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Burka Avenger | Pakistan's Animated Female Superhero | Updates & Episodes.

Here's a Huffington Post Op Ed by Lindsey Davis on Burka Avenger:

We think Disney could learn a thing or two about what a female protagonist should look like from the fearless Burka Avenger.

1. She fights villains with Takht Kabaddi -- a form of karate that uses books and pens as weapons, because she's all about emphasizing the importance of education.

To her, books are more than a prop to dance with.

2. By day, she's Jiya, the reserved school teacher -- but when bad guys come around, she dons a burka to conceal her identity and saves the day.

And unlike Mulan, her alter ego is still proudly feminine.

So she's a little too busy to become enamored by her own reflection.

4. Her sidekicks are three adorable kids, and she's constantly saving and inspiring them..

.. Instead of the other way around.

5. Her burka is a source of power, not oppression. She can even use it to fly.

So she doesn't need a man to sweep her off her feet.

6. She's fighting bad guys that actually exist in the real world -- corrupt politicians and vengeful mercenaries who are limiting access to education.

Which makes evil witches and mean stepsisters look like a cakewalk.

BONUS: Instead of singing about love or longing, the Avenger's theme song is all about how she makes things happen:

"Don't mess with the lady in black, when she's on the attack."

The series is set to premiere in early August.

6 Lessons Disney Could Learn From Pakistan's 'Burka Avenger'
why did they have to put her in burkha? Can you even run in that thing? It does not make sense a super hero would wear that thing. Can you kick a person if you are wearing that thing? :D But shouldnt she be wearing something other then burkha to show her rebellion against the bad guys? That girls should go to school and they will not wear burkha? May be they should have put her in a pair of jeans or may be short shorts with a face mask? Oh my what ever works for them I guess.
why did they have to put her in burkha? Can you even run in that thing? It does not make sense a super hero would wear that thing. Can you kick a person if you are wearing that thing? :D But shouldnt she be wearing something other then burkha to show her rebellion against the bad guys? That girls should go to school and they will not wear burkha? May be they should have put her in a pair of jeans or may be short shorts with a face mask? Oh my what ever works for them I guess.

NO thank you.

She is going international with a concealing burka.

August 5, 2013


Aaron Haroon Rashid, one of Pakistan's biggest pop star (R) poses with his team at the press presentation of cartoon show Burka Avenger in Rawalpindi on August 4, 2013. A new cartoon superhero disguised in a flowing black burka is set to debut on Pakistani television next month in an animated series which follows her battle for girls' education in Pakistan.

‘Burka Avenger’ set to go global

Plan to show animated TV series in 60 countries

Pakistan’s new cartoon superhero who fights bad guys disguised in a flowing black burka is set to go global, her creator told AFP, with plans afoot to broadcast the show in 60 countries.

The Urdu-language animation Burka Avenger, showing the adventures of a mild-mannered teacher who uses her superpowers to fight local gangsters trying to close down the girls’ school where she works, hit Pakistani TV screens last month.

The kids’ action-comedy struck a chord in a country where Taliban militants have prevented thousands of girls from going to school in the north-west and attacked activists campaigning for their education.

The man behind Burka Avenger, pop star Haroon Rashid, said he had been overwhelmed by the response.

“The reception has been absolutely phenomenal, beyond our expectations,” he said. “We were making this little animated TV series for Pakistan but it seems like the whole world wants to know about the Burka Avenger.”

A TV distribution company in Europe has been in touch with a view to translating the show into 18 languages, including English and French, and screening it in 60 countries, Rashid said.

The issue of girls’ education in conservative, militant-plagued north-west Pakistan hit world headlines last October when Taliban gunmen shot teenage activist Malala Yousafzai.

Malala, who campaigns for the right of girls to go to school, survived the attack and last month delivered a powerful speech at the UN in New York.

Rashid said Malala was a “real life superhero” for her courage and said the attack on her had come as they prepared an early episode of Burka Avenger.

“We were all stunned because we were working on the exact same story about a little girl who stands up to the bad guy who tried to shut down her school,” he said. “I had never heard of Malala before then — it was like life was imitating what was on our screen while we were developing.”

Nearly half of all children in Pakistan and almost three-quarters of young girls are not enrolled in primary school, according to UN and government statistics published late last year.

‘Burka Avenger’ set to go global | GulfNews.com
NO thank you.

She is going international with a concealing burka.

IMO it is just retarded. Burka shows you have given in to taliban. they want women to wear burka and not go to school. Wasn't the same reason why malala was shot? For disobeying their orders not to go school and writing blogs about it?
IMO it is just retarded. Burka shows you have given in to taliban. they want women to wear burka and not go to school. Wasn't the same reason why malala was shot? For disobeying their orders not to go school and writing blogs about it?
Burka is mere a cover up at night (a costume), she is a school teacher in the morning and she advocates education for women, what is there not to get? how have we given in to taliban?
Burka is mere a cover up at night (a costume), she is a school teacher in the morning and she advocates education for women, what is there not to get? how have we given in to taliban?

I know that burka is womens choice of clothing in Pakistan and even some places in India.well but I think you dont get my point. Any way good luck to you guys. I would sure watch it at least a couple of episodes just to see what is it all about.
I'm going to start Gymming after looking at Haroon again, this bastard looks always young.
I know that burka is womens choice of clothing in Pakistan and even some places in India.well but I think you dont get my point. Any way good luck to you guys. I would sure watch it at least a couple of episodes just to see what is it all about.

I know the point you are trying to make (burka being an oppressor of women) and I somewhat agree but in this series, burqa is nothing more thn a costume.
SuperheroEnthusiast "The Burka Avenger" Discussion

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its funny how Indian trolls here judging our religion what should be in it and what should not be since wearing burqa which is basically a tool to cover yourself up and our women are told to do so in Islam..i was thinking should we create another post where we start judging Hinduism? and start judging whether Indians(Hindus) should drink cow **** or not? would be interesting to see how Indian trolls react to that
'Burka Avenger' to be made into a Bollywood film?
The latest buzz suggests that the makers of 'Burka Avenger', a Pakistani super heroine animated series, has been approached by an Indian production house for buying the rights of the animated version, to be made into a feature film. Aaron Haroon Rashid, creator of 'Burka Avenger', confirms, "I have been approached by a few Indian film companies enquiring about the live action feature film rights to 'Burka Avenger'."

Burka Avenger is a tale of a Pakistani teacher, named Jiya, who takes the disguise of a woman clad in a burqa, to avenge the wrong done by men. "The idea of Burka Avenger was that the main protagonist, a teacher, fights to prevent a girls' school from shutting down, which incidentally was taken from a real-life incident in Pakistan. After I created the character, I realised that a full length movie might be too large an undertaking, so we made the game version of Burka Avenger in 2011. Later, we made an animated TV show which was completed in June 2012," says Haroon.

If the live action movie is made in Pakistan, he says, they would use Ainy Jaffri, who did the dubbing for the show and is a beautiful and talented actress in Pakistan. "If we do it in India and use a Bollywood actress, it would be someone who could play a strong woman and who is physically fit too, maybe Priyanka Chopra or Katrina Kaif," says Haroon.

Why burka for the super heroine? I chose the burka because I wanted a locally relatable flavour and I didn't want to objectify our super hero the way a lot of female superheroes in the West are objectified and sexualised through their costumes, like Catwoman and Wonder Woman. It's not about how she looks or what she's wearing, it's about what she is doing.

We all know superheroes wear disguises to protect their identity and in the same vein, Jiya only chooses to wear this Burka-like costume as a convenient means to protect her identity when fighting the bad guys. Furthermore there is no Burka on earth that looks like the oufit that Jiya dons when fighting the baddies. It's a close-fitted garment giving it a stylized burka feel to allow her to glide and conceal her weapons.
'Burka Avenger' to be made into a Bollywood film? - The Times of India
I cannot seem to find episode 2, searched everywhere. Would someone be kind enough to help?
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