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BSF officer killed in mortar shelling in Indian occupied Kashmir

I agree, that soldiers on either side of the border just follow command from their seniors and aren't the policy makers, so no one should celebrate their death. As for the "Kashmiri militants," perhaps they are only replying to aggression and oppression?

Like "BLA Militants" in Balochistan??
Like "BLA Militants" in Balochistan??
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RIP....... Why did they talk if this was the plan???? Good that BSF restraint from responding....... There are chances that, this could be from a section of them who do not want the seize fire to exists.......
so much for "Agreement"..

Today morning,after reading the news,I laughed and thought that Pakistani rangers are thinking,"Ok then..Next time,it'll be some 155 mm to cover terrorists"..I was not entirely correct assuming that reality will not change and it'll go only worse..
well i agree with Post # 5, atleast we are hitting the Posts, and those 155mm are damn accurate, unlike yours who are hitting and killing civilians on this side of the border......need to make your training ground elsewhere for your untrained troops
well i agree with Post # 5, atleast we are hitting the Posts, and those 155mm are damn accurate, unlike yours who are hitting and killing civilians on this side of the border......need to make your training ground elsewhere for your untrained troops

Ignoring the rhetoric....... What you got to say on this firing? Especially after the agreement in Delhi????
It will probably result in death of 5 Pakistanis in return.

Ignoring the rhetoric....... What you got to say on this firing? Especially after the agreement in Delhi????
There is no such thing as a Pakistani "civilian". Their civilians have a habbit of blowing up in crowded markets and wielding Kalashnikov's .

Remember, Kasab was also a Pakistani "civilian". There is only one way to deal with them.
There is no such thing as a Pakistani "civilian". Their civilians have a habbit of blowing up in crowded markets and wielding Kalashnikov's .

Remember, Kasab was also a Pakistani "civilian". There is only one way to deal with them.

Come on.... They are the same people like us.... Yes there are few who chose the wrong path, But blaming the entire population (as in civilian's) Nope........ Not Done........
Come on.... They are the same people like us.... Yes there are few who chose the wrong path, But blaming the entire population (as in civilian's) Nope........ Not Done........
Disagree. When a large number of the same population exhibits the same symptoms, you can safely blame the entire population.

Their entire population(barring minorities) are fed with notions and support jihad (what the rest of the world calls terrorism)
Levels of Support for Suicide Bombing over Time | Pew Research Center

Look at their societal support rates of suicide bombing - the attitudes only started changing when they started getting hit with it...before this, they supported suicide bombing on other people.

In 2004, over 40% of Pakistanis, (that's close to half or 1 in every 2 Pakistanis) approved suicide bombing. That is the kind of people they are.

There is one sensible way to deal with Pakistanis - "civilians" or not.

Would you still say they are the same as us?
Nah some Pakistani members we can be right or wrong but the soldiers follows the commands. Its not his fault that he was there y mock his death? and yes same applies on pakistani soldiers.

(but not kashmiri militants.)
So want me to respect the enemy soldier who is occupying my land, kills my brothers in fake encounters and rapes my mothers and sisters?

Wah saaein wah!
Disagree. When a large number of the same population exhibits the same symptoms, you can safely blame the entire population.

It is ok to disagree, well How one know there is a large population who exhibits same symptoms??? I used to have similar notions and beliefs before, but later realised that is not the case..... yes there are sections but, I am against labelling the entire civilians.....

Their entire population(barring minorities) are fed with notions and support jihad (what the rest of the world calls terrorism)
Levels of Support for Suicide Bombing over Time | Pew Research Center

Look at their societal support rates of suicide bombing - the attitudes only started changing when they started getting hit with it...before this, they supported suicide bombing on other people.

In 2004, over 40% of Pakistanis, (that's close to half or 1 in every 2 Pakistanis) approved suicide bombing. That is the kind of people they are.

There is one sensible way to deal with Pakistanis - "civilians" or not.

Would you still say they are the same as us?

Well I would still say that, barring those bracketted ones.......If one goes as per the survey posted then it might look true.... But who knows where the survey was conducted???? I never believe in such surveys, because lot of such surveys are used as propaganda....... It happened against us too.....
RIP....... Why did they talk if this was the plan???? Good that BSF restraint from responding....... There are chances that, this could be from a section of them who do not want the seize fire to exists.......
without looking at the picture from the other side, i got nothing.....if you still want me to say something than, death of innocent civilians avenged.....
It is ok to disagree, well How one know there is a large population who exhibits same symptoms??? I used to have similar notions and beliefs before, but later realised that is not the case..... yes there are sections but, I am against labelling the entire civilians.....

Well I would still say that, barring those bracketted ones.......If one goes as per the survey posted then it might look true.... But who knows where the survey was conducted???? I never believe in such surveys, because lot of such surveys are used as propaganda....... It happened against us too.....
There is a large population..and one that is brainwashed in its entirety.

The symptoms are there, you refuse you read them nair. Think about it. Their national anthem is in a foreign language, their national language is in a foreign language, their religion and religious figures are all foreign.

They as a nation have their source of pride from a foreign land..ergo, they donot have self respect for their own land or people.

These survey;s might not be entirely accurate, I agree, but they do show that something is wrong with their population when so large a number loves suicide bombing and so large a number of their population owes loyalty to foreign land(arabia) more than their own.

Kasab and all are also civilians. Pakistani civilians have the same tendencies as kasab's and bin laden's.
So want me to respect the enemy soldier who is occupying my land, kills my brothers in fake encounters and rapes my mothers and sisters?

Wah saaein wah!
Well @Slav Defence respects them n he offers 'condolences and deep regrets' on those murderers and rapist personnels' deaths and suicides.
Anyways, rampage thanx for ur views. But plz make sure u write comments that don't hurt dear slav defence's sensibilities. If kashmiri women get raped and their men get killed it's obviously their fault ,why they were born in iok. Not the ia dogs fault who are there to kill and harass them.
There is a large population..and one that is brainwashed in its entirety.

The symptoms are there, you refuse you read them nair. Think about it. Their national anthem is in a foreign language, their national language is in a foreign language, their religion and religious figures are all foreign.

They as a nation have their source of pride from a foreign land..ergo, they donot have self respect for their own land or people.

These survey;s might not be entirely accurate, I agree, but they do show that something is wrong with their population when so large a number loves suicide bombing and so large a number of their population owes loyalty to foreign land(arabia) more than their own.

Kasab and all are also civilians. Pakistani civilians have the same tendencies as kasab's and bin laden's.
Like we give a damn to what you think pfft

@engineer saad
Purisrar banday :P

@waz @django @Kashir
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