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Bush: Obama will invade Pakistan

Either republicans or democrates policy is same 4 all that is capture the world sourses
I know Obama is playing sentiments .

But dont forget that BALKANIZATION/INVASION of pakistan is on the cards of those who rule USA and make its policy.

So even if Obama doesnt invade pakistan he or any other will at least try HIS BEST TO BALKANIZE PAKISTAN AND INVADE IT IF THEY GET CHANCE.

After all the agenda is occupation of Resources and Gwadar.

that what for the are giving their lives in Afghanistan .
If USA try to disintegrate Pakistan, China must join Pakistan to shoot USA down.

National Security of Pakistan is closely related to that of China.
I know Obama is playing sentiments .

But dont forget that BALKANIZATION/INVASION of pakistan is on the cards of those who rule USA and make its policy.

So even if Obama doesnt invade pakistan he or any other will at least try HIS BEST TO BALKANIZE PAKISTAN AND INVADE IT IF THEY GET CHANCE.

After all the agenda is occupation of Resources and Gwadar.

that what for the are giving their lives in Afghanistan .

Although Invasion may have come across the minds of some in the US, Balkanization of Pakistan is not in ANYONE's interest. If this happens, Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia all put together would look like a Joke.
great, mr mosajba.......great.

at, last i am very happy to see post like that :D

jst wana have your thoughts about US pre-emptive attacks possibly on PAKISTAN & then capture some pakistani area as you mentioned in your post ! i think not only pakistan but IRAN also is in ACCSESS OF EVIL?:smokin:
:woot: :woot: All the Pakistanis please do not vote for Obama in Feb 18 elections.

The majority are on the McCain bandwagon sis who is friendly to Pakistan.
When has Obama advocated this position of invasion?

The one comment of his that attracted criticism, that I remember, was about attacking AQ (OBL) if the US had actionable intel. AND Pakistan refused to act.

Nothing about invasions. But there could be something else he may have said that I didn't catch - in which case I would appreciate someone posting a link to it. Otherwise I agree with Araz - he'll be privy to a lot more information if and when he becomes Prez.
Mc cain since is a republican and the general perception is that the next gov will be of Democrats.So Democrats have Obama and Hillary neck N neck.

While the former has said he willl go for hot pursuit in FATA.

The later said that we must have a contingency plan for Pak Nukes.

You know what US actionable intel means.B**l S***T.
have we forgotten IRAQ.WMDssssssss
they are gonna bomb innocents like in Bajaur just for ACTIONABLE INTELLIGENCE.



and suppose they ask us to Bomb innocents on their faulty actionable intel and we REFUSE then WHAT??????????????

Scenario will get more worse if the new gov in pakistan goes for PEACE WITH TALIBAN and on the other hand Democrats win.

It might be a political stunt.But who knows they might be for real.

One other thing for Pakistan is worry some that all Democrats have clearly stated that they would put all the troops from Iraq to Afghanistan.

Imagine 150,000 to 200,000 Troops battling Taliban in Afghanistan.

We might see a full scale action in democrats time in afghanistan having its obvious Negative fall out in Pakistan.

*The do more calls.
*The hot pursuit.
*pressure to continue operation in FATA.
*increasing suicide attacks and Fight b/w Pakistan taliban and army.


The BLA and BRA have already STEPPED UP their attacks in Baluchistan .
Every day we hear of a Bomb blast,assassination,Pipeline,Tower blown up
Obama is a democrat. Democrats are the idiots who put sanctions on Pakistan and completely ignored Afghanistan during the 90s, in the buildup to 9/11.

All Jewish and Indian lobyiests in US congress are Democrats. Enough reason for me to hate them, but Democrats are communists who want to take away our tax dollars and give our "healthcare" to illegal immigrants. Another reason to hate them.

I can tell you first thing a democrat President will do is cut or reduce aid to Pakistan, without realizing they're severely hurting US national interest at the same time. It astounds me how moronic Democrats are and how much people in Pakistan hate Bush, the great friend of Pakistan. I doubt any US president in history has helped our country than this man.
Since when did you guys start taking Bush seriously?? :lol:
And why now when he's on his way out??
He's just pissed that everyone's attention is focussed on Obama and Hillary.
I know Obama is playing sentiments .

But dont forget that BALKANIZATION/INVASION of pakistan is on the cards of those who rule USA and make its policy.

So even if Obama doesnt invade pakistan he or any other will at least try HIS BEST TO BALKANIZE PAKISTAN AND INVADE IT IF THEY GET CHANCE.

After all the agenda is occupation of Resources and Gwadar.

that what for the are giving their lives in Afghanistan .

Mere Bhai,
My Dad used to say that it is written in the Holy Books of the Hindus that Rakhshus(Giants/Genies) live on this side of the Indus. That may or may not be true, but the fact remains that if anybody has any grasp of History, they will note that invading pakistan would be akin to public suicide. One of the Gora,s weakness is that it cant tolerate loss of life. In Pakistan, people kill each other over petty matters--- Life has very little value. Give it a flavour of jehad---and you will have people lining up to give their lives. This is even without the army intervening. Then there are issues of dealing with a trained Army, which has been touted as one of the best trained and disciplined. In short--- mass invasion is a big NO NO.
Now there are other ways to destabilize the region by imposing sanctions, restricting the flow of remitances,and in general paying others to do their dirty deeds. If you look at it what does that turn Pakistan into?-- A Hornets nest again. Sure they will keep pakistan backwards, probably bomb it back to stone age, from which we havent quite come out yet in any case, but all this would do the one thing they do not want to happen, destabilization of a nuclear state.
So all in all when you analyze the situation, they would be forced to keep Pakistan engaged whether they like it or not. They will keep up their naughty activities, with occasional strikes here and there, the odd covert operation, but to do more than that is someones wet dream that will not materialize.
Please feel free to educate me about how you want to further destabilize Pakistan than what it already is, and we will continue this discussion.
I know FULL SCALE INVASION is far off a possibility.

Most probably the US is likely to

1)Increase support for BLA and create trouble in Balochistan.
2)Go for hot pursuit in FATA.
3)Keep saying in media that Pak nukes are insecure.
4)Keep saying that Pakistan will disintegrate.
4)May cut or reduce the aid.

So they dont want Pakistan to

1)be econonmically independent
2)defensively strong.
3)have strategic partnership with China.
I know FULL SCALE INVASION is far off a possibility.

Most probably the US is likely to

1)Increase support for BLA and create trouble in Balochistan.
2)Go for hot pursuit in FATA.
3)Keep saying in media that Pak nukes are insecure.
4)Keep saying that Pakistan will disintegrate.
4)May cut or reduce the aid.

So they dont want Pakistan to

1)be econonmically independent
2)defensively strong.
3)have strategic partnership with China.

Take a look at these official US document statements.

The U.S.-Pakistan partnership is broad-based, strategic, and long term. Pakistan is a vital ally in the War on Terror. Pakistan is making progress toward democracy. And the United States and Pakistan are strengthening economic ties to expand freedom and prosperity in Pakistan.

The United States is committed to an enduring partnership with Pakistan and is determined to stand by Pakistan for the long run. The United States will continue to support Pakistan's capabilities in the War on Terror and to meet other legitimate defense needs.

The U.S.-Pakistan strategic partnership is based on the shared interests of the two countries in building a stable and sustainable democracy and in promoting peace, security, stability, prosperity, and democracy in South Asia and across the globe. Under this strategic partnership, President Bush and President Musharraf are launching a Strategic Dialogue that will meet regularly to review issues of mutual interest.

The two countries are working together on a variety of issues, including:


The United States and Pakistan have cooperated closely in the common fight against terrorism, including along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.
Pakistan has captured more than 700 al-Qaida operatives, facilitators, and associates since September 11, 2001.
Pakistan's military is also playing an important role by providing intelligence and support to Coalition forces operating on the Afghanistan side of the border.


Pakistan is one of the largest recipients of U.S. security assistance.

The United States has pledged $1.5 billion of Foreign Military Financing to Pakistan from 2005-2009.

The United States supports Pakistan's defense needs through sales of advanced systems.

Last year, the President also announced the United States' intention to move forward with the possible sale of F-16 fighter aircraft to Pakistan.

In June 2004, President Bush designated Pakistan as a Major Non-NATO Ally, making Pakistan one of a select group of nations outside of NATO that have the benefit of a variety of military and financial advantages conferred by the United States.

Pakistan is supporting non-proliferation efforts by implementing regulations for a new export control law, including adoption of enforcement regulations and establishment of a new export licensing body.

Pakistan is joining the U.S. Container Security Initiative. All maritime cargo destined for the United States through the port of Qasim will be pre-screened to prevent smuggling of terrorist weapons.


The United States strongly supports Pakistan's efforts to develop robust, transparent, and representative democratic institutions open to participation by all Pakistanis, as well as conduct elections that reflect the will of the Pakistani people and that meet international standards.


The United States encourages economic prosperity in Pakistan by supporting increased trade and investment linkages with the United States, the region, and the global economy. These efforts include:

Making meaningful progress toward concluding a Bilateral Investment Treaty that will send a strong signal about Pakistan's improving investment climate;

Working with Congress and U.S. stakeholders to develop Reconstruction Opportunity Zones (ROZs) that would assist desperately poor border regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan to grow and diversify economically;


Enhancing our capacity-building assistance to strengthen private sector competitiveness and expand Pakistan's integration with regional and global markets.


Consistent with our humanitarian values, the United States responded immediately and generously to Pakistan's call for assistance. The United States pledged $510 million to support the relief and reconstruction efforts of the Pakistani Government over the next four years.

This is in addition to a 5-year, $1.5 billion commitment to Pakistan to support education, health, economic growth, and governance programs throughout the country.

As part of the relief effort, the United States has helped establish 228 tent schools, improved shelter for 550,000 Pakistanis, supported the food needs for more than 1 million Pakistanis, and provided cash-for-work opportunities to 45,000 Pakistanis.

The United States has flown about 5,000 helicopter flights that delivered more than 23 million pounds of relief supplies, provided medical care to more than 25,000 Pakistanis, and supplied critical engineering support.

The United States has transferred approximately $8 million in medical, engineering, and flight-refueling assets to the Government of Pakistan to continue assisting those affected by the earthquake.

The United States is committed to working with the Pakistani people to help "build back better" and signed a four-year, $200 million agreement with the Government of Pakistan for an earthquake reconstruction program. In the first year, construction will start on 60 schools, a hospital, and 24 basic health clinics. The United States will also train Pakistanis in earthquake-resistant construction techniques.


The United States has provided more than $130 million to strengthen education programs for young people and adults over the last four years.

The United States' Fulbright Program for Pakistan has expanded to become the largest in the world.

The United States and Pakistan will establish a bilateral education dialogue to enhance U.S.-Pakistan educational cooperation.

Fact Sheet: United States and Pakistan: Long-Term Strategic Partners

Pakistan. Pakistani security forces have captured and killed significant numbers of violent extremists, to include high-ranking leaders of al-Qaida and the Taliban. They have also suffered extensive casualties. Our long-term partnership with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is central to defeating extremist groups in the region, and it is difficult to imagine success in that struggle without its support and cooperation. We are working together to reduce the tensions stemming from the radical and violent presence in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Useful initiatives include regular meetings with Pakistan's military leaders, and more robust liaison and communications among our units operating along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. While President Musharraf is working to moderate groups within Pakistan and to prevent militants using the FATA for sanctuary, he is faced with a backdrop of potent political, social, and ethnic forces within his country.

Pakistan remains a strong partner of the United States, and our support for its counter-terror efforts will continue with a variety of focused programs. Our security cooperation funding and bilateral exercise programs help the country's government conduct counter-terror operations and enhance its internal stability. Our goal is for Pakistan to view the US as a longterm, preferred international partner, particularly in our efforts to defeat our common enemies.

From: United States Central Command

Are these the words and actions of a country that wishes ill for Pakistan?
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