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Calidus UAE B-350 9 ton turboprop attack aircraft

What people don’t understand is cost per flying hour. You don’t want to fly an expensive fighter jet guzzling fuel and needing expensive maintenance in COIN ops.

An F-16 costs around $6000 per flying hour. An F-15 if I remember correctly is $15000 per flying hour. A ground attack turbo prop like Calidus B250 does it for ~$1500 per flying hour.

How can that be ? Turborop engine consume much less fuel and easier to maintain than turbofan engine
How can that be ? Turborop engine consume much less fuel and easier to maintain than turbofan engine
That’s why it’s operating cost is lower. Actually F16 is not $6000 but $8000 per hour and F-15 is also higher at between $21-23k:

And Calidus B250 per hour cost is slightly less than what I thought @$1200:
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I was/am a big proponent of this aircraft for PAA when it was first revealed a couple of years ago. Could provide CAS for troops fighting insurgency in areas of Balochistan and KP a lot more effectively then the old cobras with much greater payload, choices of precision weapons, recon, and much longer time on station.
That’s why it’s operating cost is lower. Actually F16 is not $6000 but $8000 per hour:

US engine is the most efficient one, if we compare to Russian and Chinese made so the cost will be much higher.

Turboprop engine is also the future if oil price is still high. The latest development engine can produce good speed that make Indonesian Aerospace to have plan to challenge Boeing and Airbus jet planes using turboprop one, but it is long plan after inshaAllah N 245 and R 80 program are inshaAllah completed.

Some people may want to go from Indonesia to USA by using turboprop plane if it can cut good amount of cost but we need to make the plane as big as Boeing and Airbus plane to make the significant reduction in the cost.

This is just an example where CN 235 can fly from Indonesia in South East Asia into Africa in just days. The journey I believe include getting rest and take a nap in Hotels since they are not in rush and only have 3 crews as pilot and co pilots while the rest passenger (around 10) are not pilots crews.

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US engine is the most efficient one, if we compare to Russian and Chinese made so the cost will be much higher.

Turboprop engine is also the future if oil price is still high. The latest development engine can produce good speed that make Indonesian Aerospace to have plan to challenge Boeing and Airbus jet planes using turboprop one, but it is long plan after inshaAllah N 245 and R 80 program are inshaAllah completed.

Some people may want to go from Indonesia to USA by using turboprop plane if it can cut good amount of cost but we need to make the plane as big as Boeing and Airbus plane to make the significant reduction in the cost.

This is just an example where CN 235 can fly from Indonesia in South East Asia into Africa in just days

Well fuel is just one part of per hour cost. It also includes maintenance and parts wear and tear.
I was/am a big proponent of this aircraft for PAA when it was first revealed a couple of years ago. Could provide CAS for troops fighting insurgency in areas of Balochistan and KP a lot more effectively then the old cobras with much greater payload, choices of precision weapons, recon, and much longer time on station.
TAI told me that the PAF was interested in the Hurkus-C (at IDEAS 2018). If accurate, I think the aircraft would still be operated by the PAF, but in close coordination with the PA. In a way, CT/COIN air ops requires its own channel: specific aircraft (for attack and ISR), specific weapons, JTACs, and rapid reaction infantry.
It is useful for SOCOM especially imo which is why the USA wants 75 turboprop CAS aicraft, and I have also thought it could be a standoff missile launching platform. It is also very easy to operate, you don't need as much infrastructure to set it up like GCS, RF links etc.

Payload on B-350 aircraft will be what 3800 kg? It could likely carry cruise missiles like Delilah, or Nasef quite easily allowing standoff missions from a much cheaper aircraft than a dedicated fighter while also able to be multi role, and be relatively safe from insurgent AA weaponry by flying at high altitudes.

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Although I still think the UAE is developing a UCAV in my opinion because of a few big things

Love that wow what a devastating looking piece of armament. Yallah ya EAF eshterou a bunch of these and find a way to put them on our F-16s,

Well yes, there are always choices in life. We either continue developing and advancing and moving forward and learning from others , or we can turn into a corrupt failed nation, migrate abroad and choose interesting forum names.

I think we will stick with choice (1) no matter how much blind bigoted hate we receive.

Bravo aleik Teslam ya sheikh Ramadan Kareem
Eurofighter Tranche 4
Italy has become a major trade partner for Egypt, while its arms industry has grown to become one of Egypt’s main suppliers, as such sales have increased from 7.4 million to more than 871 million euros from 2016 to 2019, according to annual parliamentary reports.

A former Egyptian diplomat told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity that Egypt’s relations with Italy are strategic and that the arms deals point to improved relations.

The diplomat praised the Egyptian policy of diversifying its sources of armaments, and said Italy is an important partner of Egypt in the energy-rich eastern Mediterranean region.

Egypt relies on the Italian government-owned ENI, which is the largest gas and oil producer in Egypt, to produce nearly half of Egypt’s petroleum wealth

Despite domestic pressure, Italy sees the military deal with Egypt serving as a guarantee to build strong relations with Cairo so as to preserve an active role in the eastern Mediterranean, a significant hotbed in the region.

Italy is a co-founder of the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum, established in January 2019 by Egypt, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority, with the purpose of promoting natural gas exports among its member states.

On the other hand, Italy is keen to not lose one of the world’s top arms importers. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s March 15 report said Egypt was the third-largest arms importer for 2016-2020. During that period, Egypt’s arms imports grew by 136% compared with 2011-2015, with Russia as the top exporter to the country, followed by France, Germany, the UK and the United States.

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He stressed that Egypt enjoys strong military relations not only with Italy but also with France, Germany, the UK, the United States, Russia and China. Since the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, the Egyptian military has been seeking to diversify weapons sources instead of relying on one source — a trend that has been more accentuated under Sisi — in a bid to increase military capabilities to face the regional challenges and preserve national security, he said. “The countries of the world are also keen to strengthen their relations with Cairo.”

Brig. Gen. Khaled Okasha, member of the National Council for Combating Terrorism, seems to concur with Mazloum, as he said that Egypt enjoys military relations with major countries in the world and has a well-studied and clear scientific plan to modernize and develop its various weapons in the army, such as the navy and air defense, to maintain its national security.

“Egypt’s keenness on diversifying its sources of armament contributes in strengthening its army by bringing in arms from different branches of armed forces from various countries,” reported Al-Monitor newspaper.

“Egypt has strong military ties with many countries in the world including France, the United States, England, Russia and not just with Italy. Therefore, the dispute over the Regeni case is something secondary and did not affect in any way the strong economic military relations between Rome and Cairo,” he added.
Okasha explained that Egypt’s great position and its pivotal role in the region put it at risk of great challenges, and therefore it is essential for Cairo to increase its military capabilities to preserve its national security. “In this context, several major countries, including Italy, deal with Cairo, as they are well aware of its great role and share common interests. Egypt maintains stronger ties with France, Germany, the United States and Russia, and does not count on one country only for armament,” he concluded.

and well done. So happy UAE and Egypt are such close friends. It makes us all MUCH MUCH MUCH more powerful. I just have a little bit of an issue with the no visas require to travel between both countries. You know brother how easy that will make mossad's life so much easier to sabotage anything they deem a threat. I prefer to call them moskharra :D but not to take anything away from the UAE intel getting into Israel and doing their own form of sabotage, but you know the moskharra has been around for a while and are filthy to the worst degree. UAE Muslims even with intel will not be at the same level. I hope they squash that no visa required because even if Israel allows it, I bet you all your savings that every single UAE member will spend an hour in a special briefing room being interrogated by some young Israeli sharmoota and being drilled a zillion questions for the reason of the visit which is why they created visas in the first place. So it's too late to squash the no visa requirement, them please let's hope the UAE intel interrogate every single Israeli for more than an hour. 2 can play this game and believe me, those Jews are not doing this just to become friends. No one knows more about their filthy tactics than us Egyptians believe me!

BTW, @Philip the Arab , I like the new prop plane but what did they say about the Tractor which was used in Libya with tremendous success and by the EAF in the Sinai also with tremendous success. The only good thing is the localization. These desert dwellers that many insult are among the smartest and brightest and I bet you they bought those tractors to use and learn to develop this new plane.

Sorry if I make a lot of spelling and grammatical errors it's because of a very long and super stressful day at work.
BTW, @Philip the Arab , I like the new prop plane but what did they say about the Tractor which was used in Libya with tremendous success and by the EAF in the Sinai also with tremendous success. The only good thing is the localization. These desert dwellers that many insult are among the smartest and brightest and I bet you they bought those tractors to use and learn to develop this new plane.
Well UAE can arm the plane with everything it produces in the future which enables it to perform many missions that the F-16s and especially Mirage-2000s can at a much lower cost.

Just imagine it launching 14 Nasef cruise missiles with 120km range. That would bring so much hurt against the enemy while operating far outside the range of most air defenses.



It can also perform CAS against enemy positions using Desert Sting 16, 8, 5, and 25



Thunders can perform both CAS and other duties

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Nasef has that much of a range 120km? That's impressive and a little hard to tell but look like small missiles to hold enough fuel for that distance. Still need to be extra careful because high end enemy have radars and IFF that project at 400km. But for COIN operations with special forces boots on the ground, it would make to a great ground support aircraft. Just gotta watch out for MANPADS.
Nasef has that much of a range 120km? That's impressive and a little hard to tell but look like small missiles to hold enough fuel for that distance. Still need to be extra careful because high end enemy have radars and IFF that project at 400km. But for COIN operations with special forces boots on the ground, it would make to a great ground support aircraft. Just gotta watch out for MANPADS.
Well war doesn't happen in a vaccum, realistically F-16Es and Mirage-2000-9s would clean up everything strategic while the B-350 would take care of the less important targets like SHORAD, Medium range air defense, army bases etc.

Nasef weighs about 125kg with 25kg boosters and a 50kg warhead. Hey, if the designers say it will reach 120km it will reach 120km. There is also a ground launched version that UAE artillery forces will use.
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