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Burhan Wani: Posterboy of Kashmiri Jihad Hunted down

They want both things independence from India and merger with Pakistan.

Please don't post nonsense

Go to Kashmir and speak to them first. They don't want sunni fanaticism for Kashmir, shias and sunnis have great camaraderie there .. and you are associated as such with sunni fanaticism
Living in the ancient era won't change the ground reality. So by this logic America, Australia and Canada should be given back to Natives? The world is ever so changing. The Israelis use religion to say literally this: "my ancestor use to live here 3000 years. Get out this house is mine." Lol what insane logic. But even the ancient Jews had to invade a people to take the holy land lmao. So that example is out in the garbage bin lol.
then why your super deeper best friend claiming SCS on ancient maps?

Previously Muslims used to killed and drove other religion people out. Terrorist / KP etc is all part. IF Muslims done this to KP in 20th century , imagine what they have when their is not news.
Already did lol.



This is living in the present

@cerberus this isn't a small group of people. This is the ever so vocal majority.
Yes we can see that lol. Military might on locals is sure to make things great. Bollywood logic lmao. Don't come crying the next time an Indian convoy gets ambushed.
Yes it was an ambush, one in a thousand incident, pak too sufferered same number of casualties the next day, did you cried ?

But what matters is the revenge ? We killed several terrorist afterwards, so much so that the toll is now 75.
then why your super deeper best friend claiming SCS on ancient maps?

Previously Muslims used to killed and drove other religion people out. Terrorist / KP etc is all part. IF Muslims done this to KP in 20th century , imagine what they have when their is not news.

The Chinese will do what they like.

And I can't speak on behalf of other Muslims as examples other than the prophet and companions. But as I said before the world changes.
Yes it was an ambush, one in a thousand incident, pak too sufferered same number of casualties the next day, did you cried ?

But what we did in revenge ? We killed several terrorist afterwards, so much that the toll is now 75.
RIP poor innocent civilians of Kashmir killed by occupied forces.
Don't threaten carry on ....
please do report ... I stick to my points ..
What are your points btw.
Are you support your country?
A country who is involved in terrorism, illegal occupation, drug trade, Human rights violation and mass killings.
If you stick to your points and remain supporter of your country then why we change our policies?
Ignore it or under estimate us but the possible support for Kashmirs will remain as it is.
Yes it was an ambush, one in a thousand incident, pak too sufferered same number of casualties the next day, did you cried ?

But what matters is the revenge ? We killed several terrorist afterwards, so much so that the toll is now 75.

Again you call them terrorist. I wonder what locals call them.
What are your points btw.
Are you support your country?
A country who is involved in terrorism, illegal occupation, drug trade, Human rights violation and mass killings.
If you stick to your points and remain supporter of your country then why we change our policies?
Ignore it or under estimate us but the possible support for Kashmirs will remain as it is.

I asked you whether you are speaking as a Kashmiri or a Pakistani?

because both are different for a kashmiri

The fact that you hesitate indicates you are a pakistani transplant into kashmir
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