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Cameron to Scotland: Don't break away and erode UK's global clout

If that happens, UK is doomed, questions will be raised even on it's UNSC seat.
thats why i want them to get dissolved , that cursed nation brought more misery to the world then good, everywhere they went they caused chaos
You should be asking that question to yourself.
i don't need to ask myself that , i know history very well.

you clearly don't know that the hell that the british brought to the world. i hate that country with all my heart.
i don't need to ask myself that , i know history very well.

you clearly don't know that the hell that the british brought to the world. i hate that country with all my heart.

We all know the history, no one is really innocent/perfect in this world.
who gives a crap about the inventions? 95 percent of the native american population was wiped by these evil sons of bitches!!!! thats just one fucking example bro.
you clearly don't know shit about the atrocities these pigs committed.

Pakistan would have done the same if they were exactly in the same position, but they only wish.

nobody is innocent but nobody is worst then the british either!
Then you dont know history mate, go do some research.
who gives a crap about the inventions? 95 percent of the native american population was wiped by these evil sons of bitches!!!! thats just one fucking example bro.
you clearly don't know shit about the atrocities these pigs committed.
And you go and live in that very own country built upon genocide then?
Is it real??? Is Scotland breaking from UK?
there is a referendum.. most probably scots will vote no ..to separation..
but according to a survery it all boils down to money, if scots are 500 gbp better off being independent, yes will be majority.

Nothing is going to happen. UK will stay like status quo.
scots might get some more power...
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