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By killing Mansour, US killed Afghan peace process

Mullah Manan killed in Afghanistan
You have the problem with NA, that's why you created Taliban , check history, Taliban along with PAK soldiers taken complete control of Afgan , PAK wanted to Afgan to be its controlled territory , so that terror camps be shifted in Afgan.

if you do the good work people can become pro-pak.
Read the prior history right after Russia withdrawal NA was controlling only few northern provinces but things went wrong after assainsation of ( forget the name ) one of their main commander. There are always two powers in Afghanistan, sorry don't have much time now to go in detail. Later
I for one want the Afghans to return asap to Afghanistan asap to rebuild their country and we think the Pakistani people for hosting them.

Secondly I welcome you to watch this video where by General Zia is saying very clearly how the Afghan Jihad is saving Pakistan, so when you created a situation where you wanted Afghanistan to burn of course the Afghan refugees will come to Pakistan and thus you will need to live with the consequences of such polices.

In summary : I think the Pakistani public have been hospitable to Afghans in general but why Afghans have been flocked into your country is also some direct consequences of Pakistan polices vis-a-vis Afghanistan.

Was it due to Pakistan that Soviets occupied Afghanistan in 79 which Put Pakistan at extreme risk ?
What peace process? Seems the Talis were offering rose petals just before he was killed, he was driving force the Burka Offensive and killing scores in the process. Ashraf GhaniPa was very genuine in his approach to peace but Talis chose war and they are paying for it.

The current thinking in Afghanistan is no more peace talks with people who kill our kids and civilians they will be dealt with militarily
No you cannot handle Taliban with military force because they also have very strong ground support as they also had families and kids which were killed in ISAF and US strikes. So dont assume that you can resolve Afghanistan issue by force. You cannot even no one succeeded before.
And this is Indian policy to disrupt Afghanistan with civil war so that he can achieve its objectives towards Pakistan. India is always wanted that fighting should be going on in Afghanistan so that they can sponsor the terrorism in Pakistan to destabilize Pakistan and to sabotage CPEC.

Most wanted of USA found in pakistan. Bin laden
Most wanted of india is in pakistan : Hafeez saeed, dawood and some others.
Most wanted of afghanistan often found in pakistan : This fellow and other talibunny leaders.

hmmm ... what am i saying, it just might be a co-incidence.
You cannot say anything because you are the biggest terrorist who are backing TTP to kill 80,000 civilians, and destabilizing Afghanistan.
First of all this drama cannot go through planned by RAW, Afghan Intelligence, Iranian Intelligence and CIA.
Why USA came to know that he is arriving from Iran and when they knew it that he is Taliban 's Commander why they didnt immediate attack him even in Iranian land why they wait to enter in Pakistan. There is a big question???
Are they waiting Mansour to enter Pakistan so that they can kill him.
Second, the vehicle was badly destroyed in that incident even its structure was not in its original shape and the dead bodies of both persons were burnt how a passport and id card left untouched.
even there is no sign of burn on both the documents.... it make this incident more surpicious that nothing was left there but the two untouched passport and id card.

3- The passport shows an visa of Iran and entering and exit stamp on the passport, now the million dollar question is What MullahMmansour is doing in Iran where is sect wise Iranians are the worst enemies of talibans...

This was another drama plotted by India, Iran, Afghanistan and USA to sabotage CPEC and peace process in Afghanistan.

You have the problem with NA, that's why you created Taliban , check history, Taliban along with PAK soldiers taken complete control of Afgan , PAK wanted to Afgan to be its controlled territory , so that terror camps be shifted in Afgan.

if you do the good work people can become pro-pak.
What good work you are talking about... In Taliban regime Afghanistan was the most peaceful and stable land on earth. But this is India's shit that they don't want South Asia to be stable. And let me remind you when USA and West left Afghanistan alone after soviet withdrawn from Afghanistan then all the groups were engaged each other to control Kabul because of negligence of West and USA. At that time Pakistan came up to brought peace in Afghanistan and they support Taliban for good and rest is the history that after Taliban captured Afghanistan how stable this country was.
But then after 9/11 USA came here and India was the major player of that game because India's goal is to destabilize Pakistan. So they created TTP under the very nose of USA and ISAF and started to fulfill their dreams.
But as of now your dreams were destroyed with your ambition to engage Pakistan on two fronts.
Pakistan wants peaceful Afghanistan so that its western border would be peaceful. But its crystal clear that who are the beneficiaries if the western border of Pakistan would be hot.
So dont post crap here and tell you modi and dovel that their dreams will never be come true and remind it what ever you are doing right now it will be pay back soon.
What good work you are talking about... In Taliban regime Afghanistan was the most peaceful and stable land on earth. But this is India's shit that they don't want South Asia to be stable. And let me remind you when USA and West left Afghanistan alone after soviet withdrawn from Afghanistan then all the groups were engaged each other to control Kabul because of negligence of West and USA. At that time Pakistan came up to brought peace in Afghanistan and they support Taliban for good and rest is the history that after Taliban captured Afghanistan how stable this country was.
But then after 9/11 USA came here and India was the major player of that game because India's goal is to destabilize Pakistan. So they created TTP under the very nose of USA and ISAF and started to fulfill their dreams.
But as of now your dreams were destroyed with your ambition to engage Pakistan on two fronts.
Pakistan wants peaceful Afghanistan so that its western border would be peaceful. But its crystal clear that who are the beneficiaries if the western border of Pakistan would be hot.
So dont post crap here and tell you modi and dovel that their dreams will never be come true and remind it what ever you are doing right now it will be pay back soon.

A) Under Taliban , it become PAK terror colony, Indian plane hijacking, and 26/11 all plan under Taliban. Taliban shelter terror groups.

B) If India created TTP why not u taking out TTP? why your army looking for excuses not to take action against TTP.

Even US pass the Bill, US has to Certify that PAK is talking action againt TTP for military AID.
Well, at least now we all know where everyone stands. US and afghan govt. aren't on board with a process of any kind with the taliban. Pakistan should know now what kind of approach is required in dealing with this issue.
Was it due to Pakistan that Soviets occupied Afghanistan in 79 which Put Pakistan at extreme risk ?[/Q UOTE]
Was mistake we should have let soviets took afghanistan it did one thing usa never became super power and super evil of today

Zia 1-mistake put world in flames
Peace Talks with Taliban?

Thats like making peace with a Snake.

The Taliban only understand violence and war. By decapitating their leadership, it will make them military weak and the infighting that will occur will allow the Afghan Army to retake territory lose to these terrorists.

I just wish USA finds out where the Taliban will hold their gathering to elect their new leader and launch a couple of Drone missiles on that.
USA and peace = opposite things

Vietnam, Korea, Cuba, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Afghanistan, Panama. Just to name few. Is USA is peace contractor of the world? IMHO the biggest terrorist nation.
There is nothing more degrading than peace dealing with terrorist scums like the Taliban , USA doesn't "negotiate " psychopathic religious nut jobs.
A) Under Taliban , it become PAK terror colony, Indian plane hijacking, and 26/11 all plan under Taliban. Taliban shelter terror groups.

B) If India created TTP why not u taking out TTP? why your army looking for excuses not to take action against TTP.

Even US pass the Bill, US has to Certify that PAK is talking action againt TTP for military AID.
A) Under Taliban regime when Air India plane hijacked and landed at Kandahar, It was Taliban government who facilitated to ensure the hostage rescue and ensure their safety. It allows Indian high commissioner in Islamabad to go Kandahar and talked to Taliban to play a mediator role between Hijackers and Indian authorities.
For you information, initially Taliban denied the landing rights onto Kandahar Airport and after that they help Indian to negotiate with Hijackers.
And which terror group? do you have any information those so called terror group are created by USA to fight with USSR in Afghanistan and after the war USA left Afghanistan burning and pull their hands back from development of Afghanistan.

Don't do propaganda here this is not a right place for your propaganda.

B) We have eliminated TTP from Pakistan Land and now again its Indian consulates who provide logistics, money and military support in Nooristan and Kunar. Even they indian opens a field hospital there to treat the wounded TTP terrorists to engage again in war in FATA.

And Last but not least, there are always something suspicious behind every attack on indian land. whether it was 26/11 or Pathankot. Those suspicious things always indicated that those are inside job and planned and plotted by your own RAW to do propogenda against Pakistan.
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Mullah Mansour was an obstacle in the path of a peaceful resolution to the Afghan war. As we have said before, the U.S. supports the Afghan –led and Afghan-initiated peace talks with those who agree to abide by the constitution of Afghanistan, renounce violence against the Afghan people and government. Mansour not only rejected efforts by the Afghan government to seriously engage in peace talks but also planned attacks against American and coalition forces and the Afghan people.” Let this be a response to those who believe that if we support peace negotiations than somehow that equals losing the war.

Our president stated that, “The Taliban should seize the opportunity to pursue the only real path for ending this long conflict -- joining the Afghan government in a reconciliation process that leads to lasting peace and stability.”

Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis while briefing reporters on Mansur’s death, told reporters that the U.S.-led collation was in communication with Afghan and Pakistani defense officials prior to the airstrike. Capt. Davis emphasized that military authorizations permitted actions against enemies who aim to harm the United States and its allies.

“The United States, Pakistan and Afghanistan share common aims of taking out senior terrorist leaders when and where we see them. Mansour was a specific, imminent threat to U.S. and coalition personnel,” and was “set on attacking Afghanistan, U.S. and coalition forces,” Davis noted. The U.S. military has a commitment to the Afghan people and the region to help bring those who continue to propagate violence to a swift end.

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
Mullah Mansour was an obstacle in the path of a peaceful resolution to the Afghan war. As we have said before, the U.S. supports the Afghan –led and Afghan-initiated peace talks with those who agree to abide by the constitution of Afghanistan, renounce violence against the Afghan people and government. Mansour not only rejected efforts by the Afghan government to seriously engage in peace talks but also planned attacks against American and coalition forces and the Afghan people.” Let this be a response to those who believe that if we support peace negotiations than somehow that equals losing the war.

Our president stated that, “The Taliban should seize the opportunity to pursue the only real path for ending this long conflict -- joining the Afghan government in a reconciliation process that leads to lasting peace and stability.”

Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis while briefing reporters on Mansur’s death, told reporters that the U.S.-led collation was in communication with Afghan and Pakistani defense officials prior to the airstrike. Capt. Davis emphasized that military authorizations permitted actions against enemies who aim to harm the United States and its allies.

“The United States, Pakistan and Afghanistan share common aims of taking out senior terrorist leaders when and where we see them. Mansour was a specific, imminent threat to U.S. and coalition personnel,” and was “set on attacking Afghanistan, U.S. and coalition forces,” Davis noted. The U.S. military has a commitment to the Afghan people and the region to help bring those who continue to propagate violence to a swift end.

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
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