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Burma seems to be on the road to completely explode soon. What will BD/India do?

All of south asian nations are hellhole,I'm not singling out Bangladesh.Myanmar isn't doing well but the alternative you are imposing isn't an option, ethnicities in Myanmar mainly consider Thailand for refugee,other than China ,may be Laos is becoming the next optional destination but the terrain is harsh to navigate there..

BTW irrawaddy is NED funded shill site.
lol yall are seeking refuge or vacation in Bahamas where you get to pick and choose exotic location to set up your refugee camp?...
lol yall are seeking refuge or vacation in Bahamas where you get to pick and choose exotic location to set up your refugee camp?...

I would not mind being a permanent refugee in Fiji....the Ryukyu islands or even the Maldives.... blue waters, powdery white sands, what's not to like? :lol:
Mynmar current junta is heavily backed by China, while national unity govt is by USA.

So now just wait and observe the position of Bangladesh.

This is a bitter reality that , reality isn't so colorful like imagination.

If people can speak for an independent Arakan , same can be said for uighur ( both are Muslim) and westerns are saying the same.

On the other hand they always remain silent when the case is Kashmir. So surely west aren't in love with Muslims as some people pretend!

In the end everyone are very much aware of their own interests!

And we Bengalis ( common people not govt) always dance like the third kid of a goat, because we don't realize that nobody put bet on a dead horse!

1, For China. No matter which government is in power in Myanmar, it will be friendly to China because China has too much influence in the north. But China will not choose to support either side, because China will always have the most choices and bargaining chips. Not supporting either side can keep China in a more detached position.

2, The Rohingya problem is a contradiction between Rohingya and Burmese Buddhists. The Rohingya problem has existed for more than 50 years, during this period, Myanmar has changed many leaders and govts, but the problem has been deteriorating. Why? Because changing leaders and govt can not solve this problem, hostility towards Rohingyas is a collective act of Burmese Buddhists. So any Burmese govt will persecute Rohingyas in order to win the support of Burmese.
Because the essence of this problem is that Myanmar's development is not good, the Myanmar govt and the Burmese people have transferred their contradictions and mistakes to the Rohingya people. The more chaos in Myanmar, the deeper the hatred of the Burmese people.

3, The civil strife in Myanmar was a guerrilla war launched by Karen and NLD, Myanmar's northern states are neutral. Because the Karen people lack base areas, the war is not big for the time being. But the war may last for a long time, and Myanmar is very suitable for guerrilla warfare, the Karen are also good at guerrilla warfare.

4, Burmese refugees, regardless of race, usually do not choose India. Refugees from the north will run to China and refugees from the South will run to Thailand. India has very little influence on Myanmar, so India should completely close its borders. India will not be affected by too many refugees.
Kachin state is the most hostile to the Myanmar govt among the northern states. Their ancestors came from Jingpo nationality in China, Chinese folk Jingpo organizations have always sympathized with the Kachin people, so the Kachin people can get a lot of material and cash from the Chinese Jingpo people. Kachin state's strength is second only to Wa State, but its desire for independence is the strongest. Kachin state has long had a small-scale exchange of fire with Myanmar govt forces, but they are not interested in large-scale involvement in the civil war in southern Myanmar for the time being.

Jingpo is a hybrid descendant of Qiang and Han people. They have similar blood lineage with Meitai people. However, the lineage of Mattel people comes from the Qiang royal family and the Han Royal family. @Leishangthem
lol yall are seeking refuge or vacation in Bahamas where you get to pick and choose exotic location to set up your refugee camp?...

There are already hundred thousand Myanmar refugee living in Thailand already, but you didn't see even a thousand of them flock to BD; rest assured in times of crisis,they will flock to Thailand or China , they never see BD as an option.

Kachin state is the most hostile to the Myanmar govt among the northern states. Their ancestors came from Jingpo nationality in China, Chinese folk Jingpo organizations have always sympathized with the Kachin people, so the Kachin people can get a lot of material and cash from the Chinese Jingpo people. Kachin state's strength is second only to Wa State, but its desire for independence is the strongest. Kachin state has long had a small-scale exchange of fire with Myanmar govt forces, but they are not interested in large-scale involvement in the civil war in southern Myanmar for the time being.

Jingpo is a hybrid descendant of Qiang and Han people. They have similar blood lineage with Meitai people. However, the lineage of Mattel people comes from the Qiang royal family and the Han Royal family. @Leishangthem
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Their attire during folk dance is quite distinct and different from meitei when compared.


Years of evolution makes people distinct, Kachin people look like they are made for survival in Hill ,Meitei people are plain people that is part of the hills,it sounds confusing ,but meitei and rest of ethnic people are divided like this ,hill - valley

Though the plains of valley itself is part of a large elevated land mass,so you feel the elevation even in valley


Unlike other NE people,Meitei are distinct valley people,to them living in hills where there's lack of arable land,free flowing source of water,and ease of logistics is incomprehensible.
Hence even after conquering Nagaland the king of manipur left by stamping his footprint in the capital of nagaland.

Also due to being valley specific ethnicity ,they developed in size more,mountain people tends to be more smaller in general be it sherpa in tibet/ gurkha of nepal or any other groups.A smaller frame probably helps in climbing and burn less energy during trekking.

Myanmar would develop more if only external forces stopped funding ethnic tensions. Kachin ethnicity has had ties with the western shills rather than china imo. But regarding burma, meitei still lament how the british carved up resource-rich Barak valley from Manipur.Myanmar also took their best artisans during war and caused the destruction of many ancient edifices.The prized teak that were used for building many of the Myanmar temples and palaces were sourced from Barak.It's also rich in minerals.Small Meitei community had to be very ingenious & effective to survive bordering SEA's largest empire.Without Meitrabak buffer ,NE & parts of Bangladesh would likely have been swallowed by Myanmar.


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For China. No matter which government is in power in Myanmar, it will be friendly to China because China has too much influence in the north. But China will not choose to support either side, because China will always have the most choices and bargaining chips. Not supporting either side can keep China in a more detached position.
What if Myanmar breaks in to many pieces? Will all pieces choose China instead of USA?

If not, then is China ready to give up their direct access to the bay of Bengal?

China is technically a landlocked country and I don't think she forgot the world wars! That time British and her allies supported China,but nowadays all of them are against China!
There are already hundred thousand Myanmar refugee living in Thailand already, but you didn't see even a thousand of them flock to BD; rest assured in times of crisis,they will flock to Thailand or China , they never see BD as an option.

Their attire during folk dance is quite distinct when compared.
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But years of evolution makes people distinct, Kachin people look like they are made for survival in Hill ,Meitei people are plain people that is part of the hills,it sounds confusing ,but meitei and rest of ethnic people are divided like this ,hill - valley
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Though the plains of valley itself is part of a large elevated land mass,so you feel the elevation even in valley

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Unlike other NE people,Meitei are distinct valley people,to them living in hills where there's lack of arable land,free flowing source of water,and ease of logistics is incomprehensible.
Hence even after conquering Nagaland the king of manipur left by stamping his footprint in the capital of nagaland.
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Also due to being valley specific ethnicity ,they developed physically more,mountain people tends to be more smaller in general be it sherpa in tibet/nepal in gurkha nepak or any other groups.A smaller frame probably helps in climbing and burn less energy during trekking.

Myanmar would develop more if only external forces stopped funding ethnic tentions. Kachin ethnicity has had ties with the western shills rather than china imo. But regarding burma, meitei still lament the how the british carved up resource rich Barak valley from Manipur.Myanmar also took their best artisans during war and caused destruction of many ancient edifices.The prized teak that were used for building many of the Myanmar temples and palaces were sourced from Barak.It's also rich in minerals.Small Meitei community had to be very ingenious & effective to survive bordering SEA's largest empire.Without Meitrabak buffer ,NE would likely have been swallowed by Myanmar and also parts of Bangladesh.

There are two news today.
Yunnan Ruili found 1 COVID19 patient, although it did not meet the city closure standard of over 10 patient, the Yunnan provincial govt, out of caution, has ordered Ruili to seal the whole city for the whole people doing PCR. Ruili is the main channel for Kachin state to obtain Jingpo materials, Ruili City closure means that Kachin state is temporarily unable to join the war in southern Myanmar.

The small rise in the market price of Chinese jadeite. It is means that Chinese jadeite merchants believe that Myanmar is not in danger of large-scale war for the time being, but there will be controllable small-scale conflicts.

There is another interesting knowledge about Jingpo nationality. In addition to the Kachin people, the Jingpo people also have many branches, one of which is the Dulong People (Dulong means a lonely dragon in Chinese characters). Like Jingpo, Dulong is also a hybrid descendant of Qiang and Han. However, after Dulong people tested the gene, their Y chromosome was 100% O3. According to the investigation results of Longshan cultural site (2500 BC), O3 is the genetic characteristic of ancient Han people. The embarrassing thing is that only 80+% of modern Han people are O3. Therefore, Dulong People in Yunnan often make fun of Han people with this matter.

Dulong people(独龙族)


What if Myanmar breaks in to many pieces? Will all pieces choose China instead of USA?

If not, then is China ready to give up their direct access to the bay of Bengal?

China is technically a landlocked country and I don't think she forgot the world wars! That time British and her allies supported China,but nowadays all of them are against China!

Unlike Russia&EU. Since the split of the Soviet Union, there has never been a large-scale civil war in China's border countries. I think this fact has well explained China's position.

I have explained very clearly that the essence of the Rohingya issue is the bad development of Myanmar.
It is like Hindus shifting the responsibility for India's development to Indian Muslims. Do you think if India is divided, those Hindus will be kind to Indian Muslims? No, unless there is a strong external force involved, Indian Muslims will be even worse, and Hindus will retaliate more madly against them.
Indian Muslims can expect Pakistan to save them, Is Bangladesh willing to send troops to conquer all Burmese Buddhists and save Rohingya?
Some people expect Western troops, but the Karen people supported by the West are also the murderers of the Rohingya people, the leader of NDL, Aung San Suu Kyi, is the main initiator of this Rohingya massacre. Can you believe them?
And I can conclude that USA dare not send troops into Myanmar, because even if you believe Americans, Americans can't believe the Chinese.
The only real solution to the Rohingya problem is China, and China is willing to solve this problem because it is afraid of the influx of refugees from Myanmar. But China needs time. Plz give China time.

BTW: Some people believe that the Rohingya problem is caused by the NDL or the Burmese military. Plz tell us that the harm suffered by Indian Muslims is the own behavior of only the BJP? Or the collective behavior of the whole Hindu society? Did the BJP cause fanatical Hindus, or did fanatical Hindus cause the BJP? The same is true of Rohingya.
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War is always tragedy, hope Myanmar can stop fighting and develop. So if you say Wa state and Kachin are close to China, does China fund some infrastructure like road there?
War is always tragedy, hope Myanmar can stop fighting and develop. So if you say Wa state and Kachin are close to China, does China fund some infrastructure like road there?

Although not as good as Yunnan Province in China, the per capita GDP of Wa(About $5000) is three times that of Myanmar.

Wa State has the best economy and the strongest military strength in Myanmar, but it rarely participates in Myanmar's internal conflicts.
Kachin is the most belligerent state in Myanmar, but it is Jingpo folk organizations that support them. It does not have much contact with the Chinese government.
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Do you think if India is divided, those Hindus will be kind to Indian Muslims?
No I don't think so. That's why some of our people who are dividing north east India between China and Bangladesh,I'm laughing at them, it's childish imagination you know!

Indian Muslims can expect Pakistan to save them, Is Bangladesh willing to send troops to conquer all Burmese Buddhists and save Rohingya?
Well maybe indian Muslims will expect it from Pakistan,but Pakistan can't do that , as Pakistan directly even can't help kashmiri Muslims ,let alone Indian Muslims who choose Indian Dominion instead of Pakistan Dominion in 1947.

That's the reason I always say that Bangladesh border shall remain closed if India starts massacre on Indian Muslims , as it's their internal matter,since they choose India as their country in 1947 unlike us who choose Pakistan and later East Pakistanis chose Bangladesh in 1971.

And the same case is for Rohingyas, Bangladesh must not sent any troops or help them to create their Arakan country as some of my compatriots are dreaming.

The reality is Rohingyas are Myanmar citizens and they have to solve their problems within their own country.

And that's why I actually want Bangladesh never interfare in another countries matter !

You see I first started with that?

But obviously counties do some dirty jobs and the dirty jobs either for her own survivality of for becoming stronger in any region that always remain hidden , but all are secretes.

Like in Bangladesh all unrest are actually provoked by Raw , even the last one was a mass communal riot in Bangladesh.

Thanks to God that they failed it.

The result is Bangladesh govt completely turned their back on India.

India was doing so because of Bangladesh's increasing good partnership with China, that is very beneficial for Bangladesh and inconvenient for India.

However I see that other than some point , our opinions are actually similar.

But about dirty jobs of various countries ( some times it's proven beneficial if the country or for their allies when allies are weaker , hence the dirty jobs are necessary evil in many cases) let's agree to disagree, as these dirty jobs are secrete and mostly in market as conspiracy theory!

With rest of your post no disagreement though!
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Nobody asked to be in Bangladesh to begin with but keep imposing yourself ,that only shows your class.

Average Height myanmar vs Bangladesh
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Myanmar vs Bangladesh IQ.
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Bangladesh's most famous cultural edifices.
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Developed nation like South Korea makes travel documentary in Myanmar and fawning all over,they don't even consider Bangladesh worth setting foot upon.They don't consider it as habitable.

Bangladesh famous cultural /folk dance
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Anyone with working brain can tell which one is inferior "physically and culturally" .

Put a 100 Bangladeshis and a 100 Burmese sides to side and we know who father's who. Those who drove out the Rohingyas were military men and equipped personnel, it's a shame the Burmese populace couldn't drive out a few million by themselves.
Although not as good as Yunnan Province in China, the per capita GDP of Wa(About $5000) is three times that of Myanmar.

Wa State has the best economy and the strongest military strength in Myanmar, but it rarely participates in Myanmar's internal conflicts.
Kachin is the most belligerent state in Myanmar, but it is Jingpo folk organizations that support them. It does not have much contact with the Chinese government.

I think the per capita GDP of Wa State in Myanmar is high because of minerals mining (Jade?) and other reasons (low population).

I don't think Wa State is as industrialized as Yunnan Province and certainly not like coastal Chinese provinces.
No I don't think so. That's why some of our people who are dividing north east India between China and Bangladesh,I'm laughing at them, it's childish imagination you know!

It's all in good jest. We know the chances of that actually happening are rather remote.... :-)

Put a 100 Bangladeshis and a 100 Burmese sides to side and we know who father's who. Those who drove out the Rohingyas were military men and equipped personnel, it's a shame the Burmese populace couldn't drive out a few million by themselves.
How old are u? Such an unintelligent childish comment.

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