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Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

Here is reason why Cameron talking anti Pakistan..

BANGALORE (Dow Jones)--U.K.'s BAE Systems PLC (BA.LN) has signed a deal worth more than GBP500 million to sell an additional 57 Hawk trainer jets to India for its air force and navy, said the head of its local unit Wednesday.

"We have given a permanent license to HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.) to build the Hawk," Andrew Gallagher, managing director and chief executive of BAE Systems in India told reporters.

India's Hindustan Aeronautics is a state-run company.

India ordered 66 Hawk advanced jet trainers in 2004 for $1.45 billion for its air force.

The country wants to buy more Hawk trainers to better train its pilots for flying supersonic combat jets such as the Sukhoi-30MKI and Jaguar.

The Hawk, which can also be used as a combat aircraft, can fly at a maximum speed of 1.2 times the speed of sound.

More than 900 Hawk jets are currently in operation or have been ordered by 18 customers worldwide, according to BAE.

Money talks
Benny you must be a desperate dirty piece of **** to pull some bad comments.You think Pakistanis give a **** what average briton or American thinks?These are the same people who think Indians stink and smell but you'd love to act like a whore- don't you.It's funny that Indians somehow feel that Britons think much better of you.You see Indians are the same piece of **** who when sikhs are mistakenly attacked for terrorists say they're not Muslims instead of saying terrorists have no religion.I can pull far dirtier comments about Indians by Americans/Europeons right now but that would probably get be banned.

sorry for the late reply, but my culture and the environment i lived doesn't permit to go on personal against you.

Hope you debate in a civilised way taking criticisms from all angles and that is what forums are for.

You are too senior to get banned for comments like this but it is the reality we have in here.

Anyway i am just ignoring your comments here as there is nothing else for you to contribute on this.

Note: the think tank and my dear friend who has thanked a personal dirt throwing has thoroughly dissapointed me. Hope they show respect to what an international forum is and do it in a civilised way without getting too much personal like in this case of this member who is flamming.
I don't have time to respond to the entire thing, but here are a couple of quick points you can clarify:
Seems like someone in the U.S. thinks it important enough to actually bother sharing it with "Pakistanis"

"I don’t know the specifics (of the revelations made by Headley) but I know that it has been quite a revealing set of facts that we’ve shared with the Pakistani authorities," Clinton said during an interaction with a group of television anchors...

...Headley's interrogation by American investigators, which "brought much of this to light", is continuing, she said.

Based on the highlighted section, it would appear that Hillary is referring to information gleaned from Headley under US investigations, not Headley's alleged confessions made by the Indians. The information the US obtained from Headley was shared with Pakistan a while back, and is largely reflective of the information in his deposition.

So no, this does not in anyway validate your argument that the fantastic 'fantastic' confession the the GoI and Indian media have been ranting about are true.

Not interested! That's your problem. Was only interested in a specific incident. This:
Please post the relevant report from wikileaks so that the language and allegations can be looked at, because the first point to make is that there should be some reason for this report to be considered more reliable than the one about Osama flying off to NK to shop for weapons.

Only? Hardly! Let me offer a conjecture of my own; the U.S. as said by the Secretary of state is dealing with this issue. What other reason could there be to bring it up with the Pakistanis?
It is being brought up with Pakistan because Headley's associates are alleged to be in Pakistan - just because the information is being shared with Pakistan does not in anyway illustrate institutional support from Pakistan.
Btw, we just heard from the PM of the U.K., it may not be a complete coincidence that he said what he said a week after meeting with the Americans. Obama is coming in a few weeks as are Sarkozy & Medvedev. Probably to tell us how dismissive they are of our concerns. Interesting times we live in.

(PR victories turning sour? I'll be sure to remind you of what you said about it at an appropriate time.)
Each one of them could repeat the same mantra as DC, but it still won't change the nature of the G2G relationships. Sorry, but so long as NATO is in Afghanistan and the facts on the ground not reflective of the public bluster we see, G2G relationships will change little.

PR victories, nothing much beyond that. No one is going to invade Pakistan, no one is going to join in with India in invading Pakistan, and no one is going to sanction Pakistan - sorry to spoil your fantasies there.
Another point. This sounds very much like a threat.

I'm sure that statement would endear Pakistanis like this gentleman to the whole wider world.
Don't get your panties in a bunch, could have referring to 'payback' in the political sense. You should at least have him clarify.
sorry for the late reply, but my culture and the environment i lived doesn't permit to go on personal against you.

Hope you debate in a civilised way taking criticisms from all angles and that is what forums are for.

You are too senior to get banned for comments like this but it is the reality we have in here.

Anyway i am just ignoring your comments here as there is nothing else for you to contribute on this.

Note: the think tank and my dear friend who has thanked a personal dirt throwing has thoroughly dissapointed me. Hope they show respect to what an international forum is and do it in a civilised way without getting too much personal like in this case of this member who is flamming.

Well Benny talk is cheap, where i do agree to the point that perhaps Patriot should have not gotten so personal. But then again you didnt leave any stone unturned to post comments of people tossing dirt at Pakistan. So why scream in pain when you are burning your self by playing with fire.
Note: the think tank and my dear friend who has thanked a personal dirt throwing has thoroughly dissapointed me. Hope they show respect to what an international forum is and do it in a civilised way without getting too much personal like in this case of this member who is flamming.

Please learn to recognise when you have caused offence, and secondly i have a name, learn to use it when you are referring to me. Btw we are far more lenient and respectful as compared to what you posted in your recent post.

Remember this is PDF. Don't like it, too bad!
Here is reason why Cameron talking anti Pakistan..

Money talks

The reason you have mentioned is BS as we are gonna place order of more Hawk AJT as we are going to induct large number of fighters and as we have already purchased some of them from UK its economical and rational to go for more if we need.
Well Benny talk is cheap, where i do agree to the point that perhaps Patriot should have not gotten so personal. But then again you didnt leave any stone unturned to post comments of people tossing dirt at Pakistan. So why scream in pain when you are burning your self by playing with fire.

Bro, attacking an interest/opinion and attacking personal are both different. Only kids of lower standards will mix both up. I expect same decency and i have never got into personal with anybody here even when there is a difference in opinion.

Its better to ban all Indians here rather than getting personnal on each and every thing that doesnt not fall into the personal interests of others.

Seriously, i have nothing against the member who has ill mouthed against rather i have sympathy to see his frustration. The same goes against the people who has supported him.
Please learn to recognise when you have caused offence, and secondly i have a name, learn to use it when you are referring to me. Btw we are far more lenient and respectful as compared to what you posted in your recent post.

Remember this is PDF. Don't like it, too bad!

Yes Rescue Ranger, tell me the post which has offended you.

The leniency of your posts are a debateful one and i am no here to judge you on that.

I know this is PDF.
I didnt say i didnt like it. If i didnt like it i wouldnt have spend much time on it.

This is like a learning debating platform for me. Its just that i am a little dissapointed about the quality of posts/thoughts of some.
Yes Rescue Ranger, tell me the post which has offended you.

Posts Number 299 and Number 300, absolutely no need for them.

The leniency of your posts are a debateful one and i am no here to judge you on that.

Would you care to quote any one of my posts where i have rediculed india or belittled its citizens or mocked her status or flamed indian members?

This is like a learning debating platform for me. Its just that i am a little dissapointed about the quality of posts/thoughts of some.

As am i.
Forget it guys. Let's talk about "Cameron direct"(his nick name) views on Israel.
Blunder after blunder. :azn:

Cameron Honeymoon Over

By Justin Cohen - Wednesday 28th July 2010

David CAMERON'S honeymoon with Israel and the Jewish community is under severe strain this week following a "one-sided" speech in which he labelled Gaza "a prison camp" and he failed to mention Hamas.

MPs from his own party and Conservative Friends of Israel were among those to take issue with the comments, which came in a speech in Ankara during which he vowed to fight for Turkey's entry into the EU and urged Turkey and Israel not to give up their friendship following recent strains.

After branding Israel's recent interception of the Gaza flotilla as "completely unacceptable", Cameron said: "The situation in Gaza has to change. Humanitarian goods and people must flow in both directions. Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp." Only later, during a press conference, did he make any reference to the rocket attacks from Gaza which led to the blockade of the Strip,which has been recently eased.
A senior communal source indicated that the Foreign Office had privately made it clear that they had not been aware that the Prime Minister would include the "prison camp" comment in his speech.

The speech drew a strong reaction from CFI, with director Stuart Polak saying: "In calling Gaza a prison camp, the prime minister has failed to address Hamas' role in creating the Gaza we see today. The organisation�s obsessive hatred for Israel and continued terrorist tactics have long overridden any concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people."

He added: "The prime minister�s words certainly did not reflect the wider context and I'm sure this will be urgently addressed by the government. This oversight is regrettable as he has never pulled any punches where Hamas is concerned. Describing Hamas as a theocracy who target innocent life, he has always been very clear on what sort of organisation they are and that there should be no moral equivalence with Israel."

Israeli ambassador Ron Prosor said: "The people of Gaza are the prisoners of the terrorist organisation Hamas. The situation in Gaza is the direct result of Hamas� rule and priorities." And leaving little room for doubt as to his concern, Board of Deputies President Vivian Wineman added: "If the new Government wishes to be a credible player in the Middle East peace process, it should avoid one-sided, emotive language."

Disquiet was also expressed from within Cameron's own benches. Harlow MP Robert Halfon said he "disagreed with what David Cameron said in the sense that it apportioned unfair blame on Israel". But he claimed the relationship between Israel and the party remained "very strong", pointing to last week's promise to amend the law of universal jurisdiction.

While Cameron, in June, spoke of "effectively, a giant open prison in Gaza", this will be seen as a harshening of rhetoric on the issue.

However, a Downing Street spokeswoman insisted there is no change in policy. "The PM was making clear the need to improve access to and from Gaza, which he has said before. In his press conference yesterday he reiterated that he has 'long supported lifting the blockade and allowing humanitarian access.' While we welcomed the Israeli decision to ease restrictions on Gaza, it is important to translate this into concrete change on the ground as soon as possible."

She also pointed out that "the Foreign Secretary has said that Hamas continue to pursue an ideology of violence and directly to undermine prospects for peace in the region. Hamas need to take immediate and concrete steps towards to the Quartet principles; to cease indiscriminate rocket fire at Israeli civilians unconditionally, to release Gilad Shalit who has been held in captivity for four years."

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Posts Number 299 and Number 300, absolutely no need for them.

Would you care to quote any one of my posts where i have rediculed india or belittled its citizens or mocked her status or flamed indian members?

As am i.

I have clearly stated that the comments are from NYT.

and post number 299 talks about cameron acting as a puppet of Obama and the second part talks about taxing and income.

Its not that offensive when you consider posts with much stronger opinions in posts even from much senior members.

Post number 300 talks about mujahideen story which has been discussed and acknowledged a number of times here and the saudi factor even the members have agreed and discussed upon much earlier calling it petro money and what not.

So these are the posts which are aggressive and the not the one which went personal . Is it right Rescue ranger????
I have clearly stated that the comments are from NYT.

and post number 299 talks about cameron acting as a puppet of Obama and the second part talks about taxing and income.

Its not that offensive when you consider posts with much stronger opinions in posts even from much senior members.

Post number 300 talks about mujahideen story which has been discussed and acknowledged a number of times here and the saudi factor even the members have agreed and discussed upon much earlier calling it petro money and what not.

So these are the posts which are aggressive and the not the one which went personal . Is it right Rescue ranger????

Benny you are a sensible person, you should learn to accept that seldom we want to say something but it has the opposite effect, your motives may have been neutral but the quotes you used are offensive and flame bating for any red blooded Pakistani, so i don't blame Patriot for loosing his temper.

Agreed, there is no room for name calling, but i will say this, there is also no room for such posts. We are committed to a fight that is just, we want to build a bridge of sincere friendship between India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Such posts go completely contrary to any such aspiration.
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