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C-130J crashes in Gwalior

Additionally, the PAF C-130 vs IAF C-130 comparison is pointless. The birds are different ages, models and are in use for different purposes by their respective AFs, in the PAF they are general transporters (AN-32 and IL-76 role in the IAF) and with the IAF they are used for Special Missions.

Is there any FDR or any other device which have events etc? May help to find the cause. May help other countries operating C130 also
There will be a FDR and CVR onboard that will be used by the IAF inquiry to understand what exactly went on to cause this accident.
Talking about height PAF C130 somewhere in GB high above the mountains and everything else.

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Pakistan Military Multimedia | Page 137

I actually cannot believe the level of stupidity this thread has seen.

Firstly these planes were bought by the IAF as dedicated Spec Ops platforms meaning they are going to, by nature, be undertaking the most extreme and risky flying ops in war (the IAF themselves said these were being procured so they could drop SOFs behind enemy lines which requires ridiculous flying from the air crew to evade radar and such) and for this they have to practice- this seems to have been a practice mission gone terribly wrong.

Low-level flight in any a/c is treacherous let alone a lumbering 4 engined stretched transporter, this isn't a jet fighter, flying this at low level is incredibly risky but it has to be done and practiced.

An inquiry will now be done and if there are lessons to be learnt they will be, we can't rule anything out at this point it could have been pilot error or some sort of technical fault or a one-off freak accident.

This is certainly a blow to the IAF 1/6th of their C-130J-30 fleet wiped out in a morning, no doubt they'll be getting 7 now as opposed to 6 for their follow-on that is being processed now...

For all those taking joy in this news- how sick do you have to be to revel in the DEATHS of human beings during a training mission? Being shot down in war is one thing but this is peacetime and this was a training mission.

The IAF has to get its **** together. The force cant afford these kinds of mistakes right now. RIP to the fallen.
Two casualties, as per initial reports.

Looks bad. These are precious assets. As a consolation, it wasn't carrying a contingent of special forces when it happened.

Is there any indication that it happened due to lack of maintainace, or are you simply trying to score points?

to be honest, he does have a point. American machines are much more "fragile". One of my acquaintances, worked on some old Russian aircraft, he was putting on the prop and the manual said torque the bolts with all your power. They didn't give a torque value.
If you do that to an American or even European built aircraft, the bolts would snap
do indians get all of their spare parts from the black or grey market or something or do their techies work on empty stomach and low bloody sugar levels

didnt they JUST induct these aircrafts a couple years back?

goodness gracious me

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well pakistani c-130 have also gone through harsh landing and beatings in northern areas.
it seems that problem will be pilot mistake.

in past we have also lost new c-130 in ZIAULHAQ case and famous twin collision of c-130.
but lets wait for IAF report

we've used the Hercules even in insurgency-racked regions along Afghan border - primarily for reccon purposes, as a small number of our fleet have been equipped with pods and sensors needed to detect ground activity using FLIR imagery

hell - we used them in 1965 for some succesful bombing and ground attack missions (luckily all made it back safe n sound)

those Hercules are real tough bastards....pretty agile too
yup but losing one isnt that much an issue. i think it would be an issue if hey lose more tha one in quick time.
accidents do happen . c-130 can crash too
keenly waiting for the investigation... and please tell us that it was a sabotage!!!
Aeroplane made in US gotta have back-door. The engines communicate with satellite anytime, anywhere without you known.
Technically, they (US) can switch off your precious aircraft anytime, anywhere....

Engine health monitoring are services provided by GE, RR and PW for commercial and some military base engines.There is nothing blackops about these services offered. Can you tell me how this kill switch "kills" the aircraft?
I am actually surprised that this didn't happen way earlier. Look at their entire armed forces, how many accidents they are having across all branches?

The IAF has to get its **** together. The force cant afford these kinds of mistakes right now. RIP to the fallen.

nothing will change, the big mouth officials will get promoted soon.
Additionally, the PAF C-130 vs IAF C-130 comparison is pointless. The birds are different ages, models and are in use for different purposes by their respective AFs, in the PAF they are general transporters (AN-32 and IL-76 role in the IAF) and with the IAF they are used for Special Missions.

There will be a FDR and CVR onboard that will be used by the IAF inquiry to understand what exactly went on to cause this accident.

You think we dont use them for "special" missions?

2)Bombing runs
3)Special Ops.

And than Transport..
I am actually surprised that this didn't happen way earlier. Look at their entire armed forces, how many accidents they are having across all branches?

nothing will change, the big mouth officials will get promoted soon.
If you don't know what you're talking about refrain from commenting. The IAF has actually got a very sound safety record comparable to most professional AFs in the world. A couple of years back it recorded its safest ever year and if you took out the MiGs the flight safety record of the IAF would be stellar.
You think we dont use them for "special" missions?

2)Bombing runs
3)Special Ops.

And than Transport..
I'm saying it's stupid to compare the IAF an PAF's records operating the Herc considering the different nature of the models operated and how they are operated.
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