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By standing up to China, Australia may end up standing alone

It is unfair to say that Australia will stand alone in confronting China. US started a literal trade war during Trump administration and Biden has not exactly reversed the American stand either. Both India and Japan will do what they can to remove dependence on China. India even has an ongoing military confrontation with China.

The unique problem I see for Australia is that there is no viable consumer in sight to replace China's voracious resource appetite. Australian economy depends on China the same way that Canadian economy depends on USA. India, Japan and US cannot help Australia with this problem :undecided:

India will stand with Australia and how would india help defend Australia by sailing its ships in front of Chinese ports to reach Australia all the time facing the biggest navy in the world……. There is delusions and then there are Indian delusions. Japan on the other hand is not interested in any military conflict with China instead wants to defend their own island against Russian aggression.

Its not crying, Its politics plain and simple. In the end it smears Chinas image even more in the west. In Europe we are the cross roads. Nobody trusts the chinese regime here in any way. Its a trading partner but political enemy as french president Macron said. More and more countries here ban chinese corporations to be implemented in building up 5g network. The investment contract with china was cancelled by EU parliament, chinese investors are pushed out of europe because they are connected to the regime in China.

Australias diplomacy is fitting 100% into this. Also now the theory that Corona escaped the Wuhan lab is investigated more and more and seems as most plausible cause for this global desaster.

Nobody trusts the chinese regime. And that fallout grows all over the globe.

you mean the EU - China investment agreement signed in February’s 2021 making China the biggest investor in Europe surpassing the US is resulting in complete isolation of China ……wake up buddy and smell the coffee

and the corna thing that debate ended years ago it’s only India that is trying to raise stink the world has moved on …..good try though!


India will stand with Australia and how would india help defend Australia by sailing its ships in front of Chinese ports to reach Australia all the time facing the biggest navy in the world……. There is delusions and then there are Indian delusions. Japan on the other hand is not interested in any military conflict with China instead wants to defend their own island against Russian aggression.
You've misread the thread. Australia's diplomatic stand against China is met with trade restrictions, not military threat. It is India that is under immediate military threat from China.

I meant to say that India will stand with Australia in diplomatic and trade issues vis a vis China.
are you a 2nd ID of somebody special? I ask because I've been told off for referring to you as "unfeeling fascist scum" and that If I do it again I will be penalized

not a Greek at-all.
no way no how!
Buddy, do you remember there was one guy pretending to be from Indonesia? He sounds very similar but that said, this guy doesn't post much new threads about China.
India will stand with Australia and how would india help defend Australia by sailing its ships in front of Chinese ports to reach Australia all the time facing the biggest navy in the world……. There is delusions and then there are Indian delusions. Japan on the other hand is not interested in any military conflict with China instead wants to defend their own island against Russian aggression.

you mean the EU - China investment agreement signed in February’s 2021 making China the biggest investor in Europe surpassing the US is resulting in complete isolation of China ……wake up buddy and smell the coffee

and the corna thing that debate ended years ago it’s only India that is trying to raise stink the world has moved on …..good try though!


You forgot one little detail. The EU parliament denied to sign the EU investment agreement, which made it null and void.

Buddy, do you remember there was one guy pretending to be from Indonesia? He sounds very similar but that said, this guy doesn't post much new threads about China.

I think what you dont get is, that i dont care what China does, as long we keep it at distance. I see the chinese way as threat for Europe and Greece. I have nothing against trade but any political influence on us should be pushed back with as much force as possible. As president Macron said: china is a tradepartner but in no way a friend.
This Appollon must be Mods sent. Just to get a few more clicks. Just my theory.

Its written Apollon. Its a greek god and basic education to know how its written.
China invades countries economically through debt trap.....Seizing national assets of a country in lieu of heavily biased loans (only to benefit the lender) is for sure invasion....

Threat is China's arrogance......to undermine other countries using economic muscle and then force it's agendas compromising freedom of it's policies, citizens.... You please just wait..... game has just started.....
Everything you post makes no sense. Fu
that i dont care what China does
Really? Judging by your 15th post it's all about China. I checked your posting, from the day you joined, you posted like 14 post about Greece, your 15th post started was about China. Now that you cannot change. :D
I think what you dont get is, that i dont care what China does, as long we keep it at distance. I see the chinese way as threat for Europe and Greece. I have nothing against trade but any political influence on us should be pushed back with as much force as possible. As president Macron said: china is a tradepartner but in no way a friend.

Its written Apollon. Its a greek god and basic education to know how its written.
Is China going around overthrowing governments and doing regime changes resulting in the deaths of millions? No. China has never had a messianic zeal to force other cultures to adopt our own, it is the west that has this propensity. Almost everything the west accuses China of, it is mere projection of its own crimes. The west is the one with a long history of genocide committed under the guise of spreading Christianity, democracy and other facades of moral righteousness. Don’t think the rest of the world are fools, non white peoples have not forgotten how Europeans became so powerful, through war, aggression and murder.
Is China going around overthrowing governments and doing regime changes resulting in the deaths of millions? No. China has never had a messianic zeal to force other cultures to adopt our own, it is the west that has this propensity. Almost everything the west accuses China of, it is mere projection of its own crimes. The west is the one with a long history of genocide committed under the guise of spreading Christianity, democracy and other facades of moral righteousness. Don’t think the rest of the world are fools, non white peoples have not forgotten how Europeans became so powerful, through war, aggression and murder.

The problem i see is, that china buys alot of infrastructure here in Greece, like harbors. And i dont see China as very benevolent. There is a risk that one day China might try to impose its will on Greece, which i see as risk for our security. We already had signs for that when EU parliament installed sanctions against China and China tried to persuade Greece to vote against it. In the end Greece signed the sanctions but the attempt of China to influece us was there.

As for Europe became powerful with war, agression and murder...you know both our countries are very old. We both know how the game is played. Qin Shin Huangdi also did not build China on peace, flower power and hugging trees. Evry great power always is based on war, agression and murder.

P.s. i find your old history interesting. I saw a movie recently about chinese mummies. There was one, which was stored in some liquid and was still "soft" even after few thousand years.

In Greece we had no mummification, that was more an egyptian thing.
The problem i see is, that china buys alot of infrastructure here in Greece, like harbors. And i dont see China as very benevolent. There is a risk that one day China might try to impose its will on Greece, which i see as risk for our security. We already had signs for that when EU parliament installed sanctions against China and China tried to persuade Greece to vote against it. In the end Greece signed the sanctions but the attempt of China to influece us was there.

As for Europe became powerful with war, agression and murder...you know both our countries are very old. We both know how the game is played. Qin Shin Huangdi also did not build China on peace, flower power and hugging trees. Evry great power always is based on war, agression and murder.

P.s. i find your old history interesting. I saw a movie recently about chinese mummies. There was one, which was stored in some liquid and was still "soft" even after few thousand years.

In Greece we had no mummification, that was more an egyptian thing.
One word, "idiot".
The problem i see is, that china buys alot of infrastructure here in Greece, like harbors. And i dont see China as very benevolent. There is a risk that one day China might try to impose its will on Greece, which i see as risk for our security. We already had signs for that when EU parliament installed sanctions against China and China tried to persuade Greece to vote against it. In the end Greece signed the sanctions but the attempt of China to influece us was there.

As for Europe became powerful with war, agression and murder...you know both our countries are very old. We both know how the game is played. Qin Shin Huangdi also did not build China on peace, flower power and hugging trees. Evry great power always is based on war, agression and murder.

P.s. i find your old history interesting. I saw a movie recently about chinese mummies. There was one, which was stored in some liquid and was still "soft" even after few thousand years.

In Greece we had no mummification, that was more an egyptian thing.
If China had one tenth of the messianic zeal that the Europeans had, it would’ve conquered the world many centuries before Columbus. Instead China largely stayed isolationist which only allowed Europeans space to colonize the world.

As for the infrastructure, China is paying money to lease them, they are not sending an army to seize them. China isn’t forcing Greece to do any deals. Also you are acting as if the western powers are benevolent, when they constantly go around the world literally forcing other countries to take orders or get their governments overthrown. In comparison, any Chinese influence is child’s play. I don’t personally really care if Greece limits Chinese influence in its politics as I believe all countries should have self determination but a lot of the propaganda against China is hypocritical and comes from people who have done and are doing far worst.
If China had one tenth of the messianic zeal that the Europeans had, it would’ve conquered the world many centuries before Columbus. Instead China largely stayed isolationist which only allowed Europeans space to colonize the world.

As for the infrastructure, China is paying money to lease them, they are not sending an army to seize them. China isn’t forcing Greece to do any deals. Also you are acting as if the western powers are benevolent, when they constantly go around the world literally forcing other countries to take orders or get their governments overthrown. In comparison, any Chinese influence is child’s play. I don’t personally really care if Greece limits Chinese influence in its politics as I believe all countries should have self determination but a lot of the propaganda against China is hypocritical and comes from people who have done and are doing far worst.

As i said, i have no problem with trade but i think you agree for security reasons this should all be done with care.
Buddy, do you remember there was one guy pretending to be from Indonesia?
He sounds very similar but that said, this guy doesn't post much new threads about China.
does not sound same then again... tho he is as polite to me as striver was.

whenever I successfully exposed striver some anon mod would come to his aid and make the thread vanish thus effectively sanitizing him.

once he posted about a "mysterious Chinese device found in Indonesian waters" he posted a picture to prove it which I recognized as a sonobuoy that may have failed to deploy properly and went adrift. to save his blushes they made the thread disappear. I was gonna gloat and mock him for days but proof went poof into the ether.
did you ever notice him nitpick my posts for no valid reason? https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/the-...-complete-different-mood.702394/post-12975237
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Leasing assets is not seizing. China is a superpower, it has massive economic interests. Yet it has exhibited nothing like the aggressiveness and imperialism of western powers.

You need to get lost. It’s clear you are waaaaay out of your league here, literally just regurgitating brainless anti China propaganda. You’ve been constantly proven wrong here and exposed as an ideological terrorist. Go get a real job and some real world experience and stop fucking around here talking about things and countries you know nothing about, shithead.

Leasing means taking full control...for 99 years.... does that make any difference to seizing?

Lol...you showed your Chinese mentality..."Get lost from here"....do you own the PDF? This is not south China sea...or part of your Qing dynasty fictitious Maps.

to rest of your verbal diarrhoea....I don't give a ****.
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