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Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

Didnt USA support Iraq majorly during Iran Iraq conflict.. I mean money, weapons etc in 1980s?? And invaded Iraq in the next decade when Iraq invaded kuwait.. Not saying that USA will invade Pakistan, but your point on US support to Pakistan is not too sturdy...

United States support for Iraq during the Iran?Iraq war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My reference to Iraq was just an example. The context of Iraq wars were meant to be irrelevant - Iraq war was just meant as a reference to a war.

My point is that they haven't invaded us, nor they have raised any voice.

More importantly, we're alleged to have supported anti-American insurgents during this time. If that were true, that alone is probably enough reason to expect some outburst, if not an attack.
Just a personal blog entry on how I feel about the issue:

Cameron’s embrace of terrorism | Asim Aquil – Defence.pk blogger

Cameron decided this brand of terrorism – oppression, tyranny, murder, rapes and arson are to be embraced – he was only a good little cheerleader after all gone to crib about Pakistan in front of its arch enemy. Not to forget this was absolutely necessary for Cameron as well. He struck several Faustian deals, racking up Indian contracts. So his prostitution at the level of the Indian head of state wasn’t totally useless for the UK.

Quite frankly the fault primarily lies with the Pakistani leadership that has been to sheep to speak up and is readily accepting diktats from western powers.

Very well said, of course he won't see indian terrorism in Kashmir or the fact that india started exported terrorism in 1971 with Mukti Bahini
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I think this demonstrates a huge amount of naivety on the part of Cameron, coupled with opportunism.

Pakistan should react strongly, and it seems that they will be summoning the British HC for an explanation, and after Basit and Wajid Shamsul Hassan, Qureshi has got on in the act by issuing a statement:

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi today slammed British Prime Minister David Cameron's warning to Pakistan to sever links with groups that promote the "export of terror", saying such remarks were "totally unacceptable".Qureshi said Cameron's remarks were "surprising, to say the least" as they came on the heels of three "very successful" visits to Pakistan by senior British leaders and ongoing bilateral cooperation on all issues, including counter-terrorism."We take serious exception to any suggestion that falsifies facts and tends to put the entire onus of terrorism on Pakistan. This is totally unacceptable"


Ahead of Zardari's UK visit next week, I wouldn't have expected Cameron to utter these words in public, but he has done, and we will have to see what diplomatic repercussions they have. Given our usual spineless reaction, this is a chance to stand up and make our feelings clear, so that they understand we won't be thumbed like that at every given opportunity when it comes to tying up a few deals.

Over to you GoP
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I know the intent, but arent we off topic here.. His comments about Israel should form another thread..??

Yes a little off topic but there is a connection. My point was not to hit Israel but to merely point out that this guy is doing blunder after blunder and his comment on Pakistan is latest in his diplomatic blunder series. That's why i posted it. But never mind. We Pakistanis are a bit immune now. :pop:
Nah.. As an official stand, we don't want to say anything about the comments he made on Israel and one people-to-people level, no we don't endorse Cameron's view that Israel is "terrorist" in any way other than the propaganda that Hamas and others spread misusing the media leverage it gains out of misused sympathy of some countries.

The rest of the comment is fine by us :lol:. What's between UK and Israel is their bilateral issue. When it comes to us and Israel, we don't agree with the comment Cameron made about Israelis.

Honestly guys, they aren't so evil as they are protrayed. Many come to India for tourism and I have met quite some. They're just like any other people. Intelligent though I must say.

Ok You can chose what you like but we Pakistanis liked his comment about Israel.:rofl:

I agree with you that they are not evil. There are good and bad people everywhere and Israelis are no exception. Noone can deny their intelligence and their contribution to Science and tech. Cheers!
My reference to Iraq was just an example. The context of Iraq wars were meant to be irrelevant - Iraq war was just meant as a reference to a war.

My point is that they haven't invaded us, nor they have raised any voice.

More importantly, we're alleged to have supported anti-American insurgents during this time. If that were true, that alone is probably enough reason to expect some outburst, if not an attack.

I am simply responding to your comment on why US would provide aid to Pakistan if Pakistan is working cross purpose with US. Giving aid is no barometer and an example is Iraq, where US pumped billions of dollars in 1980's and then invaded the country in 90's and again recently..

The game is still on in Pakistan and Afghanistan and if Pakistan had really backed Taliban against the US, there is still a lot of time for US to react. After all they recently announced that they are not getting out of the region anytime soon. Much against a lot of folks here who wanted to go hunting in Afghanistan after NATO left...
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan said today that it was "saddened" by remarks by British prime minister David Cameron that it was exporting terror, adding these did not reflect ground realities.

Pakistan is a key ally of the United States whose help is crucial for US efforts to stabilise neighbouring Afghanistan.

Cameron's remarks, yesterday during a visit to Pakistan's arch-rival India, came days before an expected visit by Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari to Britain.

The Pakistani foreign ministry said Zardari would visit Britain despite Cameron's remarks.

"Obviously, we are saddened by prime minister Cameron's remarks in Bangalore to an Indian audience. These remarks are contrary to the facts on the ground," Pakistani foreign ministry spokesperson Abdul Basit told a news briefing.

Basit said Cameron's remarks were prompted by classified US military reports published by the whistle-blowing WikiLeaks Website.

Some of of the classified reports appear to reveal that Pakistan secretly aided Taliban militants while taking billions of dollars in US aid.

"You can never draw the right conclusions from misguided reports," Basit said.

"We should not be creating unnecessary hype around these reports and get distracted."

The 77,000 classified documents tangentially deal with Pakistan and the alleged involvement of its Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency in the Afghan insurgency.

Washington has condemned the disclosures and said it could threaten US national security.

Basit said the international community had acknowledged Pakistan's efforts in the fight against militants linked to al-Qaeda and Taliban and it would remain unaffected by such accusations.

"This malicious campaign that has been going on now for years against Pakistan and against our security agencies -- particularly ISI -- cannot belittle our achievements and cannot blight our record against militants and violent extremists."

Pakistan 'saddened' by British PM David Cameron's remarks
Is this already posted:

I wonder if there will be a Cassette boy version on Cameron.:P
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As seen in the above Picture - Camron is not interested in Indians but in India and Its Economy.

He made this statement to get Indians on his side and give his Economically underpowered country the much needed Indian Business.

India = Indians = India.
And thanks for acknowledging our economic might. :cheers:

But what Mr clever forgot is that Pakistan is the King Maker in the WOT game - we have the key to the Exit door - its up to mr camron if he wants the door open that his troops can get out by 2015 as his second in charge Nick has been saying or he wants their Coffins to keep flying out of Kandahar.

ha..so wat r u gonna do to Britain other than seething on an online forum.?
well they elected 3 moronic leaders in a row, they're on a roll :tup:

Its called three stooges. Pakistan should retaliate back with comments about their conduct in Iraq. We should learn some tit-for-tat warfare from Iran's Ahmedinjead.
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