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Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

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nope we are too different;too secular and liberal than the Pakistanis so yes an union is impossible;the people won't accept it.rather as Asim mentioned we should have cooperation rather than an union.
wats the point? bangladesh is still east pakistan. wats pakistan , a seprate country found for muslims of india, so that they can live the way they want without the fear of hindu majority. that bangladesh is , a seprate muslim majority state.
nope we are too different;too secular and liberal than the Pakistanis so yes an union is impossible;the people won't accept it.rather as Asim mentioned we should have cooperation rather than an union.

:) well HK i do not see secularism or liberlaism is any reason to be united with any other country by the people so if it was so Bangladeshis would have joined India in terms of secularism point.
So lets put it aside.

As far as BD uniting with Pakistan well it depends on Bangladeshis what they want but than i do not see any such desire on their part as there are many factors.

But im happy Bangladesh is a Muslim state though India did had some great influence on it during some periods but now its people are much aware and they can diffrentiate between enemy and a friend.

Rest let BD as it is we need to have greater cooperation between Bangladesh and Pakistan and we need to have joint strategy in defence and social sectors.
it would benefit both countries against Indian bullying.
Bangladesh isnt secular despite how much they rant on about in forums about this issue. Islami Oikya forms part of the government, along with Jamaat-e-Islami. Jamiat-e-Islami won around 20 seats in the last election purely on grounds of religious fevour!
As far as BD uniting with Pakistan well it depends on Bangladeshis what they want but than i do not see any such desire on their part as there are many factors.

I do think you're trying to be far too nice here. Even if Bangladeshis wanted unification with Pakistan (which they don't), it would be foolish to join the two countries again. Another Mujib will simply come along after 30 years and make an alliance with Indians (because that is the real race of the Bangladeshis...Indian), and once again they would stab Pakistan in the back. For Bangladesh, race will always be more important than religion..one or other. If they united with Pakistan, they would cry discrimination again (race), if they did not unite with Pakistan (like now), they will go into a religious frenzy against India. The situation of having them independent and as far away from Pakistan as possible, is the best solution for Pakistan. They love to be the victim..their golden threads of jute never emerged following the war of liberation, so likely nothing has changed for them..let them chase dreams.
if they decide to reunite, Pakistan should say no and draw up a six point plan.

Are you crazy? Six point plan?They'll never reunite though it would be great if they did. But at least Pakistan has sent help to Bangladesh now because of Cyclone Sidr.
Are you crazy? Six point plan?They'll never reunite though it would be great if they did. But at least Pakistan has sent help to Bangladesh now because of Cyclone Sidr.

Why would it be great if they reunited? They will pull down the economy, claim discrimination even though their leaders will be leading Pakistan as before, claim they would be the richest country in the world if it were not for West Pakistan, and then finally the straw that finally breaks would be when the Bay of Bengal opens up on them, and then some disgusting opportunist will come along and say "DISCRIMINATION" with his fat, bespectacled finger pointing at West Pakistan. NO THANKS! Let them deal with their own problems. Shouldnt take more than 40 or 50 years before India overruns them. History is the only truthful guideline here, and history has shown Bangladesh and West Pakistan do NOT make mix!

Mujib could not have been an Indian agent since he was Surawardy's right hand in the Calcutta Killings! Still, I have heard him and I must say he was a powerful orator and it did get me also charged up, but then I had better sense!

Please also note what Musharraf has to say about why Bangladesh came into being in his book..

I would have answered the Wonder, but then he must be a young man or a Bihari knowing little and rather ill read and so I take it a waste of time to put things in the correct perspective!

I appreciate the feeling of Pakistanis that BD should return to the fold since that would wipe out some of the 'shame' that a Moslem country rejected the ummah.

The separation of the Pakistan because of India has nothing to do with the desire for Independence. It was caused by Pak politics!

Hawaii, should by the Wonder's logic desire to be independent of the US since they are not Europeans and a huge distance divide them! And Taiwan should join China since they are Chinese and a stone's throw distance away!.

Silly excuses for a huge flap is no answer.

Usually it is adopted by losers tojustify their sad situation!
I do think you're trying to be far too nice here. Even if Bangladeshis wanted unification with Pakistan (which they don't), it would be foolish to join the two countries again. Another Mujib will simply come along after 30 years and make an alliance with Indians (because that is the real race of the Bangladeshis...Indian), and once again they would stab Pakistan in the back. For Bangladesh, race will always be more important than religion..one or other. If they united with Pakistan, they would cry discrimination again (race), if they did not unite with Pakistan (like now), they will go into a religious frenzy against India. The situation of having them independent and as far away from Pakistan as possible, is the best solution for Pakistan. .

:) Roady you did not read the line i said "Due to may factors" i dint want to give some anti-Pakistan things here to jump and create bad blood so i dint eleborated.

as far the Mujib legacy it still prevails in shap of his wife and her collaboration with India but im happy for one thing that now Bangladeshi Army has realized the situation just today there was a new that BD govt had offered to done away with corruption cases of Hasina and Khalida if they exile.

and for me the most important thing is that BD is an Islamic country and despite Indian immmense agenda and tries to make it Bangladesh its colony BD still is an independent Islamic State. :tup: and same India is accusing BD of fomenting terrorism.
Union with Bangladesh, economic, political, human disaster for Pakistan. I am always greatful to India for doing such a huge favor, separating Bangladesh. Now Indian are paying the price after so many years in the form of huge human traffic in their neighboring provinces.
Huge land erosion in Bangladesh causing migration toward India. But still in Pakistan we have more Bengalies then 1971 refugees in Bangladesh.

Mujib could not have been an Indian agent since he was Surawardy's right hand in the Calcutta Killings! Still, I have heard him and I must say he was a powerful orator and it did get me also charged up, but then I had better sense!

Please also note what Musharraf has to say about why Bangladesh came into being in his book..

I would have answered the Wonder, but then he must be a young man knowing little and rather ill read and so I take it a waste of time to put things in the correct perspective!

I appreciate the feeling of Pakistanis that BD should return to the fold since that would wipe out some of the 'shame' that a Moslem country rejected the ummah.

The separation of the Pakistan because of India has nothing to do with the desire for Independence. It was caused by Pak politics!

Hawaii, should by the Wonder's logic desire to be independent of the US since they are not Europeans and a huge distance divide them! And Taiwan should join China since they are Chinese and a stone's throw distance away!.

Silly excuses for a huge flap is no answer.

Usually it is adopted by losers tojustify their sad situation!

As usual, you completely miss the point. Hawaii, or even Taiwan, are not Bangladeshis. Each are different people with their own cultural indoctrinations. Comparing them and saying they should all act as a homogenous cultural unit, would only be logical within the non-Wonder's head. Bangladesh has its own brand of people, and culture, none of which is Hawaii or Taiwan. Secondly, the Hawaii situation is totally different to the Bangladesh one. Hawaii has a much bigger, stronger country in charge of it, whilst Bangladesh did not. Don't think so black & white, it really is a waste of time!

then I had better sense!

I appreciate the feeling of Pakistanis that BD should return to the fold since that would wipe out some of the 'shame' that a Moslem country rejected the ummah.

i dont see any sense in this Sir with due appology.

You mean only being part of Pakistan is a degree to be part of Ummah?????
something does happen to your senses today i guess sir :D.

Bangladesh is still a Muslim State hence very much part of Ummah and we have no shame so there is no need for wipping something that doesnt prevail.
Nor we want them to join us again rather im for more cooperation between both the countries.
The separation of the Pakistan because of India has nothing to do with the desire for Independence. It was caused by Pak politics!

Agreed it was our politial mistakes which were further exploited by India by creating haterd among our Bangladeshi brethern and later sending her forces there.
Though i was not born than nor i had seen that politics but by reading i feel if our politicians did not make mistakes India at that time did have guts to separate BD.
Lets accept we did political mistakes.
:) well HK i do not see secularism or liberlaism is any reason to be united with any other country by the people so if it was so Bangladeshis would have joined India in terms of secularism point.
So lets put it aside.

As far as BD uniting with Pakistan well it depends on Bangladeshis what they want but than i do not see any such desire on their part as there are many factors.

But im happy Bangladesh is a Muslim state though India did had some great influence on it during some periods but now its people are much aware and they can diffrentiate between enemy and a friend.

Rest let BD as it is we need to have greater cooperation between Bangladesh and Pakistan and we need to have joint strategy in defence and social sectors.
it would benefit both countries against Indian bullying.


If Bangladesh has spurned the ummah and Pakistan, it does not in any mean that it is joining any union with India.

Please understand, that does not want any union with any country. It is good as it is!
:) Roady you did not read the line i said "Due to may factors" i dint want to give some anti-Pakistan things here to jump and create bad blood so i dint eleborated.

as far the Mujib legacy it still prevails in shap of his wife and her collaboration with India but im happy for one thing that now Bangladeshi Army has realized the situation just today there was a new that BD govt had offered to done away with corruption cases of Hasina and Khalida if they exile.

and for me the most important thing is that BD is an Islamic country and despite Indian immmense agenda and tries to make it Bangladesh its colony BD still is an independent Islamic State. :tup: and same India is accusing BD of fomenting terrorism.

Bangladesh should remain Islamic, but not join with Pakistan (and never be allowed to - history is the only truth here). Only those states/people should join with Pakistan (we could call it something else), who have more of a sense of "brotherhood" than the Bangladeshis. hmm, Biharis for instances. Send back the Bangladeshi illegals, in exchange for Bihari illegals. no change in the demography of Pakistan!
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