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Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

The fact that the British goveremnt is using weak policies..is the reason why we are gaining extremism in our country. So Pakistan is not to be blamed for that...because Britain is too inept to solve its own problem. However Pakistan does need to play a role as well...and in my opinion it is doing so....as it is successfully conducting operations in Swat, Bajaur and South Wazirisatan...and has provided a lot of key informations that have prevented many attacks. There has only been one bombing incident and that was in 2005......and they were Abu Hamza students......our fault for not reacting fast enough...its a simpel as that. And in my opinion you can't ask Pakistan to do any more than it already does.......it's resources are being concentrated on the war on terror......its using its Army to fight in the war on terror......It people are suffering in war of terror...so it is doing the best it can...with the amount of money it has at its disposal.

Well thats between your govt and Pakistan and you as a citizen of UK should convey these thoughts to your govt. However in my view, for Pakistan, doing its best, specially in Afgan- Pakistan area just doesnt cut it since Pakistan is the country responsible for creating that mess in the 1st place..Even if it was at behest of the US, Pakistan's responsibility does not end. A paid assasin is as culpable if not more for the murder as the person who paid for the assasination.
So if nothing else We at least consider evil as evil in our hearts and protest against it whenever and whichever way possible.
Let it be Taliban or Democratically Imperial Armies!!!
Do you even make an effort to find out what "evil" is? Not if you're full of conspiracy theories and anti-Zionism you don't.
indian members bashing at peak hhere and mods sleeping tight . wah wah defence.pk mean defence of pakistan or abuse of pakistan? can some one answer?
Cameron since he has the information from UK Intelligence organizations, considered one of the best in the world, I would think he would know what he is talking about. So is the problem that you all think hes wrong, or just that he should not have said it?
his way and place of that were he said was wrong he can talk with dipolomatic way with our head of state PM ISI cheaf or ARMY CHEAF not like a joker show time guy infront of student,
Simply because the your govt believes that 80% of terror plots against UK originate in Pakistan.

Karan Gordon Brown made that statement in 2008..what was Pakistan's reponse since that statement...the recapture of Swat which happened in 2009....the operation in South Waziristan which also happened in 2009.....and the operation in Orakzai.....so Pakistan is doing something my friend....the facts are going towards it...however you are right it still has to do more as its a vital player on the war on terror. And the colloboration bewteen mi6 and the ISI has seemed to have worked because there has been no suicide bombs since 2005....so the Pakistan establishment is helping to protect the citizens of the UK by providing key information on known targets.

Now neither me nor you are aware of the intelligence info that results in this belief, but thats what your govt's policies are based on.

Like I said even the Americans are praising the action done by the Pakistani since 2009...progress is being made.

Now assuming your govt's intelligence is correct, then just because UK is not able to contain an escalation does not absolve Pakistan for causing it in the 1st place

I never said that my Goverment should be solely blamed for any inaction that has resulted in terror attacks. Pakistan has to play its part....and if you look at the statistics there has only been one bomb 2005.....since then Pakistan has provided intelligence which has prevented terror attacks....so Pakistan is doind its duty....however when that terrorist is in Uk soil...it is up to our goverment to sort out the problem.
Cameron since he has the information from UK Intelligence organizations, considered one of the best in the world, I would think he would know what he is talking about. So is the problem that you all think hes wrong, or just that he should not have said it?

He is entitled to his opinion....however I personally believe that if that is the case then he should go to Pakistan and say it there.,....not lounge about in India and claim such a statement....because for one it is creating a hostile confrontation....that is not needed...when allies are meant to work with each other not fight.

Second the whole point of him going to India was to boost it's economic relations with it....not to increase the ego of the Indian goverement. When the Pakistani Public is against the West...such statements do not help such matters...as clearly the public in Pakistan are infuaited.If we want to win the war on Terror...we need the support of both the Afghan and Pakistan Public...otherwise we have no chance of winning....and that is fcat.
Well thats between your govt and Pakistan and you as a citizen of UK should convey these thoughts to your govt

Actually I have....I spoke to my local MP.....we both agree that Pakistan has to do more, as terrorists are getting some training from there, so its Pakistan's responsibillity to do so.....but essentially its the UK goverements responsibillity in controlling extremism in its own border. And I conveyed my thought's to him....I told him that to solve extremism at it's core....we must target uneducated mullah's who teach the young. For example Most Mullah's in the Mosque come from abroad...I believe this is wrong as most are extreme in there views..and furthermore they are uneducated.....and they weren't born in England. These same Mullahs who are not of Pakistani origin mind you..tell these youngsters to go abroad and train. But what has Pakistan done in this regards.....it done operation in the 3 key areas I have said before...so its trying to solve the issue.
Britain has muslims from all over the world but why is it that these terrorists can be found mostly in pak origin british only.

Why do they fancy terrorism, when other muslims from other origins have no problems.

You are wrong there are more Muslims of different origin (Arabs) in Brit involved in foolish activities..
Why Pakistanis...
Because the war on terror is fought in Afghanistan and Pakistan is a neighbor of Afghanistan so it is easy to hire Pakistanis or easier to make them convinced that west is not doing good to your country or it is more easier to hire Pakistanis because they reached Afghanistan more easily by having dual passport or by getting Pakistani visas....
This is the main reasons why Pakistanis...
Hope you get your answer...
True Karan.....however since the Prime Minister made that speech in India..all the tension has gone into that issue which is wrong.....focus more on the economy rather than interfering in a dispute that Britain has no power to solve with.

Diplomacy at its best. Cameron knew what to say and when, there were two reasons-
First- He wanted to say this in any case as per intelligence inputs and his meeting with White House. Remember the same feelings were expressed by Hillary Clinton in Pakistan. Now it would not have made sense on his trip to, lets say Japan. His issues there would not have been focused on terrorism.
Second- In India there were again two reasons, 1st- India is also suffering from terrorism. 2nd- By committing to the fact that both countries are victims of same terrorists from the same origin, there was instant audience and a marked swing in the feelings in favor of the new PM.
But what has Pakistan done in this regards.....it done operation in the 3 key areas I have said before...so its trying to solve the issue.

What pak has done in few areas is only because few of those jihadis are attacking targets in pakistan, not out any genuine will to fight against terrorism.

Pakistan openly allows foreigners and its own citizens to get trained into terrrorist schools and does not curb them.

As a state policy it encourages few terrorists groups in guise as freedom fighters.
What pak has done in few areas is only because few of those jihadis are attacking targets in pakistan, not out any genuine will to fight against terrorism.

Pakistan openly allows foreigners and its own citizens to get trained into terrrorist schools and does not curb them.

As a state policy it encourages few terrorists groups in guise as freedom fighters.

Oh really and wheres your proof? Or are you a typical indian that likes to rant against Pakistan just for the fun of it?

BTW where was your moral high ground when you trained Mukti Bahini as "freedom fighters" in 1971 in East Pakistan?
Oh really and wheres your proof? Or are you a typical indian that likes to rant against Pakistan just for the fun of it?

BTW where was your moral high ground when you trained Mukti Bahini as "freedom fighters" in 1971 in East Pakistan?

Were Mukthi Bahini termed as Terrorists by the UN ??

Please approach the UN get Mukthi Bahini proclaimed as a Terrorist Organisation then we will talk about that.
Were Mukthi Bahini termed as Terrorists by the UN ??

Please approach the UN get Mukthi Bahini proclaimed as a Terrorist Organisation then we will talk about that.

Doesn't matter, what you did in 1971 is just the same thing that is being done with Kashmiri Freedom fighters. So don't complain about Pakistan sending so called "terrorists" in Kashmir when your country did the same in East Pakistan and Sri Lanka
What pak has done in few areas is only because few of those jihadis are attacking targets in pakistan, not out any genuine will to fight against terrorism.

How do you know....are you a Pakistani.....I don't think so......even if they did...at least they are doing something useful....which is helping indirectly to a number of other countries.
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