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Bukhari calls stir anti-Islam, tells Muslims to stay away

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If u r a muslim then u must remember that companion of the PROPHET PBUH they fought their fathers, uncles and brothers they not pick their religion but they killed them in badr, Umar bin khattab killed his mother's brother. and many were persuaded by their mom but refused to leave islam, a famous story if i remember it right is sa3d bin abi waqas his mom pressured him to return back to shirk or she will not eat. PROPEHT PBUH told him to be nice with her but don't listen to her. In quran it says at the day of judgement no one will recognize each other, yes definitely pick islam if u r muslim and nothing else

Having said that it was just to reply if u have to choose between mom and religion , otherwise i think something serious should be done to curb corruption





Strong knowledge of Islam you have. I'm impressed.

And yes, I'm born to a Muslim family, but I'll admit, I don't follow Islam a 100%. I use it as a guideline for life, and the rest of it, i think for myself :)

Anyway on corruption, yes I agree with you, it's a bane and should be abolished.

Obviously the Muslims don't trust you and are expecting you to Hinduize them.

I mean if you're so worried about keeping the unity in the fight against corruption, don't use such words?

Jinnah was once described by Gandhi as the "greatest ambassador for Hindu-Muslim unity" (exact words) but even he could not trust Gandhi to not push a Hindu agenda. There are secular words, use them.

Is Corruption Communal ? Please donot treat the crusader who is fasting against corruption as communal. He is a common man fighting in his own way now Public support has gathered. Communal leaders would like to cash on.
I didnt asked u to stop commenting but be ready for the repercussions.

s i said i dont hate pakistan i just love india. for slapping issues you are more than welcome but remember i aint much of gandhian.

What is with this threatening attitude divya. Looks like all those dozens of bans haven't add some sense into you.

So stop this BS about I would do this and I would do that if you comment about India. We can comment about India and we will comment about whatever we want. Got it.

You should be thankful to us that we don't say anything abusive on this forum for your damn country. The izzat your country has now on this forum, enjoy it. Don't ask more. ;)
Forget Bukhari...Majority of Indian Muslims seems to support the movement

With few reservations, Muslims support Anna Hazare’s fast for Jan Lokpal

By Md. Ali, TwoCircles.net,

New Delhi: Only saying that Indian Muslims support Anna Hazare’s crusade for Jan Lokpal or they don’t favor the anti-corruption movement because of its alleged RSS links, would be, not only being unfair to Muslims, it would also be ignoring the fact that Anna’s indefinite fast demanding from the government, to pass only his Jan Lokpal Bill, has divided the community at several levels and has provoked a heated debate in the Muslim civil society.

Interestingly that debate among Muslims over Anna’s struggle is characterized by strong and diverse opinions, devoid of any consensus, probably representing a community which is as diverse as India.

Those who disagree with Anna Hazare and his ways to conduct the protest against anti-corruption, say that there are serious questions to be answered by the leaders of this movement, regarding the implications of his struggle for Jan Lokpal on the larger issues of parliamentary democracy and democratic rights.


Talking about the support to Anna’s cause of anti-corruption in the Muslim community, one may not be sure about Muslims in the rural India or those from lower classes; but overall, it won’t be wrong to say, that a large section of techno-savvy Muslim middle class, supports the cause of anti-corruption led by Anna Hazare.

Come to Batla House Chowk, a locality in Muslim dominated suburb of the Indian capital city of Delhi, which ironically reminds one of the “fake encounter” of two Muslim boys by the Delhi police and you will find bill boards in support of Anna Hazare’s campaign all over. Interestingly it’s not the sensitive idea of Vande Mataram, which could have created a controversy in the community, but “Jai Hind” which is written on those bill boards.

Nusrat Hussain, a law researcher in Delhi High Court, thinks that the entire country, including Indian Muslims need to support Anna, precisely because corruption is some thing which affects all, irrespective of class or caste. She also argues that questioning the legitimacy of this anti-corruption crusade just because it’s a middle class movement and it doesn’t fit into the prototype of working class led “proletariat revolution,” is wrong.

“Name me a one single working class movement in India, which had the sway like this one and which influenced the Union government of that time, in the way Anna led this movement against corruption did,” asks Hussian.

Taking this love of Muslim middle class for Anna’s cause, in account, several organizations like, Jamat-e-Islami Hind and the Welfare Party of India, have also extended their support with certain reservations, to Anna’s movement for Jan Lokpal.

Symbolism to attract Muslims

This time Team Anna has understood the importance of symbolism in attracting the Muslim community towards his movement as compared to his last fast which had attracted criticism for its invitation of Hindutva activists like Sadhwi Ritambhara.

There has been a perception that Muslims have been left out from Anna’s crusade or the struggle for the Jan Lokpal, doesn’t have the vital support of the Muslim community- an accusation which the Congress has repeatedly been highlighting in the media to discredit the popular anti-corruption movement.

In order to counter the allegations of Muslim hostility, team Anna has taken a series of steps. On Saturday in a very important symbolic gesture, a mass Iftaar (the ritual of breaking of fast) was organized, which also highlighted the fact that Muslims are joining the campaign.


The Iftaar was also an attempt to draw a parallel between the fast for moral purification as practiced by Muslims during the ongoing month of Ramzan and the “indefinite” fast by Anna which is being portrayed as an attempt to purge the corruption out of the country.

In another symbolic step, every day you will find one or more Muslim representatives, in some cases with skull cap, on stage, extending their solidarity and appealing from their fellow Muslims to join the movement.

But it’s not to say that there are no opponents of Anna. A section of the Muslim civil society thinks that Hindu Right wing groups like RSS and its cadre base, are the back bone of Anna’s movement as the Hindutva volunteers are providing the manpower back up to Hazare’s campaign for the Jan Lokpal.

Disturbed at RSS links
Faisal Khan, a prominent member of the National Alliance for People’s Movement (NAPM) says that, it would be extremely dangerous for the future of the country if through Anna Hazare and his team-mates, the fascist forces like RSS, get to hold the country to ransom. “Soon similar tactics would be used to campaign for Hindutva causes,” Khan writes, in a letter to PM Manmohan Singh, expressing his fear about the “RSS backed” Anna movement.

A section of the community, which sees Saffron volunteers at Ramleela ground attending Anna’s protest rally in huge numbers, is uncomfortable with Anna because of his reported RSS links and his past praise for Narendra Modi for his developmental works in Gujarat. In expressing their sense of unease with Anna, they also betray their existential hostility, for apparently expected reasons, towards RSS and the BJP.


Few Muslim civil society representatives understand the power of Anna phenomenon and its potential to get the Congress led UPA government, bow down before its demands, which is what disturbs them the most. “Opportunistic elements are trying to ride to power on an Anna wave like they did on the Jaya Prakash Narayan bandwagon in 1977,” as Manzoor Alam, secretary general of Milli Council writes in an article titled, “Anarchy is not the option.”

Needs Muslim Participation

As opposed to Dr. Alam, there is a section of Muslim intelligentsia, which wants more and more participation from the Muslim community because it thinks that active Muslim participation will deter any attempt by the fascists to sabotage the movement along with the secular activists

Shahidur Rashid Talukdar, a research scholar at Texas Tech University, USA, says that it is through involvement with such processes, which concern the interest of the entire nation, Indian Muslim can integrate with the country. Otherwise, Muslims can never get rid of the “Left Out” syndrome and their mainstreaming will remain a mere dream. When India stands, Muslims should wake up and join the chorus, else Muslims will have to continue being on the margin of the Indian society.

Muslims may join Anna or they may disagree with him, as many in the civil society in the country do, but the best thing happening this time around is, that there is a healthy debate going on this issue. One just hopes that the better sense prevails.
What is with this threatening attitude divya. Looks like all those dozens of bans haven't add some sense into you.

So stop this BS about I would do this and I would do that if you comment about India. We can comment about India and we will comment about whatever we want. Got it.

You should be thankful to us that we don't say anything abusive on this forum for your damn country. The izzat your country has now on this forum, enjoy it. Don't ask more. ;)

And so can i comment about Pakistan....
by the way the million dollar question is do we expect izzat coming from a Pakistani born and brought up in hatred for hindus and india for our nation?
Since last one week I am going to Freedom park "Bangalore". I didn't ask any one whether he/she is Hindu or Muslim. Shahi Imam Bukhari is respectable person, he must not pass any comment you make him look like idiot...

"Vande mataram" and "Bharat mata ki jai" are not UnIslamic Slogan... and no one is forcing Mr Bukhari to chant this slogan.
And so can i comment about Pakistan....


by the way the million dollar question is do we expect izzat coming from a Pakistani born and brought up in hatred for hindus and india for our nation?

Then you shouldn't whine in the first place. But anyways a case of confuse Bharati. Huh, :lol:
Only dumb and over religous bigoted muslims may follow this imam's fatwa...

But people to whom logic,technology,corruption n free life comes first will take part in this movement...

To whom religion comes first can sit in home n watch TV...
And as i said u became a troll fatwa declaring mullah. i guess its against forum policies to call anyone troll or not. mods are doing a good job at it.
I didnt asked u to stop commenting but be ready for the repercussions.

I dont have pain per se in what your fellow country man say. I have heard far better comments then being called just a troll. so i have lost hope with you people who do not refrain from declaring anyone w... as and when they like. so i dont care.

I didnt complain just showed you reality.

Are you the legal authority to decide who is a troll or not. lets leave that to mods.

As i said i dont hate pakistan i just love india. for slapping issues you are more than welcome but remember i aint much of gandhian.

Exactly you have no right to force others to follow what they want to even if they share the religon with you.

oh i am obsessed with everything related to India.

yun to sunte aaye hain khundas e adam
bade beabru hokan unke koonche se hum nikle lol

Then stop crying every third day about what Indians are doing to the forum and to you guys.

Yeah LOL.

yeah right as if we dont know


Exactly how seriously I take your comments.
Well the Muslims are part of this anti corruption movement.But this certain mullah is trying to come under the spotlight of INC by making anti-anna statements.

Why are you talking about the issues of corruption. Did any one say not to fight against Corruption? I personally think Lokpal formula should be applied for Pakistan's NAB.

However the issue is with the sloganeering. Obviously when 10 Muslims go to protest corruption and the crowd they are with is singing Vande-Mataram, then who is kicking Muslims out of the fight? Say Hindustan Zindabad or Jai Hind. Why do YOU have to say Vande Mataram in an anti-corruption fight?
What is with this threatening attitude divya. Looks like all those dozens of bans haven't add some sense into you.

So stop this BS about I would do this and I would do that if you comment about India. We can comment about India and we will comment about whatever we want. Got it.

You should be thankful to us that we don't say anything abusive on this forum for your damn country. The izzat your country has now on this forum, enjoy it. Don't ask more. ;)

Dafa kar na khan, it was so scary coming from her.

Hai Allah main dar gaya.
@Indian.. please leave pakistanis alone-- Because of this religious bigotry they are in such a mess.
because for us indians it just means we salute thy motherland thats it.....
if we go by the logic then
mickey mouse is haram
playing football is haram
hello is haram

There are other ways to salute your nation... Be secular and use secular terms.
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