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Burma seems to be on the road to completely explode soon. What will BD/India do?

Average Height myanmar vs Bangladesh


This midget really bragging about an average height of 5'2 jfc it's over for gookcels
I think the per capita GDP of Wa State in Myanmar is high because of minerals mining (Jade?) and other reasons (low population).

I don't think Wa State is as industrialized as Yunnan Province and certainly not like coastal Chinese provinces.

It's all in good jest. We know the chances of that actually happening are rather remote.... :-)

In the 1950s, some PLA entered the Wa State and organized the Wa State govt. Therefore, the early wa leaders were Chinese soldiers with rich war experience. The Wa State govt joined Myanmar in the 1960s, but they still retained a strong military force.

In the early days, WA was the most powerful drug trafficking force in the golden triangle. Wa leaders were listed as one of the world's three drug lords by the CIA.

In the 1990s, China and the Mekong three countries cooperated in drugs control. The Wa govt first responded to the request of the Chinese govt and began to control drugs in Wa. They gradually changed the drug economy to rubber and tea planting, and entered the Chinese market.
As the Wa State has helped China fight drugs in the golden triangle, the Chinese govt has also invested heavily in the Wa State, especially in the gem processing industry, now it has a world-class processing level.
In the 1950s, some PLA entered the Wa State and organized the Wa State govt. Therefore, the early wa leaders were Chinese soldiers with rich war experience. The Wa State govt joined Myanmar in the 1960s, but they still retained a strong military force.

In the early days, WA was the most powerful drug trafficking force in the golden triangle. Wa leaders were listed as one of the world's three drug lords by the CIA.

In the 1990s, China and the Mekong three countries cooperated in drugs control. The Wa govt first responded to the request of the Chinese govt and began to control drugs in Wa. They gradually changed the drug economy to rubber and tea planting, and entered the Chinese market.
As the Wa State has helped China fight drugs in the golden triangle, the Chinese govt has also invested heavily in the Wa State, especially in the gem processing industry, now it has a world-class processing level.

Interesting story - Thanks for filling us in on the details. Well drugs certainly bought plenty of prosperity for these folks.

I saw these picture in Myanmar times (of Wa Army and area), I don't know if this is a picture of PangKham, which is their De-Facto capital. In any case the self administered landlocked area is completely dependent on trade with China (Yunnan State). Interestingly, there is a Mosque in that city if you look on the left (in addition to a Pagoda/Stupa)!








Interesting story - Thanks for filling us in on the details. Well drugs certainly bought plenty of prosperity for these folks.

Wa leaders have always been smart.

I saw these picture in Myanmar times (of Wa Army and area), I don't know if this is a picture of PangKham, which is their De-Facto capital. In any case the self administered landlocked area is completely dependent on trade with China (Yunnan State). Interestingly, there is a Mosque in that city if you look on the left (in addition to a Pagoda/Stupa)!

WA State, Shan State and Kokang State are mostly atheists. Generally do not care about and restrict any religion.
Kachin state is a Christian. They are not friendly to Buddhists and Muslims, but they hate Buddhists more. Because they want independence, and Rohingyas have little influence on them.
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Nobody asked to be in Bangladesh to begin with but keep imposing yourself ,that only shows your class.

Average Height myanmar vs Bangladesh
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Myanmar vs Bangladesh IQ.
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Bangladesh's most famous cultural edifices.
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Developed nation like South Korea makes travel documentary in Myanmar and fawning all over,they don't even consider Bangladesh worth setting foot upon.They don't consider it as habitable.

Bangladesh famous cultural /folk dance
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Anyone with working brain can tell which one is inferior "physically and culturally" .

This is like a Liberian and Somali arguing about who is richer
This midget really bragging about an average height of 5'2 jfc it's over for gookcels
Imagine one of the shortest nation calling other nation midget?
It's only delusional people south asians from India,Pakistan and Bangladesh talking like that,genetic trait does affect in mental state.


This is like a Liberian and Somali arguing about who is richer
? the difference looks pretty significant to me ,may be the height is a close one. But the rest ? there's gap of 20 in IQ.The cultural edifices' scale, artistry and sophisticaton are totally different lvl,no wonder.
I just refuted his claims that


So ,doesn't matter how significant the difference is as long as they are in same page. But there's difference but on the contrary of his claim.
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Imagine one of the shortest nation calling other nation mindget?
It's only delusional people south asians from India,Pakistan and Bangladesh talking like that,genetic trait does affect in mental state.

View attachment 788460

? the difference looks pretty significant to me ,may be the height is a close one. But the rest ? there's gap of 20 in IQ.The cultural edifices' scale, artistry and sophisticaton are totally different lvl,no wonder.
I just refuted his claims that

View attachment 788463

So ,doesn't matter how significant the difference is as long as they are in same page. But there's difference but on the contrary of his claim.

The graph is wrong, in this internet era it is very easy to see average height of a nation. This is in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, and I can see the men average height is around 173 cm, some you can see n the video men with 180-185 cm

The graph is wrong, in this internet era it is very easy to see average height of a nation. This is in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, and I can see the men average height is around 173 cm, some you can see n the video men with 180-185 cm

Stats are stats.

This is in Yangon,Myanmar, and it may seen like the men average height is around 173 cm.

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There are two news today.
Yunnan Ruili found 1 COVID19 patient, although it did not meet the city closure standard of over 10 patient, the Yunnan provincial govt, out of caution, has ordered Ruili to seal the whole city for the whole people doing PCR. Ruili is the main channel for Kachin state to obtain Jingpo materials, Ruili City closure means that Kachin state is temporarily unable to join the war in southern Myanmar.

The small rise in the market price of Chinese jadeite. It is means that Chinese jadeite merchants believe that Myanmar is not in danger of large-scale war for the time being, but there will be controllable small-scale conflicts.

There is another interesting knowledge about Jingpo nationality. In addition to the Kachin people, the Jingpo people also have many branches, one of which is the Dulong People (Dulong means a lonely dragon in Chinese characters). Like Jingpo, Dulong is also a hybrid descendant of Qiang and Han. However, after Dulong people tested the gene, their Y chromosome was 100% O3. According to the investigation results of Longshan cultural site (2500 BC), O3 is the genetic characteristic of ancient Han people. The embarrassing thing is that only 80+% of modern Han people are O3. Therefore, Dulong People in Yunnan often make fun of Han people with this matter.

Dulong people(独龙族)
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Not sure about Burma but The tusks in head ,reminds of Chakhesang people in Nagaland.

BTW I think Han is an amalgamation of people in east pacific,an 03 is pretty common in ethnicities with origin in Asia pacific mainland. By the time you reach south vietnam,laos,Thailand,and south Myanmar mainland 03 get dominated by archipelago gene .

Here's a mixed man with meitei father and Gangte (zo/kuki)mother's talking about the findings of his genetic test.



I recently watched a video on YouTube where a Bangladeshi tourist in CHT was complaining that some members of Arakan Army (yes, Arakan Army) were extorting money from them, indicating there are some active bases of AA within Bangladesh borders. Whether they are operating with or without the support of authority is open to interpretation. The recent comment by Momen that Bangladesh will not hesitate to shoot at Myanmar border is also quite interesting.

The bigger picture here is that Myanmar has been struggling with its internal conflict and national integration for the last 70 years and there are no signs they will succeed in any time soon. Clearly, the political system of Myanmar is a failed one. The only way forward is Bangladesh, China and ASEAN sitting together and decide the future of Myanmar, install a government/s who are pro-development and pro-connectivity and who will allow corridors between Bangladesh, China and ASEAN.
The graph is wrong, in this internet era it is very easy to see average height of a nation. This is in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, and I can see the men average height is around 173 cm, some you can see n the video men with 180-185 cm

There is no way the average height for men in Pakistan is 165-167 cm. I don't live in Pakistan but do visit it after every 2 years. I am 175 cm and feel average at best while walking in a crowded place Sometimes I feel short too. 180 cm is actually pretty common in Pakistan. Atleast in Punjab. My dad is 180 cm and would be taller than most people in a crowd but he would not exactly "stand out". So being 180-183 cm is not tall in Pakistan nowadays. Tall starts at 183 cm+. Short if you are below 170 cm.

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