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Burka Avenger | Pakistan's Animated Female Superhero | Updates & Episodes.

Than would you like TV and cartoons to raise any social issues? It is treacherous road, easy way of brainwashing.

They always do -- It's unfortunate that you do not realize the history of the socio-cultural milieu of comic book hero's creation -- Superman, the Batman and even the Ninja Turtles and the X-Men - if you look at these you will note the evolution of social ideas, From Truth Justice and the American way to misfits and the inherent worth of those judged misfits -- Please do not respond to this post -- first consider the ideas presented and then and only then, respond
People need to learn the difference posting this pic yet again


Niqab and burqa are not same....I can use shalwar kameez and still do niqab with a chaddar....so there is no strict definition
How should we think of this development? What does it mean?

For instance, looking at "traditional" comic book heroes, they have some super power or ability and they are an expression of an idea generally rooted in what we can generally agree are "progressive values" - and generally speaking, (Note to readers: if you conclude that we are speaking in general terms, it's not accidental) the most successful comic book heroes have been those characters that are developed such that their humanity and their super ability are juxtaposed such that their humanity is what attracts and holds fans.

All we know of this hero is that she wears a burkha, perhaps the burkha is the super power or ability, it certainly seems like it to me - So, lets see how the writing team will develop this character and her choices in the socio-cultural milieu the character is situated in - is she going to live in the soviet style govt buildings of North Nazimabad, Federal Area B? In Baloch "infested" Lyari? In Pashtun friendly Sohrab Goth? Does she have or will she have a "love interest" ? Is she going to submit to her parents choice of a would be husband, How will she deal with the family pressure to produce progeny every year?? Will she be on birth control??

Right now it's just an idea limited to a woman in Burhka who somehow acquired martial art skills - taught by? (Mullah Astaghfarullah?) at a secret Jamia Hafsa in the heart of liberal secular atheist fascist DHS (phase 5) ?

So lets see how it goes - will I be watching - Gimme a break, there are Burkhas all over Pakistan, whats so special about this one?

Hey...I've been a lurker for 3-4 years on and off but I registered to respond to your post.

Full disclosure: the creator of the show is my brother.

I would suggest that people watch the first episode rather than drawing conclusions based on the trailer.

There are some for instance who believe it gives bearded fellows a bad name. However, the heroine's father who adopted her and taught her martial arts is a bearded fellow (not shown in trailers).

There are some who suggest the burka costume in this context reinforces "suppression" of women. However, she uses this as a disguise but during her everyday life, she does not wear a burka.

Finally, referencing your post above, she does not derive her power from her costume, she simply uses it as a disguise.

In my opinion, I believe this will overall positively influence children.
i didnt put a .357 to your skull and force you to accept my opinion.

if you dont like it -- move on to the next post or block me :meeting:

that's their own prerogative

and one without societal pressure

(idealistic thinking; not gonna happen realistically speaking since family word takes first precedence - unlike western culture)

:rofl: Now a TT is talking.. :D
When I googled Medieval Persia I get these:




And then I also got other ANCIENT clothing:




Now my question HOW did someone @Abu Zolfiqar @muse conclude that the burqa is from Arab alone? Look at Greece, Egyptian ...Roman...some of their clothes were covered couldnt it be that when we were ruled by soo many diff people we adapted soo many different cultures and that when Arabs came it came naturally to us? Or are the above pix lying and ONLY you 2 are correct?
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And yes women of higher authority in the West during the Medieval time used to cover their face with a soft veil ....






So just because a gori does it its fine? But if a Muslimah does it ...its somehow Arab invention or oppression?!
Only while fighting the villains, dude.

Not when living as peter parker.

Unless you're telling me that this whole ninja-like burka designed is just to hide the superhero's identity. ;)

She Is Also Wearing To Fight Enemies.Otherwise She Wears A Normal Shalwar Kameez.Your Troll Mentality Forbids You From Seeing Anything Positive Coming Out Of Pakistan.

But Fair Warning Just Don't Mess With The Lady In Black

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Hey...I've been a lurker for 3-4 years on and off but I registered to respond to your post.

Full disclosure: the creator of the show is my brother.

I would suggest that people watch the first episode rather than drawing conclusions based on the trailer.

There are some for instance who believe it gives bearded fellows a bad name. However, the heroine's father who adopted her and taught her martial arts is a bearded fellow (not shown in trailers).

There are some who suggest the burka costume in this context reinforces "suppression" of women. However, she uses this as a disguise but during her everyday life, she does not wear a burka.

Finally, referencing your post above, she does not derive her power from her costume, she simply uses it as a disguise.

In my opinion, I believe this will overall positively influence children.


please introduce your self in Members Introduction
She Is Also Wearing To Fight Enemies.Otherwise She Wears A Normal Shalwar Kameez.Your Troll Mentality Forbids You From Seeing Anything Positive Coming Out Of Pakistan.

But Fair Warning Just Don't Mess With The Lady In Black

Nice song catchy too, good work by the artists.
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