so thats how to you come to these mendacious conclusions??
The members on this forum or most other forums represent just a tiny minority of our society and ergo their opinions may or may not be representative of the rest of India. I think I'm wasting my time banging my head against a wall.
And let me make it clear that BJP got a landslide victory because the minorities also voted for them. It is not an easy job to get an absolute majority in India. Ppl voted for them not because we wanted to see a change in our economy and not because we wanted a "hindu" govt in power. I'm sure you didnt know that BJP has a muslim wing too.
And if you see congress or the so called secular party defeated then its because of their blunder in making economic decisions.
kapish amigo?
They may represent a minority, but that argument comes in the same light as the one that refers to a silent majority that has little say in what this rabid minority wishes to do. Again, your perception of banging your head on the wall rests on the assumption that views on the country must be absolutely positive and align with exactly those views that you hold. Which is why you and my rather distant and detached one time country fellow @Syed.Ali.Haider are having a hug-able moment and you are I are not.