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Buddhist Terrorism - no longer a myth

Yup quoting an indian living in USA makes you comment very authentic..
Being a PHD doctor in USA failed to change his biased mentality he carried from his roots in india.
His quoted comment is onlyadvertised on hindutva blogs and on expat internet hindus' anti muslim slurs...
Typical Pakistani Reply !

Shaabaash !!

Yes look at his origin, look at his religion, look at his indian connection but dont look at his quote which holds truth to todays condition.
no one said muslims are pacifist. In this thread we were debunking the myth that all buddhists are dalai lama

No one claims that all Buddhists are saint. But to say Buddhist terrorism, is far fetched. Let us first define terrorism:

Terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for a religious, political or, ideological goal; and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians).

So yes, it is by definition terrorism. Now, the argument is: is it Buddhist terrorism?

If you look at few previous posts, the violence is ethnic, more like between two cultures and not two religions. They dont want any foreign (to them, majority) culture to be there. That is why they kicked out Chinese. Besides, clash of communities should not be called terrorism.
For example, the riots of 47' or later doesnt makes either community terrorist. Attempts to take lives of innocents do, like LTTE, or Al qaeda.

There anger doesnt seem to be originated by religious differences, but it is more likely stemming out of possible intrusion in there culture. And culture is different from religion. You can say that it is the terrorism of Burmese majority against a minority, defined by cultural differences, who coincidentally also have religious differences.

Thus the terrorists are 'cultural majority', who coincidentally also happen to be Buddhist. Not the opposite.

PS: I apologize for getting carried away, and even if slightest bit, supporting the violence. It is wrong, period.
On topic i agree that painting Burma violence as Buddha's teachings is wrong,because Magatma Budh didnt teach violence,thats a well known fact.
I am relating it to Budhist monks who act all holy while brutally persecuting a poor and helpless minority..That does effect the image i had in mindof a peaceful meditating orange robed monk... Far from it...
I dont know what form of Buddhism Burmese monks follow but same as Muslim clerics instigating violenceis wrong and widely condemned...likewise Burmese monks committing violence against a minority is wrong and they should be condemnen for that...
no one is fool here ..your hatred has made you dumb ..you have gone too far ..take some rest ..you are a joke that too unbearable ..atleast do well in your career and love your family

indians armed with hindutva terror mantra defending Myanmar ethnic cleansing and genocide and calling rest of the world liar. What an epic show of indian BS.
i have sympathy with those poor people ..hope that they will overcome the situation ..there is hope for them but there is no hope for you untill unless you open your mind to gain some knowledge
Hope no temples in Bangladesh get attacked over this

While you lot are defending Burmese majorityls 'right' to persecute a minority to the levelof killing tham and banishing them...why worry about a few 'buildings' burnt in a muslim majority country..
By your logic...majority rules..doesnt it?
While you lot are defending Burmese majorityls 'right' to persecute a minority to the levelof killing tham and banishing them...why worry about a few 'buildings' burnt in a muslim majority country..
By your logic...majority rules..doesnt it?

Then why Bangladesh not take them if they care so much or Pakistan when hazara muslims are being wiped out in Pakistan why care so much about Burmese muslims? makes no sense
i have sympathy with those poor people ..hope that they will overcome the situation ..there is hope for them but there is no hope for you untill unless you open your mind to gain some knowledge

No one needs hindutva terror knowledge defending Myanmar ethnic cleansing and genocide. When indians go against whole world knowledge and call them liar, no one wants to go near that indian stinks.
@ idune..i can understand your anger..
But you are having fits now..
No one needs hindutva terror knowledge defending Myanmar ethnic cleansing and genocide. When indians go against whole world knowledge and call them liar, no one wants to go near that indian stinks.

its ok bro u r being over emo
Then why Bangladesh not take them if they care so much or Pakistan when hazara muslims are being wiped out in Pakistan why care so much about Burmese muslims? makes no sense

You are talking from your back side..
Rakhine state us the home land of Burmese Rohingya,they have been there since before Burma came into being..Why should Bangladesh or any other country become a tool for fulfilling Burmese wish of uprooting an indigenous people from their home land?

Hazara in Pakistan are not being asked ti leave the country and go to Afghanistan....so there is the difference..
Burmese bigotry is unique...
if you are homeless then i can give you a little space in my home .if you are hungry then i can share a little food with you .but if you are a hate filled animal then i can only pray for you and lives around you ..
You are talking from your back side..
Rakhine state us the home land of Burmese Rohingya,they have been there since before Burma came into being..Why should Bangladesh or any other country become a tool for fulfilling Burmese wish of uprooting an indigenous people from their home land?

Hazara in Pakistan are not being asked ti leave the country and go to Afghanistan....so there is the difference..
Burmese bigotry is unique...

There is a dispute as to if the Rohingya are Burmese or not and the Hazara are now leaving Pakistan in mass numbers after being killed in large numbers.
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