shit-hole.... same thing with the infrastructure sh*t - Bangladeshi idiots posting pictures of them all over PDF just because it never existed before. These are political tools meant to enrich the robber barons and the rich, not the insignificant thousands in Bangladeshis, including the Bangladeshi trolls on PDF. :lol:

Do *you* get money from the govt., a promotion, get to live in a better house, have better govt. facilities? Walton gets rich , but why are *you* (average Bangladeshi schmuck) jumping up and down and cheering?? :lol:

Neighboring countries are running out of this resource because they can't find educated people anymore, for any price.

You seem to forget the number of people that graduate each year in these "neighbouring countries". Just this yearly outtake/intake dwarfs the accumulated net total potentially available for such work in BD because of BD's terrible education sector.


It's why I can go back 5 years in this forum and find the exact same sentence.
You seem to forget the number of people that graduate each year in these "neighbouring countries". Just this yearly outtake/intake dwarfs the accumulated net total potentially available for such work in BD because of BD's terrible education sector.

It's why I can go back 5 years in this forum and find the exact same sentence.

400,000 foreigners work in country as local students lack 3 skills: UGC chairman

Prof Abdul Mannan observed that students of Bangladesh "cannot communicate, lack in computer skills and lack situational awareness."

He made this observation while speaking as the chief guest at an orientation programme for newly admitted students of business administration at Chittagong Independent University at Jamal Khan in Chittagong on Thursday.

The lack of these skills among local students gives 400,000 foreigners from a number of countries, among which are Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Honduras, Nicaragua, China and North Korea, employment across many sectors in the country.

Most of these foreign workers do not possess valid work permits, he said while noting that only 17,000 such workers possess legal permits to work in Bangladesh.

The country is drained of a whopping $5 billion annually in this manner, he said.

Speaking of Bangladeshis working abroad, he said 8 million Bangladeshis working abroad sent back $13 billion worth of remittances last year.

But 3 million Filipinos working abroad similarly send three times that amount as remittances back to their country.

He urged the students to remain awake to changes in knowledge and asked teachers to 'spark' inspiration among their pupils.
400,000 foreigners work in country as local students lack 3 skills: UGC chairman

Prof Abdul Mannan observed that students of Bangladesh "cannot communicate, lack in computer skills and lack situational awareness."

He made this observation while speaking as the chief guest at an orientation programme for newly admitted students of business administration at Chittagong Independent University at Jamal Khan in Chittagong on Thursday.

The lack of these skills among local students gives 400,000 foreigners from a number of countries, among which are Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Honduras, Nicaragua, China and North Korea, employment across many sectors in the country.

Most of these foreign workers do not possess valid work permits, he said while noting that only 17,000 such workers possess legal permits to work in Bangladesh.

The country is drained of a whopping $5 billion annually in this manner, he said.

Speaking of Bangladeshis working abroad, he said 8 million Bangladeshis working abroad sent back $13 billion worth of remittances last year.

But 3 million Filipinos working abroad similarly send three times that amount as remittances back to their country.

He urged the students to remain awake to changes in knowledge and asked teachers to 'spark' inspiration among their pupils.

North Korea? Wutttt....
Yes.Bangladesh already achieved sub replacement fertility.According to UN medium variant fertility rate for 2015-2020 period(most reliable) BD's fertility rate stand at 2.05 which is below replacement rate of 2.1 child per woman.So our working age population is increasing relative to dependent population.We will enjoy this benefit for next 30 years.After that population will start falling or became stagnant depending upon fertility rate.
Our working population is increasing, but not the working places. So, people will keep on migrating to the ME to work. Population is but only one factor. Highly populated BD without a base of resource and education will fall in a very long cycle of poverty unless people get away from superstitions and industrialists/govt invest to build non-garment new next phase of industries.
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