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Businesspeople meet COAS ahead of FY22 budget presentation

Pakistani society and state runs through political kinship.
No wonder we are not a NORMAL nation apart from all the massive potentials we have. I think enough is enough, time to say goodbye to the old habits of the ELITES. Our masses need a better life, a change of heart will raise this bettered nation to the skies.
Something to ponder for our MASTERS.

London is among the biggest markets in the world.
I have never seen the head of British Military ever having a meeting with the businessmen that Royal Army is providing security to the country.

Why this Bajwa keep interfering with everything!!!
Is it part of his job description or role!!!
Bajwa is interfering the same way politicians interfere in police and bureaucracy. Blame political kinship in Pakistan. Not Bajwa
No wonder we are not a NORMAL nation apart from all the massive potentials we have. I think enough is enough, time to say goodbye to the old habits of the ELITES. Our masses need a better life, a change of heart will raise this bettered nation to the skies.
Something to ponder for our MASTERS.

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Yeah to become a normal nation, old political kinship system needs to be dismantled. It means end of biradari politics, electables, fuedalism etc etc. Who will do that?
Again two wrongs don't make it right, we need to come out of this Holy Cow mantra which has produced ZERO results.
Holy cow? What is this? CM Punjab treating Punjab police as his personal servant. When it is acceptable for politicians to interfere in police and bureaucracy, why Bajwa or army interfering in business and politics is a problem?
Bajwa is interfering the same way politicians interfere in police and bureaucracy. Blame political kinship in Pakistan. Not Bajwa
Politicians appointment the head of departments
It's normal. The only reason the OLD PAKIS interfere is because they can. They have the muscle. But Alas no brain and the few high ups are corrupt
It means end of biradari politics, electables, fuedalism etc etc.
Thank General Zia for the non-party elections of 1985 that raised the monster of the Biradaris, Sects, Religion, Language and Nationalism.
why Bajwa or army interfering in business and politics is a problem?
How can IK live like a PUPPET of Bajwa has he got any self-respect! He needs to speak up the nation will listen to him.
Not a good example a recipe for article Six of the constitution and violation of army oath.
Didn't you just read what I post? Pakistan has no law and constitution. It is a system built on political kinship. Bajwa and Shehbaz Sharif are just symptoms of the problem that is political kinship.
Politicians appointment the head of departments
It's normal. The only reason the OLD PAKIS interfere is because they can. They have the muscle. But Alas no brain and the few high ups are corrupt
Politicians interfering in the workings of police and bureaucracy is normal? Posting transfer for political gains is normal? Using state machinery for your personal ambitions is normal?
Bajwa is interfering the same way politicians interfere in police and bureaucracy. Blame political kinship in Pakistan. Not Bajwa

Brother, most of my posts are against the corrupt political thugs.
But with the same token, Bajwa is not politician, not a businessmen, he has no business meeting the businessmen.
He should be court martial for his activities. See what Justice Shaukat has provided in the court.
Is this a normal behaviour!! I am not worried about Justice Shaukat, he is a patsy of Sharifs. But with the same token Bajwa has no right to interfere in any issues outside of PA.
In the last 73-years, not a single Pakistan Army General is capable of winning an election after retirement, yet they all think they have the capacity to be the unelected President.

Shame on Pakistan Army.
How can IK live like a PUPPET of Bajwa has he got any self-respect! He needs to speak up the nation will listen to him.
Imran, Nawaz, Zardari they are all the same. As long political kinship system is in place. Expect no change anywhere.
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