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Can Babur and Raad penitrate Indian defence system

So, if Indian radars can detect babur from miles, can't the Pak radars detect Harpys and shoot them down ??

Whatever India has becomes unbeatable and trump card, while whatever Pakistan has, it will be shot down.

How you guys got the Martian technology ??

The difference is:-

Once you fire a missile, you can't control it..

But a Harpy is a suicidal UAV which is being controlled by the handlers..

Coz of this plus even Turkey & China bought it..
isn't harpy too slow for such an attack i mean its a uav and have to fly at high altitude also it not that stealthy ??

Why high altitude? Its a UAV and can be guided so it will mostly flying very low..and it is designed to temporarily take out radar stations for the incoming air attack
The difference is:-

Once you fire a missile, you can't control it..

But a Harpy is a suicidal UAV which is being controlled by the handlers..

Coz of this plus even Turkey & China bought it..

:confused::confused: Have no idea what you are trying to say.

As simple as that, both the cruise missile and harpy have radar signatures, thus both are susceptible to being shot down, as and when they get detected and provided there is a SAM asset in the area with the range and capability to shoot it down.
wont they have to neutralize the air defenses before initiating a ballistic missile strike?
During June 2005 through September 2008, APL conducted a series of Warfare Analysis Laboratory Exercises (WALEXs) in support of the Naval Air Systems Command. The goal of these exercises was to examine a concept then known as the Air-Directed Surface-to-Air Missile (ADSAM) System in support of Navy Overland Cruise Missile Defense. A team of analysts and engineers from APL and elsewhere was assembled to develop a high-fidelity, physics-based engineering modeling process suitable for understanding and assessing the performance of both individual systems and a “system of systems.” Results of the initial ADSAM Study effort served as the basis for
a series of WALEXs involving senior Flag and General Officers and were subsequently presented to the (then) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology. (Keywords: ADSAM, Cruise missiles, Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense, Modeling
and simulation, Overland Cruise Missile Defense

• Developing an analytical methodology that tied together
a series of previously distinct, “stovepiped”
high-fidelity engineering models into an integrated
system that allowed the detailed analysis of a “system
of systems”
• Modeling, analyzing, and assessing the performance
limitations of component systems and the overall
system using these high-fidelity system models
• Applying the APL Warfare Analysis Laboratory (WAL)
Exercise (WALEX) approach to examine the operational
capability and viability of the proposed system
• Using the WAL, its display and visualization capabilities,
and a seminar approach to convey analytical
results and an operational understanding to high-level
decision makers

Can Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS)
be integrated with Indian network-centric warfare so that I can pick up babur.....


India is investing in systems for multi-sensor data fusion, automated change detection including feature extraction, mission planning, GIS and MIS info exchange and image exploitation. Armed forces have initiated several modernisation programmes including soldier systems, radios, GPS tracking, night vision goggles, night vision weapon sights, automated minefield recording systems and thermal imaging fire control systems for tanks.


Besides, key projects are also being launched in maritime safety and security space for coastal surveillance by coastal police, national AIS by DG light house and light ships, vessel traffic management systems by various ports, night navigator system for high speed boat by Coast Guard, amongst others. Rolta is ready with solutions to address these modernisation needs with state-of-the-art technology, brought in from its foreign collaborators and its own R&D facility. With 20 years of domain knowledge in the country, Rolta has further customised and modified the solutions to enhance its usability in the Indian context. There is a tremendous momentum among internal security agencies after 26/11 to lap up latest technologies. Many States like Rajasthan J&K, Maharashtra are using our homeland security solutions. The real effect of a homogenous system will be felt only after some more time though.

GIS Development is launching a dedicated publication for defence and internal security community.
Defence and homeland security are the key for the survival of a nation, more so for a country like India, which is developing at a fast pace. Today, India’s GDP has touched 1 trillion USD after 63 years of independence. But in the next 10 years, India’s GDP is expected to touch 3-4 trillion and 5-6 trillion in 15 years. This is possible only when the country remains on a peaceful path of growth. GeoIntelligence magazine comes at the right time to create more awareness about the use of geospatial technologies in defence and internal security aspects. This is a laudable step.
i think the success of hitting a terrain hugging missile will depend upon the detection and interception procedure, mostly it will left upto the low to mid altitude radar/attack systems.
Coastal detection systems wont play a major part.

But i may even place some hope on the aerostat mounted sensors-if they have capability to filter ground clutter.
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