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Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

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As usual, you completely miss the point. Hawaii, or even Taiwan, are not Bangladeshis. Each are different people with their own cultural indoctrinations. Comparing them and saying they should all act as a homogenous cultural unit, would only be logical within the non-Wonder's head. Bangladesh has its own brand of people, and culture, none of which is Hawaii or Taiwan. Secondly, the Hawaii situation is totally different to the Bangladesh one. Hawaii has a much bigger, stronger country in charge of it, whilst Bangladesh did not. Don't think so black & white, it really is a waste of time!

The sad part is that you cannot think beyond Pakistan and Islam.

Therefore, you would not understand the effect of culture, language, social customs and tradition and things like that which affect people!

It is an insult to Bangladeshis to declare that they are Indians or they have an affinity (as you alluded to Jana's post). They have similarities with Bengal of Indiam, but then Bengal of India is NOT India!!!!! Sad that you don't even understand that!!

And it is unfortunate that you display such racial hatred for Bengalis as if they are not fit for union.

There maybe a few like BD Wonder to be nostalgic like any Razzakar or collaborators, but as a Bengali, I will say that our pride cannot be bought by all and sundry!!
The sad part is that you cannot think beyond Pakistan and Islam.

Therefore, you would not understand the effect of culture, language, social customs and tradition and things like that which affect people!

LOL! Here goes another fruitloop. There's two sides on the equation..Bangladesh and Pakistan. Nothing else. I am looking at this from the Pakistani POV. Why would I be thinking of India's POV in this situation?

How do I not understand the effects of culture, language, social customs, and so on? Read what I'm typing No-Wonder. I'm saying they should have their Bangladesh. Be happy with it! Independence to them, please stay that way!

If Bangladesh has spurned the ummah and Pakistan, it does not in any mean that it is joining any union with India.

Please understand, that does not want any union with any country. It is good as it is!

Bangladesh did not spurn the ummah.
and who is saying creating of another Islamic country means she wanted to join India. But i was talking about the wishful dream of the later.

and yes indeed we do not want BD to join us rather its better be independent rather i wish if the sooner BD get closer to Pakistan the better it would be for both against indian bullying.

And Sir the unforunate part is you also cant think beyond anti-Islam and anti-Pakistan for if you could have you would not have googled alot to malign Islam.
but anyway for us Islam and Pakistan is much important for Islam does not stop us from respecting cultures and norms.
It is an insult to Bangladeshis to declare that they are Indians or they have an affinity (as you alluded to Jana's post). They have similarities with Bengal of Indiam, but then Bengal of India is NOT India!!!!! Sad that you don't even understand that!!

They have more of an affinity to India than to Pakistan was my point. And that was the reason for them siding with India. Without the combination of the two, they had no chance in defeating a much smaller Pakistani Army.

And it is unfortunate that you display such racial hatred for Bengalis as if they are not fit for union.

They aren't fit for union with Pakistan. That's exactly what history has shown! duh. How is this related to race? I think the Kazakhs would make an excellent, peaceful, part of greater Pakistan, if they were to join. I hope they do. They seem like great people.

There maybe a few like BD Wonder to be nostalgic like any Razzakar or collaborators, but as a Bengali, I will say that our pride cannot be bought by all and sundry!!

Stop tryin to come out with the "they're your people routine". It's quite fake and quite sickening. But you can have them.
i dont see any sense in this Sir with due appology.

You mean only being part of Pakistan is a degree to be part of Ummah?????
something does happen to your senses today i guess sir :D.

Bangladesh is still a Muslim State hence very much part of Ummah and we have no shame so there is no need for wipping something that doesnt prevail.
Nor we want them to join us again rather im for more cooperation between both the countries.


Nothing wrong with my intelligence.

Something is wrong with yours since you do not understand the concept of ummah out of sheer convenience!!

The phrase Ummah Wahida in the Qur'an (the "One Community") refers to all of the Islamic world unified. The Quran says: “You [Muslims] are the best nation brought out for Mankind, commanding what is righteous (Ma'ruf - lit. "recognized [as good]") and forbidding what is wrong (Munkar - lit. "unrecognized [as good]")....” [3:110]

Agreed it was our politial mistakes which were further exploited by India by creating haterd among our Bangladeshi brethern and later sending her forces there.
Though i was not born than nor i had seen that politics but by reading i feel if our politicians did not make mistakes India at that time did have guts to separate BD.
Lets accept we did political mistakes.


Read Musharraf.
No, seperated by thousands of miles and they have there own culture which is very different to pakistani culture.
They have more of an affinity to India than to Pakistan was my point. And that was the reason for them siding with India. Without the combination of the two, they had no chance in defeating a much smaller Pakistani Army.

Grapes are sour, right?

wats the point? bangladesh is still east pakistan.

History does not seem to be your strong point.

Any self respecting Bangladeshi will find it hard to swallow after the sacrifices they made.

It is most insulting to Bangladeshis, except for Razzakaras and collaborators!

and who is saying creating of another Islamic country means she wanted to join India. But i was talking about the wishful dream of the later.


Totally puerile a thought!

If India wanted to make it a part of India or make it a surrogate, it should have done what US is doing in Iraq.
They aren't fit for union with Pakistan.


Shows the intolerance that made the Bangladeshi chose Independence.

Only Wonder of BD, razzakar and collaborators, who are not Bengalis, who accept such insult and live with it.

Because this type of sentiments I have seen on Pak forum which take Bangaldeshis as rice eating dark weakling compared to the big talk of the West Pakistan of racial supremacy, is the reason why self respecting Bengalis discarded Pakistan!

Have courage and live with reality and not live in denial and delusions!

I am a Bengali and though not a Bangladeshi, I find it insulting and the Wonder must be razaakaar!
No, seperated by thousands of miles and they have there own culture which is very different to pakistani culture.

Biharis of India are not separated by distance from Bengalis of India and yet they are different. Even so, we are all Indians and one!

Let's not make silly excuses for your own screw ups of policy!!!!
I dont care about Indian national harmony and how you get on.

This is about Pakistan, bengalis are different and everyone knows it. They are not like us and never will be. You can be part of India if you want, they seem happy to claim almost anything as Indian.

Shows the intolerance that made the Bangladeshi chose Independence.

No intolerance. They proved they cannot live with Pakistan. So, they're not fit to live with Pakistan. Pakistan did not mind them joining, but Pakistan should mind them re-joining after all that's happened. Nothing racial in this, if you think about it.

Only Wonder of BD, razzakar and collaborators, who are not Bengalis, who accept such insult and live with it.

Because this type of sentiments I have seen on Pak forum which take Bangaldeshis as rice eating dark weakling compared to the big talk of the West Pakistan of racial supremacy, is the reason why self respecting Bengalis discarded Pakistan!

Nonsense. The theory that they are rice eating dark weaklings was put forward by non Pakistani researchers. I believe it's an evolutionary fact, is it not?

Have courage and live with reality and not live in denial and delusions!

I am a Bengali and though not a Bangladeshi, I find it insulting and the Wonder must be razaakaar!

What are you on about in this part?
culture ??? plz ask form ur (PAKISTANI & BANGALIZ) Harts, wht our BUZURGs thought about make New ONE Muslim COUNTRY, i think INDIA's Agent was Working there what they are and RAW's friend and our Enemy ISREAL Doing in BALOCHISTAN ! m i wrong ??
I dont care about Indian national harmony and how you get on.

This is about Pakistan, bengalis are different and everyone knows it. They are not like us and never will be. You can be part of India if you want, they seem happy to claim almost anything as Indian.

When did I say that they are Pakistanis?

My allusion to Bengali and Bihari of India and their difference inspite of the State borders being contiguous was to debunk the utter nonsense being perpetuated by those who are running for excuses that distance made Bengalis of East Pakistan want to be a separate country!

Living in denial is fine, but that is not REALITY or honesty in thought!!

Let distance not be the reason for difference. Is a Punjabi same as a Sindhi, Kashmiri, Patan or a Baloch even though there is hardly a comparison to Bangladesh separation.

Does it mean that the crationof Pakistan is flawed?

Understand sub nationalism and nationalism.

I sure wish to hear what Wonder of BD has to say, if indeed he is a Bengali!
No intolerance. They proved they cannot live with Pakistan. So, they're not fit to live with Pakistan. Pakistan did not mind them joining, but Pakistan should mind them re-joining after all that's happened. Nothing racial in this, if you think about it.

Quit being condescending that 'Pakistan did not mind Bengalis joining Paksitan. Read the history and then talk!

Nonsense. The theory that they are rice eating dark weaklings was put forward by non Pakistani researchers. I believe it's an evolutionary fact, is it not?

check Pak forums and then know that it is not non Pak researchers, but silly PDF forum folks. Not this PDF, but the original one!

What are you on about in this part?

I agree it is inconvenient for you to understand this!
culture ??? plz ask form ur (PAKISTANI & BANGALIZ) Harts, wht our BUZURGs thought about make New ONE Muslim COUNTRY, i think INDIA's Agent was Working there what they are and RAW's friend and our Enemy ISREAL Doing in BALOCHISTAN ! m i wrong ??

Again utter tripe and a post without indicating any logic, fact or link!

Total wild dreams and beyond reality!!!!


What a source!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Indicates the juvenile and uneducated mindset!
check Pak forums and then know that it is not non Pak researchers, but silly PDF forum folks. Not this PDF, but the original one!

It's actual research Salim. The ones on PDF might be using (perhaps abusing) this research to insult..but the research is there..a book was written on it, i think.
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