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Burma seems to be on the road to completely explode soon. What will BD/India do?

Should we repossess the JF17s they have? Don’t want them falling into the wrong hands do we?
Dont know why I dont feel sorry for burmese people!

Btw, How can I donate in this Burmese civil jihad? I would love to watch them kill each other. Less burmese is good for the environment...
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It would be much worse than Syria because Myanmar has more than double the population of Syria. 54m compared to Syria's 21m at the time of war.

I bet India will shoulder like 95% of the refugees they will naturally avoid coming to the Bangali border and besides they have small border where as the Indian border is larger and they will also avoid the chinese border due to heavy chinese censorship on the border. There will be one place called India:lol::lol::lol: and majority will enter from the 7 states

It won't get anywhere as bad as Syria.. it will get worse, but nothing as bad as Syria... For one, ASEAN is no GCC and BD is no Turkey or Iran.. you won't see any ASEAN state funding or arming the various factions there as the GCC did in Syria.. and neither would BD... India might try, but China would outmaneuver any Indian scheming like what they did in Sri Lanka by assisting the Sri Lankan army beat the LTTE...

The other reason is that there's no Israel, pipeline, oil or ISIS in Myanmar... so no reason for the US / West to get physically involved either.. especially now they were just able to extricate themselves from Afghanistan.. Within Myanmar the Tatmadaw is still the most capable fighting force compared to the various other ethnic armies, and they have been fighting those ethnic armies intermittently for years so they know what they are doing... I believe the Tatmadaw would only lose if the Myanmar civilian urban population rose up against them...
It won't get anywhere as bad as Syria.. it will get worse, but nothing as bad as Syria... For one, ASEAN is no GCC and BD is no Turkey or Iran.. you won't see any ASEAN state funding or arming the various factions there as the GCC did in Syria.. and neither would BD... India might try, but China would outmaneuver any Indian scheming like what they did in Sri Lanka by assisting the Sri Lankan army beat the LTTE...

The other reason is that there's no Israel, pipeline, oil or ISIS in Myanmar... so no reason for the US / West to get physically involved either.. especially now they were just able to extricate themselves from Afghanistan.. Within Myanmar the Tatmadaw is still the most capable fighting force compared to the various other ethnic armies, and they have been fighting those ethnic armies intermittently for years so they know what they are doing... I believe the Tatmadaw would only lose if the Myanmar civilian urban population rose up against them...

Burmese people for only 68% of the total Myanmar population. Ethnic minorities in northern Myanmar are mainly divided into five parts, respectively from the four military regions of the Communist Party of Myanmar and the residual KMT army of China. They are either Han people or ethnic minorities from China. They can speak fluent Chinese, use CNY, and even their mobile phone numbers are from China, and they also have autonomy and the army.
The Rakhine state where the Rohingya people live is located in the southwest of Myanmar. Even if there is a war there, it can not affect the north of Myanmar. If the situation in Myanmar is too chaotic and the northern coalition forces go south, I don't think the Myanmar military has the ability to stop it.
China does not want too many refugees on the border to affect China's economy, public security and defense against COVID19. China is trying its best to solve the contradiction between Myanmar's military and NLD, as well as the Rohingya problem. Plz give China some time.
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Bangladesh should help Rohingyas create their own separate country. All the rohingya refugees in Bangladesh should be armed and unleashed against Myanmar
I dont feel sorry for burmese people!
Please tell us more...what ethnic group etc
ULA — Arakanese
are you talking about the buildup in Chin State against Chin National Army (apparently Zomi militia)? I doubt anything will happen. India already already taken a few refugees, and they can't deny entry, Zoramthanga seems to love Zomi refugees.
A buildup in Chin? There are no major militias in Chin state, nor population as such. It's pretty much only mountains. It's a staging to take on Arakan.
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The Kachin state where the Rohingya people live is located in the southwest of Myanmar.
Kachin is the North Burma. You are mistaking something here. And yes, Wa State is effectively a province of China. On paper they have 25k strong force, but they largely demobilised after the ceasefire. Though, if the ceasefire is broken, they have tube, and rocket artillery, manpads, even some armour.
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