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By standing up to China, Australia may end up standing alone

yeah insulting entire nations and wanting to kill refugees is very civilized, decent and sympathetic on SS and RSS scale

I dont want kill anyone. All i said is, that a border can and will be protected by force if needed. And why flee Turkey?
Quit the act. You are probably one of the most indecent, immoral and low grade human beings in here. Yet you have the fucking nerve to talk about lofty subjects like human rights. You're a hate filled genocidal maniac who is thankfully broke and powerless.

Im not broke 🙂 and since i live in a democracy i participate in our democratic system. 🙂
I dont want kill anyone. All i said is, that a border can and will be protected by force if needed. And why flee Turkey?

Im not broke 🙂 and since i live in a democracy i participate in our democratic system. 🙂
Pretty sure you are broke by my standards.

And quit acting like you're a moral person. You're a hate filled asshole who virtues signals to justify the amount of seething hatred they have.
Just your brainwashed or brainshit thoughts. China does not export ideology and does not interfere in another country's internal affairs. Ask any fool-hardy Aussie if they think China is interested in invading Australia and manage Australia on behalf of Canberra, they'll probably look at you like you're the fool and maybe give you a finger if not a beating. So where's the threat? You're just dancing to Uncle Sam's shaft on your behind.

China invades countries economically through debt trap.....Seizing national assets of a country in lieu of heavily biased loans (only to benefit the lender) is for sure invasion....

Threat is China's arrogance......to undermine other countries using economic muscle and then force it's agendas compromising freedom of it's policies, citizens.... You please just wait..... game has just started.....
Pretty sure you are broke by my standards.

And quit acting like you're a moral person. You're a hate filled asshole who virtues signals to justify the amount of seething hatred they have.

Im 19 years old and my parents are wealthy, so i can travel alot. Im not broke. ^^
China invades countries economically through debt trap.....Seizing national assets of a country in lieu of heavily biased loans (only to benefit the lender) is for sure invasion....

Threat is China's arrogance......to undermine other countries using economic muscle and then force it's agendas compromising freedom of it's policies, citizens.... You please just wait..... game has just started.....
So basically more emotion driven propaganda. China’s loan terms are actually far more lenient than the IMF, World Bank and loans offered by Western imperialist nations for the countries they had raped for centuries, you know their ex colonies? Talk about the real debt trap.
So basically more emotion driven propaganda. China’s loan terms are actually far more lenient than the IMF, World Bank and loans offered by Western imperialist nations for the countries they had raped for centuries, you know their ex colonies? Talk about the real debt trap.

You are right in that. In Greece China does not influence politics.
Im 19 years old and my parents are wealthy, so i can travel alot. Im not broke. ^^

Yeah you sound like a spoiled, sheltered shithead considering how fucking arrogant you are without a shred of real life knowledge or experience.

BTW, here is the reality about the bullshit debt trap fallacy, which is purely propaganda. The author here is an American woman, who has written many books about China's involvement in Africa.

You are right in that. In Greece China does not influence politics.

And what? You think I give a shit? You're the one constantly trying to impose Western standards on China not the other way around.

Greece should know about debt traps considering how your fellow Europeans fucked you guys over since you guys are terrible and irresponsible with money. Even this Greek minister admits that China has been way more fair and cooperative to work with than the other European states.

So basically more emotion driven propaganda. China’s loan terms are actually far more lenient than the IMF, World Bank and loans offered by Western imperialist nations for the countries they had raped for centuries, you know their ex colonies? Talk about the real debt trap.

How many ports, airports, roads, buildings have IMF acquired due in lieu of their loans. Also IMF gives you freedom to use the money the way you want....unlike China where loans are grated to be paid to Chinese companies with Chines labours/workforce, Chinese equipment, and on Chinese terms and conditions.
How many ports, airports, roads, buildings have IMF acquired due in lieu of their loans. Also IMF gives you freedom to use the money the way you want....unlike China where loans are grated to be paid to Chinese companies with Chines labours/workforce, Chinese equipment, and on Chinese terms and conditions.

Do you do anything other than repeat easily disputed propaganda? Are you talking about the Hambantota port? You obviously didn't bother to read the article I linked. Not surprising since all of your knowledge is garbage and based on hysteria and emotion rather than actual facts.

If you read the article, you would've seen this.

The prime example of this is the Sri Lankan port of Hambantota. As the story goes, Beijing pushed Sri Lanka into borrowing money from Chinese banks to pay for the project, which had no prospect of commercial success. Onerous terms and feeble revenues eventually pushed Sri Lanka into default, at which point Beijing demanded the port as collateral, forcing the Sri Lankan government to surrender control to a Chinese firm.

The Trump administration pointed to Hambantota to warn of China’s strategic use of debt: In 2018, former Vice President Mike Pence called it “debt-trap diplomacy”—a phrase he used through the last days of the administration—and evidence of China’s military ambitions. Last year, erstwhile Attorney General William Barr raised the case to argue that Beijing is “loading poor countries up with debt, refusing to renegotiate terms, and then taking control of the infrastructure itself.”
As Michael Ondaatje, one of Sri Lanka’s greatest chroniclers, once said, “In Sri Lanka a well-told lie is worth a thousand facts.” And the debt-trap narrative is just that: a lie, and a powerful one.

Our research shows that Chinese banks are willing to restructure the terms of existing loans and have never actually seized an asset from any country, much less the port of Hambantota. A Chinese company’s acquisition of a majority stake in the port was a cautionary tale, but it’s not the one we’ve often heard. With a new administration in Washington, the truth about the widely, perhaps willfully, misunderstood case of Hambantota Port is long overdue.

The city of Hambantota lies at the southern tip of Sri Lanka, a few nautical miles from the busy Indian Ocean shipping lane that accounts for nearly all of the ocean-borne trade between Asia and Europe, and more than 80 percent of ocean-borne global trade. When a Chinese firm snagged the contract to build the city’s port, it was stepping into an ongoing Western competition, though one the United States had largely abandoned.

It was the Canadian International Development Agency—not China—that financed Canada’s leading engineering and construction firm, SNC-Lavalin, to carry out a feasibility study for the port. We obtained more than 1,000 pages of documents detailing this effort through a Freedom of Information Act request. The study, concluded in 2003, confirmed that building the port at Hambantota was feasible, and supporting documents show that the Canadians’ greatest fear was losing the project to European competitors. SNC-Lavalin recommended that it be undertaken through a joint-venture agreement between the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) and a “private consortium” on a build-own-operate-transfer basis, a type of project in which a single company receives a contract to undertake all the steps required to get such a port up and running, and then gets to operate it when it is.

The Canadian project failed to move forward, mostly because of the vicissitudes of Sri Lankan politics. But the plan to build a port in Hambantota gained traction during the rule of the Rajapaksas—Mahinda Rajapaksa, who served as president from 2005 through 2015, and his brother Gotabaya, the current president and former minister of defense—who grew up in Hambantota. They promised to bring big ships to the region, a call that gained urgency after the devastating 2004 tsunami pulverized Sri Lanka’s coast and the local economy.

We reviewed a second feasibility report, produced in 2006 by the Danish engineering firm Ramboll, that made similar recommendations to the plans put forward by SNC-Lavalin, arguing that an initial phase of the project should allow for the transport of non-containerized cargo—oil, cars, grain—to start bringing in revenue, before expanding the port to be able to handle the traffic and storage of traditional containers. By then, the port in the capital city of Colombo, a hundred miles away and consistently one of the world’s busiest, had just expanded and was already pushing capacity. The Colombo port, however, was smack in the middle of the city, while Hambantota had a hinterland, meaning it offered greater potential for expansion and development.

To look at a map of the Indian Ocean region at the time was to see opportunity and expanding middle classes everywhere. Families in India and across Africa were demanding more consumer goods from China. Countries such as Vietnam were growing rapidly and would need more natural resources. To justify its existence, the port in Hambantota would have to secure only a fraction of the cargo that went through Singapore, the world’s busiest transshipment port.

Armed with the Ramboll report, Sri Lanka’s government approached the United States and India; both countries said no. But a Chinese construction firm, China Harbor Group, had learned about Colombo’s hopes, and lobbied hard for the project. China Eximbank agreed to fund it, and China Harbor won the contract.

This was in 2007, six years before Xi Jinping introduced the Belt and Road Initiative. Sri Lanka was still in the last, and bloodiest, phase of its long civil war, and the world was on the verge of a financial crisis. The details are important: China Eximbank offered a $307 million, 15-year commercial loan with a four-year grace period, offering Sri Lanka a choice between a 6.3 percent fixed interest rate or one that would rise or fall depending on LIBOR, a floating rate. Colombo chose the former, conscious that global interest rates were trending higher during the negotiations and hoping to lock in what it thought would be favorable terms. Phase I of the port project was completed on schedule within three years.

For a conflict-torn country that struggled to generate tax revenue, the terms of the loan seemed reasonable. As Saliya Wickramasuriya, the former chairman of the SLPA, told us, “To get commercial loans as large as $300 million during the war was not easy.” That same year, Sri Lanka also issued its first international bond, with an interest rate of 8.25 percent. Both decisions would come back to haunt the government.

Finally, in 2009, after decades of violence, Sri Lanka’s civil war came to an end. Buoyed by the victory, the government embarked on a debt-financed push to build and improve the country’s infrastructure. Annual economic growth rates climbed to 6 percent, but Sri Lanka’s debt burden soared as well.

In Hambantota, instead of waiting for phase 1 of the port to generate revenue as the Ramboll team had recommended, Mahinda Rajapaksa pushed ahead with phase 2, transforming Hambantota into a container port. In 2012, Sri Lanka borrowed another $757 million from China Eximbank, this time at a reduced, post-financial-crisis interest rate of 2 percent. Rajapaksa took the liberty of naming the port after himself.

By 2014, Hambantota was losing money. Realizing that they needed more experienced operators, the SLPA signed an agreement with China Harbor and China Merchants Group to have them jointly develop and operate the new port for 35 years. China Merchants was already operating a new terminal in the port in Colombo, and China Harbor had invested $1.4 billion in Colombo Port City, a lucrative real-estate project involving land reclamation. But while the lawyers drew up the contracts, a political upheaval was taking shape.

Rajapaksa called a surprise election for January 2015 and in the final months of the campaign, his own health minister, Maithripala Sirisena, decided to challenge him. Like opposition candidates in Malaysia, the Maldives, and Zambia, the incumbent’s financial relations with China and allegations of corruption made for potent campaign fodder. To the country’s shock, and perhaps his own, Sirisena won.

Steep payments on international sovereign bonds, which comprised nearly 40 percent of the country’s external debt, put Sirisena’s government in dire fiscal straits almost immediately. When Sirisena took office, Sri Lanka owed more to Japan, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank than to China. Of the $4.5 billion in debt service Sri Lanka would pay in 2017, only 5 percent was because of Hambantota. The Central Bank governors under both Rajapaksa and Sirisena do not agree on much, but they both told us that Hambantota, and Chinese finance in general, was not the source of the country’s financial distress.

There was also never a default. Colombo arranged a bailout from the International Monetary Fund, and decided to raise much-needed dollars by leasing out the underperforming Hambantota Port to an experienced company—just as the Canadians had recommended. There was not an open tender, and the only two bids came from China Merchants and China Harbor; Sri Lanka chose China Merchants, making it the majority shareholder with a 99-year lease, and used the $1.12 billion cash infusion to bolster its foreign reserves, not to pay off China Eximbank.

Before the port episode, “Sri Lanka could sink into the Indian Ocean and most of the Western world wouldn’t notice,” Subhashini Abeysinghe, research director at Verité Research, an independent Colombo-based think tank, told us. Suddenly, the island nation featured prominently in foreign-policy speeches in Washington. Pence voiced worry that Hambantota could become a “forward military base” for China.

Yet Hambantota’s location is strategic only from a business perspective: The port is cut into the coast to avoid the Indian Ocean’s heavy swells, and its narrow channel allows only one ship to enter or exit at a time, typically with the aid of a tugboat. In the event of a military conflict, naval vessels stationed there would be proverbial fish in a barrel.

The notion of “debt-trap diplomacy” casts China as a conniving creditor and countries such as Sri Lanka as its credulous victims. On a closer look, however, the situation is far more complex. China’s march outward, like its domestic development, is probing and experimental, a learning process marked by frequent adjustment. After the construction of the port in Hambantota, for example, Chinese firms and banks learned that strongmen fall and that they’d better have strategies for dealing with political risk. They’re now developing these strategies, getting better at discerning business opportunities and withdrawing where they know they can’t win. Still, American leaders and thinkers from both sides of the aisle give speeches about China’s “modern-day colonialism.”
Btw where is your fucking energy when it comes to the long list of western imperialist countries preying on their former colonies? You know the same ones that they’ve already raped, drained and literally enslaved for centuries?

Is this the modern free civilized world you were referring to? I find it quite funny how you have so much venom for China yet you look the other way when White countries do what you accuse China of doing, but only 100x worse and for centuries. Yep, sounds like something a fucking racist and white supremacist would do. But don’t worry though, in the grand scheme of things, your little country is more the victim rather than the predator, like the scores of hapless African basket cases. So you still have the righteousness of victimhood, don’t worry.

Btw France is still financially enslaving their ex colonies, this goes on to this day. But where’s the anger bro? You seem to be all cool with that.
Do you do anything other than repeat easily disputed propaganda? Are you talking about the Hambantota port? You obviously didn't bother to read the article I linked. Not surprising since all of your knowledge is garbage and based on hysteria and emotion rather than actual facts.

If you read the article, you would've seen this.

The prime example of this is the Sri Lankan port of Hambantota. As the story goes, Beijing pushed Sri Lanka into borrowing money from Chinese banks to pay for the project, which had no prospect of commercial success. Onerous terms and feeble revenues eventually pushed Sri Lanka into default, at which point Beijing demanded the port as collateral, forcing the Sri Lankan government to surrender control to a Chinese firm.

The Trump administration pointed to Hambantota to warn of China’s strategic use of debt: In 2018, former Vice President Mike Pence called it “debt-trap diplomacy”—a phrase he used through the last days of the administration—and evidence of China’s military ambitions. Last year, erstwhile Attorney General William Barr raised the case to argue that Beijing is “loading poor countries up with debt, refusing to renegotiate terms, and then taking control of the infrastructure itself.”
As Michael Ondaatje, one of Sri Lanka’s greatest chroniclers, once said, “In Sri Lanka a well-told lie is worth a thousand facts.” And the debt-trap narrative is just that: a lie, and a powerful one.

Our research shows that Chinese banks are willing to restructure the terms of existing loans and have never actually seized an asset from any country, much less the port of Hambantota. A Chinese company’s acquisition of a majority stake in the port was a cautionary tale, but it’s not the one we’ve often heard. With a new administration in Washington, the truth about the widely, perhaps willfully, misunderstood case of Hambantota Port is long overdue.

The city of Hambantota lies at the southern tip of Sri Lanka, a few nautical miles from the busy Indian Ocean shipping lane that accounts for nearly all of the ocean-borne trade between Asia and Europe, and more than 80 percent of ocean-borne global trade. When a Chinese firm snagged the contract to build the city’s port, it was stepping into an ongoing Western competition, though one the United States had largely abandoned.

It was the Canadian International Development Agency—not China—that financed Canada’s leading engineering and construction firm, SNC-Lavalin, to carry out a feasibility study for the port. We obtained more than 1,000 pages of documents detailing this effort through a Freedom of Information Act request. The study, concluded in 2003, confirmed that building the port at Hambantota was feasible, and supporting documents show that the Canadians’ greatest fear was losing the project to European competitors. SNC-Lavalin recommended that it be undertaken through a joint-venture agreement between the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) and a “private consortium” on a build-own-operate-transfer basis, a type of project in which a single company receives a contract to undertake all the steps required to get such a port up and running, and then gets to operate it when it is.

The Canadian project failed to move forward, mostly because of the vicissitudes of Sri Lankan politics. But the plan to build a port in Hambantota gained traction during the rule of the Rajapaksas—Mahinda Rajapaksa, who served as president from 2005 through 2015, and his brother Gotabaya, the current president and former minister of defense—who grew up in Hambantota. They promised to bring big ships to the region, a call that gained urgency after the devastating 2004 tsunami pulverized Sri Lanka’s coast and the local economy.

We reviewed a second feasibility report, produced in 2006 by the Danish engineering firm Ramboll, that made similar recommendations to the plans put forward by SNC-Lavalin, arguing that an initial phase of the project should allow for the transport of non-containerized cargo—oil, cars, grain—to start bringing in revenue, before expanding the port to be able to handle the traffic and storage of traditional containers. By then, the port in the capital city of Colombo, a hundred miles away and consistently one of the world’s busiest, had just expanded and was already pushing capacity. The Colombo port, however, was smack in the middle of the city, while Hambantota had a hinterland, meaning it offered greater potential for expansion and development.

To look at a map of the Indian Ocean region at the time was to see opportunity and expanding middle classes everywhere. Families in India and across Africa were demanding more consumer goods from China. Countries such as Vietnam were growing rapidly and would need more natural resources. To justify its existence, the port in Hambantota would have to secure only a fraction of the cargo that went through Singapore, the world’s busiest transshipment port.

Armed with the Ramboll report, Sri Lanka’s government approached the United States and India; both countries said no. But a Chinese construction firm, China Harbor Group, had learned about Colombo’s hopes, and lobbied hard for the project. China Eximbank agreed to fund it, and China Harbor won the contract.

This was in 2007, six years before Xi Jinping introduced the Belt and Road Initiative. Sri Lanka was still in the last, and bloodiest, phase of its long civil war, and the world was on the verge of a financial crisis. The details are important: China Eximbank offered a $307 million, 15-year commercial loan with a four-year grace period, offering Sri Lanka a choice between a 6.3 percent fixed interest rate or one that would rise or fall depending on LIBOR, a floating rate. Colombo chose the former, conscious that global interest rates were trending higher during the negotiations and hoping to lock in what it thought would be favorable terms. Phase I of the port project was completed on schedule within three years.

For a conflict-torn country that struggled to generate tax revenue, the terms of the loan seemed reasonable. As Saliya Wickramasuriya, the former chairman of the SLPA, told us, “To get commercial loans as large as $300 million during the war was not easy.” That same year, Sri Lanka also issued its first international bond, with an interest rate of 8.25 percent. Both decisions would come back to haunt the government.

Finally, in 2009, after decades of violence, Sri Lanka’s civil war came to an end. Buoyed by the victory, the government embarked on a debt-financed push to build and improve the country’s infrastructure. Annual economic growth rates climbed to 6 percent, but Sri Lanka’s debt burden soared as well.

In Hambantota, instead of waiting for phase 1 of the port to generate revenue as the Ramboll team had recommended, Mahinda Rajapaksa pushed ahead with phase 2, transforming Hambantota into a container port. In 2012, Sri Lanka borrowed another $757 million from China Eximbank, this time at a reduced, post-financial-crisis interest rate of 2 percent. Rajapaksa took the liberty of naming the port after himself.

By 2014, Hambantota was losing money. Realizing that they needed more experienced operators, the SLPA signed an agreement with China Harbor and China Merchants Group to have them jointly develop and operate the new port for 35 years. China Merchants was already operating a new terminal in the port in Colombo, and China Harbor had invested $1.4 billion in Colombo Port City, a lucrative real-estate project involving land reclamation. But while the lawyers drew up the contracts, a political upheaval was taking shape.

Rajapaksa called a surprise election for January 2015 and in the final months of the campaign, his own health minister, Maithripala Sirisena, decided to challenge him. Like opposition candidates in Malaysia, the Maldives, and Zambia, the incumbent’s financial relations with China and allegations of corruption made for potent campaign fodder. To the country’s shock, and perhaps his own, Sirisena won.

Steep payments on international sovereign bonds, which comprised nearly 40 percent of the country’s external debt, put Sirisena’s government in dire fiscal straits almost immediately. When Sirisena took office, Sri Lanka owed more to Japan, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank than to China. Of the $4.5 billion in debt service Sri Lanka would pay in 2017, only 5 percent was because of Hambantota. The Central Bank governors under both Rajapaksa and Sirisena do not agree on much, but they both told us that Hambantota, and Chinese finance in general, was not the source of the country’s financial distress.

There was also never a default. Colombo arranged a bailout from the International Monetary Fund, and decided to raise much-needed dollars by leasing out the underperforming Hambantota Port to an experienced company—just as the Canadians had recommended. There was not an open tender, and the only two bids came from China Merchants and China Harbor; Sri Lanka chose China Merchants, making it the majority shareholder with a 99-year lease, and used the $1.12 billion cash infusion to bolster its foreign reserves, not to pay off China Eximbank.

Before the port episode, “Sri Lanka could sink into the Indian Ocean and most of the Western world wouldn’t notice,” Subhashini Abeysinghe, research director at Verité Research, an independent Colombo-based think tank, told us. Suddenly, the island nation featured prominently in foreign-policy speeches in Washington. Pence voiced worry that Hambantota could become a “forward military base” for China.

Yet Hambantota’s location is strategic only from a business perspective: The port is cut into the coast to avoid the Indian Ocean’s heavy swells, and its narrow channel allows only one ship to enter or exit at a time, typically with the aid of a tugboat. In the event of a military conflict, naval vessels stationed there would be proverbial fish in a barrel.

The notion of “debt-trap diplomacy” casts China as a conniving creditor and countries such as Sri Lanka as its credulous victims. On a closer look, however, the situation is far more complex. China’s march outward, like its domestic development, is probing and experimental, a learning process marked by frequent adjustment. After the construction of the port in Hambantota, for example, Chinese firms and banks learned that strongmen fall and that they’d better have strategies for dealing with political risk. They’re now developing these strategies, getting better at discerning business opportunities and withdrawing where they know they can’t win. Still, American leaders and thinkers from both sides of the aisle give speeches about China’s “modern-day colonialism.”

Please Mate....save your effort....Don't need thesis. It's not only Hambantota.....Ask any honest Pakistani member here...How many assets have been leased to China so far?
Besides, some nformation

China invades countries economically through debt trap.....Seizing national assets of a country in lieu of heavily biased loans (only to benefit the lender) is for sure invasion....

Threat is China's arrogance......to undermine other countries using economic muscle and then force it's agendas compromising freedom of it's policies, citizens.... You please just wait..... game has just started.....

What you said were just matters fabricated in your delusional and twisted mind. When China invested in Africa and helped many African nations in projects all across transportation, civil, sport, mining, factories, schools, churches, etc., delusional Westerners like your kind all rose to speak 'on behalf of their slavery farms' of Chinese debt traps, resource-sucking machines, and eventual military and political takeovers. Ten and fifteen years on, none of your pretentious kind's predictions materialized. Instead, many African brothers' GDP got the greatest boost ever in history and some are marching toward prosperity. Many suspecting Western scholars and African politicians dropped their pants and became believers in China-assisted prosperity. They have never seen such a model at work and it seems to be working for the benefits of both the Africans and Chinese. Africans don't need to be renamed 'Mary' and 'John' and either shipped to America to serve or be in the labs receiving unknown experimental jabs. The successes of African nations slapped many critical Westerners so hard they lost their heads and their voices for a long time until a long time in the future. Of course there're still types like you that don't read and don't acknowlege the facts. The reason why they're the way they are is simple: They're just delusional and racist.
Please Mate....save your effort....Don't need thesis. It's not only Hambantota.....Ask any honest Pakistani member here...How many assets have been leased to China so far?
Besides, some nformation

Leasing assets is not seizing. China is a superpower, it has massive economic interests. Yet it has exhibited nothing like the aggressiveness and imperialism of western powers.

You need to get lost. It’s clear you are waaaaay out of your league here, literally just regurgitating brainless anti China propaganda. You’ve been constantly proven wrong here and exposed as an ideological terrorist. Go get a real job and some real world experience and stop fucking around here talking about things and countries you know nothing about, shithead.
What you said were just matters fabricated in your delusional and twisted mind. When China invested in Africa and helped many African nations in projects all across transportation, civil, sport, mining, factories, schools, churches, etc., delusional Westerners like your kind all rose to speak 'on behalf of their slavery farms' of Chinese debt traps, resource-sucking machines, and eventual military and political takeovers. Ten and fifteen years on, none of your pretentious kind's predictions materialized. Instead, many African brothers' GDP got the greatest boost ever in history and some are marching toward prosperity. Many suspecting Western scholars and African politicians dropped their pants and became believers in China-assisted prosperity. They have never seen such a model at work and it seems to be working for the benefits of both the Africans and Chinese. Africans don't need to be renamed 'Mary' and 'John' and either shipped to America to serve or be in the labs receiving unknown experimental jabs. The successes of African nations slapped many critical Westerners so hard they lost their heads and their voices for a long time until a long time in the future. Of course there're still types like you that don't read and don't acknowlege the facts. The reason why they're the way they are is simple: They're just delusional and racist.
In addition, western involvement in Africa has largely been limited to extractive industries, just digging up all of the oil, minerals and diamonds while leaving Africa as destitute and poor before. China, on the other hand, has moved many manufacturing industries to the continent and built modern infrastructure.
This maniac is clearly a typical white neoliberal shithead, hiding their ugly faces of racism, hatred, exploitation and war behind a mask of liberalism and democracy. This shithead literally talks about human rights on one side of his mouth and dreams of pumping lead in Afghan refugees on the other. What a sick twisted psychopath piece of living shit.
What you said were just matters fabricated in your delusional and twisted mind. When China invested in Africa and helped many African nations in projects all across transportation, civil, sport, mining, factories, schools, churches, etc., delusional Westerners like your kind all rose to speak 'on behalf of their slavery farms' of Chinese debt traps, resource-sucking machines, and eventual military and political takeovers. Ten and fifteen years on, none of your pretentious kind's predictions materialized. Instead, many African brothers' GDP got the greatest boost ever in history and some are marching toward prosperity. Many suspecting Western scholars and African politicians dropped their pants and became believers in China-assisted prosperity. They have never seen such a model at work and it seems to be working for the benefits of both the Africans and Chinese. Africans don't need to be renamed 'Mary' and 'John' and either shipped to America to serve or be in the labs receiving unknown experimental jabs. The successes of African nations slapped many critical Westerners so hard they lost their heads and their voices for a long time until a long time in the future. Of course there're still types like you that don't

Isn’t it a huge coincidence that since China started investing in Africa, the continent went from being written off as hopeless to one of the worlds major economic growth centers?
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